# PREDICTION -------------------------------------------------------------- # LES METHODES SUIVANTES PERMETTENT DE PREDIRE LA PROBA D'INTERET POUR # LES TROIS CLASSES SUIVANTES : train, randomForest, RandomForest{party} #' VT.predict generic function #' #' @param rfor random forest model. Can be train, randomForest or RandomForest #' class. #' @param newdata Newdata to predict by the random forest model. If missing, OOB #' predictions are returned. #' @param type Must be binary or continous, depending on the outcome. Only #' binary is really available. #' #' @return vector \eqn{E(Y=1)} #' #' @include setClass.R #' @importClassesFrom party RandomForest setGeneric("VT.predict", function(rfor, newdata, type){standardGeneric("VT.predict")} ) #' @describeIn VT.predict setMethod( f = "VT.predict", signature = c(rfor = "RandomForest", newdata = "missing", type = "character"), function(rfor, type = "binary"){ if(! type %in% c("binary", "continous")) stop("Type must be Binary or continous") if(type == "binary"){ if(!requireNamespace("party", quietly = TRUE)) stop("Party package must be loaded.") tmp <- predict.RandomForest(rfor, OOB = T, type = "prob") tmp <- unlist(tmp) tmp <- tmp[seq(2, length(tmp), 2)] }else{ message("continous is not done yet") tmp <- NULL } return(tmp) } ) #' @describeIn VT.predict setMethod( f = "VT.predict", signature = c(rfor = "RandomForest", newdata = "data.frame", type = "character"), function(rfor, newdata, type = "binary"){ if(! type %in% c("binary", "continous")) stop("Type must be Binary or continous") if(type == "binary"){ if(!requireNamespace("party", quietly = TRUE)) stop("Party package must be loaded.") tmp <- predict.RandomForest(rfor, newdata = newdata, type = "prob") tmp <- unlist(tmp) tmp <- tmp[seq(2, length(tmp), 2)] }else{ message("continous is not done yet") tmp <- NULL } return(tmp) } ) #' @describeIn VT.predict setMethod( f = "VT.predict", signature = c(rfor = "randomForest", newdata = "missing", type = "character"), function(rfor, type = "binary"){ if(! type %in% c("binary", "continous")) stop("Type must be Binary or continous") if(type == "binary"){ # no longer available in all version ?! # tmp <- rfor$vote[, 2] # get the "o" prob if(!requireNamespace("randomForest", quietly = TRUE)) stop("randomForest package must be loaded.") tmp <- predict.randomForest(rfor, type = "prob")[, 2] # We want to get the "o" prob }else{ message("continous is not done yet") tmp <- NULL } return(tmp) } ) #' @describeIn VT.predict setMethod( f = "VT.predict", signature = c(rfor = "randomForest", newdata = "data.frame", type = "character"), function(rfor, newdata, type = "binary"){ if(! type %in% c("binary", "continous")) stop("Type must be Binary or continous") if(type == "binary"){ if(!requireNamespace("randomForest", quietly = TRUE)) stop("randomForest package must be loaded.") tmp <- predict.randomForest(rfor, newdata = newdata, type = "prob")[, 2] # We want to get the "o" prob }else{ message("continous is not done yet") tmp <- NULL } return(tmp) } ) #' @describeIn VT.predict setMethod( f = "VT.predict", signature = c(rfor = "train", newdata = "ANY", type = "character"), function(rfor, newdata, type = "binary"){ if(!requireNamespace("caret", quietly = TRUE)) stop("randomForest package must be loaded.") return(VT.predict(rfor$finalModel, newdata, type)) } ) #' @describeIn VT.predict setMethod( f = "VT.predict", signature = c(rfor = "train", newdata = "missing", type = "character"), function(rfor, type = "binary"){ if(!requireNamespace("caret", quietly = TRUE)) stop("randomForest package must be loaded.") return(VT.predict(rfor=rfor$finalModel, type=type)) } )