% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/tools.R \name{vt.subgroups} \alias{vt.subgroups} \title{Visualize subgroups} \usage{ vt.subgroups(vt.trees, only.leaf = T, only.fav = T, tables = F, verbose = F) } \arguments{ \item{vt.trees}{\code{\link{VT.tree}} object. Or return of \code{\link{vt.tree}} function. Can be a list.} \item{only.leaf}{logical to select only leaf of trees. TRUE is default.} \item{only.fav}{logical select only favorable subgroups (meaning with favorable label of the tree). TRUE is default.} \item{tables}{set to TRUE if tables of incidence must be shown. FALSE is default.} \item{verbose}{print infos during computation. FALSE is default.} \item{compete}{print competitors rules thanks to competitors computation of the tree} } \value{ data.frame of rules } \description{ Function which uses \code{\link{VT.tree}} intern functions. Package rpart.plot must be loaded. See \code{\link{VT.tree}} for details. } \examples{ \dontrun{ # data(sepsis) vt.o <- vt.data(sepsis, "survival", "THERAPY", T) # inside model : vt.f <- vt.forest("one", vt.o) # use classification tree vt.tr <- vt.tree("class", vt.f, threshold = c(0.01, 0.05)) # show subgroups vt.subgroups(vt.tr) # change options you'll be surprised ! vt.subgroups(vt.tr, verbose = T, tables = T) } }