2022-02-09 18:30:03 +01:00

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Executable file

/// <amd-module name="@angular/compiler-cli/ngcc/src/packages/source_file_cache" />
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import { AbsoluteFsPath, ReadonlyFileSystem } from '../../../src/ngtsc/file_system';
* A cache that holds on to source files that can be shared for processing all entry-points in a
* single invocation of ngcc. In particular, the following files are shared across all entry-points
* through this cache:
* 1. Default library files such as `lib.dom.d.ts` and `lib.es5.d.ts`. These files don't change
* and some are very large, so parsing is expensive. Therefore, the parsed `ts.SourceFile`s for
* the default library files are cached.
* 2. The typings of @angular scoped packages. The typing files for @angular packages are typically
* used in the entry-points that ngcc processes, so benefit from a single source file cache.
* Especially `@angular/core/core.d.ts` is large and expensive to parse repeatedly. In contrast
* to default library files, we have to account for these files to be invalidated during a single
* invocation of ngcc, as ngcc will overwrite the .d.ts files during its processing.
* The lifecycle of this cache corresponds with a single invocation of ngcc. Separate invocations,
* e.g. the CLI's synchronous module resolution fallback will therefore all have their own cache.
* This allows for the source file cache to be garbage collected once ngcc processing has completed.
export declare class SharedFileCache {
private fs;
private sfCache;
constructor(fs: ReadonlyFileSystem);
* Loads a `ts.SourceFile` if the provided `fileName` is deemed appropriate to be cached. To
* optimize for memory usage, only files that are generally used in all entry-points are cached.
* If `fileName` is not considered to benefit from caching or the requested file does not exist,
* then `undefined` is returned.
getCachedSourceFile(fileName: string): ts.SourceFile | undefined;
* Attempts to load the source file from the cache, or parses the file into a `ts.SourceFile` if
* it's not yet cached. This method assumes that the file will not be modified for the duration
* that this cache is valid for. If that assumption does not hold, the `getVolatileCachedFile`
* method is to be used instead.
private getStableCachedFile;
* In contrast to `getStableCachedFile`, this method always verifies that the cached source file
* is the same as what's stored on disk. This is done for files that are expected to change during
* ngcc's processing, such as @angular scoped packages for which the .d.ts files are overwritten
* by ngcc. If the contents on disk have changed compared to a previously cached source file, the
* content from disk is re-parsed and the cache entry is replaced.
private getVolatileCachedFile;
* Determines whether the provided path corresponds with a default library file inside of the
* typescript package.
* @param absPath The path for which to determine if it corresponds with a default library file.
* @param fs The filesystem to use for inspecting the path.
export declare function isDefaultLibrary(absPath: AbsoluteFsPath, fs: ReadonlyFileSystem): boolean;
* Determines whether the provided path corresponds with a .d.ts file inside of an @angular
* scoped package. This logic only accounts for the .d.ts files in the root, which is sufficient
* to find the large, flattened entry-point files that benefit from caching.
* @param absPath The path for which to determine if it corresponds with an @angular .d.ts file.
* @param fs The filesystem to use for inspecting the path.
export declare function isAngularDts(absPath: AbsoluteFsPath, fs: ReadonlyFileSystem): boolean;
* A cache for processing a single entry-point. This exists to share `ts.SourceFile`s between the
* source and typing programs that are created for a single program.
export declare class EntryPointFileCache {
private fs;
private sharedFileCache;
private readonly sfCache;
constructor(fs: ReadonlyFileSystem, sharedFileCache: SharedFileCache);
* Returns and caches a parsed `ts.SourceFile` for the provided `fileName`. If the `fileName` is
* cached in the shared file cache, that result is used. Otherwise, the source file is cached
* internally. This method returns `undefined` if the requested file does not exist.
* @param fileName The path of the file to retrieve a source file for.
* @param languageVersion The language version to use for parsing the file.
getCachedSourceFile(fileName: string, languageVersion: ts.ScriptTarget): ts.SourceFile | undefined;
* Creates a `ts.ModuleResolutionCache` that uses the provided filesystem for path operations.
* @param fs The filesystem to use for path operations.
export declare function createModuleResolutionCache(fs: ReadonlyFileSystem): ts.ModuleResolutionCache;