2022-02-09 18:30:03 +01:00

277 lines
13 KiB
Executable file

import { readTask, writeTask, h, Host, proxyCustomElement } from '@stencil/core/internal/client';
import { b as getIonMode } from './ionic-global.js';
import { f as clamp, i as inheritAttributes } from './helpers.js';
import { h as hostContext } from './theme.js';
const TRANSITION = 'all 0.2s ease-in-out';
const cloneElement = (tagName) => {
const getCachedEl = document.querySelector(`${tagName}.ion-cloned-element`);
if (getCachedEl !== null) {
return getCachedEl;
const clonedEl = document.createElement(tagName);
clonedEl.classList.add('ion-cloned-element');'display', 'none');
return clonedEl;
const createHeaderIndex = (headerEl) => {
if (!headerEl) {
const toolbars = headerEl.querySelectorAll('ion-toolbar');
return {
el: headerEl,
toolbars: Array.from(toolbars).map((toolbar) => {
const ionTitleEl = toolbar.querySelector('ion-title');
return {
el: toolbar,
background: toolbar.shadowRoot.querySelector('.toolbar-background'),
innerTitleEl: (ionTitleEl) ? ionTitleEl.shadowRoot.querySelector('.toolbar-title') : null,
ionButtonsEl: Array.from(toolbar.querySelectorAll('ion-buttons')) || []
}) || []
const handleContentScroll = (scrollEl, scrollHeaderIndex, contentEl) => {
readTask(() => {
const scrollTop = scrollEl.scrollTop;
const scale = clamp(1, 1 + (-scrollTop / 500), 1.1);
// Native refresher should not cause titles to scale
const nativeRefresher = contentEl.querySelector('ion-refresher.refresher-native');
if (nativeRefresher === null) {
writeTask(() => {
scaleLargeTitles(scrollHeaderIndex.toolbars, scale);
const setToolbarBackgroundOpacity = (toolbar, opacity) => {
if (opacity === undefined) {'--opacity');
else {'--opacity', opacity.toString());
const handleToolbarBorderIntersection = (ev, mainHeaderIndex, scrollTop) => {
if (!ev[0].isIntersecting) {
* There is a bug in Safari where overflow scrolling on a non-body element
* does not always reset the scrollTop position to 0 when letting go. It will
* set to 1 once the rubber band effect has ended. This causes the background to
* appear slightly on certain app setups.
* Additionally, we check if user is rubber banding (scrolling is negative)
* as this can mean they are using pull to refresh. Once the refresher starts,
* the content is transformed which can cause the intersection observer to erroneously
* fire here as well.
const scale = (ev[0].intersectionRatio > 0.9 || scrollTop <= 0) ? 0 : ((1 - ev[0].intersectionRatio) * 100) / 75;
mainHeaderIndex.toolbars.forEach(toolbar => {
setToolbarBackgroundOpacity(toolbar, (scale === 1) ? undefined : scale);
* If toolbars are intersecting, hide the scrollable toolbar content
* and show the primary toolbar content. If the toolbars are not intersecting,
* hide the primary toolbar content and show the scrollable toolbar content
const handleToolbarIntersection = (ev, mainHeaderIndex, scrollHeaderIndex, scrollEl) => {
writeTask(() => {
const scrollTop = scrollEl.scrollTop;
handleToolbarBorderIntersection(ev, mainHeaderIndex, scrollTop);
const event = ev[0];
const intersection = event.intersectionRect;
const intersectionArea = intersection.width * intersection.height;
const rootArea = event.rootBounds.width * event.rootBounds.height;
const isPageHidden = intersectionArea === 0 && rootArea === 0;
const leftDiff = Math.abs(intersection.left - event.boundingClientRect.left);
const rightDiff = Math.abs(intersection.right - event.boundingClientRect.right);
const isPageTransitioning = intersectionArea > 0 && (leftDiff >= 5 || rightDiff >= 5);
if (isPageHidden || isPageTransitioning) {
if (event.isIntersecting) {
setHeaderActive(mainHeaderIndex, false);
else {
* There is a bug with IntersectionObserver on Safari
* where `event.isIntersecting === false` when cancelling
* a swipe to go back gesture. Checking the intersection
* x, y, width, and height provides a workaround. This bug
* does not happen when using Safari + Web Animations,
* only Safari + CSS Animations.
const hasValidIntersection = (intersection.x === 0 && intersection.y === 0) || (intersection.width !== 0 && intersection.height !== 0);
if (hasValidIntersection && scrollTop > 0) {
setHeaderActive(scrollHeaderIndex, false);
const setHeaderActive = (headerIndex, active = true) => {
if (active) {
else {
const scaleLargeTitles = (toolbars = [], scale = 1, transition = false) => {
toolbars.forEach(toolbar => {
const ionTitle = toolbar.ionTitleEl;
const titleDiv = toolbar.innerTitleEl;
if (!ionTitle || ionTitle.size !== 'large') {
} = (transition) ? TRANSITION : ''; = `scale3d(${scale}, ${scale}, 1)`;
const headerIosCss = "ion-header{display:block;position:relative;-ms-flex-order:-1;order:-1;width:100%;z-index:10}ion-header ion-toolbar:first-of-type{padding-top:var(--ion-safe-area-top, 0)}.header-ios ion-toolbar:last-of-type{--border-width:0 0 0.55px}@supports ((-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(0)) or (backdrop-filter: blur(0))){.header-background{left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;position:absolute;-webkit-backdrop-filter:saturate(180%) blur(20px);backdrop-filter:saturate(180%) blur(20px)}.header-translucent-ios ion-toolbar{--opacity:.8}.header-collapse-condense-inactive .header-background{-webkit-backdrop-filter:blur(20px);backdrop-filter:blur(20px)}}.header-ios.ion-no-border ion-toolbar:last-of-type{--border-width:0}.header-collapse-condense{z-index:9}.header-collapse-condense ion-toolbar{position:-webkit-sticky;position:sticky;top:0}.header-collapse-condense ion-toolbar:first-of-type{padding-top:7px;z-index:1}.header-collapse-condense ion-toolbar{--background:var(--ion-background-color, #fff);z-index:0}.header-collapse-condense ion-toolbar ion-searchbar{height:48px;padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:13px}.header-collapse-main ion-title,.header-collapse-main ion-buttons{-webkit-transition:all 0.2s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.2s ease-in-out}.header-collapse-condense-inactive:not(.header-collapse-condense) ion-title,.header-collapse-condense-inactive:not(.header-collapse-condense) ion-buttons.buttons-collapse{opacity:0;pointer-events:none}.header-collapse-condense-inactive.header-collapse-condense ion-title,.header-collapse-condense-inactive.header-collapse-condense ion-buttons.buttons-collapse{visibility:hidden}";
const headerMdCss = "ion-header{display:block;position:relative;-ms-flex-order:-1;order:-1;width:100%;z-index:10}ion-header ion-toolbar:first-of-type{padding-top:var(--ion-safe-area-top, 0)}.header-md::after{left:0;bottom:-5px;background-position:left 0 top -2px;position:absolute;width:100%;height:5px;background-image:url();background-repeat:repeat-x;content:\"\"}[dir=rtl] .header-md::after,:host-context([dir=rtl]) .header-md::after{left:unset;right:unset;right:0}[dir=rtl] .header-md::after,:host-context([dir=rtl]) .header-md::after{background-position:right 0 top -2px}.header-collapse-condense{display:none}.header-md.ion-no-border::after{display:none}";
const Header = class extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.collapsibleHeaderInitialized = false;
this.inheritedAttributes = {};
* If `true`, the header will be translucent.
* Only applies when the mode is `"ios"` and the device supports
* [`backdrop-filter`](
* Note: In order to scroll content behind the header, the `fullscreen`
* attribute needs to be set on the content.
this.translucent = false;
componentWillLoad() {
this.inheritedAttributes = inheritAttributes(this.el, ['role']);
async componentDidLoad() {
await this.checkCollapsibleHeader();
async componentDidUpdate() {
await this.checkCollapsibleHeader();
disconnectedCallback() {
async checkCollapsibleHeader() {
// Determine if the header can collapse
const hasCollapse = this.collapse === 'condense';
const canCollapse = (hasCollapse && getIonMode(this) === 'ios') ? hasCollapse : false;
if (!canCollapse && this.collapsibleHeaderInitialized) {
else if (canCollapse && !this.collapsibleHeaderInitialized) {
const pageEl = this.el.closest('ion-app,ion-page,.ion-page,page-inner');
const contentEl = (pageEl) ? pageEl.querySelector('ion-content') : null;
// Cloned elements are always needed in iOS transition
writeTask(() => {
const title = cloneElement('ion-title');
title.size = 'large';
await this.setupCollapsibleHeader(contentEl, pageEl);
destroyCollapsibleHeader() {
if (this.intersectionObserver) {
this.intersectionObserver = undefined;
if (this.scrollEl && this.contentScrollCallback) {
this.scrollEl.removeEventListener('scroll', this.contentScrollCallback);
this.contentScrollCallback = undefined;
if (this.collapsibleMainHeader) {
this.collapsibleMainHeader = undefined;
async setupCollapsibleHeader(contentEl, pageEl) {
if (!contentEl || !pageEl) {
console.error('ion-header requires a content to collapse, make sure there is an ion-content.');
if (typeof IntersectionObserver === 'undefined') {
this.scrollEl = await contentEl.getScrollElement();
const headers = pageEl.querySelectorAll('ion-header');
this.collapsibleMainHeader = Array.from(headers).find((header) => header.collapse !== 'condense');
if (!this.collapsibleMainHeader) {
const mainHeaderIndex = createHeaderIndex(this.collapsibleMainHeader);
const scrollHeaderIndex = createHeaderIndex(this.el);
if (!mainHeaderIndex || !scrollHeaderIndex) {
setHeaderActive(mainHeaderIndex, false);
mainHeaderIndex.toolbars.forEach(toolbar => {
setToolbarBackgroundOpacity(toolbar, 0);
* Handle interaction between toolbar collapse and
* showing/hiding content in the primary ion-header
* as well as progressively showing/hiding the main header
* border as the top-most toolbar collapses or expands.
const toolbarIntersection = (ev) => { handleToolbarIntersection(ev, mainHeaderIndex, scrollHeaderIndex, this.scrollEl); };
this.intersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver(toolbarIntersection, { root: contentEl, threshold: [0.25, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1] });
this.intersectionObserver.observe(scrollHeaderIndex.toolbars[scrollHeaderIndex.toolbars.length - 1].el);
* Handle scaling of large iOS titles and
* showing/hiding border on last toolbar
* in primary header
this.contentScrollCallback = () => { handleContentScroll(this.scrollEl, scrollHeaderIndex, contentEl); };
this.scrollEl.addEventListener('scroll', this.contentScrollCallback);
writeTask(() => {
if (this.collapsibleMainHeader !== undefined) {
this.collapsibleHeaderInitialized = true;
render() {
const { translucent, inheritedAttributes } = this;
const mode = getIonMode(this);
const collapse = this.collapse || 'none';
// banner role must be at top level, so remove role if inside a menu
const roleType = hostContext('ion-menu', this.el) ? 'none' : 'banner';
return (h(Host, Object.assign({ role: roleType, class: {
[mode]: true,
// Used internally for styling
[`header-${mode}`]: true,
[`header-translucent`]: this.translucent,
[`header-collapse-${collapse}`]: true,
[`header-translucent-${mode}`]: this.translucent,
} }, inheritedAttributes), mode === 'ios' && translucent &&
h("div", { class: "header-background" }), h("slot", null)));
get el() { return this; }
static get style() { return {
ios: headerIosCss,
md: headerMdCss
}; }
const IonHeader = /*@__PURE__*/proxyCustomElement(Header, [36,"ion-header",{"collapse":[1],"translucent":[4]}]);
export { IonHeader };