# aVirtualTwins An adaptation of VirtualTwins method from [Foster, J. C., Taylor, J. M.G. and Ruberg, S. J. (2011)](http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/sim.4322/abstract) VirtualTwins is a method of subgroup identification from randomized clinical trial data. In 2015, as an intern in a french pharmaceutical group, i worked on this method and develop a package based on Jared Foster and al method. ## (Very) Quick Preview ```r # Load data data(sepsis) # Format data vt.obj <- vt.data(dataset = sepsis, outcome.field = "survival", treatment.field = "THERAPY", interactions = TRUE) # Print Incidences of sepsis data vt.obj$getIncidences() # $table # trt # resp 0 1 sum # 0 101 188 289 # 1 52 129 181 # sum 153 317 470 # Incidence 0.34 0.407 0.385 # # $rr # [1] 1.197059 # # First step : create random forest model vt.for <- vt.forest(forest.type = "one", vt.data = vt.obj, interactions = TRUE, ntree = 500) # Second step : find rules in data vt.trees <- vt.tree(tree.type = "class", vt.difft = vt.for, threshold = quantile(vt.for$difft, seq(.5,.8,.1)), maxdepth = 2) # Print results vt.sbgrps <- vt.subgroups(vt.trees) knitr::kable(vt.sbgrps) ``` | |Subgroup |Subgroup size |Treatement event rate |Control event rate |Treatment sample size |Control sample size | RR (resub)| RR (snd)| |:-----|:---------------------------|:-------------|:---------------------|:------------------|:---------------------|:-------------------|----------:|--------:| |tree1 |PRAPACHE>=26.5 |157 |0.752 |0.327 |105 |52 | 2.300| 1.856| |tree3 |PRAPACHE>=26.5 & AGE>=51.74 |120 |0.897 |0.31 |78 |42 | 2.894| 1.991| ## Infos Currently this package works for RCT with two treatments groups and binary outcome. Most of the package use Reference Class programing (in R). Feel free to create your own classes. Of course, subgroup identification in general with two treatment and severals group can be possible. ## Help & Documentation See wiki tab. Or: ``` r vignette("full-example", package = "aVirtualTwins") ``` Or: Here's a link to my intern dissertation (french version) [La recherche de sous-groupes par Virtual Twins](http://upload.timfaitsoncinema.fr/p/2016-09/57e6a8ff.pdf) (parts V & VI). ## Install ``` r # use devtools library library(devtools) # install from github devtools::install_github("prise6/aVirtualTwins", build_vignettes = TRUE) # load library library(aVirtualTwins) ``` ## To-do list * Link to my simulation * Submit to CRAN * Use R6 for perfs issues * Vignette on-line ## News See NEWS file ## Contact vieille.francois _at_ gmail.com