% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/forest.fold.R \docType{class} \name{VT.forest.fold} \alias{VT.forest.fold} \title{Difft via k random forests} \description{ A reference class to compute twins via k random forest } \details{ \code{VT.forest.fold} extends \code{VT.forest} Twins are estimated by k-fold cross validation. A forest is computed on k-1/k of the data and then used to estimate twin1 and twin2 on 1/k of the left data. } \section{Fields}{ \describe{ \item{\code{interactions}}{logical set TRUE if model has been computed with interactions} \item{\code{fold}}{numeric, number of fold, i.e. number of forest (k)} \item{\code{ratio}}{numeric experimental, use to balance sampsize. Defaut to 1.} \item{\code{groups}}{vector Define which observations belong to which group} \item{\code{...}}{field from parent class : \code{\link{VT.forest}}} }} \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{run()}}{Compute twin1 and twin2 estimation. Switch treatment if necessary.} }} \seealso{ \code{\link{VT.difft}}, \code{\link{VT.forest}}, \code{\link{VT.forest.one}}, \code{\link{VT.forest.double}} }