# VirtualTwins An adaptation of VirtualTwins method from [Foster, J. C., Taylor, J. M.G. and Ruberg, S. J. (2011)](http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/sim.4322/abstract) VirtualTwins is a method of subgroup identification from randomized clinical trial data. As an intern in a french pharmaceutical group, i worked on this method and develop a package based on Jared Foster and al method. ## Infos Currently this package works for RCT with two treatments groups and binary outcome. This is the *dev version* and often updated. Most of the package use Reference Class programing (in R). Feel free to create your own classes. I got a *WARNING* when Checking package for "cheking PDF version of manual" because of my version of LaTeX. Need to fix it. ## To-do list * Description and help * Vignette example * ... ## Install ``` r # use devtools library library(devtools) # install from github devtools::install_github("prise6/VirtualTwins@dev") # load library library(VirtualTwins) ``` ## Help * _Vignette is really not finished ..._ See vignettes/full-example.Rmd or when installed : ``` r vignette("full-example", package = "VirtualTwins") ``` ## Few Examples * _Coming..._