addArgument( 'page-class', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Choose a name for your page class (e.g. ExamplePage)' ) ->setHelp('') ; } public function generate(InputInterface $input, ConsoleStyle $io, Generator $generator) { $pageClassNameDetails = $generator->createClassNameDetails( $input->getArgument('page-class'), 'Entity\\Page\\', 'Page' ); $blocks = []; $isFirstField = true; $blocks = []; while (true) { $newBlock = $this->askForNextBlock($io, $blocks, $isFirstField); $isFirstField = false; if (null === $newBlock) { break; } $blocks[$newBlock['name']] = $newBlock; } $options = [ 'entity' => $pageClassNameDetails->getFullName(), 'blocks' => $blocks, ]; $controllerPath = $generator->generateController( $pageClassNameDetails->getFullName(), __DIR__.'/../Resources/maker/page/PageEntity.tpl.php', $options ); $generator->writeChanges(); $this->writeSuccessMessage($io); $io->text('Register the page in config/packages/app.yaml: '); $io->text(<<< EOF core: site: pages: {$pageClassNameDetails->getFullName()}: name: {$pageClassNameDetails->getShortName()} templates: - {name: "Default", file: "path/to/template.html.twig"} EOF ); } private function askForNextBlock(ConsoleStyle $io, array $blocks, bool $isFirstField) { $io->writeln(''); if ($isFirstField) { $questionText = 'New property name (press to stop adding fields)'; } else { $questionText = 'Add another property? Enter the property name (or press to stop adding fields)'; } $blockName = $io->ask($questionText, null, function ($name) use ($blocks) { if (!$name) { return $name; } if (isset($blocks[$name])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The "%s" block already exists.', $name)); } return $name; }); if (!$blockName) { return null; } $type = null; $defaultType = 'text'; $snakeCasedField = Str::asSnakeCase($blockName); $types = [ 'text' => null, 'textarea' => null, 'choice' => null, 'collection' => 'BlockEntity\\CollectionBlock::class', 'file' => 'BlockEntity\\FileBlock::class', 'file_picker' => null, 'image' => 'BlockEntity\\FileBlock::class', ]; while (null === $type) { $question = new Question('Field type (enter ? to see all types)', $defaultType); $question->setAutocompleterValues(array_keys($types)); $type = $io->askQuestion($question); if ('?' === $type) { $this->printAvailableTypes($io, array_keys($types)); $io->writeln(''); $type = null; } elseif (!\in_array($type, array_keys($types))) { $this->printAvailableTypes($io, array_keys($types)); $io->error(sprintf('Invalid type "%s".', $type)); $io->writeln(''); $type = null; } } return [ 'name' => $blockName, 'type' => 'Block\\'.Str::asCamelCase($type).'BlockType::class', 'class' => $types[$type], 'camelCase' => Str::asCamelCase($blockName), ]; } private function printAvailableTypes(ConsoleStyle $io, array $types) { $io->writeln('Types'); foreach ($types as $type) { $io->writeln(sprintf(' * %s', $type)); } } public function configureDependencies(DependencyBuilder $dependencies) { $dependencies->addClassDependency( Annotation::class, 'doctrine/annotations' ); } }