add documentation

This commit is contained in:
Simon Vieille 2021-06-04 10:48:41 +02:00
parent 0413a3d677
commit 2c5d83f0f2
8 changed files with 102 additions and 173 deletions

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
.wy-menu p.caption {
margin-top: 20px;
margin-top: 10px;
table {

View file

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Controller
## Controller
The default controller of a node is `App\Core\Controller\Site\PageController::show`.
`PageController` extends `Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController` and implements very basic features: a Response builder which retrieves the good template and injects variables to the view.
@ -35,32 +37,15 @@ core:
- {name: 'My action', action: 'App\Controller\MyController::myAction'}
## UrlGenerator
If your controller represents entities and if the associated node is visible in the sitemap, you can use a `App\Core\Annotation\UrlGenerator` in annotations and implement a generator. See the example below.
// src/Controller/MyController.php
namespace App\Controller;
use App\Core\Annotation\UrlGenerator;
use App\Core\Controller\Site\PageController;
use App\UrlGenerator\MyEntityGenerator;
class MyController extends PageController
* @UrlGenerator(service=MyEntityGenerator::class, method="myAction")
public function myAction(MyEntity $entity)
// do stuff
// src/UrlGenerator/MyEntityGenerator
namespace App\UrlGenerator;
use App\Core\Entity\Site\Node;
use App\Repository\MyEntityRepositoryQuery;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;
@ -75,7 +60,7 @@ class MyEntityGenerator
$this->urlGenerator = $urlGenerator;
public function myAction(): array
public function myActionGenerator(Node $node, array $options): array
$entities = $this->query->create()->find();
@ -83,7 +68,7 @@ class MyEntityGenerator
foreach ($entities as $entity) {
$urls[] = $this->urlGenerator->generate(
'entity' => $entity->getId(),
@ -96,3 +81,24 @@ class MyEntityGenerator
Then, the have to annotate the controller like this (note: `options` is optional):
// src/Controller/MyController.php
namespace App\Controller;
use App\Core\Annotation\UrlGenerator;
use App\Core\Controller\Site\PageController;
use App\UrlGenerator\MyEntityGenerator;
class MyController extends PageController
* @UrlGenerator(service=MyEntityGenerator::class, method="myActionGenerator", options={})
public function myAction(MyEntity $entity)
// do stuff

View file

@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ All fields have these options:
| `view` | `string` | `@Core/admin/crud/field/text.html.twig` | The templated rendered |
| `raw` | `boolean` | `false` | Render as HTML |
| `sort` | `array|callable` | `null` | Defines how to sort |
| `href` | `string|callable` | `null` | Data to generate a link |
| `href_attr` | `array|callable` | `null` | Attributes of the link |
@ -163,6 +165,7 @@ $configuration->setField('index', 'My field', TextField::class, [
| ------ | ---- | ------- | ----------- |
| `view` | `string` | `@Core/admin/crud/field/button.html.twig` | The templated rendered |
| `button_attr` | `array` | `[]` | Button HTML attributes |
| `button_attr_builder` | `callabled` | `null` | A callable data and used to generate `button__attr` |
| `button_tag` | `string` | `button` | HTML tag of the button |
### ImageField
@ -239,3 +242,26 @@ class MyEntity implements EntityInterface
`setSortableCollectionProperty(string $sortableCollectionProperty)`
In order to sort entities, the default property used is `sortOrder`. You can set something else.
## setBatchAction
`setBatchAction(string $context, string $action, string $label, callable $callack)`
Add a batch action. The callback has 2 arguments:
* An instance of `App\Core\Entity\EntityInterface`
* An instance of `App\Core\Manager\EntityManager`
use App\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
use App\Core\Manager\EntityManager;
function(EntityInterface $entity, EntityManager $manager) {

View file

@ -12,134 +12,9 @@
The generation is performed in CLI. These information are required:
* The name of the futur controller (eg: `MyEntityAdminController`)
* The namespace of the entity (eg: `App\Entity\MyEntity`)
* The namespace of the entity repository query (eg: `App\Repository\MyEntityRepositoryQuery`)
* The namespace of the the entity factory (eg: `App\Factory\MyEntityFactory`)
* The namespace of the form used to create and update the entity (eg: `App\Form\MyEntityType`)
* The namespace of the entity (eg: `MyEntity`)
* The namespace of the entity repository query (eg: `MyEntityRepositoryQuery`)
* The namespace of the the entity factory (eg: `MyEntityFactory`)
* The namespace of the form used to create and update the entity (eg: `MyEntityType`)
Simply run `php bin/console make:crud-controller`.
The next controller will be generated:
// src/Controller/MyEntityAdminController
namespace App\Controller;
use App\Core\Controller\Admin\Crud\CrudController;
use App\Core\Crud\CrudConfiguration;
use App\Core\Crud\Field;
use App\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
use App\Core\Manager\EntityManager;
use App\Entity\MyEntity as Entity;
use App\Factory\MyEntityFactory as Factory;
use App\Form\MyEntityType as Type;
use App\Repository\MyEntityRepositoryQuery as RepositoryQuery;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
class MyEntityAdminController extends CrudController
* @Route("/admin/my_entity/{page}", name="admin_my_entity_index", methods={"GET"}, requirements={"page":"\d+"})
public function index(int $page = 1, RepositoryQuery $query, Request $request, Session $session): Response
return $this->doIndex($page, $query, $request, $session);
* @Route("/admin/my_entity/new", name="admin_my_entity_new", methods={"GET", "POST"})
public function new(Factory $factory, EntityManager $entityManager, Request $request): Response
return $this->doNew($factory->create(), $entityManager, $request);
* @Route("/admin/my_entity/show/{entity}", name="admin_my_entity_show", methods={"GET"})
public function show(Entity $entity): Response
return $this->doShow($entity);
* @Route("/admin/my_entity/filter", name="admin_my_entity_filter", methods={"GET"})
public function filter(Session $session): Response
return $this->doFilter($session);
* @Route("/admin/my_entity/edit/{entity}", name="admin_my_entity_edit", methods={"GET", "POST"})
public function edit(Entity $entity, EntityManager $entityManager, Request $request): Response
return $this->doEdit($entity, $entityManager, $request);
* @Route("/admin/my_entity/sort/{page}", name="admin_my_entity_sort", methods={"POST"}, requirements={"page":"\d+"})
public function sort(int $page = 1, RepositoryQuery $query, EntityManager $entityManager, Request $request, Session $session): Response
return $this->doSort($page, $query, $entityManager, $request, $session);
* @Route("/admin/my_entity/delete/{entity}", name="admin_my_entity_delete", methods={"DELETE"})
public function delete(Entity $entity, EntityManager $entityManager, Request $request): Response
return $this->doDelete($entity, $entityManager, $request);
protected function getConfiguration(): CrudConfiguration
return CrudConfiguration::create()
->setPageTitle('index', 'List of App\Entity\MyEntity')
->setPageTitle('edit', 'Edition of {id}')
->setPageTitle('new', 'New App\Entity\MyEntity')
->setPageTitle('show', 'View of {id}')
->setPageRoute('index', 'admin_my_entity_index')
->setPageRoute('new', 'admin_my_entity_new')
->setPageRoute('edit', 'admin_my_entity_edit')
->setPageRoute('show', 'admin_my_entity_show')
->setPageRoute('sort', 'admin_my_entity_sort')
->setPageRoute('delete', 'admin_my_entity_delete')
->setPageRoute('filter', 'admin_my_entity_filter')
->setForm('edit', Type::class, [])
->setForm('new', Type::class)
// ->setForm('filter', Type::class)
// ->setMaxPerPage('index', 20)
// ->setIsSortableCollection('index', false)
// ->setSortableCollectionProperty('sortOrder')
// ->setAction('index', 'new', true)
// ->setAction('index', 'show', true)
// ->setAction('index', 'edit', true)
// ->setAction('index', 'delete', true)
// ->setAction('edit', 'back', true)
// ->setAction('edit', 'show', true)
// ->setAction('edit', 'delete', true)
// ->setField('index', 'Label', Field\TextField::class, [
// 'property' => 'label',
// ])
protected function getSection(): string
return 'my_entity';

View file

@ -3,25 +3,16 @@
Each entity should have a factory that helps to generate a new entity.
A factory must implements `App\Core\Factory\FactoryInterface`.
## Implementation
## Generation
A factory is basically a service which contain at lease a method named `create`.
// src/Factory/MyEntityFactory;
namespace App\Factory;
The generation is performed in CLI. These information are required:
use App\Core\Factory\FactoryInterface;
use App\Entity\MyEntity;
* The name of the futur factory (eg: `MyEntityFactory`)
* The namespace of the entity (eg: `MyEntity`)
class MyEntityFactory implements FactoryInterface
public function create(/* specify parameters if needed */): MyEntity
return new MyEntity();
Simply run `php bin/console make:factory`.
## Usage

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
A Repository query is an abstraction of the doctrine repository.
## Implementation
## Requirement
Entities must implements `App\Core\Entity\EntityInterface`.
@ -23,8 +23,17 @@ class MyEntity implements EntityInterface
## Generation
The generation is performed in CLI. These information are required:
* The namespace of the repository (eg: `MyEntityRepository`)
Simply run `php bin/console make:repository-query`.
Each entity has its own repository query which is a service.
// src/Repository/MyEntityRepositoryQuery;
namespace App\Repository;
@ -82,7 +91,27 @@ class FooController
If you haved implemented specific methods:
## Custom methods
// ...
class MyEntityRepositoryQuery extends RepositoryQuery
// ...
public function filterByFooBar(bool $foo, bool $bar): self
->andWhere('.foo = :foo')
->andWhere('.bar = :bar')
->setParameter(':foo', $foo)
->setParameter(':bar', $bar);
return $this;
$entities = $query->create()

View file

@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ class SettingEventSubscriber extends EventSubscriber
public function onInit(SettingEvent $event)
$this->manager->init('app_font_color', 'Font color', 'Design', '#fff');
$this->manager->init('app_background_color', 'Background color', 'Design', '#333');
$this->manager->init('app_maintenance_enabled', 'Maintenance', 'System', false);
$this->manager->init('app_font_color', 'Design', 'Font color', , '#fff');
$this->manager->init('app_background_color', 'Design', 'Background color', '#333');
$this->manager->init('app_maintenance_enabled', 'System', 'Maintenance', false);
public function onFormInit(SettingEvent $event)

View file

@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ nav:
- Menu: tree/
- Node: tree/
- Page: tree/
- Controller:
- Controller:
- Template:
- Template:
- Entities:
- 'Entity Manager': entities/