{% apply spaceless %} {%- block opengraph -%} {%- if _page.ogImage -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endblock -%} {%- block stylesheets -%} {{ encore_entry_link_tags('app') }} {%- endblock -%} {{ _page.metaTitle }} {# - The current node is `_node` and its menu is `_menu` - The current navigation is `_navigation` - The current locale is `_locale` - Retrieve all navigations: `_store.navigations` - Retrieve a navigation by its code: `_store.navigation('the_code')` - Retrieve all navigation menus: `_navigation.menus` - Retrieve a menu by its code: `_navigation.menu('the_code')` - Retrieve all nodes of a menu: `menu.rootNode.children` - Retrieve visible nodes of a menu: `menu.rootNode.children({visible: true})` - Test if a node is the current one: `_store.isActiveNode(node)` - Test if a node is or contains the current one: `_store.isActiveNode(node, true)` - Generate a node url: ``` {% if not node.disableUrl %} {% set path = safe_node_path(node) %} {% set url = safe_node_url(node) %} {% else %} {% set url = null %} {% endif %} ``` - Generate a node url when the navigation has several domains: `safe_node_path(node, {_domain: _domain})` #} {% block page %}{% endblock %} {%- block javascripts -%} {{ encore_entry_script_tags('app') }} {%- endblock -%} {% endapply %}