#' Visualize subgroups #' #' Function which uses \code{\link{VT.tree}} intern functions. Package #' rpart.plot must be loaded. See \code{\link{VT.tree}} for details. #' #' @param vt.trees \code{\link{VT.tree}} object. Or return of #' \code{\link{vt.tree}} function. Can be a list. #' @param only.leaf logical to select only leaf of trees. TRUE is default. #' @param only.fav logical select only favorable subgroups (meaning with #' favorable label of the tree). TRUE is default. #' @param tables set to TRUE if tables of incidence must be shown. FALSE is #' default. #' @param verbose print infos during computation. FALSE is default. #' @param compete print competitors rules thanks to competitors computation of #' the tree #' #' @return data.frame of rules #' #' @examples #' \dontrun{ #' # data(sepsis) #' vt.o <- vt.data(sepsis, "survival", "THERAPY", T) #' # inside model : #' vt.f <- vt.forest("one", vt.o) #' # use classification tree #' vt.tr <- vt.tree("class", vt.f, threshold = c(0.01, 0.05)) #' # show subgroups #' vt.subgroups(vt.tr) #' # change options you'll be surprised ! #' vt.subgroups(vt.tr, verbose = T, tables = T) #' } #' #' @export vt.subgroups #' #' @name vt.subgroups #' vt.subgroups <- function(vt.trees, only.leaf = T, only.fav = T, tables = F, verbose = F, compete = F){ if(is.list(vt.trees)){ subgroups <- lapply(vt.trees, function(x)x$getRules(only.leaf = only.leaf, only.fav = only.fav, tables = tables, verbose = verbose, compete = F)) unique(do.call(rbind, subgroups)) } else{ subgroups <- vt.tree$getRules(only.leaf = only.leaf, only.fav = only.fav, tables = tables, verbose = verbose, compete = compete) } } vt.getQAOriginal <- function(response, trt, ahat){ if(is.factor(response)) response = as.numeric(response) - 1 if(sum(ahat) == 0){ tmp <- 0 }else{ tmp <- sum(response*ahat*trt)/sum(ahat*trt) - sum(response*ahat*(1-trt))/sum(ahat*(1-trt)) - (sum(response*trt)/sum(trt) - sum(response*(1-trt))/sum(1-trt)) } return(tmp) } vt.getTable <- function(table){ if(is.list(table)) table <- table[[1]] Incidence <- function(X) as.character(round(X[2] / X[3], digits = 3)) t <- stats::addmargins(table, margin = c(1,2), FUN = sum, quiet = T) t <- stats::addmargins(t, FUN = Incidence, margin = 1, quiet = T) rr <- as.numeric(t["Incidence", "1"]) / as.numeric(t["Incidence", "0"]) return(list(table = t, rr = rr)) } vt.getIncidence <- function(df){ if (nrow(df) == 0) table.res <- NULL else{ table.res <- vt.getTable(table(df[, 1], df[, 2], deparse.level = 2, dnn = c("resp", "trt"))) } return(table.res) } vt.rr.snd <- function(vt.difft, selected){ if(sum(selected) == 0){ return(0) }else{ return((sum(vt.difft$twin1*selected*vt.difft$vt.object$data[, 2])/sum(selected*vt.difft$vt.object$data[, 2])) /(sum(vt.difft$twin1*selected*(1-vt.difft$vt.object$data[, 2]))/sum(selected*(1-vt.difft$vt.object$data[, 2])))) } }