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mirror of https://github.com/prise6/aVirtualTwins.git synced 2024-04-24 18:50:28 +02:00

update manual because of new wrappers

This commit is contained in:
prise6 2015-07-27 01:40:52 +02:00
parent 263e1d6d22
commit cd9fc1063e
10 changed files with 272 additions and 81 deletions

View file

@ -5,17 +5,20 @@
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{VT.object}} class to represent RCT dataset used by aVirtualTwins. To format correctly RCT dataset, use \code{\link{formatRCTDataset}}.
#' \item \code{\link{VT.difft}} class to compute difference between twins. Family \code{\link{VT.forest}} extends it to compute twins by random forest.
#' \item \code{\link{VT.tree}} class to find subgroups from \code{difft} by CART trees. \code{\link{VT.tree.class}} and \code{\link{VT.tree.reg}} extend it.
#' \code{\link{vt.forest()}} is users function.
#' \item \code{\link{VT.tree}} class to find subgroups from \code{difft} by CART trees. \code{\link{VT.tree.class}} and \code{\link{VT.tree.reg}} extend it.
#' \code{\link{vt.tree()}} is users function.
#' }
#' @section TODO LIST:
#' \emph{last update : 24.07.2015}
#' \emph{last update : 27.07.2015}
#' \itemize{
#' \item More detailed documentation and vignettes
#' \item Write wrappers for classes
#' \item Write examples
#' \item ...
#' }
#' See github.com/prise6/aVirtualTwins for last updates.
#' @docType package
#' @name aVirtualTwins

View file

@ -2,58 +2,92 @@
#' Create forest to compute difft
#' \code{vt.forest} is a wrapper of \code{\link{VT.forest.one}},
#' \code{\link{VT.forest.double}} and \code{\link{VT.forest.fold}}.
#' \code{vt.forest} is a wrapper of \code{\link{VT.forest.one}},
#' \code{\link{VT.forest.double}} and \code{\link{VT.forest.fold}}. With
#' parameter forest.type, any of these class can be used with its own parameter.
#' @param forest.type character one / double / fold
#' @param vt.data \code{\link{VT.data}} or return of \code{vt.data()} function
#' @param forest.type must be a character. "one" to use VT.forest.one class.
#' "double" to use VT.forest.double. "fold" to use VT.forest.fold.
#' @param vt.data \code{\link{VT.object}}. Can be return of \code{vt.data()}
#' function
#' @param interactions logical. If running VirtualTwins with treatment's
#' interactions, set to TRUE (default value)
#' @param method character absolute / relative / logit
#' @param ... parameters of \code{\link{VT.difft}} or \code{\link{VT.forest}}
#' @param method character c("absolute", "relative", "logit"). See
#' \code{\link{VT.difft}}.
#' @param model allows to give a model you build outside this function. Can be
#' randomForest, train or cforest. Is only used with forest.type = "one". If
#' NULL, a randomForest model is grown inside the function. NULL is default.
#' @param model_trt0 works the same as model parameter. Is only used with
#' forest.type = "double". If NULL, a randomForest model is grown inside the
#' function. NULL is default. See \code{\link{VT.forest.double}} for details.
#' @param model_trt1 see model_trt0 explanation and
#' \code{\link{VT.double.forest}} details.
#' @param fold number of fold you want to construct forest with k-fold method.
#' Is only used with forest.type = "fold". Default to 5. See
#' \code{\link{VT.forest.fold}}
#' @param ratio numeric value that allow sampsize to be a bit controlled.
#' Default to 1. See \code{\link{VT.forest.fold}}.
#' @param ... randomForest() function parameters. Can be used for any forest.type.
#' @return \code{VT.difft}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # data(sepsis)
#' vt.o <- vt.data(sepsis, "survival", "THERAPY", T)
#' # inside model :
#' vt.f <- vt.forest("one", vt.o)
#' # ...
#' # your model :
#' rf <- randomForest(y = vt.o$getY(),
#' x = vt.o$getX(int = T),
#' mtry = 3,
#' nodesize = 15)
#' vt.f <- vt.forest("one", vt.o, model = rf)
#' # ...
#' # Can also use ... parameters
#' vt.f <- vt.forest("one", vt.o, mtry = 3, nodesize = 15)
#' # ...
#' }
#' @include forest.R difft.R
#' @name vt.forest
#' @export vt.forest
vt.forest <- function(forest.type = "one", vt.data, interactions = T, method = "absolute", ...){
vt.forest <- function(forest.type = "one", vt.data, interactions = T, method = "absolute",
model = NULL, model_trt1 = NULL, model_trt0 = NULL, ratio = 1, fold = 10, ...){
if(!inherits(vt.data, "VT.object"))
stop("vt.data must be VT.object class")
params <- list(...)
if (forest.type == "one"){
if(! "model" %in% names(params) ){
rf <- randomForest(x = vt.data$getX(interactions = interactions, trt = NULL),
model <- randomForest(x = vt.data$getX(interactions = interactions, trt = NULL),
y = vt.data$getY(),
} else{
rf <- params[["model"]]
rf <- model
vt.difft <- VT.forest.one(vt.object = vt.data, model = rf, interactions = interactions, method = method)
} else if (forest.type == "double"){
if(! "model_trt1" %in% names(params) ){
rf_trt1 <- randomForest(x = vt.data$getX(trt = 1, interactions = interactions),
y = vt.data$getY(1),
} else
rf_trt1 <- params[["model_trt1"]]
model_trt1 <- randomForest(x = vt.data$getX(trt = 1),
y = vt.data$getY(1),
rf_trt1 <- model_trt1
if(! "model_trt0" %in% names(params) ){
rf_trt0 <- randomForest(x = vt.data$getX(trt = 1, interactions = interactions),
y = vt.data$getY(1),
} else
rf_trt0 <- params[["model_trt0"]]
model_trt0 <- randomForest(x = vt.data$getX(trt = 0),
y = vt.data$getY(0),
rf_trt0 <- model_trt0
vt.difft <- VT.forest.double(vt.object = vt.data, model_trt1 = rf_trt1, model_trt0 = rf_trt0, method = method)
} else if (forest.type == "fold"){
fold <- ifelse(! "fold" %in% names(params) , 5, as.numeric(params["fold"]))
ratio <- ifelse(! "ratio" %in% names(params) , 1, as.numeric(params["ratio"]))
vt.difft <- aVirtualTwins:::VT.forest.fold(vt.object = vt.data, fold = fold, ratio = ratio,
interactions = interactions, method = method)

View file

@ -1,22 +1,29 @@
#' Initialize virtual twins data
#' \code{vt.data} is a wrapper of \code{\link{formatRCTDataset}} and
#' \code{\link{VT.object}}.
#' \code{vt.data} is a wrapper of \code{\link{formatRCTDataset}} and
#' \code{\link{VT.object}}. Allows to format your data.frame in order to create
#' a VT.object object.
#' @param dataset data.frame representing RCT's
#' @param outcome.field name of the outcome's field in \code{dataset}
#' @param treatment.field name of the treatment's field in \code{dataset}
#' @param interactions logical. If running VirtualTwins with treatment's
#' @param interactions logical. If running VirtualTwins with treatment's
#' interactions, set to TRUE (default value)
#' @param ... parameters of \code{\link{VT.object}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(sepsis)
#' formatRCTdataset(sepsis, "survival", "THERAPY", T)
#' }
#' @return \code{VT.object}
#' @include object.R
#' @include object.R
#' @name vt.data
#' @export vt.data
vt.data <- function(dataset, outcome.field, treatment.field, interactions = TRUE, ...){

View file

@ -1,18 +1,38 @@
#' Visualize subgroups
#' @param vt.trees \code{\link{VT.tree}} object (can be a list)
#' @param only.leaf logical select only leaf of trees
#' @param only.fav logical select only favorable subgroup (meaning with favorable label of the tree)
#' @param tables logical show tables of incidence
#' @param verbose print tables during computation
#' Function which uses \code{\link{VT.tree}} intern functions. Package
#' rpart.plot must be loaded. See \code{\link{VT.tree}} for details.
#' @param vt.trees \code{\link{VT.tree}} object. Or return of
#' \code{\link{vt.tree}} function. Can be a list.
#' @param only.leaf logical to select only leaf of trees. TRUE is default.
#' @param only.fav logical select only favorable subgroups (meaning with
#' favorable label of the tree). TRUE is default.
#' @param tables set to TRUE if tables of incidence must be shown. FALSE is
#' default.
#' @param verbose print infos during computation. FALSE is default.
#' @return data.frame of rules
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # data(sepsis)
#' vt.o <- vt.data(sepsis, "survival", "THERAPY", T)
#' # inside model :
#' vt.f <- vt.forest("one", vt.o)
#' # use classification tree
#' vt.tr <- vt.tree("class", vt.f, threshold = c(0.01, 0.05))
#' # show subgroups
#' vt.subgroups(vt.tr)
#' # change options you'll be surprised !
#' vt.subgroups(vt.tr, verbose = T, tables = T)
#' }
#' @export vt.subgroups
#' @name vt.subgroups
#' @name vt.subgroups
vt.subgroups <- function(vt.trees, only.leaf = T, only.fav = T, tables = F, verbose = F){

View file

@ -1,22 +1,49 @@
#' Trees to find Subgroups
#' A wrapper of class VT.tree.xxx
#' \code{vt.tree} is a wrapper of \code{\link{VT.tree.class}} and
#' \code{\link{VT.tree.reg}}. With parameter tree.type, any of these two class
#' can be used with its own parameter.
#' See \code{\link{VT.tree}}
#' @param tree.type character "class" for classification tree, "reg" for regression tree
#' @param vt.difft \code{\link{VT.difft}} object
#' @param sens character c(">","<"). See details.
#' @param threshold numeric It can be a unique value or a vector
#' @return \code{VT.tree} or a list of \code{VT.tree} depending on threshold dimension
#' See \code{\link{VT.tree}}, \code{\link{VT.tree.class}} and
#' \code{\link{VT.tree.reg}} classes.
#' @param tree.type must be a character. "class" for classification tree, "reg"
#' for regression tree.
#' @param vt.difft \code{\link{VT.difft}} object. Or return of
#' \code{\link{vt.forest}} function.
#' @param sens must be a character c(">","<"). See \code{\link{VT.tree}} for
#' details.
#' @param threshold must be numeric. It can be a unique value or a vector. If
#' numeric vector, a list is returned. See \code{\link{VT.tree}} for details.
#' @param screening must be logical. If TRUE, only varimp variables of VT.object
#' is used to create the tree.
#' @param ... rpart() function parameters. Can be used for any tree.type.
#' @return \code{VT.tree} or a list of \code{VT.tree} depending on threshold
#' dimension. See examples.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # data(sepsis)
#' vt.o <- vt.data(sepsis, "survival", "THERAPY", T)
#' # inside model :
#' vt.f <- vt.forest("one", vt.o)
#' # use classification tree
#' vt.tr <- vt.tree("class", vt.f, threshold = c(0.01, 0.05))
#' # return a list
#' class(vt.tr)
#' # access one of the tree
#' vt.tr$tree1
#' # return infos
#' vt.tr$tree1$getInfos()
#' # ...
#' }
#' @include tree.R
#' @name vt.tree
#' @export vt.tree
vt.tree <- function(tree.type = "class", vt.difft, sens = ">", threshold = seq(.5, .8, .1), screening = NULL, ...){

View file

@ -10,17 +10,20 @@ aVirtualTwins is written mainly with reference classes. Briefly, there is three
\item \code{\link{VT.object}} class to represent RCT dataset used by aVirtualTwins. To format correctly RCT dataset, use \code{\link{formatRCTDataset}}.
\item \code{\link{VT.difft}} class to compute difference between twins. Family \code{\link{VT.forest}} extends it to compute twins by random forest.
\code{\link{vt.forest()}} is users function.
\item \code{\link{VT.tree}} class to find subgroups from \code{difft} by CART trees. \code{\link{VT.tree.class}} and \code{\link{VT.tree.reg}} extend it.
\code{\link{vt.tree()}} is users function.
\section{TODO LIST}{
\emph{last update : 24.07.2015}
\emph{last update : 27.07.2015}
\item More detailed documentation and vignettes
\item Write wrappers for classes
\item Write examples
\item ...
See github.com/prise6/aVirtualTwins for last updates.

View file

@ -23,6 +23,13 @@ interactions, set to TRUE (default value)}
\code{vt.data} is a wrapper of \code{\link{formatRCTDataset}} and
\code{\link{VT.object}}. Allows to format your data.frame in order to create
a VT.object object.
formatRCTdataset(sepsis, "survival", "THERAPY", T)

View file

@ -5,25 +5,67 @@
\title{Create forest to compute difft}
vt.forest(forest.type = "one", vt.data, interactions = T,
method = "absolute", ...)
method = "absolute", model = NULL, model_trt1 = NULL,
model_trt0 = NULL, ratio = 1, fold = 10, ...)
\item{forest.type}{character one / double / fold}
\item{forest.type}{must be a character. "one" to use VT.forest.one class.
"double" to use VT.forest.double. "fold" to use VT.forest.fold.}
\item{vt.data}{\code{\link{VT.data}} or return of \code{vt.data()} function}
\item{vt.data}{\code{\link{VT.object}}. Can be return of \code{vt.data()}
\item{interactions}{logical. If running VirtualTwins with treatment's
interactions, set to TRUE (default value)}
\item{method}{character absolute / relative / logit}
\item{method}{character c("absolute", "relative", "logit"). See
\item{...}{parameters of \code{\link{VT.difft}} or \code{\link{VT.forest}}}
\item{model}{allows to give a model you build outside this function. Can be
randomForest, train or cforest. Is only used with forest.type = "one". If
NULL, a randomForest model is grown inside the function. NULL is default.}
\item{model_trt1}{see model_trt0 explanation and
\code{\link{VT.double.forest}} details.}
\item{model_trt0}{works the same as model parameter. Is only used with
forest.type = "double". If NULL, a randomForest model is grown inside the
function. NULL is default. See \code{\link{VT.forest.double}} for details.}
\item{ratio}{numeric value that allow sampsize to be a bit controlled.
Default to 1. See \code{\link{VT.forest.fold}}.}
\item{fold}{number of fold you want to construct forest with k-fold method.
Is only used with forest.type = "fold". Default to 5. See
\item{...}{randomForest() function parameters. Can be used for any forest.type.}
\code{vt.forest} is a wrapper of \code{\link{VT.forest.one}},
\code{\link{VT.forest.double}} and \code{\link{VT.forest.fold}}.
\code{\link{VT.forest.double}} and \code{\link{VT.forest.fold}}. With
parameter forest.type, any of these class can be used with its own parameter.
# data(sepsis)
vt.o <- vt.data(sepsis, "survival", "THERAPY", T)
# inside model :
vt.f <- vt.forest("one", vt.o)
# ...
# your model :
rf <- randomForest(y = vt.o$getY(),
x = vt.o$getX(int = T),
mtry = 3,
nodesize = 15)
vt.f <- vt.forest("one", vt.o, model = rf)
# ...
# Can also use ... parameters
vt.f <- vt.forest("one", vt.o, mtry = 3, nodesize = 15)
# ...

View file

@ -8,20 +8,38 @@ vt.subgroups(vt.trees, only.leaf = T, only.fav = T, tables = F,
verbose = F)
\item{vt.trees}{\code{\link{VT.tree}} object (can be a list)}
\item{vt.trees}{\code{\link{VT.tree}} object. Or return of
\code{\link{vt.tree}} function. Can be a list.}
\item{only.leaf}{logical select only leaf of trees}
\item{only.leaf}{logical to select only leaf of trees. TRUE is default.}
\item{only.fav}{logical select only favorable subgroup (meaning with favorable label of the tree)}
\item{only.fav}{logical select only favorable subgroups (meaning with
favorable label of the tree). TRUE is default.}
\item{tables}{logical show tables of incidence}
\item{tables}{set to TRUE if tables of incidence must be shown. FALSE is
\item{verbose}{print tables during computation}
\item{verbose}{print infos during computation. FALSE is default.}
data.frame of rules
Visualize subgroups
Function which uses \code{\link{VT.tree}} intern functions. Package
rpart.plot must be loaded. See \code{\link{VT.tree}} for details.
# data(sepsis)
vt.o <- vt.data(sepsis, "survival", "THERAPY", T)
# inside model :
vt.f <- vt.forest("one", vt.o)
# use classification tree
vt.tr <- vt.tree("class", vt.f, threshold = c(0.01, 0.05))
# show subgroups
# change options you'll be surprised !
vt.subgroups(vt.tr, verbose = T, tables = T)

View file

@ -8,21 +8,51 @@ vt.tree(tree.type = "class", vt.difft, sens = ">", threshold = seq(0.5,
0.8, 0.1), screening = NULL, ...)
\item{tree.type}{character "class" for classification tree, "reg" for regression tree}
\item{tree.type}{must be a character. "class" for classification tree, "reg"
for regression tree.}
\item{vt.difft}{\code{\link{VT.difft}} object}
\item{vt.difft}{\code{\link{VT.difft}} object. Or return of
\code{\link{vt.forest}} function.}
\item{sens}{character c(">","<"). See details.}
\item{sens}{must be a character c(">","<"). See \code{\link{VT.tree}} for
\item{threshold}{numeric It can be a unique value or a vector}
\item{threshold}{must be numeric. It can be a unique value or a vector. If
numeric vector, a list is returned. See \code{\link{VT.tree}} for details.}
\item{screening}{must be logical. If TRUE, only varimp variables of VT.object
is used to create the tree.}
\item{...}{rpart() function parameters. Can be used for any tree.type.}
\code{VT.tree} or a list of \code{VT.tree} depending on threshold dimension
\code{VT.tree} or a list of \code{VT.tree} depending on threshold
dimension. See examples.
A wrapper of class VT.tree.xxx
\code{vt.tree} is a wrapper of \code{\link{VT.tree.class}} and
\code{\link{VT.tree.reg}}. With parameter tree.type, any of these two class
can be used with its own parameter.
See \code{\link{VT.tree}}
See \code{\link{VT.tree}}, \code{\link{VT.tree.class}} and
\code{\link{VT.tree.reg}} classes.
# data(sepsis)
vt.o <- vt.data(sepsis, "survival", "THERAPY", T)
# inside model :
vt.f <- vt.forest("one", vt.o)
# use classification tree
vt.tr <- vt.tree("class", vt.f, threshold = c(0.01, 0.05))
# return a list
# access one of the tree
# return infos
# ...