{{ form_row(form.label) }} {% if form.position is defined %} {{ form_row(form.position) }} {% endif %}
{% set action = form.pageAction[0] %} {% set options = not entity.id ? {'attr': {'checked': 'checked'}} : {} %}

{{ form_row(action, options) }}

{{ form_row(form.pageType) }}
{% set action = form.pageAction[1] %}

{{ form_row(action) }}

{{ form_row(form.pageEntity) }}
{% set action = form.pageAction[2] %}

{{ form_row(action) }}

{{ form_row(form.aliasNode) }}
{% set action = form.pageAction[3] %}

{{ form_row(action) }}

{{ 'No action'|trans }}
{% if entity.id %}
{% set action = form.pageAction[4] %} {% set options = {'attr': {'checked': 'checked'}} %}

{{ form_row(action, options) }}

{{ 'No action'|trans }} {% if page and pageConfiguration %} ({{ pageConfiguration.name }}) {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if entity.id %}
{% endif %} {% if entity.aliasNode %}
{{ 'This element is an alias so the next configuration is ignored.'|trans }}
{% endif %} {{ form_row(form.url) }}
{{ 'Technical information'|trans }}

{% set code = 'url://' ~ entity.routeName %} {% if entity.parameters|length %} {% set code = code ~ '?' %} {% for param in entity.parameters %} {% set code = code ~ param.name ~ '=&' %} {% endfor %} {% set code = code|trim('&') %} {% endif %} {% set code = '{{' ~ code ~ '}}' %}

{{ form_row(form.disableUrl) }} {{ form_row(form.enableAnalytic) }} {{ form_row(form.code) }} {{ form_row(form.contentType) }} {{ form_row(form.controller) }}
{% for item in form.parameters %}
{{ item.vars.data.name }}
{{ form_row(item.name) }} {{ form_row(item.defaultValue) }} {{ form_row(item.requirement) }}
{{ form_rest(item) }}
{% endfor %}
{{ 'New parameter'|trans }}
{% for item in form.attributes %}
{{ item.vars.data.label }}
{{ form_row(item.label) }} {{ form_row(item.value) }}
{{ form_rest(item) }}
{% endfor %}
{{ 'New attribut'|trans }}
{% if entity.aliasNode %}
{{ 'This element is an alias so the next configuration is ignored.'|trans }}
{% endif %} {{ form_row(form.sitemapParameters) }}
{{ form_rest(form) }}