2022-02-09 18:30:03 +01:00

123 lines
4.1 KiB
Executable file

"use strict";
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.TSLINT_VERSION = void 0;
const dependencies_1 = require("../../utility/dependencies");
const json_file_1 = require("../../utility/json-file");
exports.TSLINT_VERSION = '~6.1.0';
const TSLINT_CONFIG_PATH = '/tslint.json';
const RULES_TO_DELETE = ['no-use-before-declare', 'no-unused-variable'];
const RULES_TO_ADD = {
align: {
options: ['parameters', 'statements'],
'arrow-return-shorthand': true,
curly: true,
eofline: true,
'import-spacing': true,
indent: {
options: ['spaces'],
'variable-name': {
options: ['ban-keywords', 'check-format', 'allow-pascal-case'],
semicolon: { options: ['always'] },
'space-before-function-paren': {
options: {
anonymous: 'never',
asyncArrow: 'always',
constructor: 'never',
method: 'never',
named: 'never',
'typedef-whitespace': {
options: [
'call-signature': 'nospace',
'index-signature': 'nospace',
parameter: 'nospace',
'property-declaration': 'nospace',
'variable-declaration': 'nospace',
'call-signature': 'onespace',
'index-signature': 'onespace',
parameter: 'onespace',
'property-declaration': 'onespace',
'variable-declaration': 'onespace',
whitespace: {
options: [
function default_1() {
return (tree, context) => {
const logger = context.logger;
// Update tslint dependency
const current = dependencies_1.getPackageJsonDependency(tree, 'tslint');
if (!current) {'"tslint" in not a dependency of this workspace.');
if (current.version !== exports.TSLINT_VERSION) {
dependencies_1.addPackageJsonDependency(tree, {
type: current.type,
name: 'tslint',
version: exports.TSLINT_VERSION,
overwrite: true,
// Update tslint config.
let json;
try {
json = new json_file_1.JSONFile(tree, TSLINT_CONFIG_PATH);
catch {
const config = ['tslint.js', 'tslint.yaml'].find((c) => tree.exists(c));
if (config) {
logger.warn(`Expected a JSON configuration file but found "${config}".`);
else {
logger.warn('Cannot find "tslint.json" configuration file.');
// Remove old/deprecated rules.
for (const rule of RULES_TO_DELETE) {
json.remove(['rules', rule]);
// Add new rules only iif the configuration extends 'tslint:recommended'.
// This is because some rules conflict with prettier or other tools.
const extend = json.get(['extends']);
if (extend !== 'tslint:recommended' ||
(Array.isArray(extend) && extend.some((e) => e.value !== 'tslint:recommended'))) {
logger.warn(`tslint configuration does not extend "tslint:recommended" or it extends multiple configurations.` +
'\nSkipping rule changes as some rules might conflict.');
for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(RULES_TO_ADD)) {
const ruleName = ['rules', name];
if (json.get(ruleName) === undefined) {
json.modify(ruleName, value);
exports.default = default_1;