% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/object.R \docType{class} \name{VT.object} \alias{VT.object} \title{VirtualTwins.object} \description{ A Reference Class to deal with RCT dataset } \details{ Currently working with binary response only. Continous will come, one day. Two-levels treatment only as well. \code{data} field should be as described, however if virtual twins won't used interactions, there is no need to transform factors. A tool function to transform factor will come soon. } \section{Fields}{ \describe{ \item{\code{data}}{Data.frame with format: \eqn{Y,T,X_{1}, \ldots, X_{p}}. Y must be two levels factor if type is binary. T must be numeric or integer.} \item{\code{alpha}}{Numeric, no need in this current version. Set to \code{1}.} \item{\code{screening}}{Logical, set to \code{FALSE} Set to \code{TRUE} to use \code{varimp} in trees computation.} \item{\code{varimp}}{Character vector of important variables to use in trees computation.} \item{\code{delta}}{Numeric representing the difference of incidence between treatments.} \item{\code{type}}{Character : binary or continous. Only binary is currently available.} }} \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{computeDelta()}}{Compute delta value.} \item{\code{getFormula()}}{Return formula : Y~T+X1+...+Xp. Usefull for cforest function.} \item{\code{getIncidences()}}{Return incidence table of data.} \item{\code{getX(interactions = T, trt = NULL)}}{Return predictors (T,X,X*T,X*(1-T)). Or (T,X) if interactions is FALSE. If trt is not NULL, return predictors for T = trt} \item{\code{getXwithInt()}}{Return predictors with interactions. Use VT.object::getX(interactions = T) instead.} \item{\code{getY(trt = NULL)}}{Return outcome. If trt is not NULL, return outcome for T = trt.} \item{\code{switchTreatment()}}{Switch treatment value.} }} \examples{ # Default use : vt.o <- VT.object$new(data = my.rct.dataset) # Getting data vt.o$data # or getting predictor with interactions vt.o$getX(interactions = T) # or getting X|T = 1 vt.o$getX(trt = 1) # or getting Y|T = 0 vt.o$getY(0) # Print incidences vt.o$getIncidences() # ... } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{VT.difft}} }