2022-02-09 18:30:03 +01:00

218 lines
6 KiB
Executable file

// Generated by dts-bundle-generator v5.3.0
export declare function createWindowFromHtml(templateHtml: string, uniqueId: string): any;
export interface HydrateDocumentOptions {
* Build ID that will be added to `<html data-stencil-build="BUILD_ID">`. By default
* a random ID will be generated
buildId?: string;
* Sets the `href` attribute on the `<link rel="canonical">`
* tag within the `<head>`. If the value is not defined it will
* ensure a canonical link tag is no included in the `<head>`.
canonicalUrl?: string;
* Include the HTML comments and attributes used by the clientside
* JavaScript to read the structure of the HTML and rebuild each
* component. Defaults to `true`.
clientHydrateAnnotations?: boolean;
* Constrain `setTimeout()` to 1ms, but still async. Also
* only allows `setInterval()` to fire once, also constrained to 1ms.
* Defaults to `true`.
constrainTimeouts?: boolean;
* Sets `document.cookie`
cookie?: string;
* Sets the `dir` attribute on the top level `<html>`.
direction?: string;
* Component tag names listed here will not be prerendered, nor will
* hydrated on the clientside. Components listed here will be ignored
* as custom elements and treated no differently than a `<div>`.
excludeComponents?: string[];
* Sets the `lang` attribute on the top level `<html>`.
language?: string;
* Maximum number of components to hydrate on one page. Defaults to `300`.
maxHydrateCount?: number;
* Sets `document.referrer`
referrer?: string;
* Removes every `<script>` element found in the `document`. Defaults to `false`.
removeScripts?: boolean;
* Removes CSS not used by elements within the `document`. Defaults to `true`.
removeUnusedStyles?: boolean;
* The url the runtime uses for the resources, such as the assets directory.
resourcesUrl?: string;
* Prints out runtime console logs to the NodeJS process. Defaults to `false`.
runtimeLogging?: boolean;
* Component tags listed here will only be prerendered or serverside-rendered
* and will not be clientside hydrated. This is useful for components that
* are not dynamic and do not need to be defined as a custom element within the
* browser. For example, a header or footer component would be a good example that
* may not require any clientside JavaScript.
staticComponents?: string[];
* The amount of milliseconds to wait for a page to finish rendering until
* a timeout error is thrown. Defaults to `15000`.
timeout?: number;
* Sets `document.title`.
title?: string;
* Sets `location.href`
url?: string;
* Sets `navigator.userAgent`
userAgent?: string;
export interface SerializeDocumentOptions extends HydrateDocumentOptions {
* Runs after the `document` has been hydrated.
afterHydrate?(document: any): any | Promise<any>;
* Sets an approximate line width the HTML should attempt to stay within.
* Note that this is "approximate", in that HTML may often not be able
* to be split at an exact line width. Additionally, new lines created
* is where HTML naturally already has whitespce, such as before an
* attribute or spaces between words. Defaults to `100`.
approximateLineWidth?: number;
* Runs before the `document` has been hydrated.
beforeHydrate?(document: any): any | Promise<any>;
* Format the HTML in a nicely indented format.
* Defaults to `false`.
prettyHtml?: boolean;
* Remove quotes from attribute values when possible.
* Defaults to `true`.
removeAttributeQuotes?: boolean;
* Remove the `=""` from standardized `boolean` attributes,
* such as `hidden` or `checked`. Defaults to `true`.
removeBooleanAttributeQuotes?: boolean;
* Remove these standardized attributes when their value is empty:
* `class`, `dir`, `id`, `lang`, and `name`, `title`. Defaults to `true`.
removeEmptyAttributes?: boolean;
* Remove HTML comments. Defaults to `true`.
removeHtmlComments?: boolean;
export interface HydrateFactoryOptions extends SerializeDocumentOptions {
serializeToHtml: boolean;
destroyWindow: boolean;
destroyDocument: boolean;
export interface Diagnostic {
level: "error" | "warn" | "info" | "log" | "debug";
type: string;
header?: string;
language?: string;
messageText: string;
debugText?: string;
code?: string;
absFilePath?: string;
relFilePath?: string;
lineNumber?: number;
columnNumber?: number;
lines?: {
lineIndex: number;
lineNumber: number;
text?: string;
errorCharStart: number;
errorLength?: number;
export interface HydrateResults {
buildId: string;
diagnostics: Diagnostic[];
url: string;
host: string;
hostname: string;
href: string;
port: string;
pathname: string;
search: string;
hash: string;
html: string;
components: HydrateComponent[];
anchors: HydrateAnchorElement[];
imgs: HydrateImgElement[];
scripts: HydrateScriptElement[];
styles: HydrateStyleElement[];
staticData: HydrateStaticData[];
title: string;
hydratedCount: number;
httpStatus: number;
export interface HydrateComponent {
tag: string;
mode: string;
count: number;
depth: number;
export interface HydrateElement {
[attrName: string]: string | undefined;
export interface HydrateAnchorElement extends HydrateElement {
href?: string;
target?: string;
export interface HydrateImgElement extends HydrateElement {
src?: string;
export interface HydrateScriptElement extends HydrateElement {
src?: string;
type?: string;
export interface HydrateStyleElement extends HydrateElement {
href?: string;
export interface HydrateStaticData {
id: string;
type: string;
content: string;
export declare function renderToString(html: string | any, options?: SerializeDocumentOptions): Promise<HydrateResults>;
export declare function hydrateDocument(doc: any | string, options?: HydrateDocumentOptions): Promise<HydrateResults>;
export declare function serializeDocumentToString(doc: any, opts: HydrateFactoryOptions): string;
export {};