2022-02-09 18:30:03 +01:00

273 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable file

import { getAssetPath, attachShadow, Build, h, Host, proxyCustomElement } from '@stencil/core/internal/client';
const getIconMap = () => {
if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
return new Map();
else {
if (!CACHED_MAP) {
const win = window;
win.Ionicons = win.Ionicons || {};
CACHED_MAP = = || new Map();
return CACHED_MAP;
const getUrl = (i) => {
let url = getSrc(i.src);
if (url) {
return url;
url = getName(, i.icon, i.mode, i.ios,;
if (url) {
return getNamedUrl(url);
if (i.icon) {
url = getSrc(i.icon);
if (url) {
return url;
url = getSrc(i.icon[i.mode]);
if (url) {
return url;
return null;
const getNamedUrl = (iconName) => {
const url = getIconMap().get(iconName);
if (url) {
return url;
return getAssetPath(`svg/${iconName}.svg`);
const getName = (iconName, icon, mode, ios, md) => {
// default to "md" if somehow the mode wasn't set
mode = (mode && toLower(mode)) === 'ios' ? 'ios' : 'md';
// if an icon was passed in using the ios or md attributes
// set the iconName to whatever was passed in
if (ios && mode === 'ios') {
iconName = toLower(ios);
else if (md && mode === 'md') {
iconName = toLower(md);
else {
if (!iconName && icon && !isSrc(icon)) {
iconName = icon;
if (isStr(iconName)) {
iconName = toLower(iconName);
if (!isStr(iconName) || iconName.trim() === '') {
return null;
// only allow alpha characters and dash
const invalidChars = iconName.replace(/[a-z]|-|\d/gi, '');
if (invalidChars !== '') {
return null;
return iconName;
const getSrc = (src) => {
if (isStr(src)) {
src = src.trim();
if (isSrc(src)) {
return src;
return null;
const isSrc = (str) => str.length > 0 && /(\/|\.)/.test(str);
const isStr = (val) => typeof val === 'string';
const toLower = (val) => val.toLowerCase();
const validateContent = (svgContent) => {
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = svgContent;
// setup this way to ensure it works on our buddy IE
for (let i = div.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (div.childNodes[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'svg') {
// must only have 1 root element
const svgElm = div.firstElementChild;
if (svgElm && svgElm.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'svg') {
const svgClass = svgElm.getAttribute('class') || '';
svgElm.setAttribute('class', (svgClass + ' s-ion-icon').trim());
// root element must be an svg
// lets double check we've got valid elements
// do not allow scripts
if (isValid(svgElm)) {
return div.innerHTML;
return '';
const isValid = (elm) => {
if (elm.nodeType === 1) {
if (elm.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'script') {
return false;
for (let i = 0; i < elm.attributes.length; i++) {
const val = elm.attributes[i].value;
if (isStr(val) && val.toLowerCase().indexOf('on') === 0) {
return false;
for (let i = 0; i < elm.childNodes.length; i++) {
if (!isValid(elm.childNodes[i])) {
return false;
return true;
const ioniconContent = new Map();
const requests = new Map();
const getSvgContent = (url, sanitize) => {
// see if we already have a request for this url
let req = requests.get(url);
if (!req) {
if (typeof fetch !== 'undefined' && typeof document !== 'undefined') {
// we don't already have a request
req = fetch(url).then((rsp) => {
if (rsp.ok) {
return rsp.text().then((svgContent) => {
if (svgContent && sanitize !== false) {
svgContent = validateContent(svgContent);
ioniconContent.set(url, svgContent || '');
ioniconContent.set(url, '');
// cache for the same requests
requests.set(url, req);
else {
// set to empty for ssr scenarios and resolve promise
ioniconContent.set(url, '');
return Promise.resolve();
return req;
const iconCss = ":host{display:inline-block;width:1em;height:1em;contain:strict;fill:currentColor;-webkit-box-sizing:content-box !important;box-sizing:content-box !important}:host .ionicon{stroke:currentColor}.ionicon-fill-none{fill:none}.ionicon-stroke-width{stroke-width:32px;stroke-width:var(--ionicon-stroke-width, 32px)}.icon-inner,.ionicon,svg{display:block;height:100%;width:100%}:host(.flip-rtl) .icon-inner{-webkit-transform:scaleX(-1);transform:scaleX(-1)}:host(.icon-small){font-size:18px !important}:host(.icon-large){font-size:32px !important}:host(.ion-color){color:var(--ion-color-base) !important}:host(.ion-color-primary){--ion-color-base:var(--ion-color-primary, #3880ff)}:host(.ion-color-secondary){--ion-color-base:var(--ion-color-secondary, #0cd1e8)}:host(.ion-color-tertiary){--ion-color-base:var(--ion-color-tertiary, #f4a942)}:host(.ion-color-success){--ion-color-base:var(--ion-color-success, #10dc60)}:host(.ion-color-warning){--ion-color-base:var(--ion-color-warning, #ffce00)}:host(.ion-color-danger){--ion-color-base:var(--ion-color-danger, #f14141)}:host(.ion-color-light){--ion-color-base:var(--ion-color-light, #f4f5f8)}:host(.ion-color-medium){--ion-color-base:var(--ion-color-medium, #989aa2)}:host(.ion-color-dark){--ion-color-base:var(--ion-color-dark, #222428)}";
const Icon = class extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.iconName = null;
this.isVisible = false;
* The mode determines which platform styles to use.
this.mode = getIonMode();
* If enabled, ion-icon will be loaded lazily when it's visible in the viewport.
* Default, `false`.
this.lazy = false;
* When set to `false`, SVG content that is HTTP fetched will not be checked
* if the response SVG content has any `<script>` elements, or any attributes
* that start with `on`, such as `onclick`.
* @default true
this.sanitize = true;
connectedCallback() {
// purposely do not return the promise here because loading
// the svg file should not hold up loading the app
// only load the svg if it's visible
this.waitUntilVisible(this.el, '50px', () => {
this.isVisible = true;
disconnectedCallback() {
if ( {; = undefined;
waitUntilVisible(el, rootMargin, cb) {
if (Build.isBrowser && this.lazy && typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.IntersectionObserver) {
const io = ( = new window.IntersectionObserver((data) => {
if (data[0].isIntersecting) {
io.disconnect(); = undefined;
}, { rootMargin }));
else {
// browser doesn't support IntersectionObserver
// so just fallback to always show it
loadIcon() {
if (Build.isBrowser && this.isVisible) {
const url = getUrl(this);
if (url) {
if (ioniconContent.has(url)) {
// sync if it's already loaded
this.svgContent = ioniconContent.get(url);
else {
// async if it hasn't been loaded
getSvgContent(url, this.sanitize).then(() => (this.svgContent = ioniconContent.get(url)));
const label = this.iconName = getName(, this.icon, this.mode, this.ios,;
if (!this.ariaLabel && this.ariaHidden !== 'true') {
// user did not provide a label
// come up with the label based on the icon name
if (label) {
this.ariaLabel = label.replace(/\-/g, ' ');
render() {
const { iconName } = this;
const mode = this.mode || 'md';
const flipRtl = this.flipRtl ||
(iconName &&
(iconName.indexOf('arrow') > -1 || iconName.indexOf('chevron') > -1) &&
this.flipRtl !== false);
return (h(Host, { role: "img", class: Object.assign(Object.assign({ [mode]: true }, createColorClasses(this.color)), { [`icon-${this.size}`]: !!this.size, 'flip-rtl': !!flipRtl && this.el.ownerDocument.dir === 'rtl' }) }, Build.isBrowser && this.svgContent ? (h("div", { class: "icon-inner", innerHTML: this.svgContent })) : (h("div", { class: "icon-inner" }))));
static get assetsDirs() { return ["svg"]; }
get el() { return this; }
static get watchers() { return {
"name": ["loadIcon"],
"src": ["loadIcon"],
"icon": ["loadIcon"]
}; }
static get style() { return iconCss; }
const getIonMode = () => (Build.isBrowser && typeof document !== 'undefined' && document.documentElement.getAttribute('mode')) || 'md';
const createColorClasses = (color) => {
return color
? {
'ion-color': true,
[`ion-color-${color}`]: true,
: null;
const IonIcon = /*@__PURE__*/proxyCustomElement(Icon, [1,"ion-icon",{"mode":[1025],"color":[1],"ariaLabel":[1537,"aria-label"],"ariaHidden":[513,"aria-hidden"],"ios":[1],"md":[1],"flipRtl":[4,"flip-rtl"],"name":[513],"src":[1],"icon":[8],"size":[1],"lazy":[4],"sanitize":[4],"svgContent":[32],"isVisible":[32]}]);
export { IonIcon };