{% extends '@Core/admin/layout.html.twig' %} {% import _self as macros %} {% block title %}{{ 'My account'|trans }} {{ parent() ? ('- ' ~ parent()) : '' }}{% endblock %} {% block body %}

{{ 'My account'|trans }}

{{ 'New password'|trans }}

{{ "The indicator must display 5 green lines for the password to be accepted."|trans }}
{{ 'The indicator must display 5 green lines for the password to be accepted.'|trans }}
{{ 'Passwords must match.'|trans }}

{{ 'Double authentication'|trans }}

{% trans %}En activant la double authentification, vous devrez saisir un code généré depuis votre téléphone en plus de votre identifiant et votre mot de passe.{% endtrans %}

{% if app.request.isMethod('GET') %} {% if account.isTotpAuthenticationEnabled %}

{{ 'Your account is secured by double authentication.'|trans }}

{% else %}
{% endif %} {% else %}

{{ 'Step %number%'|trans({'%number%': 1}) }}

{{ 'Download your TOTP application:'|trans }}

{{ 'Step %number%'|trans({'%number%': 2}) }}

{% set twoFaQrCodeContent = twoFaQrCodeContent|replace({ '%40': '@', '%3A': ':', }) ~ '&algorithm=SHA1&digits=6&period=30' %}

{{ 'Scan this QRCode to register %siteName%:'|trans({"%siteName%": site_name}) }}

{{ 'Step %number%'|trans({'%number%': 3}) }}

{% trans %}Generate and enter an authentication code:{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}If you enable two-factor authentication, you will not be able to log in without your phone.{% endtrans %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}