defmodule Mobilizon.DataCase do @moduledoc """ This module defines the setup for tests requiring access to the application's data layer. You may define functions here to be used as helpers in your tests. Finally, if the test case interacts with the database, it cannot be async. For this reason, every test runs inside a transaction which is reset at the beginning of the test unless the test case is marked as async. """ use ExUnit.CaseTemplate alias Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox, as: Adapter alias Mobilizon.Config alias Mobilizon.Storage.Repo alias Mobilizon.Web.Upload alias Mobilizon.Web.Upload.Uploader using do quote do alias Mobilizon.Storage.Repo import Ecto import Ecto.Changeset import Ecto.Query import Mobilizon.DataCase end end setup tags do :ok = Adapter.checkout(Repo) unless tags[:async], do: Adapter.mode(Repo, {:shared, self()}) :ok end @doc """ A helper that transform changeset errors to a map of messages. assert {:error, changeset} = Actors.create_user(%{password: "short"}) assert "password is too short" in errors_on(changeset).password assert %{password: ["password is too short"]} = errors_on(changeset) """ def errors_on(changeset) do Ecto.Changeset.traverse_errors(changeset, fn {message, opts} -> Enum.reduce(opts, message, fn {key, value}, acc -> String.replace(acc, "%{#{key}}", to_string(value)) end) end) end def ensure_local_uploader(_context) do uploader = Config.get([Upload, :uploader]) filters = Config.get([Upload, :filters]) unless uploader == Uploader.Local || filters != [] do Config.put([Upload, :uploader], Uploader.Local) Config.put([Upload, :filters], []) on_exit(fn -> Config.put([Upload, :uploader], uploader) Config.put([Upload, :filters], filters) end) end :ok end @doc """ POSIX-compliant check if command is available in the system ## Examples iex> command_available?("git") true iex> command_available?("wrongcmd") false """ @spec command_available?(String.t()) :: boolean() def command_available?(command) do match?({_output, 0}, System.cmd("sh", ["-c", "command -v #{command}"])) end Mox.defmock(Mobilizon.Service.HTTP.ActivityPub.Mock, for: Tesla.Adapter) Mox.defmock(Mobilizon.Service.HTTP.GeospatialClient.Mock, for: Tesla.Adapter ) end