2022-02-09 18:30:03 +01:00

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/// <reference types="node" />
* Utilities for parsing WebDriver commands from HTTP Requests.
import * as events from 'events';
export declare type HttpMethod = 'GET' | 'POST' | 'DELETE';
export declare type paramKey = 'sessionId' | 'elementId' | 'name' | 'propertyName';
export declare enum CommandName {
NewSession = 0,
DeleteSession = 1,
Status = 2,
GetTimeouts = 3,
SetTimeouts = 4,
Go = 5,
GetCurrentURL = 6,
Back = 7,
Forward = 8,
Refresh = 9,
GetTitle = 10,
FindElement = 11,
FindElements = 12,
FindElementFromElement = 13,
FindElementsFromElement = 14,
IsElementSelected = 15,
GetElementAttribute = 16,
GetElementProperty = 17,
GetElementCSSValue = 18,
GetElementText = 19,
GetElementTagName = 20,
GetElementRect = 21,
IsElementEnabled = 22,
ElementClick = 23,
ElementClear = 24,
ElementSendKeys = 25,
WireMoveTo = 26,
WireButtonDown = 27,
WireButtonUp = 28,
GetAlertText = 29,
AcceptAlert = 30,
DismissAlert = 31,
* An instance of a WebDriver command, containing the params and data for that request.
* @param commandName The enum identifying the command.
* @param params Parameters for the command taken from the request's url.
* @param data Optional data included with the command, taken from the body of the request.
export declare class WebDriverCommand extends events.EventEmitter {
commandName: CommandName;
readonly url: string;
readonly method: HttpMethod;
private params;
data: any;
responseStatus: number;
responseData: any;
readonly sessionId: string;
constructor(commandName: CommandName, url: string, method: HttpMethod, params?: any);
getParam(key: paramKey): string;
handleData(data?: any): void;
handleResponse(statusCode: number, data?: any): void;
* Returns a new WebdriverCommand object for the resource at the given URL.
export declare function parseWebDriverCommand(url: any, method: any): WebDriverCommand;