2022-02-09 18:30:03 +01:00

313 lines
14 KiB
Executable file

import { attachShadow, createEvent, readTask, forceUpdate, h, Host, proxyCustomElement } from '@stencil/core/internal/client';
import { b as getIonMode, a as isPlatform, c as config } from './ionic-global.js';
import { c as createColorClasses, h as hostContext } from './theme.js';
const contentCss = ":host{--background:var(--ion-background-color, #fff);--color:var(--ion-text-color, #000);--padding-top:0px;--padding-bottom:0px;--padding-start:0px;--padding-end:0px;--keyboard-offset:0px;--offset-top:0px;--offset-bottom:0px;--overflow:auto;display:block;position:relative;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;width:100%;height:100%;margin:0 !important;padding:0 !important;font-family:var(--ion-font-family, inherit);contain:size style}:host(.ion-color) .inner-scroll{background:var(--ion-color-base);color:var(--ion-color-contrast)}:host(.outer-content){--background:var(--ion-color-step-50, #f2f2f2)}#background-content{left:0px;right:0px;top:calc(var(--offset-top) * -1);bottom:calc(var(--offset-bottom) * -1);position:absolute;background:var(--background)}.inner-scroll{left:0px;right:0px;top:calc(var(--offset-top) * -1);bottom:calc(var(--offset-bottom) * -1);padding-left:var(--padding-start);padding-right:var(--padding-end);padding-top:calc(var(--padding-top) + var(--offset-top));padding-bottom:calc(var(--padding-bottom) + var(--keyboard-offset) + var(--offset-bottom));position:absolute;color:var(--color);-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;overflow:hidden}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){.inner-scroll{padding-left:unset;padding-right:unset;-webkit-padding-start:var(--padding-start);padding-inline-start:var(--padding-start);-webkit-padding-end:var(--padding-end);padding-inline-end:var(--padding-end)}}.scroll-y,.scroll-x{-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch;z-index:0;will-change:scroll-position}.scroll-y{-ms-touch-action:pan-y;touch-action:pan-y;overflow-y:var(--overflow);overscroll-behavior-y:contain}.scroll-x{-ms-touch-action:pan-x;touch-action:pan-x;overflow-x:var(--overflow);overscroll-behavior-x:contain}.scroll-x.scroll-y{-ms-touch-action:auto;touch-action:auto}.overscroll::before,.overscroll::after{position:absolute;width:1px;height:1px;content:\"\"}.overscroll::before{bottom:-1px}.overscroll::after{top:-1px}:host(.content-sizing){contain:none}:host(.content-sizing) .inner-scroll{position:relative}.transition-effect{display:none;position:absolute;left:-100%;width:100%;height:100vh;opacity:0;pointer-events:none}.transition-cover{position:absolute;right:0;width:100%;height:100%;background:black;opacity:0.1}.transition-shadow{display:block;position:absolute;right:0;width:10px;height:100%;background-image:url();background-repeat:repeat-y;background-size:10px 16px}::slotted([slot=fixed]){position:absolute}";
const Content = class extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.ionScrollStart = createEvent(this, "ionScrollStart", 7);
this.ionScroll = createEvent(this, "ionScroll", 7);
this.ionScrollEnd = createEvent(this, "ionScrollEnd", 7);
this.isScrolling = false;
this.lastScroll = 0;
this.queued = false;
this.cTop = -1;
this.cBottom = -1;
this.isMainContent = true;
// Detail is used in a hot loop in the scroll event, by allocating it here
// V8 will be able to inline any read/write to it since it's a monomorphic class.
this.detail = {
scrollTop: 0,
scrollLeft: 0,
type: 'scroll',
event: undefined,
startX: 0,
startY: 0,
startTime: 0,
currentX: 0,
currentY: 0,
velocityX: 0,
velocityY: 0,
deltaX: 0,
deltaY: 0,
currentTime: 0,
data: undefined,
isScrolling: true,
* If `true`, the content will scroll behind the headers
* and footers. This effect can easily be seen by setting the toolbar
* to transparent.
this.fullscreen = false;
* If you want to enable the content scrolling in the X axis, set this property to `true`.
this.scrollX = false;
* If you want to disable the content scrolling in the Y axis, set this property to `false`.
this.scrollY = true;
* Because of performance reasons, ionScroll events are disabled by default, in order to enable them
* and start listening from (ionScroll), set this property to `true`.
this.scrollEvents = false;
connectedCallback() {
this.isMainContent = this.el.closest('ion-menu, ion-popover, ion-modal') === null;
disconnectedCallback() {
onAppLoad() {
onClick(ev) {
if (this.isScrolling) {
shouldForceOverscroll() {
const { forceOverscroll } = this;
const mode = getIonMode(this);
return forceOverscroll === undefined
? mode === 'ios' && isPlatform('ios')
: forceOverscroll;
resize() {
if (this.fullscreen) {
readTask(() => this.readDimensions());
else if (this.cTop !== 0 || this.cBottom !== 0) {
this.cTop = this.cBottom = 0;
readDimensions() {
const page = getPageElement(this.el);
const top = Math.max(this.el.offsetTop, 0);
const bottom = Math.max(page.offsetHeight - top - this.el.offsetHeight, 0);
const dirty = top !== this.cTop || bottom !== this.cBottom;
if (dirty) {
this.cTop = top;
this.cBottom = bottom;
onScroll(ev) {
const timeStamp =;
const shouldStart = !this.isScrolling;
this.lastScroll = timeStamp;
if (shouldStart) {
if (!this.queued && this.scrollEvents) {
this.queued = true;
readTask(ts => {
this.queued = false;
this.detail.event = ev;
updateScrollDetail(this.detail, this.scrollEl, ts, shouldStart);
* Get the element where the actual scrolling takes place.
* This element can be used to subscribe to `scroll` events or manually modify
* `scrollTop`. However, it's recommended to use the API provided by `ion-content`:
* i.e. Using `ionScroll`, `ionScrollStart`, `ionScrollEnd` for scrolling events
* and `scrollToPoint()` to scroll the content into a certain point.
getScrollElement() {
return Promise.resolve(this.scrollEl);
* Scroll to the top of the component.
* @param duration The amount of time to take scrolling to the top. Defaults to `0`.
scrollToTop(duration = 0) {
return this.scrollToPoint(undefined, 0, duration);
* Scroll to the bottom of the component.
* @param duration The amount of time to take scrolling to the bottom. Defaults to `0`.
scrollToBottom(duration = 0) {
const y = this.scrollEl.scrollHeight - this.scrollEl.clientHeight;
return this.scrollToPoint(undefined, y, duration);
* Scroll by a specified X/Y distance in the component.
* @param x The amount to scroll by on the horizontal axis.
* @param y The amount to scroll by on the vertical axis.
* @param duration The amount of time to take scrolling by that amount.
scrollByPoint(x, y, duration) {
return this.scrollToPoint(x + this.scrollEl.scrollLeft, y + this.scrollEl.scrollTop, duration);
* Scroll to a specified X/Y location in the component.
* @param x The point to scroll to on the horizontal axis.
* @param y The point to scroll to on the vertical axis.
* @param duration The amount of time to take scrolling to that point. Defaults to `0`.
async scrollToPoint(x, y, duration = 0) {
const el = this.scrollEl;
if (duration < 32) {
if (y != null) {
el.scrollTop = y;
if (x != null) {
el.scrollLeft = x;
let resolve;
let startTime = 0;
const promise = new Promise(r => resolve = r);
const fromY = el.scrollTop;
const fromX = el.scrollLeft;
const deltaY = y != null ? y - fromY : 0;
const deltaX = x != null ? x - fromX : 0;
// scroll loop
const step = (timeStamp) => {
const linearTime = Math.min(1, ((timeStamp - startTime) / duration)) - 1;
const easedT = Math.pow(linearTime, 3) + 1;
if (deltaY !== 0) {
el.scrollTop = Math.floor((easedT * deltaY) + fromY);
if (deltaX !== 0) {
el.scrollLeft = Math.floor((easedT * deltaX) + fromX);
if (easedT < 1) {
// do not use DomController here
// must use nativeRaf in order to fire in the next frame
// TODO: remove as any
else {
// chill out for a frame first
requestAnimationFrame(ts => {
startTime = ts;
return promise;
onScrollStart() {
this.isScrolling = true;
isScrolling: true
if (this.watchDog) {
// watchdog
this.watchDog = setInterval(() => {
if (this.lastScroll < - 120) {
}, 100);
onScrollEnd() {
this.watchDog = null;
if (this.isScrolling) {
this.isScrolling = false;
isScrolling: false
render() {
const { isMainContent, scrollX, scrollY } = this;
const mode = getIonMode(this);
const forceOverscroll = this.shouldForceOverscroll();
const TagType = isMainContent ? 'main' : 'div';
const transitionShadow = (mode === 'ios' && config.getBoolean('experimentalTransitionShadow', true));
return (h(Host, { class: createColorClasses(this.color, {
[mode]: true,
'content-sizing': hostContext('ion-popover', this.el),
'overscroll': forceOverscroll,
}), style: {
'--offset-top': `${this.cTop}px`,
'--offset-bottom': `${this.cBottom}px`,
} }, h("div", { id: "background-content", part: "background" }), h(TagType, { class: {
'inner-scroll': true,
'scroll-x': scrollX,
'scroll-y': scrollY,
'overscroll': (scrollX || scrollY) && forceOverscroll
}, ref: (el) => this.scrollEl = el, onScroll: (this.scrollEvents) ? (ev) => this.onScroll(ev) : undefined, part: "scroll" }, h("slot", null)), transitionShadow ? (h("div", { class: "transition-effect" }, h("div", { class: "transition-cover" }), h("div", { class: "transition-shadow" }))) : null, h("slot", { name: "fixed" })));
get el() { return this; }
static get style() { return contentCss; }
const getParentElement = (el) => {
if (el.parentElement) {
// normal element with a parent element
return el.parentElement;
if (el.parentNode && {
// shadow dom's document fragment
return null;
const getPageElement = (el) => {
const tabs = el.closest('ion-tabs');
if (tabs) {
return tabs;
const page = el.closest('ion-app,ion-page,.ion-page,page-inner');
if (page) {
return page;
return getParentElement(el);
// ******** DOM READ ****************
const updateScrollDetail = (detail, el, timestamp, shouldStart) => {
const prevX = detail.currentX;
const prevY = detail.currentY;
const prevT = detail.currentTime;
const currentX = el.scrollLeft;
const currentY = el.scrollTop;
const timeDelta = timestamp - prevT;
if (shouldStart) {
// remember the start positions
detail.startTime = timestamp;
detail.startX = currentX;
detail.startY = currentY;
detail.velocityX = detail.velocityY = 0;
detail.currentTime = timestamp;
detail.currentX = detail.scrollLeft = currentX;
detail.currentY = detail.scrollTop = currentY;
detail.deltaX = currentX - detail.startX;
detail.deltaY = currentY - detail.startY;
if (timeDelta > 0 && timeDelta < 100) {
const velocityX = (currentX - prevX) / timeDelta;
const velocityY = (currentY - prevY) / timeDelta;
detail.velocityX = velocityX * 0.7 + detail.velocityX * 0.3;
detail.velocityY = velocityY * 0.7 + detail.velocityY * 0.3;
const IonContent = /*@__PURE__*/proxyCustomElement(Content, [1,"ion-content",{"color":[513],"fullscreen":[4],"forceOverscroll":[1028,"force-overscroll"],"scrollX":[4,"scroll-x"],"scrollY":[4,"scroll-y"],"scrollEvents":[4,"scroll-events"]},[[8,"appload","onAppLoad"],[2,"click","onClick"]]]);
export { IonContent };