2022-02-09 18:30:03 +01:00

146 lines
4.4 KiB
Executable file

"use strict";
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.PartiallyOrderedSet = exports.CircularDependencyFoundException = exports.DependencyNotFoundException = void 0;
const exception_1 = require("../exception");
class DependencyNotFoundException extends exception_1.BaseException {
constructor() {
super('One of the dependencies is not part of the set.');
exports.DependencyNotFoundException = DependencyNotFoundException;
class CircularDependencyFoundException extends exception_1.BaseException {
constructor() {
super('Circular dependencies found.');
exports.CircularDependencyFoundException = CircularDependencyFoundException;
class PartiallyOrderedSet {
constructor() {
this._items = new Map();
_checkCircularDependencies(item, deps) {
if (deps.has(item)) {
throw new CircularDependencyFoundException();
deps.forEach((dep) => this._checkCircularDependencies(item, this._items.get(dep) || new Set()));
clear() {
has(item) {
return this._items.has(item);
get size() {
return this._items.size;
forEach(callbackfn, thisArg) {
for (const x of this) {, x, x, this);
* Returns an iterable of [v,v] pairs for every value `v` in the set.
*entries() {
for (const item of this) {
yield [item, item];
* Despite its name, returns an iterable of the values in the set,
keys() {
return this.values();
* Returns an iterable of values in the set.
values() {
return this[Symbol.iterator]();
add(item, deps = new Set()) {
if (Array.isArray(deps)) {
deps = new Set(deps);
// Verify item is not already in the set.
if (this._items.has(item)) {
const itemDeps = this._items.get(item) || new Set();
// If the dependency list is equal, just return, otherwise remove and keep going.
let equal = true;
for (const dep of deps) {
if (!itemDeps.has(dep)) {
equal = false;
if (equal) {
for (const dep of itemDeps) {
if (!deps.has(dep)) {
equal = false;
if (equal) {
return this;
else {
// Verify all dependencies are part of the Set.
for (const dep of deps) {
if (!this._items.has(dep)) {
throw new DependencyNotFoundException();
// Verify there's no dependency cycle.
this._checkCircularDependencies(item, deps);
this._items.set(item, new Set(deps));
return this;
delete(item) {
if (!this._items.has(item)) {
return false;
// Remove it from all dependencies if force == true.
this._items.forEach((value) => value.delete(item));
return this._items.delete(item);
*[Symbol.iterator]() {
const copy = new Map(this._items);
for (const [key, value] of copy.entries()) {
copy.set(key, new Set(value));
while (copy.size > 0) {
const run = [];
// Take the first item without dependencies.
for (const [item, deps] of copy.entries()) {
if (deps.size == 0) {
for (const item of run) {
copy.forEach((s) => s.delete(item));
yield item;
if (run.length == 0) {
// uh oh...
throw new CircularDependencyFoundException();
get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
return 'Set';
exports.PartiallyOrderedSet = PartiallyOrderedSet;