# Entity Manager The entity manager of Muprh is a proxy of the Doctrine's entity manager. It gives you an easy way to create, update and delete an entity and dispatches events easy to subscribe to. ## Implementation Entities must implements `App\Core\Entity\EntityInterface`. ```php-inline title="src/Entity/MyEntity.php" namespace App\Entity; use App\Repository\MyEntityRepository; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM; use App\Core\Entity\EntityInterface; /** * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass=MyEntityRepository::class) */ class MyEntity implements EntityInterface { // ... } ``` ## Usage There are 2 entity managers which are services: * `App\Core\Manager\EntityManager` used for all entities * `App\Core\Manager\TranslatableEntityManager` used for translatable entities ```php-inline title="src/Controller/FooController.php" namespace App\Controller; use App\Core\Manager\EntityManager use App\Entity\MyEntity; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response; class FooController { public function foo(EntityManager $entityManager): Response { $myEntity = new MyEntity(); // Creates an entity $entityManager->create($myEntity); // Updates an entity $entityManager->update($myEntity); // Deletes an entity $entityManager->delete($myEntity); // ... } } ``` ## Events Events are dispatched before and after creation, update and deletion. All entities of Muprh use the entity manager. ```php-inline title="src/EventSubscriber/MyEntityEventSubscriber.php" namespace App\EventSubscriber; use App\Core\Entity\EntityInterface; use App\Core\Event\EntityManager\EntityManagerEvent; use App\Core\EventSubscriber\EntityManagerEventSubscriber; use App\Entity\MyEntity; class MyEntityEventSubscriber extends EntityManagerEventSubscriber { public function supports(EntityInterface $entity): bool { return $entity instanceof MyEntity; } public function onCreate(EntityManagerEvent $event) { if (!$this->supports($event->getEntity())) { return; } // ... } public function onUpdate(EntityManagerEvent $event) { if (!$this->supports($event->getEntity())) { return; } // ... } public function onDelete(EntityManagerEvent $event) { if (!$this->supports($event->getEntity())) { return; } // ... } public function onPreCreate(EntityManagerEvent $event) { if (!$this->supports($event->getEntity())) { return; } // ... } public function onPreUpdate(EntityManagerEvent $event) { if (!$this->supports($event->getEntity())) { return; } // ... } public function onPreDelete(EntityManagerEvent $event) { if (!$this->supports($event->getEntity())) { return; } // ... } } ```