2022-02-09 18:30:03 +01:00

341 lines
13 KiB
Executable file

import { attachShadow, createEvent, writeTask, h, Host, proxyCustomElement } from '@stencil/core/internal/client';
import { c as config, b as getIonMode } from './ionic-global.js';
import { p as pointerCoord } from './helpers.js';
import { c as createColorClasses, h as hostContext } from './theme.js';
const segmentIosCss = ":host{--ripple-color:currentColor;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:relative;-ms-flex-align:stretch;align-items:stretch;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;width:100%;background:var(--background);font-family:var(--ion-font-family, inherit);text-align:center;contain:paint;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none}:host(.segment-scrollable){-ms-flex-pack:start;justify-content:start;width:auto;overflow-x:auto}:host(.segment-scrollable::-webkit-scrollbar){display:none}:host{--background:rgba(var(--ion-text-color-rgb, 0, 0, 0), 0.065);border-radius:8px;overflow:hidden;z-index:0}:host(.ion-color){background:rgba(var(--ion-color-base-rgb), 0.065)}:host(.in-toolbar){margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;width:auto}@supports ((-webkit-margin-start: 0) or (margin-inline-start: 0)) or (-webkit-margin-start: 0){:host(.in-toolbar){margin-left:unset;margin-right:unset;-webkit-margin-start:auto;margin-inline-start:auto;-webkit-margin-end:auto;margin-inline-end:auto}}:host(.in-toolbar:not(.ion-color)){background:var(--ion-toolbar-segment-background, var(--background))}:host(.in-toolbar-color:not(.ion-color)){background:rgba(var(--ion-color-contrast-rgb), 0.11)}";
const segmentMdCss = ":host{--ripple-color:currentColor;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:relative;-ms-flex-align:stretch;align-items:stretch;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;width:100%;background:var(--background);font-family:var(--ion-font-family, inherit);text-align:center;contain:paint;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none}:host(.segment-scrollable){-ms-flex-pack:start;justify-content:start;width:auto;overflow-x:auto}:host(.segment-scrollable::-webkit-scrollbar){display:none}:host{--background:transparent}:host(.segment-scrollable) ::slotted(ion-segment-button){min-width:auto}";
const Segment = class extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.ionChange = createEvent(this, "ionChange", 7);
this.ionSelect = createEvent(this, "ionSelect", 7);
this.ionStyle = createEvent(this, "ionStyle", 7);
this.didInit = false;
this.activated = false;
* If `true`, the user cannot interact with the segment.
this.disabled = false;
* If `true`, the segment buttons will overflow and the user can swipe to see them.
* In addition, this will disable the gesture to drag the indicator between the buttons
* in order to swipe to see hidden buttons.
this.scrollable = false;
* If `true`, users will be able to swipe between segment buttons to activate them.
this.swipeGesture = true;
this.onClick = (ev) => {
const current =;
const previous = this.checked;
// If the current element is a segment then that means
// the user tried to swipe to a segment button and
// click a segment button at the same time so we should
// not update the checked segment button
if (current.tagName === 'ION-SEGMENT') {
this.value = current.value;
if (this.scrollable || !this.swipeGesture) {
if (previous) {
this.checkButton(previous, current);
else {
this.checked = current;
colorChanged(value, oldValue) {
* If color is set after not having
* previously been set (or vice versa),
* we need to emit style so the segment-buttons
* can apply their color classes properly.
if ((oldValue === undefined && value !== undefined) ||
(oldValue !== undefined && value === undefined)) {
swipeGestureChanged() {
valueChanged(value, oldValue) {
this.ionSelect.emit({ value });
if (oldValue !== '' || this.didInit) {
if (!this.activated) {
this.ionChange.emit({ value });
else {
this.valueAfterGesture = value;
disabledChanged() {
const buttons = this.getButtons();
for (const button of buttons) {
button.disabled = this.disabled;
gestureChanged() {
if (this.gesture) {
this.gesture.enable(!this.scrollable && !this.disabled && this.swipeGesture);
connectedCallback() {
componentWillLoad() {
async componentDidLoad() {
this.gesture = (await import('./index2.js')).createGesture({
el: this.el,
gestureName: 'segment',
gesturePriority: 100,
threshold: 0,
passive: false,
onStart: ev => this.onStart(ev),
onMove: ev => this.onMove(ev),
onEnd: ev => this.onEnd(ev),
if (this.disabled) {
this.didInit = true;
onStart(detail) {
onMove(detail) {
onEnd(detail) {
const checkedValidButton = this.setNextIndex(detail, true);
if (checkedValidButton) {
const value = this.valueAfterGesture;
if (value !== undefined) {
this.ionChange.emit({ value });
this.valueAfterGesture = undefined;
getButtons() {
return Array.from(this.el.querySelectorAll('ion-segment-button'));
* The gesture blocks the segment button ripple. This
* function adds the ripple based on the checked segment
* and where the cursor ended.
addRipple(detail) {
const useRippleEffect = config.getBoolean('animated', true) && config.getBoolean('rippleEffect', true);
if (!useRippleEffect) {
const buttons = this.getButtons();
const checked = buttons.find(button => button.value === this.value);
const root = checked.shadowRoot || checked;
const ripple = root.querySelector('ion-ripple-effect');
if (!ripple) {
const { x, y } = pointerCoord(detail.event);
ripple.addRipple(x, y).then(remove => remove());
* Activate both the segment and the buttons
* due to a bug with ::slotted in Safari
setActivated(activated) {
const buttons = this.getButtons();
buttons.forEach(button => {
if (activated) {
else {
this.activated = activated;
activate(detail) {
const clicked =;
const buttons = this.getButtons();
const checked = buttons.find(button => button.value === this.value);
// Make sure we are only checking for activation on a segment button
// since disabled buttons will get the click on the segment
if (clicked.tagName !== 'ION-SEGMENT-BUTTON') {
// If there are no checked buttons, set the current button to checked
if (!checked) {
this.value = clicked.value;
// If the gesture began on the clicked button with the indicator
// then we should activate the indicator
if (this.value === clicked.value) {
getIndicator(button) {
const root = button.shadowRoot || button;
return root.querySelector('.segment-button-indicator');
checkButton(previous, current) {
const previousIndicator = this.getIndicator(previous);
const currentIndicator = this.getIndicator(current);
if (previousIndicator === null || currentIndicator === null) {
const previousClientRect = previousIndicator.getBoundingClientRect();
const currentClientRect = currentIndicator.getBoundingClientRect();
const widthDelta = previousClientRect.width / currentClientRect.width;
const xPosition = previousClientRect.left - currentClientRect.left;
// Scale the indicator width to match the previous indicator width
// and translate it on top of the previous indicator
const transform = `translate3d(${xPosition}px, 0, 0) scaleX(${widthDelta})`;
writeTask(() => {
// Remove the transition before positioning on top of the previous indicator
currentIndicator.classList.remove('segment-button-indicator-animated');'transform', transform);
// Force a repaint to ensure the transform happens
// Add the transition to move the indicator into place
// Remove the transform to slide the indicator back to the button clicked'transform', '');
this.value = current.value;
setCheckedClasses() {
const buttons = this.getButtons();
const index = buttons.findIndex(button => button.value === this.value);
const next = index + 1;
// Keep track of the currently checked button
this.checked = buttons.find(button => button.value === this.value);
for (const button of buttons) {
if (next < buttons.length) {
setNextIndex(detail, isEnd = false) {
const isRTL = document.dir === 'rtl';
const activated = this.activated;
const buttons = this.getButtons();
const index = buttons.findIndex(button => button.value === this.value);
const previous = buttons[index];
let current;
let nextIndex;
if (index === -1) {
// Get the element that the touch event started on in case
// it was the checked button, then we will move the indicator
const rect = previous.getBoundingClientRect();
const left = rect.left;
const width = rect.width;
// Get the element that the gesture is on top of based on the currentX of the
// gesture event and the Y coordinate of the starting element, since the gesture
// can move up and down off of the segment
const currentX = detail.currentX;
const previousY = + (rect.height / 2);
const nextEl = document.elementFromPoint(currentX, previousY);
const decreaseIndex = isRTL ? currentX > (left + width) : currentX < left;
const increaseIndex = isRTL ? currentX < left : currentX > (left + width);
// If the indicator is currently activated then we have started the gesture
// on top of the checked button so we need to slide the indicator
// by checking the button next to it as we move
if (activated && !isEnd) {
// Decrease index, move left in LTR & right in RTL
if (decreaseIndex) {
const newIndex = index - 1;
if (newIndex >= 0) {
nextIndex = newIndex;
// Increase index, moves right in LTR & left in RTL
else if (increaseIndex) {
if (activated && !isEnd) {
const newIndex = index + 1;
if (newIndex < buttons.length) {
nextIndex = newIndex;
if (nextIndex !== undefined && !buttons[nextIndex].disabled) {
current = buttons[nextIndex];
// If the indicator is not activated then we will just set the indicator
// to the element where the gesture ended
if (!activated && isEnd) {
current = nextEl;
/* tslint:disable-next-line */
if (current != null) {
* If current element is ion-segment then that means
* user tried to select a disabled ion-segment-button,
* and we should not update the ripple.
if (current.tagName === 'ION-SEGMENT') {
return false;
if (previous !== current) {
this.checkButton(previous, current);
return true;
emitStyle() {
'segment': true
render() {
const mode = getIonMode(this);
return (h(Host, { role: "tablist", onClick: this.onClick, class: createColorClasses(this.color, {
[mode]: true,
'in-toolbar': hostContext('ion-toolbar', this.el),
'in-toolbar-color': hostContext('ion-toolbar[color]', this.el),
'segment-activated': this.activated,
'segment-disabled': this.disabled,
'segment-scrollable': this.scrollable
}) }, h("slot", null)));
get el() { return this; }
static get watchers() { return {
"color": ["colorChanged"],
"swipeGesture": ["swipeGestureChanged"],
"value": ["valueChanged"],
"disabled": ["disabledChanged"]
}; }
static get style() { return {
ios: segmentIosCss,
md: segmentMdCss
}; }
const IonSegment = /*@__PURE__*/proxyCustomElement(Segment, [33,"ion-segment",{"color":[513],"disabled":[4],"scrollable":[4],"swipeGesture":[4,"swipe-gesture"],"value":[1025],"activated":[32]}]);
export { IonSegment };