% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/tree.R \docType{class} \name{VT.tree} \alias{VT.tree} \title{Tree to find subgroup} \description{ An abstract reference class to compute tree } \details{ \code{VT.tree.class} and \code{VT.tree.reg} are children of \code{VT.tree}. \code{VT.tree.class} and \code{VT.tree.reg} try to find a strong association between \code{difft} (in \code{VT.difft} object) and RCT variables. In \code{VT.tree.reg}, a regression tree is computed on \code{difft} values. Then, thanks to the \code{threshold} it flags leafs of the \code{tree} which are above the \code{threshold} (when \code{sens} is ">"). Or it flags leafs which are below the \code{threshold} (when \code{sens} = "<"). In \code{VT.tree.class}, it first flags \code{difft} above or below (depending on the \code{sens}) the given \code{threshold}. Then a classification tree is computed to find which variables explain flagged \code{difft}. To sum up, \code{VT.tree} try to understand which variables are associated with a big change of \code{difft}. Results are shown with \code{getRules()} function. \code{only.leaf} parameter allows to obtain only the leaf of the \code{tree}. \code{only.fav} parameter select only favorable nodes. \code{tables} shows incidence table of the rule. \code{verbose} allow \code{getRules()} to be quiet. And \code{compete} show also rules with \code{maxcompete} competitors from the \code{tree}. } \section{Fields}{ \describe{ \item{\code{vt.difft}}{\code{VT.difft} object} \item{\code{outcome}}{outcome vector from \code{rpart} function} \item{\code{threshold}}{numeric Threshold for difft calculation (c)} \item{\code{screening}}{Logical. TRUE if using varimp. Default is VT.object screening field} \item{\code{sens}}{character Sens can be ">" (default) or "<". Meaning : \code{difft} > \code{threshold} or \code{difft} < \code{threshold}} \item{\code{name}}{character Names of the tree} \item{\code{tree}}{rpart Rpart object to construct the tree} \item{\code{Ahat}}{vector Indicator of beglonging to Ahat} }} \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{computeNameOfTree(type)}}{return label of response variable of the tree} \item{\code{createCompetitors()}}{Create competitors table} \item{\code{getAhatIncidence()}}{Return Ahat incidence} \item{\code{getAhatQuality()}}{Return Ahat quality} \item{\code{getData()}}{Return data used for tree computation} \item{\code{getIncidences(rule, rr.snd = T)}}{Return incidence of the rule} \item{\code{getInfos()}}{Return infos about tree} \item{\code{getRules(only.leaf = F, only.fav = F, tables = T, verbose = T, compete = F)}}{Return subgroups discovered by the tree. See details.} \item{\code{run(...)}}{Compute tree with rpart parameters} }} \seealso{ \code{\link{VT.tree.reg}}, \code{\link{VT.tree.class}} }