# VT.FOREST.ONE ----------------------------------------------------------- # IF RUNNING ONE FOREST COMPUTATION #' Difft by one random forest #' #' A reference class to compute twins via one random forest #' #' \code{VT.forest.one} extends \code{VT.forest}. #' #' OOB predictions are used to estimate \eqn{E(Y|T = real treatment)}. Then, #' treatement is switched, it means that 1 becomes 0 and 0 becomes 1. We use #' again \code{model} to estimate \eqn{E(Y|T = the other treatment)}. This is #' what \code{computeTwin1()} and \code{computeTwin2()} functions do. #' #' @include forest.R #' #' @field model is a caret/RandomForest/randomForest class object #' @field interactions logical set TRUE if model has been computed with interactions #' @field ... field from parent class : \linkS4class{VT.forest} #' #' @seealso \code{\link{VT.difft}}, \code{\link{VT.forest}}, \code{\link{VT.forest.double}} #' #' @name VT.forest.one #' #' @import methods VT.forest.one <- setRefClass( Class = "VT.forest.one", contains = "VT.forest", fields = list( model = "ANY", interactions = "logical" ), methods = list( initialize = function(vt.object, model, interactions = T, ...){ .self$checkModel(model) .self$model <- model .self$interactions <- interactions callSuper(vt.object, ...) }, computeTwin1 = function(){ "Compute twin1 with OOB predictions" .self$twin1 <- as.vector(VT.predict(rfor = .self$model, type = .self$vt.object$type)) return(invisible(.self$twin1)) }, computeTwin2 = function(){ "Compute twin2 by switching treatment and applying random forest model" .self$twin2 <- as.vector(VT.predict(.self$model, newdata = .self$vt.object$getX(interactions = .self$interactions), .self$vt.object$type)) return(invisible(.self$twin2)) } ) )