Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/yunluo/gdk.git synced 2024-06-26 01:00:29 +02:00

447 lines
15 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-01-26 15:14:37 +01:00
2020-01-29 07:46:05 +01:00
2020-01-26 15:14:37 +01:00
2020-02-02 11:19:41 +01:00
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
function gdk_prevent_requst()
global $user_ID;
if (!current_user_can('level_10')) {
if (strlen($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) > 255 ||
stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'eval(') ||
stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'CONCAT') ||
stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'GLOBALS(') ||
stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '_REQUEST') ||
stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/localhost') ||
stripos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '') ||
stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/config.') ||
stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'wp-config.') ||
stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'etc/passwd') ||
stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '<') ||
stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'base64')) {
@header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden');
@header('Status: 403 Forbidden');
@header('Connection: Close');
2020-02-02 11:19:41 +01:00
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
if (gdk_option('gdk_block_requst')) {
add_action('wp', 'gdk_prevent_requst'); //阻止乱七八糟的请求
2020-02-02 19:46:18 +01:00
2020-01-29 04:41:36 +01:00
2020-02-04 18:14:04 +01:00
//禁用 XML-RPC 接口
if (gdk_option('gdk_disable_xmlrpc')) {
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
add_filter('xmlrpc_enabled', '__return_false');
remove_action('xmlrpc_rsd_apis', 'rest_output_rsd');
2020-02-04 18:14:04 +01:00
//彻底关闭 pingback
if (gdk_option('gdk_disable_trackbacks')) {
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
add_filter('xmlrpc_methods', 'gdk_xmlrpc_methods');
function gdk_xmlrpc_methods($methods)
$methods['pingback.ping'] = '__return_false';
$methods['pingback.extensions.getPingbacks'] = '__return_false';
return $methods;
2020-02-04 18:14:04 +01:00
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
2020-02-04 18:14:04 +01:00
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
function gdk_noself_ping(&$links)
$home = home_url();
foreach ($links as $l => $link) {
if (0 === strpos($link, $home)) {
add_action('pre_ping', 'gdk_noself_ping');
2020-02-04 18:14:04 +01:00
//禁用 pingbacks, enclosures, trackbacks
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
remove_action('do_pings', 'do_all_pings', 10);
2020-02-04 18:14:04 +01:00
//去掉 _encloseme 和 do_ping 操作。
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
remove_action('publish_post', '_publish_post_hook', 5);
2020-02-04 18:14:04 +01:00
add_filter('redirect_canonical', 'security_stop_user_enumeration', 10, 2);
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
if (!function_exists('security_stop_user_enumeration')) {
function security_stop_user_enumeration($redirect, $request)
if (preg_match('/\?author=([0-9]*)(\/*)/i', $request)) {
wp_redirect(get_site_url(), 301);
2020-02-04 18:14:04 +01:00
} else {
return $redirect;
2020-02-02 11:19:41 +01:00
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
if (!class_exists('GDK_Limit_Login_Attempts')) {
class GDK_Limit_Login_Attempts
private $__failed_login_limit; //登录失败的次数限制
private $__lockout_duration; //暂停登陆时间
public $transient_name = 'attempted_login'; //Transient used
public function __construct($config = null)
$this->failed_login_limit = $config['failed_login_limit'];
$this->lockout_duration = $config['lockout_duration'];
add_filter('authenticate', array($this, 'check_attempted_login'), 30, 3);
add_action('wp_login_failed', array($this, 'login_failed'), 10, 1);
public function check_attempted_login($user, $username, $password)
if (get_transient($this->transient_name)) {
$datas = get_transient($this->transient_name);
if ($datas['tried'] >= $this->failed_login_limit) {
$until = get_option('_transient_timeout_' . $this->transient_name);
$time = $this->when($until);
//Display error message to the user when limit is reached
return new WP_Error('too_many_tried', sprintf(esc_attr('ERROR您已触发登陆安全保护请在 %1$s 后再次尝试.'), $time));
return $user;
public function login_failed($username)
if (get_transient($this->transient_name)) {
$datas = get_transient($this->transient_name);
if ($datas['tried'] <= $this->failed_login_limit) {
set_transient($this->transient_name, $datas, $this->lockout_duration);
} else {
$datas = array('tried' => 1);
set_transient($this->transient_name, $datas, $this->lockout_duration);
private function __when($time)
if (!$time) {
$right_now = time();
$diff = abs($right_now - $time);
$second = 1;
$minute = $second * 60;
$hour = $minute * 60;
$day = $hour * 24;
if ($diff < $minute) {
return floor($diff / $second) . ' ' . esc_attr('秒');
if ($diff < $minute * 2) {
return esc_attr('about 1 minute ago');
if ($diff < $hour) {
return floor($diff / $minute) . ' ' . esc_attr('分钟');
if ($diff < $hour * 2) {
return esc_attr('about 1 hour');
return floor($diff / $hour) . ' ' . esc_attr('小时');
2020-02-02 11:19:41 +01:00
//Enable it:
2020-02-02 19:46:18 +01:00
$LLA_config = [
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
'failed_login_limit' => gdk_option('gdk_failed_login_limit'), // 登录失败的次数限制
'lockout_duration' => gdk_option('gdk_lockout_duration'), // 暂停登陆时间
2020-02-02 11:19:41 +01:00
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
if (gdk_option('gdk_lock_login')) {
new GDK_Limit_Login_Attempts($LLA_config);
2020-01-26 18:57:04 +01:00
2020-01-26 15:14:37 +01:00
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
function gdk_disable_login_errors($error)
global $errors;
$err_codes = $errors->get_error_codes();
if (!in_array('too_many_tried', $err_codes)) {
// For security reason
return esc_attr('Access Denied!');
return $error;
2020-01-26 15:14:37 +01:00
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
add_filter('login_errors', 'gdk_disable_login_errors');
2020-01-26 15:14:37 +01:00
2020-02-02 09:12:28 +01:00
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
function gdk_maintenance_mode()
if (!current_user_can('edit_themes') || !is_user_logged_in()) {
wp_die('网站维护中ing, 没事儿您就别来啦……', 'Maintenance - Could you please not disturb me ', array('response' => '503'));
if (gdk_option('gdk_maintenance_mode')) {
add_action('get_header', 'gdk_maintenance_mode');
2020-02-02 09:12:28 +01:00
2020-02-02 19:46:18 +01:00
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
if (gdk_option('gdk_fuck_spam')) {
function gdk_comment_check_referrer()
if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) || $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] == '') {
wp_die(esc_attr('Please enable referrers in your browser!'));
add_action('check_comment_flood', 'gdk_comment_check_referrer');
function gdk_url_spamcheck($approved, $commentdata)
return (strlen($commentdata['comment_author_url']) > 50) ? 'spam' : $approved;
add_filter('pre_comment_approved', 'gdk_url_spamcheck', 99, 2);
function gdk_comment_lang($commentdata)
if (is_user_logged_in()) {
return $commentdata;
$pattern = '/[一-龥]/u';
// 禁止全英文评论
if (!preg_match($pattern, $commentdata['comment_content'])) {
$pattern = '/[あ-んア-ン]/u';
// 禁止日文评论
if (preg_match($pattern, $commentdata['comment_content'])) {
if (wp_blacklist_check($commentdata['comment_author'], $commentdata['comment_author_email'], $commentdata['comment_author_url'], $commentdata['comment_content'], $commentdata['comment_author_IP'], $commentdata['comment_agent'])) {
return $commentdata;
add_filter('preprocess_comment', 'gdk_comment_lang');
2020-01-26 18:57:04 +01:00
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
if (gdk_option('gdk_hide_user_name')) {
function gdk_text_encrypt($string, $operation, $key = '')
$string = $operation == 'D' ? str_replace(array('!', '-', '_'), array('=', '+', '/'), $string) : $string;
$key = md5($key);
$key_length = strlen($key);
$string = $operation == 'D' ? base64_decode($string) : substr(md5($string . $key), 0, 8) . $string;
$string_length = strlen($string);
$rndkey = $box = array();
$result = '';
for ($i = 0; $i <= 255; $i++) {
$rndkey[$i] = ord($key[$i % $key_length]);
$box[$i] = $i;
for ($j = $i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) {
$j = ($j + $box[$i] + $rndkey[$i]) % 256;
$tmp = $box[$i];
$box[$i] = $box[$j];
$box[$j] = $tmp;
for ($a = $j = $i = 0; $i < $string_length; $i++) {
$a = ($a + 1) % 256;
$j = ($j + $box[$a]) % 256;
$tmp = $box[$a];
$box[$a] = $box[$j];
$box[$j] = $tmp;
$result .= chr(ord($string[$i]) ^ ($box[($box[$a] + $box[$j]) % 256]));
if ($operation == 'D') {
if (substr($result, 0, 8) == substr(md5(substr($result, 8) . $key), 0, 8)) {
return substr($result, 8);
} else {
return '';
} else {
return str_replace(array('=', '+', '/'), array('!', '-', '_'), base64_encode($result));
function gdk_custom_author_link_request($query_vars)
if (array_key_exists('author_name', $query_vars)) {
global $wpdb;
$author_id = gdk_text_encrypt($query_vars['author_name'], 'D', AUTH_KEY);
if ($author_id) {
$query_vars['author'] = $author_id;
return $query_vars;
add_filter('request', 'gdk_custom_author_link_request');
function gdk_custom_author_link($link, $author_id)
global $wp_rewrite;
$author_id = (int)$author_id;
$link = $wp_rewrite->get_author_permastruct();
if (empty($link)) {
$file = home_url('/');
$link = $file . '?author=' . gdk_text_encrypt($author_id, 'E', AUTH_KEY);
} else {
$link = str_replace('%author%', gdk_text_encrypt($author_id, 'E', AUTH_KEY), $link);
$link = home_url() . user_trailingslashit($link);
return $link;
add_filter('author_link', 'gdk_custom_author_link', 10, 2);
2020-02-02 19:46:18 +01:00
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
// wp-rest 可能暴露用户名
function gdk_custom_rest_prepare_user($response, $user, $request)
$response->data['slug'] = gdk_text_encrypt($user->ID, 'E', AUTH_KEY);
return $response;
add_filter('rest_prepare_user', 'gdk_custom_rest_prepare_user', 10, 3);
2020-02-04 18:14:04 +01:00
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
add_action('wp_authenticate', 'log_login', 10, 2);
function log_login($username, $password)
2020-02-04 18:14:04 +01:00
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
if (!empty($username) && !empty($password)) {
2020-02-04 18:14:04 +01:00
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
$check = wp_authenticate_username_password(null, $username, $password);
if (is_wp_error($check)) {
2020-02-04 18:14:04 +01:00
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
$ua = getBrowser();
2020-02-04 18:14:04 +01:00
$agent = $ua['name'] . " " . $ua['version'];
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
$referrer = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
if (strstr($referrer, 'wp-login')) {
2020-02-04 18:14:04 +01:00
$ref = 'wp-login.php';
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
if (strstr($referrer, 'wp-admin')) {
2020-02-04 18:14:04 +01:00
$ref = 'wp-admin/';
$contact_errors = false;
// get the posted data
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
$name = "WordPress " . get_bloginfo('name');
$email_address = get_bloginfo('admin_email');
2020-02-04 18:14:04 +01:00
// write the email content
$header = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
$header .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n";
$header .= "From: $name <$email_address>\n";
$message = "Failed login attempt on <a href='" . get_site_url() . "/" . $ref . "' target='_blank'>" . $name . "</a><br>" . PHP_EOL;
$message .= 'IP: <a href="http://whatismyipaddress.com/ip/' . gdk_get_ip() . '" target="_blank">' . gdk_get_ip() . "</a><br>" . PHP_EOL;
$message .= 'WhoIs: <a href="https://who.is/whois-ip/ip-address/' . gdk_get_ip() . '" target="_blank">' . gdk_get_ip() . "</a><br>" . PHP_EOL;
$message .= "Browser: " . $agent . "<br>" . PHP_EOL;
$message .= "OS: " . $ua['platform'] . "<br>" . PHP_EOL;
$message .= "Date: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "<br>" . PHP_EOL;
$message .= "Referrer: " . $referrer . "<br>" . PHP_EOL;
$message .= "User Agent: " . $ua['userAgent'] . "<br>" . PHP_EOL;
$message .= "Username: " . $username . "<br>" . PHP_EOL;
$message .= "Password: " . $password . "<br>" . PHP_EOL;
$subject = "Failed login attempt - " . $name;
$subject = "=?utf-8?B?" . base64_encode($subject) . "?=";
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
$to = $email_address;
if (!empty($to)) {
2020-02-04 18:14:04 +01:00
// send the email using wp_mail()
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
if (!wp_mail($to, $subject, $message, $header)) {
2020-02-04 18:14:04 +01:00
$contact_errors = true;
2020-02-13 01:53:12 +01:00
//ban yonghu
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
function gdk_edit_user_profile($user)
if (!current_user_can('edit_users')) {
if (get_current_user_id() == $user->ID) {
2020-02-13 01:53:12 +01:00
<table class="form-table">
<th scope="row">封禁用户</th>
<label for="gdk_ban">
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
<input name="gdk_ban" type="checkbox" id="gdk_ban" <?php checked(gdk_is_user_banned($user->ID), true) ?> value="1">
2020-02-13 01:53:12 +01:00
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
function gdk_edit_user_profile_update($user_id)
if (!current_user_can('edit_users')) {
2020-02-13 01:53:12 +01:00
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
if (get_current_user_id() == $user_id) {
2020-02-13 01:53:12 +01:00
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
if (empty($_POST['gdk_ban'])) {
} else {
2020-02-13 01:53:12 +01:00
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
function gdk_ban_user($user_id)
if (!gdk_is_user_banned($user_id)) {
update_user_option($user_id, 'gdk_banned', true, false);
2020-02-13 01:53:12 +01:00
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
function gdk_unban_user($user_id)
if (gdk_is_user_banned($user_id)) {
update_user_option($user_id, 'gdk_banned', false, false);
2020-02-13 01:53:12 +01:00
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
function gdk_is_user_banned($user_id)
return get_user_option('gdk_banned', $user_id);
2020-02-13 01:53:12 +01:00
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
function gdk_authenticate_user($user, $password)
if (is_wp_error($user)) {
return $user;
if (get_user_option('gdk_banned', $user->ID, false)) {
return new WP_Error(
'gdk_banned', '<strong>ERROR</strong>: 此账号已被封禁.'
return $user;
2020-02-13 01:53:12 +01:00
2020-03-15 14:29:06 +01:00
add_action('edit_user_profile', 'gdk_edit_user_profile');
add_action('edit_user_profile_update', 'gdk_edit_user_profile_update');
add_filter('wp_authenticate_user', 'gdk_authenticate_user', 10, 2);