
345 lines
21 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
{% extends '@Core/admin/layout.html.twig' %}
{% set context = context ?? 'index' %}
2023-11-13 16:06:06 +01:00
{% set pager_render = pager is defined ? knp_pagination_render(pager) : null %}
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
{% block title %}{{ configuration.pageTitle(context)|trans }} {{ parent() ? ('- ' ~ parent()) : '' }}{% endblock %}
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
{% block body %}
{% block header %}
{%- set pb -%}
{% if pager.paginationData.pageCount < 2 %}
{% if %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{%- endset -%}
2022-05-17 09:22:22 +02:00
<div class="bg-light">
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
<div class="crud-header">
{% block header_title %}
<h1 class="crud-header-title">{{ configuration.pageTitle(context)|trans }}</h1>
{% endblock %}
2022-05-17 09:22:22 +02:00
{%- block header_actions %}
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
<div class="crud-header-actions">
<div class="btn-group">
2022-05-17 09:22:22 +02:00
{%- block header_actions_before %}{% endblock -%}
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
2022-05-17 09:22:22 +02:00
{%- if configuration.action(context, 'new', true) %}
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
<a href="{{ path(configuration.pageRoute('new'), configuration.pageRouteParams('new')) }}" class="btn btn-primary">
<span class="fa fa-plus pr-1"></span>
2022-05-17 08:44:28 +02:00
<span class="d-none d-md-inline">
{{ configuration.actionTitle(context, 'new', 'New')|trans }}
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
2022-05-17 09:22:22 +02:00
{% endif -%}
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
2022-05-17 09:22:22 +02:00
{%- if header_actions_dropdown_menu is not defined %}
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
{% set header_actions_dropdown_menu = '' %}
2022-05-17 09:22:22 +02:00
{% endif -%}
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
2022-05-17 09:22:22 +02:00
{%- block header_actions_after %}{% endblock -%}
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
2022-05-17 09:22:22 +02:00
{%- block header_actions_dropdown %}
{%- if header_actions_dropdown_menu %}
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
<button type="button" class="btn btn-white dropdown-toggle dropdown-toggle-hide-after" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="font-weight-bold">
<div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right">
{{ header_actions_dropdown_menu|raw }}
2022-05-17 09:22:22 +02:00
{% endif -%}
{% endblock -%}
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
{% endblock %}
{% block header_filter_pager %}
{% if %}
2022-05-17 09:22:22 +02:00
<div class="row crud-header-filter">
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
<div class="col-auto ml-auto {% if pager.getPaginationData.pageCount > 1 %}mr-3{% endif %}">
<button data-modal="{{ path(configuration.pageRoute('filter'), configuration.pageRouteParams('filter')) }}" class="btn btn-sm btn-secondary">
<span class="fa fa-search mr-1"></span>
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
{{ 'Filter'|trans }} {% if not filters.isEmpty %}({{ 'yes'|trans }}){% endif %}
<div class="col-auto">
{{ pager_render|raw }}
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
{% else %}
2022-05-17 09:22:22 +02:00
<div class="crud-header-filter">
{{ pager_render|raw }}
2022-05-17 09:22:22 +02:00
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
{% block list %}
{% set isSortable = configuration.isSortableCollection(context) %}
{% set colspan = configuration.fields(context)|length + 1 + (configuration.hasBatchAction(context) ? 1 : 0) %}
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table">
{% block list_header %}
<thead class="thead-light">
{% if configuration.hasBatchAction(context) %}
<th class="crud-batch-column">
<input type="checkbox">
{% endif %}
{% for label, config in configuration.fields(context) %}
{% block list_header_item %}
{% set attr = config.options.attr is defined ? config.options.attr : [] %}
{% set isSortable = config.options.sort ?? false %}
<th {% for key, value in attr %}{{ key }}="{{ value }}"{% endfor %}>
{% if isSortable %}
{% if sort %}
{% if sort.label == label %}
{% if sort.direction == 'asc' %}
{% set newDirection = 'desc' %}
{% set icon = 'fa fa-sort-amount-down-alt' %}
{% else %}
{% set newDirection = 'asc' %}
{% set icon = 'fa fa-sort-amount-up-alt' %}
{% endif %}
{% set url = path(configuration.getPageRoute(context), {
_sort: config.options.sort[0],
_sort_direction: newDirection,
}|merge(configuration.pageRouteParams(context))) %}
{% else %}
{% set url = path(configuration.getPageRoute(context), {
_sort: config.options.sort[0],
_sort_direction: 'asc',
}|merge(configuration.pageRouteParams(context))) %}
{% set icon = null %}
{% endif %}
<a href="{{ url }}">
{% if icon is defined %}
2023-11-10 19:42:45 +01:00
<span class="no-wrap">
<span class="{{ icon }}"></span>
{{ label|trans }}
{% else %}
{{ label|trans }}
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ label|trans }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ label|trans }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endfor %}
{% if configuration.showActions %}
<th class="crud-action-column">
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
{{ 'Actions'|trans }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block list_items %}
{% if isSortable %}
{% set dataSortable = 'data-sortable' %}
{% set dataSortableRoute = 'data-sortable-route="' ~ path(
_token: csrf_token('sort'),
page: pager.currentPageNumber,
context: context,
) ~ '"' %}
{% else %}
{% set dataSortable = '' %}
{% set dataSortableRoute = '' %}
{% endif %}
<tbody {{ dataSortable }} {{ dataSortableRoute|raw }}>
{% for item in pager %}
{% if isSortable %}
{% set dataSortableItem = 'data-sortable-item="' ~ loop.index ~ '"' %}
{% else %}
{% set dataSortableItem = '' %}
{% endif %}
{% block list_item %}
{%- set dbClick %}
{% if configuration.action(context, 'show', true, [item]) %}
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
{{ path(configuration.pageRoute('show'), {entity:}|merge(configuration.pageRouteParams('show'))) }}
{% elseif configuration.action(context, 'edit', true, [item]) %}
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
{{ path(configuration.pageRoute('edit'), {entity:}|merge(configuration.pageRouteParams('show'))) }}
{% endif %}
{% endset -%}
<tr {{ dataSortableItem|raw }} {% if configuration.doubleClick(context) %}data-dblclick="{{ dbClick }}"{% endif %} class="{{ loop.index is odd ? 'is-odd' : 'is-even' }}">
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
{% if configuration.hasBatchAction(context) %}
<td class="crud-batch-column">
<input type="checkbox" class="batch_form" name="batch[items][{{ loop.index }}]" form="form-batch" value="{{ loop.index }}">
{% endif %}
{% for label, config in configuration.fields(context) %}
{% set attr = config.options.attr ?? [] %}
{% set action = config.options.action ?? null %}
{% set inlineForm = config.options.inline_form ?? null %}
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
<td {% for key, value in attr %}{{ key }}="{{ value }}"{% endfor %}>
{% if inlineForm and configuration.action(context, 'edit', true, [item]) %}
<a href="#" data-modal="{{ path(
configuration.pageroute('inline_edit'), {
context: context,
label: label,
redirectTo: app.request.pathInfo,
}|merge(configuration.pagerouteparams('inline_edit'))) }}" data-modal-create>
{{ render_field(item, config, configuration.defaultlocale) }}
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
{% elseif action == 'show' and configuration.action(context, 'show', true, [item]) %}
<a href="{{ path(configuration.pageRoute('show'), {entity:}|merge(configuration.pageRouteParams('show'))) }}">
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
{{ render_field(item, config, configuration.defaultLocale) }}
{% elseif action == 'edit' and configuration.action(context, 'edit', true, [item]) %}
<a href="{{ path(configuration.pageroute('edit'), {entity:}|merge(configuration.pagerouteparams('edit'))) }}">
{{ render_field(item, config, configuration.defaultlocale) }}
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
{% else %}
{{ render_field(item, config, configuration.defaultLocale) }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if configuration.showActions %}
<td class="crud-action-column">
{% block list_item_actions %}
{% block list_item_actions_before %}{% endblock %}
{% block list_item_action_show %}
{% if configuration.action(context, 'show', true, [item]) %}
<a href="{{ path(configuration.pageRoute('show'), {entity:}|merge(configuration.pageRouteParams('show'))) }}" class="btn btn-sm btn-secondary mr-1">
<span class="fa fa-eye"></span>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
{% block list_item_action_edit %}
{% if configuration.action(context, 'edit', true, [item]) %}
<a href="{{ path(configuration.pageRoute('edit'), {entity:}|merge(configuration.pageRouteParams('edit'))) }}" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary mr-1">
<span class="fa fa-edit"></span>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block list_item_action_delete %}
{% if configuration.action(context, 'delete', true, [item]) %}
<button type="submit" form="form-delete-{{ }}" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger">
<span class="fa fa-trash"></span>
<form method="post" action="{{ path(configuration.pageRoute('delete'), {entity:}|merge(configuration.pageRouteParams('delete'))) }}" id="form-delete-{{ }}" data-form-confirm>
<input type="hidden" name="_method" value="DELETE">
<input type="hidden" name="_token" value="{{ csrf_token('delete' ~ }}">
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
{% block list_item_actions_after %}{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% if loop.last %}
{% block list_footer %}
{% set count = configuration.fields(context)|length + 1 %}
{% if configuration.hasBatchAction(context) %}
{% set count = count + 1 %}
{% endif %}
<td class="col-12 text-black-50 border-0" colspan="{{ count }}">
{% block list_footer_before %}{% endblock %}
{% if isSortable %}
<div class="mb-2">
<span class="fa fa-hand-pointer"></span>
{{ 'You can sort items with drag & drop'|trans }}
{% endif %}
<div class="float-right mr-2">
{{ pager_render|raw }}
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
{% if configuration.hasBatchAction(context) %}
<div class="mb-2">
<form class="form-inline" action="{{ path(configuration.pageRoute('batch'), {
page: pager.currentPageNumber,
redirectTo: app.request.uri
}|merge(configuration.pageRouteParams('batch'))) }}" id="form-batch" method="POST">
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
<select class="form-control my-1 mr-sm-2" name="batch[target]">
<option value="selection">{{ 'For selection'|trans }}</option>
<option value="all">{{ 'For all items'|trans }}</option>
<select class="form-control my-1 mr-sm-2" id="form-batch-action" name="batch[action]">
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
<option value=""></option>
{% for action, conf in configuration.batchActions(context) %}
<option value="{{ action }}" {% if conf.isGlobal %}data-isglobal="true"{% endif %}>
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
{{ conf.label|trans }}
{% endfor %}
<input type="hidden" name="batch[_token]" value="{{ csrf_token('batch') }}">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary my-1">
<span class="loader spinner-border spinner-border-sm" role="status" aria-hidden="true"></span>
{{ 'Run'|trans }}
{% endif %}
{% block list_footer_after %}{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<td class="col-12 text-center p-4 text-black-50" colspan="{{ colspan }}">
2022-03-13 19:32:32 +01:00
<div class="display-1">
<span class="fa fa-search"></span>
<div class="display-5 mt-3">
{{ 'No result'|trans }}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}