'use strict'; function _interopDefault (ex) { return (ex && (typeof ex === 'object') && 'default' in ex) ? ex['default'] : ex; } var postcss = _interopDefault(require('postcss')); var valueParser = _interopDefault(require('postcss-values-parser')); var index = postcss.plugin('postcss-double-position-gradients', opts => { const preserve = 'preserve' in Object(opts) ? Boolean(opts.preserve) : true; return root => { // walk every declaration root.walkDecls(decl => { const originalValue = decl.value; // if the declaration value contains a gradient if (gradientFunctionRegExp.test(originalValue)) { const ast = valueParser(originalValue).parse(); // walk every function in the declaration value ast.walkFunctionNodes(fn => { // if the function is a gradient if (gradientFunctionNameRegExp.test(fn.value)) { const nodes = fn.nodes.slice(1, -1); // walk every argument to the function nodes.forEach((node, index) => { const node1back = Object(nodes[index - 1]); const node2back = Object(nodes[index - 2]); const isDoublePositionLength = node2back.type && node1back.type === 'number' && node.type === 'number'; // if the argument concludes a double-position gradient if (isDoublePositionLength) { // insert the fallback colors const color = node2back.clone(); const comma = valueParser.comma({ value: ',', raws: { after: ' ' } }); fn.insertBefore(node, comma); fn.insertBefore(node, color); } }); } }); const modifiedValue = ast.toString(); // if the value has changed due to double-position gradients if (originalValue !== modifiedValue) { // add the fallback value decl.cloneBefore({ value: modifiedValue }); // conditionally remove the double-position gradient if (!preserve) { decl.remove(); } } } }); }; }); const gradientFunctionRegExp = /(repeating-)?(conic|linear|radial)-gradient\([\W\w]*\)/i; const gradientFunctionNameRegExp = /^(repeating-)?(conic|linear|radial)-gradient$/i; module.exports = index; //# sourceMappingURL=index.cjs.js.map