2022-02-09 18:30:03 +01:00

36 lines
1.5 KiB
Executable file

import { promise as wdpromise, WebDriver } from 'selenium-webdriver';
export declare class Extender {
driver_: WebDriver;
params_: {
[key: string]: string[];
executor_: {
defineCommand: (name: string, method: string, path: string) => void;
constructor(driver: WebDriver);
* Defines a new command. When a command is sent, the {@code path} will be
* preprocessed using the command's parameters; any path segments prefixed
* with ":" will be replaced by the parameter of the same name. For example,
* given "/person/:name" and the parameters "{name: 'Bob'}", the final command
* path will be "/person/Bob".
* @param {string} name The command name.
* @param {string} params The names of the parameters to the command
* @param {string} method The HTTP method to use when sending this command.
* @param {string} path The path to send the command to, relative to
* the WebDriver server's command root and of the form
* "/path/:variable/segment".
defineCommand(name: string, params: string[], method: string, path: string): void;
* Executes a command which was defined by defineCommand()
* @param {string} name The command name.
* @param {*[]} params The parameters to the command
* @return {webdriver.promise.Promise<*>} A promise that will be resolved with
* the command result
execCommand<T>(name: string, method: string, params: any[]): wdpromise.Promise<T>;