diff --git a/class/default_library_puvox.php b/class/default_library_puvox.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0e4c48 --- /dev/null +++ b/class/default_library_puvox.php @@ -0,0 +1,7799 @@ + + * @license GPL-3.0+ + * @link https://puvox.software + * @copyright Puvox.software + * +*/ + + + + + +//========================================================================================================== +//========================================================================================================== +//======================================== 1) Library of PHP functions ==================================== +//========================================================================================================== +//========================================================================================================== + +#region 1 +if(!class_exists('standard_php_library__PuvoxSoftware')) { +class standard_php_library__PuvoxSoftware +{ + + public function property($propertyName) + { + return property_exists($this, $propertyName) ? $this->{$propertyName} : null; + } + + public function __construct($args=[]) + { + $this->ip = $this->get_visitor_ip(); + $this->isMobile = false; + $this->isWP = defined("ABSPATH"); + // Because this is a trait, we don't use "__FILE__" & "__DIR__" here, but "Reflection" to refer to caller file #### + $reflection = (new \ReflectionClass( $args['class'] )); + $this->plugin_NAMESPACE = $reflection->getNamespaceName(); // get parent's namespace name + $this->moduleFILE = $reflection->getFileName(); // set plugin's main file path + $this->moduleDIR = dirname($this->moduleFILE); // set plugin's dir path + $this->prefix = strtolower( preg_replace('![^A-Z]+!', '', $this->plugin_NAMESPACE) );// get prefix from current namespace initials of UpperCase characters (i.e. MyPluginNamespace-->MPN) + $this->prefix_ = $this->prefix .'_'; + + // if this class is used just as a helper php library + if (!$this->isWP) + { + //public function initialize_construct() + { + $this->wpURL = ""; + $this->wpFOLDER = ""; + $this->homeURL = $this->wpURL; + $this->homeFOLDER = $this->wpFOLDER; + $this->pluginURL = $this->wpURL; + } + $this->initialize_construct(); + } + // else, if this class is used as plugin trait (used mostly by Puvox.Software) + else + { + $this->wpURL = network_home_url('/'); // WP installation home + $this->wpFOLDER = network_home_url('/', 'relative'); // WP folder + $this->homeURL = home_url('/'); // current sub/site home url + $this->homeFOLDER = home_url('/', 'relative'); // current sub/site home folder + // + //$trace=debug_backtrace(); define('plugin_main_indexfile', $trace[0]['file']); + $this->pluginURL = plugin_dir_url($this->moduleFILE); // + $this->themeURL = get_template_directory_uri().'/'; // + $this->themeDIR = get_template_directory(); // + $this->adminURL = $this->homeURL.'/wp-admin'; // + } + $this->baseDIR = $this->moduleDIR; // + $this->baseURL = property_exists($this, 'base_path') ? $this->base_path : $this->pluginURL; //( stripos(__FILE__, 'wp-content'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'themes') !== false ? themeURL ... + + $this->is_https = ((!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS']!=='off') || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']==443); + $this->httpsCurrent = $this->is_https ? 'https://' : 'http://'; + $this->httpsReal = preg_replace('/(http(s|):\/\/)(.*)/i', '$1', $this->homeURL); + $this->domainCurrent = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; + $this->domainReal = $this->getDomain($this->homeURL); + $this->domain = $this->httpsReal.$this->domainReal; + $this->domain_schemeless= '//'.$this->domainReal; + $this->siteslug = str_ireplace('.','_', $this->domainReal); + $this->requestURI = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; + $this->currentURL = $this->domain.$this->requestURI; + $this->urlAfterHome = substr($this->requestURI, strlen($this->homeFOLDER) ); + $this->pathAfterHome = parse_url($this->urlAfterHome, PHP_URL_PATH); + $this->homeUrlStripped = $this->stripUrlPrefixes($this->homeURL); + $this->is_localhost = (stripos($this->homeURL,'://')!==false || stripos($this->homeURL,'://localhost')!==false ); + $this->Default_Post_Thumb_Imagee= 'https://i.imgur.com/WMDqOvL.png'; // default post image thumbnail (for 1px: https://i.imgur.com/faqQ49G.png ) + $this->site_favicon = 'https://i.imgur.com/WMDqOvL.png'; // favicon (for 1px: https://i.imgur.com/faqQ49G.png ) + + // others + $this->is_development = defined("_puvox_machine_") ; // set only in devmachine (in "my_superglobals.php" and in "EnvVariables") + if($this->is_development) $this->display_errors(); + $this->test_environment = in_array( $this->domainReal, ['localhost','l',''] ); + + $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); + $this->_index_file_ = $backtrace[0]['file']; + $this->_index_dir_ = dirname($this->_index_file_); + $this->changeable_JS_CSS_version = (file_exists($file = $this->moduleDIR.'/style-public.css') ? 'date_'.filemtime($file) : sanitize_key($this->domainReal).date('m') ); + + $this->check_analytics(); + + if ($this->is_development) + { + register_shutdown_function( function(){ die('
');} ); + $this->js_debugmode("debugmode"); + $this->START_TIME1 = microtime(true); + register_shutdown_function( function(){ die('
');} ); + } + + // This is not enabled, unless user explicitly enables it during tests!!! IT IS NOWHERE ENABLED, UNLESS YOU INSERT IN CODE YOURSELF. so, don't fear. + if ($this->property("enable_write_logs")) { SaveLogs( dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) .'/___logs_' ); } + } + + public function definedTRUE($var) {return (defined($var) && constant($var));} + public function definedVALUE($var,$value=NULL) {return (defined($var) ? constant($var) : (!is_null($value) ? $value : false ) );} + public function globalTRUE($var,$value=NULL) {return (array_key_exists($var,$GLOBALS) && $GLOBALS[$var]);} + public function globalVALUE($var,$value=NULL) {return (array_key_exists($var,$GLOBALS) ? $GLOBALS[$var] : (!is_null($value) ? $value : false) );} + + //WP immitations + public function add_filterX($a=null,$b=null,$c=null,$d=null) {if(function_exists('add_filter')) return add_filter($a,$b,$c,$d); } + public function add_actionX($a=null,$b=null,$c=null,$d=null) {if(function_exists('add_action')) return add_action($a,$b,$c,$d); } + public function add_shortcodeX($a=null,$b=null,$c=null,$d=null) {if(function_exists('add_shortcode')) return add_shortcode($a,$b,$c,$d); } + public function constantX($var){return $this->definedVALUE($var);} + + public function headers_() + { + // ini_set('session.cookie_httponly', 1); + //always display as new + // header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0"); + //expired in past + // header("Expires: ". date ('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() - 86400 *2) . " GMT"); + // header("Vary: Accept-Encoding"); + // header("Last-Modified: ". gmdate ("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() - 86400 *2) . " GMT"); + + //ob_start('ob_gzhandler');} } } + //similar as: ini_set('zlib.output_compression', '1'); + + } + + public function max_upload() + { + //$this->upload_max_limit , $this->definedVALUE('MAX_UPLOAD_SIZEE',5) + //ini_set('post_max_size', $this->upload_max_limit.'M'); ini_set('upload_max_filesize', upload_max_limit.'M'); ini_set('upload_max_size', upload_max_limit.'M'); + } + + public function timezones() + { + //set timezone for //date_default_timezone_set('Etc/GMT+4'); + // our default thumbnail size : set_post_thumbnail_size( 211, 138 ); + } + + + //timers + public function timerstart() { echo '
'.$this->decimal_outputer( $GLOBALS['timer_started']	=microtime(true) ).'
'; } + public function timermiddle() { echo '
'.$this->decimal_outputer( $GLOBALS['timer_middle']	=microtime(true) ).'
'; } + public function timerend() { + echo '
'.$this->decimal_outputer( $GLOBALS['timer_ended']	=microtime(true) ).'
'; + if(!empty($GLOBALS['timer_middle'])) { + echo $this->decimal_outputer($first=$GLOBALS['timer_middle']-$GLOBALS['timer_started'] ); echo ' ------(middle-start)
'; + echo $this->decimal_outputer($second=$GLOBALS['timer_ended']-$GLOBALS['timer_middle'] ) ; echo ' ------(end-middle)' . round( max($first,$second)/min($first,$second), 2) . 'x slower
'; + } + echo $this->decimal_outputer($GLOBALS['timer_ended'] - $GLOBALS['timer_started'] ) . ' (end-start)'; + exit; + } + public function timernow($name){ + echo $name . ": "; + $now = floatval(microtime(true)); + if(empty($GLOBALS['lastime'])) echo "start" ; else $this->decimal_outputer($now - $GLOBALS['lastime'] ) ; + $GLOBALS['lastime']= floatval(microtime(true)); + echo "\r\n"; + } + + + //$time_start = microtime_float(); + //usleep(100); + //$time_end = microtime_float(); + public function microtime_float() + { + list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); + return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); + } + /* + example: + public function My_Test1(){ + add_actionX('wp',function(){ + var_dump(microtime(true)); + for ($i=1; $i<100; $i++) { get_option('blogdescription'); } + var_dump(microtime(true)); + for ($i=1; $i<100; $i++) { get_theme_mod('blogdescription'); } + var_dump(microtime(true)); + exit; + }); + } + + + public function My_Test2() { + add_actionX('wp',function(){ + + timerstart(); + for($i=0; $i<100; $i++){ + get_post_meta($GLOBALS['post']->ID, 'smth'.$i, true); + //$x= $GLOBALS['post']->post_content; + } + timermiddle(); + for($i=0; $i<100; $i++){ + $x= $GLOBALS['post']->post_content; + } + timerend(); + + //global $wpdb; + // $res= $wpdb->query('ALTER TABLE `wp__mlss_translatedwords` ENGINE=MyISAM'); + // $res= $wpdb->query('SHOW CREATE TABLE wp__mlss_translatedwords'); + }); + } + + */ + + + public function input_fields_from_array_RECURSIVE($value, $keyname='', $replace_spaces=false){ + if (!is_array($value)){ + $height=30; $lines=explode("\r\n",$value); + foreach($lines as $eachLINE){ + $height= $height+ceil(mb_strlen($eachLINE)/100) * 30; + } + // replace multiple whitespaces with single + $value = !$replace_spaces ? $value : preg_replace('!\s+!', ' ', str_replace("\t",' ', $value)); + echo + '
'; + } + else{ + echo '
'; + foreach ($value as $keyname1=>$value1){ + echo '
'; + $this->input_fields_from_array_RECURSIVE($value1, $keyname.'['.$keyname1.']', $replace_spaces); + echo '
'; + } + } + } + + + + + public function dropdown_for_categories($ul___id_class, $ShowPlusMinusDropdown = false){ + if (!defined('drp_already_out')) { define('drp_already_out', true); ?> + + + + + + + is_https) { header("Location: https://" . $this->domainReal . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], true, 301); exit; } + } + public function string_to_truefalse($string) { return ( $string ==='true' ? true : ($string ==='false' ? false : $string)); } + public function truefalse_to_string($string) { return ( $string === true ? 'true' : ($string ===false ? 'false' : $string)); } + + public function string_to_array($string){ return array_map('trim', array_filter( explode(',', $string) ) ); } + public function array_to_string($array) { return implode(",", array_map('trim',array_filter($array)) ); } + + //convert unsorted array (i.e. [ 'first'=>["a","b","c"], 'second'=>[1,2,3] , ] ) to associative [ "a"=>1, "b"=2 ] + public function array_to_associative($array) { + + } + + + //add_action('wp_footer','a_hashtag_click_change'); + public function a_hashtag_click_change(){ + if (!defined('enable_hashtag_href_changer') || !enable_hashtag_href_changer){ return; } + ?> + + $v) { + $new_array[$prefix.$k] = $v; + } + return $new_array; + } + + public function get_visitor_ip() { + $proxy_headers = array("CLIENT_IP", "FORWARDED", "FORWARDED_FOR", "FORWARDED_FOR_IP", "HTTP_CLIENT_IP", "HTTP_FORWARDED", "HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR", "HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR_IP", "HTTP_PC_REMOTE_ADDR", "HTTP_PROXY_CONNECTION", "HTTP_VIA", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR_IP", "HTTP_X_IMFORWARDS", "HTTP_XROXY_CONNECTION", "VIA", "X_FORWARDED", "X_FORWARDED_FOR"); + foreach($proxy_headers as $proxy_header) { + if (isset($_SERVER[$proxy_header])) { + if(preg_match("/^([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])){3}$/", $_SERVER[$proxy_header])) { + return $_SERVER[$proxy_header]; + } + else if (stristr(",", $_SERVER[$proxy_header]) !== FALSE) { + $proxy_header_temp = trim(array_shift(explode(",", $_SERVER[$proxy_header]))); + if (($pos_temp = stripos($proxy_header_temp, ":")) !== FALSE) {$proxy_header_temp = substr($proxy_header_temp, 0, $pos_temp); } + if (preg_match("/^([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])){3}$/", $proxy_header_temp)) { return $proxy_header_temp; } + } + } + } + return $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; + } + + public function arrayToObject($array) { return json_decode(json_encode($array)); } + public function objectToArray($object){ return json_decode(json_encode($object), true); } + + public function mail_scrambler($email) { return str_replace('@', '@', $email);} + + + public function convert_urls_in_text($text) { + return preg_replace('@([^\"\']https?://([-\w\.]+)+(:\d+)?(/([\w/_\.%-=#][^<]*(\?\S+)?)?)?)@', '$1', $text); + } + + public function randomString($length = 11) { + return substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat($x='0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', ceil($length/strlen($x)) )),1, $length); //random_stringg($length= 15){ return substr(str_shuffle("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"), 0, $length);} + } + + public function PlainString(&$text1=false,&$text2=false,&$text3=false,&$text4=false,&$text5=false,&$text6=false,&$text7=false,&$text8=false){ + for($i=1; $i<=8; $i++){ if(${'text'.$i}) {${'text'.$i} = preg_replace('/\W/si','',${'text'.$i});} } + return $text1; + } + + public function getDomain($url){ + return preg_replace('/http(s|):\/\/(www.|)(.*?)(\/.*|$)/i', '$3', $url); + } + + public function adjustedUrlPrefixes($url){ + if(strpos($url, '://') !== false){ + return preg_replace('/^(http(s|)|):\/\/(www.|)/i', 'https://www.', $url); + } + else{ + return 'https://www.'.$url; + } + } + + public function remove_www($url) { + return str_replace( ['://www.'], '://', $url ); + } + + public function remove_https_www($url){ + return str_replace( ['https://www.','http://www.','http://','https://'], '', $url ); + } + + public function normalize_with_slashes($url, $add_trailing_slash=true){ + return rtrim( $this->OneSlash($url), '/') . ($add_trailing_slash ? '/' : '') ; + } + + public function OneSlash($url){ + $prefix=''; + if(substr($url,0,2)=='//'){ + $prefix = '//'; + $url=substr($url,2); + } + return $prefix.preg_replace( '/([^:])\/\//', '$1/', $url); + } + + public function stripUrlPrefixes($url){ + return preg_replace('/http(s|):\/\/(www.|)/i', '', $url); + } + + public function stripDomain($url){ + return str_replace( $this->adjustedUrlPrefixes($this->domainReal), '', $this->adjustedUrlPrefixes($url) ); + } + + // i.e. 5m, 1H, 2H, 1D, 240M, etc... + public function stockTF_to_seconds($string, $minuteIs="m", $monthIs="M"){ + $res=$string; + $arr=[$minuteIs=>1, 'h'=>60, 'H'=>60, 'd'=>24*60, 'D'=>24*60, 'w'=>7*24*60, 'W'=>7*24*60, $monthIs=>31*24*60, 'y'=>365*24*60, 'Y'=>365*24*60]; + foreach ($arr as $key=>$val) { if (empty($key)) continue; if (strpos($string, $key)!==false) { $res = str_ireplace($key, '', $string) * $val; break; } } + $res = $res *60; //into seconds + return $res; + } + + public function toString($inp){ + return $inp.""; + } + public function contains_numeric($str){ + $str=$this->toString($str); + for($i=0; $i<=9; $i++) { + if (strpos($str, $this->toString($i) )!==false){ + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + + public function dayForTime($time){ + return strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $time)); + } + + public function isWeekend($time){ + return date('N',$time) > 5; + } + + public function safemode_basedir_set(){ + return ( ini_get('open_basedir') || ini_get('safe_mode') ) ; + } + public function header($type){ + switch ($type){ + case "json" : header('Content-Type: application/json'); break; + case "text" : header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8'); break; + case "js" : header('Content-Type: application/javascript; charset=utf-8'); break; + } + } + + public function exitPlain($content, $encode=false){ + self::headerPlain(); + if ($encode) $content = json_encode($content); + print($content); exit; + } + + public function exitJson($content, $encode=false){ + self::headerJson(); + if ($encode) $content = json_encode($content); + exit($content); + } + public function try_increase_exec_time($seconds){ + if( ! $this-> safemode_basedir_set() ) { + @set_time_limit($seconds); + @ini_set('max_execution_time', $seconds); + $this->try_increase_memory(512); + return true; + } + return false; + } + public function try_increase_memory($limit=512){ + if( ! $this-> safemode_basedir_set() ) { + $limitBytes = $limit * 1048576; + $currentLimit = trim(ini_get('memory_limit')); + $lastChar = strtolower($currentLimit[strlen((int) $currentLimit)-1]); + switch($lastChar) { + case 'g': $currentLimit *= 1024; + case 'm': $currentLimit *= 1024; + case 'k': $currentLimit *= 1024; + } + if ($currentLimit < $limitBytes) + return ini_set('memory_limit', $limit . 'M'); + } + return false; + } + + + public function MessageAgainstMaliciousAttempt(){ + return 'Not allowed. Try again.';//'Well... I know that these words won\'t change you, but I\'ll do it again: Developers try to create a balance & harmony in internet, and some people like you try to steal things from other people. Even if you can it, please don\'t do that.'; + } + + + + + public function tmp_name($name){ + return __DIR__.'/_temp/' . $name.'.html'; //$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] + } + + public function tempfile($name, $value=false){ + if(!$value){ + $cont = $this->file_get_contents($this->tmp_name($name)); + if( $this->is_JSON_string($cont) ){ + return json_decode($this->file_get_contents($this->tmp_name($name)), true); + } + else{ + $this->send_error( "not json" ); + } + } + else{ + $this->file_put_contents( $this->tmp_name($name), json_encode($value) ); + } + } + + + public function mkdir($dest, $permissions=0755, $create=true){ return $this->mkdir_recursive($dest, $permissions, $create); } + public function mkdir_recursive($dest, $permissions=0755, $create=true){ + if(!is_dir($dest)){ + //at first, recursively create directory if doesn't exist + if(!is_dir(dirname($dest))){ $this->mkdir_recursive(dirname($dest), $permissions, $create); } + mkdir($dest, $permissions, $create); + } + else{return true;} + } + + public function rmdir($path){ return $this->rmdir_recursive($path); } + public function rmdir_recursive($path){ + if(!empty($path) && is_dir($path) ){ + $dir = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS); //upper dirs not included,otherwise DISASTER HAPPENS :) + $files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST); + foreach ($files as $f) {if (is_file($f)) {unlink($f);} else {$empty_dirs[] = $f;} } if (!empty($empty_dirs)) {foreach ($empty_dirs as $eachDir) {rmdir($eachDir);}} rmdir($path); + return true; + } + return true; + //include_once(ABSPATH.'/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-base.php'); + //\WP_Filesystem_Base::rmdir($fullPath, true); + } + + public $cacheDir = false; //set in parent app, i.e. $class->cacheDir = __DIR__.'/_cache/'; + public $forceNewCache=false; //set in parent app, i.e. $class->forceNewCache = isset($_GET['_flush_cache']); + public function cacheDir_(){ return ($this->cacheDir ?: sys_get_temp_dir().'/_cache/'); } + + public function cachedFile($callbackFunc, $params=[], $seconds, $force_on_empty=true){ + if(array_key_exists('_uniqueKey', $params)) { $uniqKey=$params['_uniqueKey']; unset($params['_uniqueKey']); } + $key= md5(json_encode($callbackFunc)) ."_". $this->sanitize_alhpanum(json_encode($params)) . (isset($uniqKey) ? $uniqKey : ''). "_". $seconds; + $cache_dir = $this->cacheDir_(); + if(!is_dir($cache_dir)){ mkdir($cache_dir, 0755, true); } + $t=time(); + $cache_file = $cache_dir .'_'. $key ; + $call = false; + if ($this->forceNewCache || !file_exists($cache_file) || time() - filemtime($cache_file) > $seconds ) + { + $call=true; + } + else{ + $cont = file_get_contents($cache_file); + if ($cont=="" && $force_on_empty){ + $call=true; + } + else{ + $response = unserialize($cont); + } + } + if($call){ + $response= call_user_func_array($callbackFunc, $params); + $this->file_put_contents($cache_file, serialize($response) ); + } + return $response; + } + + public function clearCacheDir($seconds=86400){ + $timerFile= $this->cacheDir_().'/_cleanTime.blobz'; + if (file_exists($timerFile) && filemtime($timerFile)cacheDir_()."*") ) ); + $this->file_put_contents($timerFile, time()); + } + else{ + $this->file_put_contents($timerFile, time()); + } + } + + public function cachedMemoryFile($path, $key){ + if (array_key_exists($key, $GLOBALS) ) { + $content = $GLOBALS[$key]; + } + else{ + $content = $this->file_get_contents($path); + $GLOBALS[$key]= $content; + } + return $content; + } + + public function sanitize_alhpanum($str){ + //Try this to remove everything except a-z, A-Z and 0-9, -, _, . + return preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]+/", "", $str); + } + + public function copy_recursive($source, $dest, $permissions = 0755){ + if (is_link($source)) { return symlink(readlink($source), $dest); } + elseif (is_file($source)) { + if(!file_exists(dirname($dest))){$this->mkdir_recursive(dirname($dest), $permissions, true); } + if(!copy($source, $dest)) {echo "not copied ($source ---> $dest )";} return true; + } + elseif (is_dir($source)) { + $this->mkdir_recursive($dest, $permissions, true); + foreach (glob($source.'/*') as $each){ $basen= basename($each); + if ($basen != '.' && $basen != '..') { $this->copy_recursive("$each", "$dest/$basen", $permissions); } + } + } + } + + public function file_get_contents($path, $waitIfLocked=true) + { + if (!file_exists($path)) + return ""; + else { + $fo = fopen($path, 'r'); + $locked = flock($fo, LOCK_SH, $waitIfLocked); + + if(!$locked) { + return false; //throw new Exception('File "'.$path.'" does not exists'); + } + else { + $txt = file_get_contents($path); + flock($fo, LOCK_UN); + fclose($fo); + return $txt; + } + } + } + + public function file_put_contents($path, $content, $third = null) + { + $dir = dirname($path); + if(!is_dir($dir)) $this->mkdir_recursive($dir); + file_put_contents($path, $content, ($third==null ? LOCK_EX : $third + LOCK_EX) ); + return; + //$f = fopen($path, 'c'); //https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.fopen.php + //flock($f, LOCK_EX); + //fwrite($f, $content); + //flock($f, LOCK_UN); + //fclose($f); + } + + public function fileNotContainsWrite($path, $text) + { + $contains=false; + if(!file_exists($path)) + { + $contains=false; + } + else{ + $content = $this->file_get_contents($path); + if ( strpos($content, $txt)===false ) + { + $contains=false; + $this->file_put_contents($path, $text); + } + else + { + $contains=true; + } + } + return $contains; + } + + + public function get_option_json($name, $default_value=null){ + $json = file_exists($path = __DIR__.'/site_options.ini') ? $this->file_get_contents($path) : '{}'; + $array= json_decode($json, true); + return ( array_key_exists($name, $array) ? $array[$name] : $default_value ); + } + + public function update_option_json($name, $value, $autoload=null){ + return (array_key_exists($name, $array) ? $array[$name] : $default_value ); + $json = file_exists($path = __DIR__.'/site_options.ini') ? $this->file_get_contents($path) : '{}'; + $array= json_decode($json, true); + $array[$name]=$value; + try { file_write($path, json_encode($array)); } catch (Exception $e){ return false; } + return true; + } + + + public function get_option($name, $defaultValue=null){ + return function_exists('get_option') ? get_option($name) : get_option_json($name,$defaultValue); + } + public function update_option($name, $value, $autoload=null){ + return function_exists('get_option') ? update_option($name, $value, $autoload) : update_option_json($name,$value,$autoload); + } + + public function add_my_site_options($array) + { + $this->extra_options_enabled=true; + //Initiate as options + $trigger_update=false; + $this->_my_site_options=get_site_option('_my_site_options',[]); + foreach($array as $key=>$value){ + if (!array_key_exists($key, $this->_my_site_options)) { $this->_my_site_options[$key]=$value; $trigger_update=1; } + } + if(!empty($trigger_update)) { $this->update_my_site_options(); } + + } + public function get_my_site_option($name=null, $default=null, $force_update=false) + { + $this->_my_site_options=get_site_option('_my_site_options',[]); + if ($name!=null) + { + if (! array_key_exists($name, $this->_my_site_options) || $force_update){ + $this->_my_site_options[$name]=$default; + $this->update_my_site_options(); + } + return $this->_my_site_options[$name]; + } + return $this->_my_site_options; + } + public function update_my_site_options($array=false) + { + update_option('_my_site_options', ( $array ? $array : $this->_my_site_options) ); + } + + public function fileUrl($file){ + return $this->pluginURL."/$file?vers_=".$this->filedate($this->moduleDIR. "/$file"); + } + + + public function FullIframeScript(){ ?> + + $func]); + } + + public function array_map_deep( $callback , $value) + { + if ( is_array( $value ) ) { + foreach ( $value as $index => $item ) { + $value[ $index ] = $this->array_map_deep($callback, $item ); + } + } elseif ( is_object( $value ) ) { + $object_vars = get_object_vars( $value ); + foreach ( $object_vars as $property_name => $property_value ) { + $value->$property_name = $this->array_map_deep( $callback, $property_value ); + } + } else { + $value = call_user_func( $callback, $value ); + } + return $value; + } + public function stripslashes_from_strings_only( $value ) { + return is_string( $value ) ? stripslashes( $value ) : $value; + } + public function stripslashes_deep($value){ return $this->array_map_deep([$this,'stripslashes_from_strings_only'] , $value ); } + // ================================================ + + + + + public function cookieFuncs(){ + ?> + + session_state(true); + $_SESSION[$name] = $value; + $this->session_state($id); + } + + public function startSessionIfNotStarted(){ + if(session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) { $this->session_being_opened = true; session_start(); } + } + public function endSessionIfWasStarted( $method=2){ + if(session_status() != PHP_SESSION_NONE && property_exists($this,"session_being_opened") ) { + unset($this->session_being_opened); + if($method==1) session_destroy(); + elseif($method==2) session_write_close(); + elseif($method==3) session_abort(); + } + } + + + + public function array_value($array, $key){ + return (array_key_exists($key, $array) ? $array[$key] : ''); + } + + public function nextKeyInArray($target_keyname, $array){ + $keys = array_keys($array); + $index_of_target_keyname = array_search($target_keyname, $keys , true); + return (count($array) > $index_of_target_keyname+1 ) ? $keys[$index_of_target_keyname+1] : $keys[0]; + } + + public function nextValueInArray($target_value, $array, $by_key=false){ + $keys = array_keys($array); + $target_keyname = $by_key ? $target_value : array_search($target_value, $array, true ); + $index_of_target_keyname = array_search($target_keyname, $keys, true ); + return (count($array) > $index_of_target_keyname+1 ) ? $array[ $keys[$index_of_target_keyname+1] ] : $array[ $keys[0] ]; + } + + public function getIndexOfKey($array, $key){ + return array_search($key, array_keys($array) ); + } + public function getIndexOfValue($array, $key){ + return array_search($key, $array ); + } + + public function getMemberByIndex($array, $idx){ + $keys= array_keys($array); + return (!empty($keys) && !empty($array[$keys[$idx]])) ? $array[$keys[$idx]] : null ; + } + + public function resortArrayByKey($array, $key, $remove_current= false){ + $remaining = array_splice ($array, $this->getIndexOfKey($array, $key) ); + if($remove_current){ + $array[$key]= $remaining[$key]; + unset($remaining[$key] ); + } + return array_merge($remaining, $array); + } + + //in multi dimensional array + public function findArrayByKeyValue($array, $key, $value){ + foreach($array as $subArray){ + if (array_key_exists($key, $subArray) && $subArray[$key]==$value){ + return $subArray; + } + } + return []; + } + + public function insertValueAtPosition($arr, $insertedArray, $position) { + $i = 0; + $new_array=[]; + foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { + if ($i == $position) { + foreach ($insertedArray as $ikey => $ivalue) { + $new_array[$ikey] = $ivalue; + } + } + $new_array[$key] = $value; + $i++; + } + return $new_array; + } + + + // Output decimals better, i.e. $x= 0.000021; or $x= 123424235.325434645 + // method 1 + public function trim_zero_dot($input){ + $sanitized=rtrim( $input, "0"); + if(substr($sanitized, -1) =="."){ + $sanitized=substr($sanitized,0, -1); + } + return $sanitized; + } + // + public function doubleNormal($input, $round_to=15, $use_sprintf=true){ + return (!is_float($input) && !is_numeric($input) ? $input : $this->trim_zero_dot( $use_sprintf ? sprintf("%.{$round_to}f", $input) : number_format($input, $round_to) ) ); + } + + // method 2 + public function decimal_outputer($input, $length=5, $only_dot=false){ + $timeParts = explode('.', $input); + if(count($timeParts)<=1) return $input; + return ($only_dot ? '' : $timeParts[0] . '.') . substr($timeParts[1], 0, $length); //sprintf('%.10F',$input); + } + // + public function doubleNormalArray($array){ + return $this->array_map_deep([$this,'doubleNormal'], $array); + } + + + public function arrayPhpToJs($array){ + return '["'. implode('","', $array) .'"]'; + } + + public function ListAllInDir($path, $only_files = false) { + $all_list = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator( + new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path, \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS), + ( $only_files ? \RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY : \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST ) + ); + $files = []; + foreach ($all_list as $file) + $files[] = $file->getPathname(); + + return $files; + } + + + public function replace_occurences_in_dir($dir_base, $from, $to, $exts=array('php','shtml') ){ + $dirIterator = $this->ListAllInDir($dir_base, true); + foreach($dirIterator as $idx => $value) { + $filext = pathinfo($value, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); + if( in_array($filext, $exts ) ){ + $cont = $this->file_get_contents($value); + if(stripos($cont, $from) !== false){ + $new_cont = str_replace($from, $to, $this->file_get_contents($value) ); + $this->file_put_contents($value, $new_cont); + } + } + } + } + + public function replace_in_file($file, $from_pattern, $to){ + if(file_exists($file)) + { + $cont= $this->file_get_contents($file); + $new_cont= preg_replace($from_pattern, $to, $cont); + $this->file_put_contents($file, $new_cont); + } + } + + public function is_localhost() { + return in_array($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],['localhost','','::1']); + } + + + public function is_JSON_string($string){ + return (is_string($string) && is_array(json_decode($string, true))); + } + + public function arrayed_json($answer){ + $result = []; + if(!$this->is_JSON_string($answer)){ + $result['error'] = $answer; + } + else{ + $result = json_decode($answer, true); + } + return $result; + } + + public function arrayed_answer($answer){ + $result = []; + if(!$this->is_JSON_string($answer)){ + $result['error'] = $answer; + } + else{ + $result = json_decode($answer, true); + } + return $result; + } + + + + // TODO - handle $_POST + public function disable_cache($hard=false, $file=false){ + header("Expires: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 12:00:00 GMT"); // Expired already + header("Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT"); + header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // good for HTTP/1.1 + header("Pragma: no-cache"); + if($hard){ + if(!isset($_GET['rand'])) + $this->php_redirect( $this->AddStringToUrl($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'rand='.rand(1,9999999) ) ); + } + ini_set("opcache.enable", 0); + if($file){ + opcache_invalidate($file); + } + } + + + + public function my_mail($a=null,$b=null,$c=null,$d=null,$e=null){ return (!$this->definedTRUE("MAILS_DISABLED") ? mail($a,$b,$c,$d,$e) : "MAILS_NOT_ENABLED__error99234"); } + + public function get_yout_Vid_Aud_array($ID,$TITL) {return yout_DownUrls($ID, $TITL);} + + public function default_mail_headers($from=false){ return $headers='MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n" . 'Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8' . "\r\n" . 'From: mesg@' .$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ."\r\n".'Reply-To: mesg@'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "\r\n" . "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion(); } + + + + //use whenever you want to show something on the first happening + // first_cookie_message('ini_get_noexits','') + public function first_cookie_message($identifier, $message){ + $cName=filter_var($identifier, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); + if (!isset($_COOKIE[$cName])){ + setcookie($cName,'okk',time()+99999999, $this->definedVALUE('homeFOLD','/')); + die($message); + } + } + + public function CookieSet($name){ if (empty($_COOKIE[$name])) { return false;} else { return true;} } + public function CookieSetOnceExecution($name){ if (empty($_COOKIE[$name])) { setcookie($name, time(), time()+ 999999, $this->definedVALUE('homeFOLD','/') ); return true; } return false; } + public function CookieNotSet($name){ CookieSetOnceExecution($name); } + + public function set_cookie($name, $val, $time_length = 86400, $path=false, $domain=false, $httponly=true){ + $site_urls = parse_url( (function_exists('home_url') ? home_url() : $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ); + $real_domain = $site_urls["host"]; + $path = $path ? $path : ( (!empty($this) && property_exists($this,'homeFOLDER') ) ? $this->homeFOLDER : '/'); + $domain = $domain ? $domain : ((substr($real_domain, 0, 4) == "www.") ? substr($real_domain, 4) : $real_domain); + setcookie ( $name , $val , time()+$time_length, $path = $path, $domain = $domain, $only_on_secure_https = FALSE, $httponly ); + } + public function setcookie_secure($name, $val, $time_length = 86400, $httponly=true, $homeurl=false){ + $real_domain = $homeur ?: $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; + $domain = (substr($real_domain, 0, 4) == "www.") ? substr($real_domain, 4) : $real_domain; + $path = $path ?: ( (!empty($this) && property_exists('pathAfterDomain', $this) ) ? $this->pathAfterDomain : '/'); + setcookie ( $name , $val , time()+$time_length, $path, $domain = $domain , $only_on_https = FALSE, $httponly ); + } + + public function page_load_limited_for_seconds($seconds = 3, $cookiename = 'pageloader_limiter'){ + if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookiename])) { + + } + } + public function siteSlug() { return str_replace(array('.','/',':'),'_', $this->domain ); } + + public function site_visitor_default_cookiee() {return 'default_visitr_'.siteSlug(); } + + public function SetCookieForVisitors(){ setcookie(site_visitor_default_cookiee(), time()+1000, time()+1000, $this->definedVALUE('homeFOLD','/')); } + // SetCookieForVisitors(); + + public function die_if_not_this_site_youtube(){if (!isset($_COOKIE[site_visitor_default_cookiee()])) { die('noauth_6453'); } } + + + // other information arrayyyyyy + public function SetOddss($arr=array()) + { + $baselink = $this->definedVALUE("MyBaseLink_schemeless",'/'); + + + $ar_CURRENT = !empty($GLOBALS['odd']) ? $GLOBALS['odd'] : array(); + $ar_CURRENT = array_merge($ar_CURRENT, $arr); + $ar_NEW = array + ( + + 'shares'=> array( + 'facebook' =>'https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=', + 'googleplus'=>'https://plus.google.com/share?url=', + 'twitter' =>'https://twitter.com/share?url=' + ), + 'contct_lnk' => '?contactMAILpage&lang=', + + //wp-codes + 'downloaderis_url' => $this->definedVALUE("PHP_customCALL_1",678)."FILEdownload&ver=".$this->definedVALUE("$this->changeable_JS_CSS_version",678), + 'post_Typess' => array() , //dont change this + 'post_Types2' => (isset($SITE_LANGUAGES)? $SITE_LANGUAGES : array()), //dont change this + 'WPDB_Table__mycalendar'=>(!empty($GLOBALS['wpdb']) ? $GLOBALS['wpdb']->prefix.'kalendari_my' : ''), + + + 'myMONTHs' => array(1=>'January',2=>'February',3=>'March',4=>'April',5=>'May',6=>'June',7=>'July',8=>'August',9=>'September',10=>'October',11=>'November',12=>'December'), + 'months_arr' => array('Jan'=>'January', 'Feb'=>'February', 'Mar'=>'March', 'Apr'=>'April', 'May'=>'May', 'Jun'=>'June', 'Jul'=>'July', 'Aug'=>'August','Sep'=>'September', 'Oct'=>'October', 'Nov'=>'November', 'Dec'=>'December'), + 'months_langs' => [ + "geo"=> [ + 'January'=>'იანვარი', 'February'=>'თებერვალი', 'March'=>'მარტი', 'April'=>'აპრილი', 'May'=>'მაისი', 'June'=>'ივნისი', 'July'=>'ივლისი', 'August'=>'აგვისტო','September'=>'სექტემბერი', 'October'=>'ოქტომბერი', 'November'=>'ნოემბერი', 'December'=>'დეკემბერი' + ], + "rus"=> [ + 'January'=>'Январь', 'February'=>'Февраль', 'March'=>'Март', 'April'=>'Апрель', 'May'=>'Май', 'June'=>'Июнь', 'July'=>'Июль', 'August'=>'Август','September'=>'Сентябрь', 'October'=>'Октябрь', 'November'=>'Ноябрь', 'December'=>'Декабрь' + ], + ], + + + 'transl_linkebi' => ' - google translate
' . + ' - Russian keyboard
', + 'countries_en' => array("Afghanistan", "Albania", "Algeria", "American Samoa", "Andorra", "Angola", "Anguilla", "Antarctica", "Antigua and Barbuda", "Argentina", "Armenia", "Aruba", "Australia", "Austria", "Azerbaijan", "Bahamas", "Bahrain", "Bangladesh", "Barbados", "Belarus", "Belgium", "Belize", "Benin", "Bermuda", "Bhutan", "Bolivia", "Bosnia and Herzegowina", "Botswana", "Bouvet Island", "Brazil", "British Indian Ocean Territory", "Brunei Darussalam", "Bulgaria", "Burkina Faso", "Burundi", "Cambodia", "Cameroon", "Canada", "Cape Verde", "Cayman Islands", "Central African Republic", "Chad", "Chile", "China", "Christmas Island", "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", "Colombia", "Comoros", "Congo", "Congo, the Democratic Republic of the", "Cook Islands", "Costa Rica", "Cote d'Ivoire", "Croatia (Hrvatska)", "Cuba", "Cyprus", "Czech Republic", "Denmark", "Djibouti", "Dominica", "Dominican Republic", "East Timor", "Ecuador", "Egypt", "El Salvador", "Equatorial Guinea", "Eritrea", "Estonia", "Ethiopia", "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", "Faroe Islands", "Fiji", "Finland", "France", "France Metropolitan", "French Guiana", "French Polynesia", "French Southern Territories", "Gabon", "Gambia", "Georgia", "Germany", "Ghana", "Gibraltar", "Greece", "Greenland", "Grenada", "Guadeloupe", "Guam", "Guatemala", "Guinea", "Guinea-Bissau", "Guyana", "Haiti", "Heard and Mc Donald Islands", "Holy See (Vatican City State)", "Honduras", "Hong Kong", "Hungary", "Iceland", "India", "Indonesia", "Iran (Islamic Republic of)", "Iraq", "Ireland", "Israel", "Italy", "Jamaica", "Japan", "Jordan", "Kazakhstan", "Kenya", "Kiribati", "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of", "Korea, Republic of", "Kuwait", "Kyrgyzstan", "Lao, People's Democratic Republic", "Latvia", "Lebanon", "Lesotho", "Liberia", "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya", "Liechtenstein", "Lithuania", "Luxembourg", "Macau", "Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of", "Madagascar", "Malawi", "Malaysia", "Maldives", "Mali", "Malta", "Marshall Islands", "Martinique", "Mauritania", "Mauritius", "Mayotte", "Mexico", "Micronesia, Federated States of", "Moldova, Republic of", "Monaco", "Mongolia", "Montserrat", "Morocco", "Mozambique", "Myanmar", "Namibia", "Nauru", "Nepal", "Netherlands", "Netherlands Antilles", "New Caledonia", "New Zealand", "Nicaragua", "Niger", "Nigeria", "Niue", "Norfolk Island", "Northern Mariana Islands", "Norway", "Oman", "Pakistan", "Palau", "Panama", "Papua New Guinea", "Paraguay", "Peru", "Philippines", "Pitcairn", "Poland", "Portugal", "Puerto Rico", "Qatar", "Reunion", "Romania", "Russian Federation", "Rwanda", "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "Saint Lucia", "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "Samoa", "San Marino", "Sao Tome and Principe", "Saudi Arabia", "Senegal", "Seychelles", "Sierra Leone", "Singapore", "Slovakia (Slovak Republic)", "Slovenia", "Solomon Islands", "Somalia", "South Africa", "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", "Spain", "Sri Lanka", "St. Helena", "St. Pierre and Miquelon", "Sudan", "Suriname", "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands", "Swaziland", "Sweden", "Switzerland", "Syrian Arab Republic", "Taiwan, Province of China", "Tajikistan", "Tanzania, United Republic of", "Thailand", "Togo", "Tokelau", "Tonga", "Trinidad and Tobago", "Tunisia", "Turkey", "Turkmenistan", "Turks and Caicos Islands", "Tuvalu", "Uganda", "Ukraine", "United Arab Emirates", "United Kingdom", "United States", "United States Minor Outlying Islands", "Uruguay", "Uzbekistan", "Vanuatu", "Venezuela", "Vietnam", "Virgin Islands (British)", "Virgin Islands (U.S.)", "Wallis and Futuna Islands", "Western Sahara", "Yemen", "Yugoslavia", "Zambia", "Zimbabwe"), + + + //patterns(detectors) for different preg_match functions, we use later + 'book_sub_categ_symbol' => '-wig-', //dont change this + 'calendr_ddays_divider' => '_!Y!_', + 'calendr_monthss_divider'=> '_!X!_', + 'calnd_dividerr_saintDay'=> ' !X!', + //'calnd_dividerr_readBe'=> ' !W!', + 'MULTIPAGED_book_dividr' => '_xTx_', + 'pages_dividerrr_phraze' => 'XXXXXX_PAGES_DIVIDER_XXXXXX', + 'pages_dividerrr_used' => '\r\n\r\nXXXXXX_PAGES_DIVIDER_XXXXXX\r\n\r\n', + ); + + + + // support for deprecated commands.. + $ar_NEW = array_merge($ar_NEW, array( + 'fb_share_url' => $ar_NEW['shares']['facebook'], + 'twit_share_url' => $ar_NEW['shares']['twitter'] + )); + + return $GLOBALS['odd']=array_merge($ar_CURRENT , $ar_NEW); + } + //$odd=SetOddss(); + + public function get_current_buffer_clean($func_name=false){ ob_start(); if ($func_name) {$args=func_get_args(); call_user_func_array($func_name, $args);} $cont= ob_get_clean(); ob_flush(); return $cont; } + //ob_get_contents() + + public function validate_mail( $mail ){ //$_POST['email'] + return !filter_var( $mail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL ); + } + + // only for explicit temp use + public function password_site($password) + { + $rnd_ext = str_replace('.','_', $this->domain); + if ( isset($_POST['passwk']) && $password == $_POST['passwk'] ) {setcookie('pss_'.$rnd_ext, 'okk', time()+1111111, $this->definedVALUE('homeFOLD','/')); header("location:".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);exit;} + elseif (!isset($_COOKIE['pss_'.$rnd_ext])){ echo '
';exit;} + } + + + public function get_filename_($url){ return basename(parse_url($url)['path']); } + + // Obfuscate js/css : FsFkUweM + + public function scriptt($name, $with_css=false) { + return ( (!empty($GLOBALS['already_loaded_'.$name])) ? '' : $GLOBALS['already_loaded_'.$name]='') + . + ( !$with_css ? '' : ' ' ); + } + + public function scriptss(){ + foreach(func_get_args() as $key=>$value){ echo (!is_array($value) ? scriptt($value) : scriptt($value[0], $value[1]) ); } + } + + + public function translate__MONTH($text,$target_lang=''){ global $odd; //switch ($text) { case 'January': return TRANSLL('monthh1',$target_lang); + if( !empty($odd['months_langs'][$target_lang]) && array_key_exists($text, $odd['months_langs'][$target_lang])) { + $text = $odd['months_langs'][$target_lang][$text]; + if (mb_detect_encoding($text) =='UTF-8') {$text= mb_substr ($text,0,3,'utf-8') ; } + } + else{ + $text = TRANSLL($text,$target_lang); + } + return $text; + } + + + public function translate__DAY($text,$target_lang='') { //switch ($text) { case 'January': return TRANSLL('monthh1',$target_lang); + if (in_array($text, array('Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday')) ) { + return TRANSLL($text,$target_lang); //switch ($text) { case 'January': return TRANSLL('monthh1',$target_lang); + } return $text; + } + + public function my_mailToUsername($mail){ return strtr($mail, array( "."=>"_", "-"=>"__", "@"=>"AT" )); } + + + // language specifics + public function GEO_to_ENG($input){ return strtr($input, array( + "ა"=>"a", "ბ"=>"b", "გ"=>"g", "დ"=>"d", "ე"=>"e", "ვ"=>"v", "ზ"=>"z", "თ"=>"T", "ი"=>"i", + "კ"=>"k", "ლ"=>"l", "მ"=>"m", "ნ"=>"n", "ო"=>"o", "პ"=>"p", "ჟ"=>"J", "რ"=>"r", "ს"=>"s", + "ტ"=>"t", "უ"=>"u", "ფ"=>"f", "ქ"=>"q", "ღ"=>"R", "ყ"=>"y", "შ"=>"S", "ჩ"=>"C", "ც"=>"c", + "ძ"=>"Z", "წ"=>"w", "ჭ"=>"W", "ხ"=>"x", "ჯ"=>"j", "ჰ"=>"h" )); + } + public function ENG_to_GEO($input) { return strtr($input, array( + 'a'=>'ა', 'b'=>'ბ', 'g'=>'გ', 'd'=>'დ', 'e'=>'ე', 'v'=>'ვ', 'z'=>'ზ', 'T'=>'თ', 'i'=>'ი', + 'k'=>'კ', 'l'=>'ლ', 'm'=>'მ', 'n'=>'ნ', 'o'=>'ო', 'p'=>'პ', 'J'=>'ჟ', 'r'=>'რ', 's'=>'ს', + 't'=>'ტ', 'u'=>'უ', 'f'=>'ფ', 'q'=>'ქ', 'R'=>'ღ', 'y'=>'ყ', 'S'=>'შ', 'C'=>'ჩ', 'c'=>'ც', + 'Z'=>'ძ', 'w'=>'წ', 'W'=>'ჭ', 'x'=>'ხ', 'j'=>'ჯ', 'h'=>'ჰ' )); + } + + //UPPERCASE CHARS sometimes MESS-UP several FUNCTION's USAGE. So, sometimes we need lowercased words + public function GEO_to_ENG__LowerCased($m) { return strtolower(strtr($m, array( + //$m=str_replace('თ','T',$m); $m=str_replace('ჟ','J',$m); $m=str_replace('ტ','t',$m); $m=str_replace('ღ','R',$m); + //$m=str_replace('შ','S',$m); $m=str_replace('ჩ','C',$m); $m=str_replace('ძ','Z',$m); $m=str_replace('ჭ','W',$m); + "ა"=>"a", "ბ"=>"b", "გ"=>"g", "დ"=>"d", "ე"=>"e", "ვ"=>"v", "ზ"=>"z", "თ"=>"t", "ი"=>"i", + "კ"=>"k", "ლ"=>"l", "მ"=>"m", "ნ"=>"n", "ო"=>"o", "პ"=>"p", "ჟ"=>"dj", "რ"=>"r", "ს"=>"s", + "ტ"=>"t", "უ"=>"u", "ფ"=>"f", "ქ"=>"q", "ღ"=>"gh", "ყ"=>"y", "შ"=>"sh", "ჩ"=>"ch", "ც"=>"c", + "ძ"=>"dz", "წ"=>"w", "ჭ"=>"tch", "ხ"=>"x", "ჯ"=>"j", "ჰ"=>"h" ))); + } + + public function Rus_To_Eng__LowerCased($input){ return strtr($input, array( + "а"=>"a","А"=>"a", "б"=>"b","Б"=>"b", "в"=>"v","В"=>"v", "г"=>"g","Г"=>"g", "д"=>"d","Д"=>"d", + "е"=>"e","Е"=>"e", "ё"=>"yo","Ё"=>"yo", "ж"=>"zh","Ж"=>"zh", "з"=>"z","З"=>"z", "и"=>"i","И"=>"i", + "й"=>"j","Й"=>"j", "к"=>"k","К"=>"k", "л"=>"l","Л"=>"l", "м"=>"m","М"=>"m", "н"=>"n","Н"=>"n", + "о"=>"o","О"=>"o", "п"=>"p","П"=>"p", "р"=>"r","Р"=>"r", "с"=>"s","С"=>"s", "т"=>"t","Т"=>"t", + "у"=>"u","У"=>"u", "ф"=>"f","Ф"=>"f", "х"=>"kh","Х"=>"kh", "ц"=>"ts","Ц"=>"ts", "ч"=>"ch","Ч"=>"ch", + "ш"=>"sh","Ш"=>"sh", "щ"=>"sch","Щ"=>"sch", "ъ"=>"","Ъ"=>"", "ы"=>"y","Ы"=>"y", "ь"=>"","Ь"=>"", + "э"=>"e","Э"=>"e", "ю"=>"yu","Ю"=>"yu", "я"=>"ya","Я"=>"ya", )); + } + public function ic1251_to_utf8($s){ + $s= str_replace('С?',$a1='fgr43443443',$s); + $s= str_replace('Р?',$a2='tg5gh45h3hg3',$s); + $s= str_replace('пїЅпїЅ?',$a3='fgr35gh35hg3gdfw',$s); + $s= str_replace('СЊС?',$a4='XXX83rhf423888df8d23d1',$s); + $s= str_replace('бѓ?',$a5='XXX83rhf423888df8d23d2',$s); + $s= mb_convert_encoding($s, "windows-1251", "utf-8"); + $s= str_replace($a5,'ი',$s); + $s= str_replace($a3,'ი',$s); + $s= str_replace($a1,'ш',$s); + $s= str_replace($a2,'И',$s); + $s= str_replace($a4,'шь',$s); + return $s; + } + + // when something error happens... + public function INCORRECT_GEO_to_ENG($input){ return strtr($input, array( + "ა"=>"a", "ბ"=>"b", "გ"=>"g", "დ"=>"d", "ე"=>"e", "ვ"=>"v", "ზ"=>"z", "თ"=>"T", "ი"=>"i", "კ"=>"k", "ლ"=>"l", "მ"=>"m", "ნ"=>"n", "ო"=>"o", "პ"=>"p", "ჟ"=>"J", "რ"=>"r", "ს"=>"s", "ტ"=>"t", "უ"=>"u", "ფ"=>"f", "ქ"=>"q", "ღ"=>"R", "ყ"=>"y", "შ"=>"S", "ჩ"=>"C", "ც"=>"c", "ძ"=>"Z", "წ"=>"w", "ჭ"=>"W", "ხ"=>"x", "ჯ"=>"j", "ჰ"=>"h" )); + } + + public function Javascript_ArabicToRoman_covnerter(){ + return " + function ConvertNumbToRoman(num){ + num= num.replace('40','XXXX'); num= num.replace('39','XXXIX'); num= num.replace('38','XXXVIII'); num= num.replace('37','XXXVII'); + num= num.replace('36','XXXVI'); num= num.replace('35','XXXV'); num= num.replace('34','XXXIV'); num= num.replace('33','XXXII'); + num= num.replace('32','XXXII'); num= num.replace('31','XXXI'); num= num.replace('30','XXX'); num= num.replace('29','XXIX'); + num= num.replace('28','XXVIII');num= num.replace('27','XXVII'); num= num.replace('26','XXVI'); num= num.replace('25','XXV'); + num= num.replace('24','XXIV'); num= num.replace('23','XXIII'); num= num.replace('22','XXII'); num= num.replace('21','XXI'); + num= num.replace('20','XX'); num= num.replace('19','XIX'); num= num.replace('18','XVIII'); num= num.replace('17','XVII'); + num= num.replace('16','XVI'); num= num.replace('15','XV'); num= num.replace('14','XIV'); num= num.replace('13','XIII'); + num= num.replace('12','XII'); num= num.replace('11','XI'); num= num.replace('10','X'); num= num.replace('9','IX'); + num= num.replace('8','VIII'); num= num.replace('7','VII'); num= num.replace('6','VI'); num= num.replace('5','V'); + num= num.replace('4','IV'); num= num.replace('3','III'); num= num.replace('2','II'); num= num.replace('1','I'); return num; + }"; + } + // # language specifics + + + + + public function sanitize_nonalpha($input){ return strtr($input, array( + " "=>"-", "."=>"--", ":"=>"--", ","=>"-", "/"=>"-", ";"=>"--", "—"=>"", "–"=>"-" + )); + } + + public function sanitize_utf8_filenamee($input){ + $filename_sanitized = GEO_to_ENG__LowerCased($input); + $filename_sanitized = Rus_To_Eng__LowerCased($filename_sanitized); + $filename_sanitized = str_replace(' ','-',$filename_sanitized); + $filename_sanitized = utf8_encode($filename_sanitized); + return $filename_sanitized; + } + + //AS OFFICIAL STANDARDS - https://stackoverflow.com/a/996161/2377343 , there exist 'reserved' characetrs.. ';', '/', '?', ':', '@','&', '=', '+', ',','$' + //to send those characters to FLASH/SWF PLAYERs, they need to be encoded twice. + public function my_Filename_Encoder_For_Flash_player($sentence){ + $chars_array0=array(';', '/', '?', ':', '@','&', '=', '+', ',','$'); + //if the sentence contains encoded directories, then get to normal... + $sentence= str_replace("%2F","/", $sentence ); + //lets get already executed values (so, we save HOSTING memory :)) + if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__ .'_EXECUTED_ARRAYYYYY'])) { + foreach ($chars_array0 as $name=>$value){$chars_array1[$value] = urlencode($value);} + foreach ($chars_array1 as $name=>$value){$chars_array2[$value] = urlencode($value);} + $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__ .'_EXECUTED_ARRAYYYYY'] = $chars_array2; + } + return strtr($sentence, $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__ .'_EXECUTED_ARRAYYYYY']); + } + + public function cut__my($text, $chars, $points = "...") { $text = strip_tags($text); if( strlen($text) <= $chars) { return $text;} else { return mb_strimwidth($text,0,$chars, $points,'utf-8'); } } + + + public function myUTF8truncate($string, $width){ + if (mb_str_word_count($string) > $width) { + $string= preg_replace('/((\w+\W*|| [\p{L}]+\W*){'.($width-1).'}(\w+))(.*)/', '${1}', $string); + } + return $string; + } + + + public function php_to_js_array($array){ + return '["'. implode('","', $array ) .'"]'; + } + + public function trim_to_charlength($text, $charlength) { + $charlength++; + + if ( mb_strlen( $text ) > $charlength ) { + $subex = mb_substr( $text, 0, $charlength - 5 ); + $exwords = explode( ' ', $subex ); + $excut = - ( mb_strlen( $exwords[ count( $exwords ) - 1 ] ) ); + if ( $excut < 0 ) { + echo mb_substr( $subex, 0, $excut ); + } else { + echo $subex; + } + echo '...'; + } else { + echo $text; + } + } + + + // only for explicit use/tests + public function my_wpdb($user, $pass, $db, $host, $path_to_root= '/../../../../../../', $run_wp_config=true){ + $path_to_wp= dirname(__DIR__) .$path_to_root; + //execute wp-config, if not run already + if($exec_config && !defined('DB_HOST')){ preg_match('/\<\?php(.*?)\/\* That\'s all, stop editing/si', $this->file_get_contents($path_to_root."wp-config.php"), $found); eval($found[1]); } + require_once( $path_to_wp.'wp-includes/wp-db.php' ); if ( file_exists($path_to_wp.'wp-content/db.php' ) ) require_once($path_to_wp.'wp-content/db.php' ); + return $GLOBALS['wpdb'] = new wpdb( $user, $pass, $db, $host ); + } + + //$this->set_cookies_from_url($chosen_server_url.'?username=user&auth=key'); + public function set_cookies_from_url($url) + { + $d=$this->get_remote_data($url, false, ["curl_opts"=>["CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION"=> + ( function ($ch, $headerLine) { + if (preg_match('/^Set-Cookie:\s*([^;]*)/mi', $headerLine, $cookieArr) == 1) + { + $cookie = $cookieArr[1]; + $cookie_vars = explode('=', $cookie, 2); + $this->example_cookies[$cookie_vars[0]] = $cookie_vars[1]; + } + return strlen($headerLine); // Needed by curl + } + ) + ]] + ); + foreach($this->example_cookies as $key=>$name) + { + $this->set_cookie($key,$name, 86000, '/target_dir/'); + } + $this->set_cookie("sample_confirm","1"); + } + + // makes a string from an assiciative array + public function implodeAssoc($glue,$arr) + { + $keys=array_keys($arr); + $values=array_values($arr); + return(implode($glue,$keys).$glue.implode($glue,$values)); + } + + public function get_youtube_id_from_url($url) { + preg_match('/(http(s|):|)\/\/(www\.|)yout(.*?)\/(embed\/|watch.*?v=|)([a-z_A-Z0-9\-]{11})/i', $url, $results); return $results[6]; + } + public function get_youtube_id_from_contents($url){ + if (stripos($url,'youtu.be/')!==false) {preg_match('/(https:|http:|)(\/\/www\.|\/\/|)(.*?)\/(.{11})/si', $url, $final_ID); $x= !empty($final_ID[4]) ? $final_ID[4] : '';} + elseif (stripos($url,'youtube.com/')!==false) {preg_match('/(https:|http:|)(\/\/www\.|\/\/|)(.*?)\/(embed\/|watch.*?v=|)([a-z_A-Z0-9\-]{11})/si', $url, $IDD);$x= !empty($IDD[5]) ? $IDD[5] : ''; } + return (!empty($x) ? $x : ''); + } + + public function get_youtube_id_from_contents_JAVASCRIPT(){ return ''; + } + public function Youtube_Img_Url_using_ID($id){return 'https://img.youtube.com/vi/'.$id.'/mqdefault.jpg'; } + + + //to check if variable are normal + public function validate_youtube_id($id){ if (strlen($id)!=11 || preg_match('/[\<\>\'\=\$\"\?\(\{]/si',$text)) {die("incorrrrrect_ID_ error79"); }} + public function validate_post_id($id) { if (!is_numeric($id) || strlen($id)>7) {die("incorrrrrect_postid error81"); }} + public function validate_simple_word_of_s_GET($text){if (preg_match('/[\<\>\'\=\$\"\?\(\{]/si',$text)) {die("incorrrrrect error86");}} + public function sanitizer($text) { return preg_replace('/\W/si','',$text); } + public function validate_url($url) { return filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) && (preg_match("/\b(?:(?:https?|ftp):\/\/|www\.)[-a-z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|]/i",$url)); } + public function startsWith($haystack, $needle) { return $needle === "" || strrpos($haystack, $needle, -strlen($haystack)) !== false; } + public function endsWith($haystack, $needle) { $length = strlen($needle); return $length === 0 || (substr($haystack, -$length) === $needle); } + public function contains($content, $needle, $case_sens= true){ return ($case_sens ? strpos($content, $needle) : stripos($content, $needle)) !== false; } + + + public function remove_query_from_url($url, $which_argument=false){ + return preg_replace( '/'. ( $which_argument ? '(\&|)'.$which_argument.'(\=(.*?)((?=&(?!amp\;))|$)|(.*?)\b)' : '(\?.*)').'/i' , '', $url); + } + + public function die_if_not_this_site_visitor(){ //if half day passed + if (empty($_COOKIE['ytdow___']) || $_COOKIE['ytdow___'] > time()*3 + 43200 ) {die('incorrect_download_123.');} + } + + public function js_redirect($url=false, $echo=true){ + $str = ''; + if($echo) { exit($str); } else { return $str; } + } + + public function php_redirect($url=false, $code=302){ + //avoid redirection from customizer: if (!empty($_COOKIE['MLSS_cstRedirect']) || defined('MLSS_cstRedirect')) {return;} + header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"); + header("location: ". ( $url ?: $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ), true, $code); exit; + } + + public function js_redirect_message($message,$url=false){ + echo ''; + $this->js_redirect($url); + } + + public function include_file_get($file){ + ob_start(); + include_once($file); + $cont= ob_get_contents(); + ob_get_clean(); + return $cont; + } + + + // telegramMessage( ['chat_id'=>'-1001234567890', 'text'=>'hello world', ], $bot_key ); + public static function telegramMessage($array, $botid){ + $phrase = http_build_query($array, ''); + return $this->get_remote_data('https://api.telegram.org/bot'.$botid.'/sendMessage?'.$phrase); + } + + //=================== ( https://github.com/tazotodua/useful-php-scripts/ ) ========================== + + public function get_remote_data($url, $post_paramtrs=false, $extra=array('schemeless'=>true, 'replace_src'=>true, 'return_array'=>false, "curl_opts"=>[])) + { + $c = curl_init(); + curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_URL, $url); + curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); + //if parameters were passed to this function, then transform into POST method.. (if you need GET request, then simply change the passed URL) + if($post_paramtrs){ curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POST,TRUE); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, (is_array($post_paramtrs)? http_build_query($post_paramtrs) : $post_paramtrs) ); } + curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,false); + curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,false); + curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_COOKIE, 'CookieName1=Value;'); + $headers[]= "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:76.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/76.0"; $headers[]= "Pragma: "; $headers[]= "Cache-Control: max-age=0"; + if (!empty($post_paramtrs) && !is_array($post_paramtrs) && is_object(json_decode($post_paramtrs))){ $headers[]= 'Content-Type: application/json'; $headers[]= 'Content-Length: '.strlen($post_paramtrs); } + curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); + curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 10); + //if SAFE_MODE or OPEN_BASEDIR is set,then FollowLocation cant be used.. so... + $follow_allowed= ( ini_get('open_basedir') || ini_get('safe_mode')) ? false:true; if ($follow_allowed){curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);} + curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 15); + curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 25); + curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_REFERER, $url); + curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true); + curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_ENCODING, 'gzip,deflate'); + curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HEADER, !empty($extra['return_array'])); + //set extra options if passed + if(!empty($extra['curl_opts'])) foreach($extra['curl_opts'] as $key=>$value) curl_setopt($c, constant($key), $value); + $data = curl_exec($c); + if(!empty($extra['return_array'])) { + preg_match("/(.*?)\r\n\r\n((?!HTTP\/\d\.\d).*)/si",$data, $x); preg_match_all('/(.*?): (.*?)\r\n/i', trim('head_line: '.$x[1]), $headers_, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach($headers_ as $each){ $header[$each[1]] = $each[2]; } $data=trim($x[2]); + } + $status=curl_getinfo($c); curl_close($c); + // if redirected, then get that redirected page + if($status['http_code']==301 || $status['http_code']==302) { + //if we FOLLOWLOCATION was not allowed, then re-get REDIRECTED URL + //p.s. WE dont need "else", because if FOLLOWLOCATION was allowed, then we wouldnt have come to this place, because 301 could already auto-followed by curl :) + if (!$follow_allowed){ + //if REDIRECT URL is found in HEADER + if(empty($redirURL)){if(!empty($status['redirect_url'])){$redirURL=$status['redirect_url'];}} + //if REDIRECT URL is found in RESPONSE + if(empty($redirURL)){preg_match('/(Location:|URI:)(.*?)(\r|\n)/si', $data, $m); if (!empty($m[2])){ $redirURL=$m[2]; } } + //if REDIRECT URL is found in OUTPUT + if(empty($redirURL)){preg_match('/moved\s\/si',$data,$m); if (!empty($m[1])){ $redirURL=$m[1]; } } + //if URL found, then re-use this function again, for the found url + if(!empty($redirURL)){$t=debug_backtrace(); return call_user_func( $t[0]["function"], trim($redirURL), $post_paramtrs);} + } + } + // if not redirected,and nor "status 200" page, then error.. + elseif ( $status['http_code'] != 200 ) { $data = "ERRORCODE22 with $url

Last status codes:".json_encode($status)."

Last data got:$data";} + //URLS correction + $answer = ( !empty($extra['return_array']) ? array('data'=>$data, 'header'=>$header, 'info'=>$status) : $data); + return $answer; + } + + + //usage: pastebin_com/36QUw5vp + public function multi_curl($urls) + { + $curl_responses =[]; + $curl_errors =[]; + $mch = curl_multi_init(); + $handlesArray=[]; + $curl_max_timeout = 60*60; //max 1 hr to run + foreach ($urls as $key=> $url) { + $ch = curl_init(); + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); + // timeouts: https://thisinterestsme.com/php-setting-curl-timeout/ and https://stackoverflow.com/a/15982505/2377343 + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $curl_max_timeout); + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $curl_max_timeout); + if (defined('CURLOPT_TCP_FASTOPEN')) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TCP_FASTOPEN, 1); + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING, ""); // empty to autodetect | gzip,deflate + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); + $handlesArray[$key] = $ch; + curl_multi_add_handle($mch, $handlesArray[$key]); + } + + // other approaches are deprecated ! https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58971677/ + do { + $execReturnValue = curl_multi_exec($mch, $runningHandles); + } while ($runningHandles>0); + + //exec now + foreach($urls as $key => $url) + { + $handle = $handlesArray[$key]; + // Check for errors + $curlError = curl_error($handle); + if($curlError != "") { + $curl_responses[$key]=false; + $curl_errors[$key] = $curlError; + } + else{ + $curl_responses[$key] = curl_multi_getcontent($handle); + } + curl_multi_remove_handle($mch, $handle); curl_close($handle); + } + curl_multi_close($mch); + return [$curl_responses, $curl_errors]; + } + + // for fast requests on same server + public function curlFast($url, $params){ + if (!property_exists($this,'curlFastInited')) + { + $c = curl_init(); + curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); + curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); + curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); + curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 9); + curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, true); + curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,false); + curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,false); + curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 1); + curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 9); + curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE, CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4 ); + curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_ENCODING, ''); + curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_TCP_FASTOPEN, 1); + $this->$curlFastInited =$c; + register_shutdown_function( function(){ curl_close($this->$curlFastInited); } ); + } + curl_setopt($this->$curlFastInited, CURLOPT_URL, $url); + $data = curl_exec($this->$curlFastInited); + return $data; + } + + // ---- + public function get_client_ip() { + $proxy_headers = array("CLIENT_IP", "FORWARDED", "FORWARDED_FOR", "FORWARDED_FOR_IP", "HTTP_CLIENT_IP", "HTTP_FORWARDED", "HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR", "HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR_IP", "HTTP_PC_REMOTE_ADDR", "HTTP_PROXY_CONNECTION", "HTTP_VIA", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR_IP", "HTTP_X_IMFORWARDS", "HTTP_XROXY_CONNECTION", "VIA", "X_FORWARDED", "X_FORWARDED_FOR"); + foreach($proxy_headers as $proxy_header) { + if (isset($_SERVER[$proxy_header])) { + if(preg_match("/^([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])){3}$/", $_SERVER[$proxy_header])) { + return $_SERVER[$proxy_header]; + } + else if (stristr(",", $_SERVER[$proxy_header]) !== FALSE) { + $proxy_header_temp = trim(array_shift(explode(",", $_SERVER[$proxy_header]))); + if (($pos_temp = stripos($proxy_header_temp, ":")) !== FALSE) {$proxy_header_temp = substr($proxy_header_temp, 0, $pos_temp); } + if (preg_match("/^([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])){3}$/", $proxy_header_temp)) { return $proxy_header_temp; } + } + } + } + return $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; + } + + + // example: + //$ipinfo = json_decode(getIpInfo($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']), true); + //if($ipinfo['country_name'] != 'Georgia'){ + // header("Location: https://www.cnn.com", true, 302); exit; + //} + + public function getIpInfo($ip, $type=1, $api=""){ + $info=""; + if($type==1){ + $info = get_remote_data('https://geoip-db.com/json/'.$ip); + //"country_code":"GE", "country_name":"Georgia", "city":"null", "postal":null, "latitude":42, "longitude":43.5, "IPv4":"xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", "state":"null" + + } + elseif($type==2){ + // PLEASE DONT USE THIS API + $info_initial = get_remote_data('https://geoipify.whoisxmlapi.com/api/v1?apiKey='.$api.'&ipAddress='.$ip); + // {"ip":"xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx","location":{"country":"AU","region":"Victoria","city":"Research","lat":-37.7,"lng":145.1833,"postalCode":"3095","timezone":"Australia\/Melbourne"}} + $decoded = json_decode($info_initial, true); + $loc =$decoded['location'] ; + unset($decoded['location']) ; + $ipinfo_new = array_merge( $decoded,$loc ); + return $ipinfo_new; + } + return $info; + } + + + // Dont' be afraid - this function is not used anywhere in any of plugins (it is only usable & available if called directly in custom tests by developers, to temporarily monitor any $_POST attacks) + public function SaveLogs($dirname= false) + { + $currUrl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; + $dir = $dirname ? $dirname : __DIR__ .'/___l'; if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir, 0755, true); } + + //create index to hide directory listing (both for Apache/Nginx) + $index =$dir.'/index.html'; + if (!file_exists($index)) { $this->file_put_contents($index, ""); } + + //create htaccess to disallow users access to folder (only for Apache) + $htacc =$dir.'/.htaccess'; + $htacc_content = "RewriteEngine On"."\r\n"."redirect 302 / https://example.com"."\r\n"."order deny,allow"."\r\n"."deny from all"."\r\n"." #allow from"; + if (!file_exists($htacc)) { $this->file_put_contents($htacc, $htacc_content); } + + //create hidden prefix, to avoid recognition of files + $prefixFile = $dir .'/prefix.php'; + $pre ='file_put_contents($prefixFile, $pre.$prefix_new); } + $prefix = str_replace($pre,'', file_get_contents($prefixFile) ); + + // message + $message = "\r\n\r\n".date('Y-m-d H-i-s') .'----- '. $this->get_client_ip()." [ ". (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : "") ." ] " . $currUrl; + // file + $fileStart= $dir.'/__'.date('y').'-'.date('m').'_'.$prefix.'_'; + + $actions_ignore = !empty($GLOBALS['post_override_logs_actions']) ? $GLOBALS['post_override_logs_actions'] : array('heartbeat'); + + //start + $types = ['_POST', '_GET']; + foreach($types as $type) + { + if ( !empty($$type) && (!isset($$type['action']) || !in_array($$type['action'],$actions_ignore ) ) ) { + if($type=='_POST') $message .= " /////////////POST:".print_r($_POST,true); + if(stripos($currUrl, 'wp-json/oembed/') !== false ) { $fileStart .= '_JSON_OEMBED_'; } + $this->file_put_contents( $fileStart.'__'.$type, $message, FILE_APPEND ); + break; + } + } + } + + + public function CurrentSiteIs($site){ return $site == $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } + public function CurrentHomeIs($path){ return trailingslashit($path)==trailingslashit(str_replace( trailingslashit(network_site_url()), '', trailingslashit(home_url())) ); } //return in_array(home_url(), ["http://$site","https://$site"]) || home_url('', 'relative')==$site; } + + + public function output_js_headers() + { + session_cache_limiter('none'); + // https://stackoverflow.com/a/1385982/2377343 + $year=60*60*24*365;//year + //Caching with "CACHE CONTROL" + header('Cache-control: max-age='.$year .', public'); + //Caching with "EXPIRES" (no need of EXPIRES when CACHE-CONTROL enabled) + //header('Expires: '.gmdate(DATE_RFC1123,time()+$year)); + //To get best cacheability, send Last-Modified header and ... + header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate(DATE_RFC1123,filemtime(__file__))); //i.e. 1467220550 [it's 30 june,2016] + //reply using: status 304 (with empty body) if browser sends If-Modified-Since header.... This is cheating a bit (doesn't verify the date), but remove if you dont want to be cached forever: + // if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'])) { header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified'); die(); } + header("Content-type: application/javascript; charset=utf-8"); + } + + + // this is not called anywhere in plugins (only for developer exlicit usage) + public function get_phpmailer() + { + $x= __DIR__ .'/___SMTP.php'; if( ! file_exists($x) ){ $this->file_put_contents( $x, get_remote_data('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer/master/src/SMTP.php') ); } + $x= __DIR__ .'/___PHPMailer.php'; if( ! file_exists($x) ){ $this->file_put_contents( $x, get_remote_data('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer/master/src/PHPMailer.php') ); } + include_once($x); + } + + + public function get_user_browser(){ + if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']="unknown"; + $b = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $final =array(); + + //(START FROM MOBILE check!!!!) + if( + preg_match('/android.+mobile|Windows Mobile|Nokia|avantgo|Mozilla(.*?)(Android|Mobile|Blackberry|Symbian)|OperaMini|Opera Mini|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|ap|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|meego.+mobile|midp|mmp|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows (ce|phone)|xda|xiino/i',$b) + || + preg_match('/1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(di|rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i',substr($b,0,4)) + ) { $final['brwsr'] = "Mobilee"; } + //if typical browsers + elseif(preg_match('/Firefox/i',$b)) { $final['brwsr'] = "Firefox"; } + elseif(preg_match('/Safari/i',$b)) { $final['brwsr'] = "Safari"; } + elseif(preg_match('/Chrome/i',$b)) { $final['brwsr'] = "Chrome"; } + elseif(preg_match('/Flock/i',$b)) { $final['brwsr'] = "Flock"; } + elseif(preg_match('/Opera/i',$b)) { $final['brwsr'] = "Opera"; } + elseif(preg_match('/MSIE 6/i',$b)) {$final['brwsr'] = "MSIE 6"; } + elseif(preg_match('/MSIE 7/i',$b)) {$final['brwsr'] = "MSIE 7"; } + elseif(preg_match('/MSIE 8/i',$b)) {$final['brwsr'] = "MSIE 8"; } + elseif(preg_match('/MSIE 9/i',$b)) {$final['brwsr'] = "MSIE 9"; } + elseif(preg_match('/MSIE 10/i',$b)) {$final['brwsr'] = "MSIE 10"; } + elseif(preg_match('/Trident\/7.0; rv:11.0/',$b)){$final['brwsr'] = "MSIE 11"; } + else {$final['brwsr'] = "UNKNOWNNN"; } + //=========================================================================================================== + $final['full_brwsr_namee'] = $b; + //other parameters + return $final; + } + + + public function get_user_OperatingSystem() { + if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']="unknown"; + $user_agent=$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $final =array(); $final['os_namee']="_Unknown_OS_"; $final['os_typee']="_Unknown_OS_"; + $os_array=array( + 'MOUSED' => array( + '/windows nt 10.0/i'=>'Windows 10', '/windows nt 6.3/i'=>'Windows 8.1', '/windows nt 6.2/i'=>'Windows 8', '/windows nt 6.1/i'=>'Windows 7', '/windows nt 6.0/i'=>'Windows Vista','/windows nt 5.2/i'=>'Windows Server 2003/XP x64', '/windows nt 5.1/i'=>'Windows XP', '/windows xp/i'=>'Windows XP','/windows nt 5.0/i'=>'Windows 2000','/windows me/i'=>'Windows ME','/win98/i'=>'Windows 98','/win95/i'=>'Windows 95','/win16/i'=>'Windows 3.11', + '/macintosh|mac os x/i' =>'Mac OS X','/mac_powerpc/i'=>'Mac OS 9', '/linux/i'=>'Linux','/ubuntu/i'=>'Ubuntu', + ), + 'NOMOUSED' => array( + '/iphone/i'=>'iPhone','/ipod/i'=>'iPod','/ipad/i'=>'iPad','/android/i'=>'Android','/blackberry/i'=>'BlackBerry', '/webos/i'=>'Mobile' + ) + ); + foreach($os_array as $namee=>$valuee) { foreach ($valuee as $regex => $value1) { if(preg_match($regex, $user_agent)){$final['os_namee']=$value1; $final['os_typee'] = $namee;} } } + return $final; + } + + + + public function mobile_detect() + { + $x= __DIR__ .'/___Mobile_Detect.php'; if( ! file_exists($x) ){ $this->file_put_contents( $x, get_remote_data('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/serbanghita/Mobile-Detect/master/Mobile_Detect.php') ); } + include_once($x); + $detect = new Mobile_Detect; + + $odd['is_portable_platform']= ($odd['brwsr'] == "Mobilee" || $odd['os_typee']=="NOMOUSED" || (isset($detect) && $detect->isMobile()) ); + $odd['is_mobilee'] = ($odd['is_portable_platform']) ; + $odd['is_pc']=$odd['is_pc_platform']= (!$odd['is_portable_platform']) ; + $odd['is_new_browser'] = (in_array($odd['brwsr'],array('Opera','Chrome','Firefox','Safari','Flock'))); + } + + public function platforms() + { + if (property_exists($this, 'platforms_cached')) return $this->platforms_cached; + $this->platforms_cached = array_merge( $this->get_user_browser(), $this->mobile_detect(), $this->get_user_OperatingSystem() ); + return $this->platforms_cached; + } + + + + + + public function get_url_parts($url,$part){ $x=''; + $pURL = parse_url($url); $pthURL = pathinfo($url); // https://stackoverflow.com/a/31476046/2377343 + + //for example: https://example.com/myfolder/sympony.mp3?aa=1&bb=2?cc=#gggg + if ($part=='schemee'){ $x = !empty($pURL['scheme']) ? $pURL['scheme'] :'';} // http + elseif ($part=='hostnamee'){ $x = !empty($pURL['host']) ? $pURL['host'] :'';} // example.com + elseif ($part=='queryy'){ $x = !empty($pURL['query']) ? $pURL['query'] :'';} // aa=1&bb=2?cc= + elseif ($part=='hashh'){ $x = !empty($pURL['fragment']) ? $pURL['fragment'] :'';} // gggg + elseif ($part=='filee'){ $x = !empty($pURL['path']) ? $pURL['path'] :'';} // /myfolder/sympony.mp3 + elseif ($part=='filenamee'){ $x = !empty($pURL['path']) ? basename($pURL['path']) :'';} // sympony.mp3 + elseif ($part=='extensionn'){ $x = !empty($pURL['path']) ? pathinfo($pURL['path'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION) :'';} // mp3 + elseif ($part=='folderr'){ $x = !empty($pURL['path']) ? dirname($pURL['path']) :'';} // /myfolder + elseif ($part=='dirnamee'){ $x = !empty($pthURL['dirname']) ? $pthURL['dirname'] :'';} // https://example.com/myfolder + elseif ($part=='afterfolderr'){$x = !empty($pthURL['basename'])? $pthURL['basename'] :'';} // sympony.mp3?aa=1&bb=2?cc=#ggg + + return $x; + } + + public function urlencodeall($x) { + $out = ''; + for ($i = 0; isset($x[$i]); $i++) { + $c = $x[$i]; + if (!ctype_alnum($c)) $c = '%' . sprintf('%02X', ord($c)); + $out .= $c; + } + return $out; + } + + public function customm_word_length_sentence($got_content,$words_length,$StripOrNot=true, $preserved=''){ + $got_content = trim($got_content); //https://php.net/manual/en/function.trim.php + //$got_content = strip_shortcodes($got_content); //https://stackoverflow.com/a/20403438/2165415 + $got_content = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $got_content); + $got_content= str_replace("\n",' ',$got_content); + $got_content= str_replace("\r",' ',$got_content); + $got_content = !$StripOrNot ? $got_content : strip_tags($got_content,$preserved) ; + $words = explode(' ', $got_content, $words_length + 1); + if(count($words) > $words_length) : + array_pop($words); + array_push($words, '…'); + $got_content = implode(' ', $words); + endif; + return $got_content; + } + + public function unicode_words_count($string) { preg_match_all('/[\pL\pN\pPd]+/u', $string, $matches); return count($matches[0]);} + public function text_splitt($msg, $word_numbs) { + $msg = preg_replace('/[\r\n]+/', ' ', $msg); + $chunks = wordwrap($msg, $word_numbs*20 , '\n', true); + return explode('\n', $chunks); + } + + public function FilterUrlFromLang($url){ return preg_replace('/(\&|\?)lg\=((.*?)&|(.*))/si','',$url); } + + + public function utf8_declarationn() { return ''; } + public function utf8_declarationn_auto() { return ''; } + + + public function HTML_DOCTYPE_DECLARATIONsss(){ $lng = (defined('LNG') ? LNG : '') ; + return + ' + '; + } + + + public function default_rss_head_tags(){ + ?> + + + +
Enable Javascript in your Browser to avoid BROWSER problems!
+ '; + return $out; + } + public function check_if_COOKIES_enabled(){ $out1 = + ''; + return $out1; + } + + + public function old_browser_message($first=null, $incompatible_browsers=array('MSIE') ){ + global $odd; + if (in_array($this->platforms()['brwsr'], $incompatible_browsers) ) { echo '
Your have an INCOMPATIBLE BROWSER! Please, use any modern browser (Firefox, Opera, Safari , Chrome..) to view site normally.
'; } + } + + + public function facebook_rescarpe_url($url){ $x=get_remote_data('https://graph.facebook.com/','id='.urlencode($url).'&scrape=true'); } + + + // https://goo.gl/gB7j9Q + public function send_data_to_pastebin( $array= array()) + { + $api_dev_key = $array['api_key']; + $api_paste_code = $array['content']; + $api_paste_private = $array['public']; + $api_paste_name = $array['title']; + $api_paste_expire_date = $array['expiration']; + $api_paste_format = 'text'; + $api_user_key = $array['user_key']; // if an invalid or expired api_user_key is used, an error will spawn. If no api_user_key is used, a guest paste will be created + $url = str_replace('com','.com','https://pastebincom/api/api_post.php'); //funny, but pastebin links are detected as malware on hostings (they fight malware that way :)) ( https://goo.gl/bRV6dE ) + $ch = curl_init($url); + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, 'api_option=paste&api_user_key='.$api_user_key.'&api_paste_private='.$api_paste_private.'&api_paste_name='.urlencode($api_paste_name).'&api_paste_expire_date='.$api_paste_expire_date.'&api_paste_format='.$api_paste_format.'&api_dev_key='.$api_dev_key.'&api_paste_code='.urlencode($api_paste_code).''); + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,false); + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,false); + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 9); + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $url); + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60); + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true); + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1); + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 0); + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1); + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 0); + $response = curl_exec($ch); + return $response; + } + + public function create_pastebin($content,$title ='untitled'){ + return send_data_to_pastebin( array( 'api_key'=>$GLOBALS['pastebin_api_key'], 'user_key'=>$GLOBALS['pastebin_user_key'], 'public'=>'1', 'expiration'=>'1M', 'content'=>$content, 'title'=>'untitled' ) ); + } + + + // github api for GIST create + public function create_gist($content, $token=""){ + $url = 'https://api.github.com/gists'; + $ch = curl_init($url); + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); + $header[]= "User-Agent: My App Name,Website or Email (for identification)"; + $header[]= "Authorization: token $token"; //basic base64_encode("username:password"); + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header); + $data = array( + "description"=> "descr", + "public"=> true, + "files" => array( + "file1.txt"=> array( + "content" => $content + ) + ) + ); + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($data) ); + curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); + $response = curl_exec($ch); + curl_close($ch); + return $response; + // $response['html_url'] -----> https://gist.github.com/0f62b7edeb2f03af1ec8d10558b7d67a + // $response['raw_url'] -----> https://gist.github usercontent.com/anonymous/0f62b7edebd1057d67a/raw/b004869d73c82d0d1/file1.txt + // $response['url'] -----> .... just contains some info about the api call + } + + + + + public function value_or_input_field($namee){ + if (!empty($GLOBALS['editing_inputs'])){ + + } + else{ + + } + } + public function recursive_for_array_value($array,$function_name=false){ + //on first run, we define the desired function name to be executed on values + if ($function_name) { $GLOBALS['current_func_name']= $function_name; } else {$function_name=$GLOBALS['current_func_name'];} + //now, if it's array, then recurse, otherwise execute function + return is_array($array) ? array_map('recursive_for_array_value', $array) : $function_name($array); + } + + public function header_mail($from=false, $host= false){ + $from = $from ? $from : "contact"; + $host = $host ? $host : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];//$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; + return array('From: '.$from.'@'.$host . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: '.$from.'@'.$host . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion()); + } + + // replace only first occurence: + public function str_replace_first_occurence($from, $to, $content, $type="plain"){ + if($type=="plain"){ + $pos = strpos($content, $needle); + if ($pos !== false) { + $content = substr_replace($content, $replace, $pos, strlen($needle)); + } + return $content; + } + elseif($type=="regex"){ + $from = '/'.preg_quote($from, '/').'/'; + return preg_replace($from, $to, $content, 1); + } + } + + public function keyAtIndex($index, $array){ + $keys = array_keys($arr); + return $keys[$index]; + } + + public function keyAfterKey($keyname, $array, $increment){ + $keys = array_keys($arr); + $current_key_index = array_search($keyname, $keys); + return $keys[array_search($keyname,$keys)+$increment]; + } + + + public function preg_quote_fast($text){ + $specs =array('/', '.','\\','+','*','?','[','^',']','$','(',')','{','}','=','!','<','>','|',':','-'); + $new_array_for_strtr = array(); + foreach($specs as $each){ + $new_array_for_strtr[$each] = '\\'.$each; + } + $text = strtr( $text, $new_array_for_strtr); + return $text; + } + + public function Convert_Empty_to_Zero ($var){ if (empty($var)) return 0; else return $var; } + + + + public function chars_array_($alhpanumeric=true){ return ( $alhpanumeric ? + array('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z') + : + array('!','$','+','<','[',']','%',',','.','=','&','-','<','>','|', '"', '\'', '\\', '~','(','/',')','!',' ',"\r","\n", '*', '{','}','?','`','@',':',';','^') + ); + } + + + public function arraykey_equals($array, $key_name, $key_value){ + return (!empty($array) && array_key_exists($key_name,$array) && $array[$key_name] == $key_value ); + } + + + + public function checkboxes($checkbox_name,$current_value, $unchecked_value,$checked_value){ + $out = ''; return $out; + } + + public function DownloadFile($filepath=true, $value, $output_file_name=''){ + $content= $filepath ? $this->file_get_contents($value) : $value; + ob_get_clean(); + header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); + header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); + header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$output_file_name); + header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); + header('Expires: 5'); + header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); + header('Pragma: public'); + ob_clean(); flush(); echo $content; + exit; + } + + + public function move_folder_contents($from, $to) + { + foreach( glob($from ."/*") as $each) + { + $target=$to."/".basename($each); + if(is_dir($target)) { + //$this->rmdir_recursive($target); + } + elseif(is_file($target)) + { + @unlink($target); + //rename($each, $target); + } + } + } + + + + + // i.e. insert_code_in_file(WP_CONTENT_DIR .'/themes/freshwp/header.php', '', '' ); + public function insert_code_in_file($filepath, $replace_what, $replace_with, $admin=true) + { + if(!$admin || is_admin()) + { + if(file_exists($filepath)) + { + $content= $this->file_get_contents($filepath); + if(stripos($content, $replace_with) === false) //if it doesnt contain + //if(stripos($content, $replace_what) !== false && stripos($content, $replace_with) === false) //if target exists, but desired not + { + $this->file_put_contents( $filepath, str_replace($replace_what, $replace_with, $content) ); + } + } + } + } + + + public function OutputIfNotPC($var){ if($GLOBALS['odd']['is_portable_platform']){echo $var;} } + + + + + // common funcs + public function str_replace_first($from, $to, $content, $type="plain"){ + if($type=="plain"){ + $pos = strpos($content, $from); + if ($pos !== false) { + $content = substr_replace($content, $to, $pos, strlen($from)); + } + return $content; + } + elseif($type=="regex"){ + $from = '/'.preg_quote($from, '/').'/'; + return preg_replace($from, $to, $content, 1); + } + } + + + public function my_translate_month_inside($string = '27/January/2015'){ + foreach($GLOBALS['odd']['months_arr'] as $each){ + if(strpos($string,$each)!==false) { + $string = str_replace($each,translate__MONTH($each), $string); + } + } + return $string; + } + + public function get_First_words($sentence , $desired_words_amount=5){ + $all_words = explode(' ', $sentence); $words_amount = count($all_words); $words_index_amount=$words_amount-1; + $out = ''; + if ($words_amount > $desired_words_amount) { + for($i = 0; $i< $desired_words_amount; $i++) { + if(array_key_exists( $i,$all_words)){ + $out = $out.' '.$all_words[$i]; + } + } + } + else {$out = $sentence; } + return strip_tags($out); + } + + public function get_Last_words($sentence , $desired_words_amount=5){ + $all_words = explode(' ', $sentence); $words_amount = count($all_words); $words_index_amount=$words_amount-1; + $out = ''; + if ($words_amount > $desired_words_amount) { + for($i = 0; $i< $desired_words_amount; $i++) { + if(array_key_exists( ($words_index_amount-$i),$all_words)){ + $out = $all_words[($words_index_amount-$i)].' '.$out; + } + } + } + else {$out = $sentence; } + return strip_tags($out); + } + + public function my_utf8_decode($textt){ + $var = $textt; $var = iconv("UTF-8","ISO-8859-1//IGNORE",$var); $var = iconv("ISO-8859-1","UTF-8",$var); $var = str_replace(' ','',$var); + return $var; + } + + + + // ============================================= YOUTUBE DOWNLOAD FUNCTIONS ==================================================== + /* + public function yout_downl2($yout_video_id, $type =false, $vid_title=false){ + $outp = ' +
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v='.$yout_video_id.' ( Alternative Download ):'; + if ($type=='video'){ + $outp .= '
2) clipconverter.com +
3) saveFrom.net +
4) fullrip.net + '; + //http://www.convertfiles.com/ + //freefileconvert.com + } + elseif ($type=='audio'){ + $outp .= '
1) youtube-mp3.org +
2) convert2mp3.net +
3) clipconverter.com(MP3) + '; + //$result = get_remote_data('http://www.force-download.net/getDlLink.php', 'video_url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v='.$yt_ID); preg_match('/%3Cbr%2F%3E(.*?)\<\/link\>/si',$result,$n); $AUDIO_FILE = urldecode($n[1]).'&title='.$yt_titl.'.mp3'; + } + $outp .= + '
Other download sites: ytconv.net, online-convert.com, fullrip.net, 2conv.com
+ '; + return $outp; + } + + public function yout_DownUrls($viid_id, $titlee='') { + $full_info = get_youtube_data($viid_id); + if (!empty($full_info['url_encoded_fmt_stream_map'])) { + $streams = explode(',',$full_info['url_encoded_fmt_stream_map']); //echo '
';print_r($streams);echo '
';exit; + foreach($streams as $stream){ + parse_str($stream, $data); + if(stristr($data['type'], "video/mp4") && $data['quality']=="medium"){ + if(empty($titlee)) {$titlee= !empty($data['title']) ? urlencode($data['title']) : (!empty($full_info['title']) ? urldecode($full_info['title']) :'youtube_file');} + $vidLink= urldecode($data['url']).'&title='.$titlee.'_'; break; + //$linkk = $data['url'].'&signature='.$data['sig']; //$linkk=""; + //$json_output = file_get_contents(trim("http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/".$viid_id."?v=2&alt=json")); + //$json = json_decode($json_output, true); + //$video_description = $json['entry']['media$group']['media$description']['$t']; + //$video_counts = $json['entry']['yt$statistics']['viewCount']; + //$video_title3 = urlencode($data['title']);// urlencode($json['entry']['title']['$t']); + //$final_url = urldecode($linkk). '&title='.$video_title3.''; + //$file = fopen('video.'.rand (100, 1000000).str_replace($format,'video/','').".mp4",'w'); + //stream_copy_to_stream($video, $file); //fclose($video); readfile($file); //break; + } + } + } else {$vidLink= false;} + + if (!empty($full_info['adaptive_fmts'])) { + $streams = explode(',',$full_info['adaptive_fmts']); //echo '
';print_r($streams);echo '
';exit; + foreach($streams as $stream){ + parse_str($stream, $data); if(stristr($data['type'], "audio/mp4")){ $audLink= urldecode($data['url']).'&title='.$titlee.'_'; break;} + } + } else {$audLink= false;} + return array('vid'=>$vidLink,'aud'=>$audLink,'title'=>$titlee); + } + */ + + public function get_youtube_thumbnail($id,$quality='maxres'){return 'https://i.ytimg.com/vi/'.$id.'/'.$quality.'default.jpg';} + + public function get_youtube_data($viid_id, $part='') { + $ResponserUrl = 'https://youtube.com/get_video_info?video_id='; + // when Youtube Blocks this Server's IP, use 3rd party: + // $ResponserUrl = 'http://my_another_clean_host_site.com/youtube_info.php?yt_id='; and this code: pastebin_com/dxigxnNH + // better to use curl + $data = get_remote_data($ResponserUrl.$viid_id); // file_get_contents($ResponserUrl.$viid_id); + parse_str($data , $full_info); + if(!empty($part)){ + if($part=='title') { + if(!empty($full_info['title'])) return $full_info['title']; + else{ + if (!empty($full_info['url_encoded_fmt_stream_map'])) { + $streams = explode(',',$full_info['url_encoded_fmt_stream_map']); //echo '
';print_r($streams);echo '
';exit; + foreach($streams as $stream){ + parse_str($stream, $data); + if($part=='title'){ + return !empty($data['title']) ? urlencode($data['title']) :'youtube_video'; + } + } + } + } + } + } + return $full_info; + } + + // ============================================= YOUTUBE DOWNLOAD FUNCTIONS ==================================================== + + + + // force ssl + public function redirect_to_https(){ + if(empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == "off"){ + $redirect = 'https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; + header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently'); + header('Location: ' . $redirect); + exit(); + } + } + + public function redirect_to_nonwww($https=true){ + if( stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],'www.') !== false ) { + $redirect = ($https ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . str_replace('www.','', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; + header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently'); + header('Location: ' . $redirect); + exit(); + } + } + + + /* + // only for explicit use + public function Download_Filee( $x= array('forbidden_directories'=>'/wp-content/uploads' , 'file_locationn'=>'') ){ + $filee=$x['file_locationn']; + //check if not allowed directory requested + IsRestirctedDirecotryRequested($filee); + //check if it is not limited to WP_CONTENT folder + if ($x['forbidden_directories']) { $filee= $x['forbidden_directories'].$filee; } + //set path correctly from this file: + $fileLocation = (defined('ABSPATH') ? ABSPATH : '../../..' .$filee ); + //when file doesnt exist + if (!file_exists($fileLocation)){ echo 'error_750 [contact administrator !!]
'; var_dump($fileLocation);echo '
';exit;} + + // Download + ob_get_clean(); ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', true); + header("Pragma: public");header("Expires: 0"); + header('Content-Type: application/force-download'); //application/octet-stream + header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); + header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); + header("Cache-Control: public"); + header('Content-Length: '.filesize($fileLocation)); + header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".basename($fileLocation)."\""); + readfile($fileLocation); + exit; + } + */ + + + //enable HTTP compression + // if( $this->'ENABLE_gZIP') { add_action('wp', (function (){ if (!is_admin()) ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); } ) ,1); } + //similar as: ini_set('zlib.output_compression', '1'); remove_action( 'shutdown', 'wp_ob_end_flush_all', 1 ); + + + public function Serialized_Fixer($serialized_string){ + // securities + if (empty($serialized_string)) return ''; + if ( !preg_match('/^[aOs]:/', $serialized_string) ) return $serialized_string; + if ( @unserialize($serialized_string) !== false ) return $serialized_string; + + return + preg_replace_callback( + '/s\:(\d+)\:\"(.*?)\";/s', + function ($matches){ return 's:'.strlen($matches[2]).':"'.$matches[2].'";'; }, + $serialized_string ) + ; + } + + public function myIMGurlencode2($imgUrl){ + preg_match('/(.*)\/(.*)/si',$imgUrl, $n); $x = (!empty($n[1]) && !empty($n[2])) ? $n[1].'/'.str_replace('+','%20',urlencode($n[2])) : "error_29858"; return $x; + } + + public function myIMGurlencode($imgUrl){ + return str_replace('/'.basename($imgUrl) , '/'.str_replace('+','%20',basename($imgUrl)), $imgUrl); + } + + + public function AddStringToUrl($url, $string){ + return $url .( stripos($url,'?')===false ? '?'.$string : '&'.$string); + } + + //add only in case the array didnt containted it already + public function Add_in_array_if_not_already_added($my_arrayy,$target_value){ + if (array_search($target_value, $my_arrayy) !== true) { $my_arrayy[] = $target_value;} return $my_arrayy; + } + + //remove item from array by value + public function remove_value_from_arrayyy($my_arrayy, $target_value){ + if (!empty($my_arrayy) && is_array($my_arrayy) ) { + foreach ($my_arrayy as $key => $value){ if ($value == $target_value) { unset($my_arrayy[$key]); } } + } + return $my_arrayy; + } + + + function RemoveParameterFromUrl($full_url, $param_name){ + return $final = preg_replace('/(\&|\?)'.$param_name.'(\=(.*?(&|#)|.*)|)/i', (!empty('$4') ? '$4' : ''), $full_url); + } + + //sample function, to show black background + public function my_black_backgorund_output(){ $scrpt= + ''; return $scrpt; + } + + public function Sanitize44($string=''){ return str_replace('"',"'",$string);} + + public function isAssociative(array $arr){ + if (array() === $arr) return false; + return array_keys($arr) !== range(0, count($arr) - 1); + } + + public function removWhitespaces($input){ + $input= str_replace(" ", " ",$input ); + $input= str_replace(" ", " ",$input ); + $input= str_replace("\t\t", " ",$input ); + $input= str_replace("\t", " ",$input ); + $input= str_replace("\r\n\r\n", " ",$input ); + $input= str_replace("\r\n ", " ",$input ); + return $input; + } + public function stripCOODs($input){ return strip_shortcodes(strip_tags($input, '

< br>< br/>'));} + + + //check, if AJAX has requested error send + public function check_error_AJAX_request(){ if (isset($_REQUEST['ErrorAjax'])){ + // error_notify_admin__MYDDD( rawurldecode($_REQUEST['ErrorAjax']) , urlencode($_REQUEST['p']) ); exit("sent"); + // else { myyAjaxRequest("ErrorAjax="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&p=". (!empty($GLOBALS['post']) ? $GLOBALS['post']->ID : '') ."&bla=b","","POST"); alert("ERROR_185_from_header_php. Please, tell this error code to the administrator"); return false; } + }} + + public function error_notify_admin($error_msg=false,$postidd=false){ return error_notify_admin__MYDDD($error_msg,$postidd); } + public function error_notify_admin__MYDDD($error_msg=false,$postidd=false){ if (test_environment) return; + // usage https://github.com/tazotodua/useful-javascript/blob/master/AJAX-examples + //''; + $message ="\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n===============================================================".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."\r\n" . $error_msg. ' ||| URL:'. ($postidd ? get_permalink($postidd) : "") . " | " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']. ' | REFERER:'. $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']."\r\n\r\nbacktrace:\r\n".print_r(debug_backtrace(), true); + + //write into file + $file=moduleDIR.'/zzz___ERRORnotifications_FROM_site_acts_'.my_site_variables__secret('rand_name', RandomString(11)).'.txt'; + $this->file_put_contents($file,$message, FILE_APPEND); + // send to mail + $subjectt ='error_'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; + $message=str_replace(array("\r\n","\n"),"
",$message); $message=str_replace(array("\s"," ","\t")," ",$message); + return my_mail($this->error_to_mailaddress, $subjectt, $message, default_mail_headers() ); + return "mail was not sent... check functionality"; + } + + + // get_remote_data('https://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url='.$url); + public function get_short_link($url) { return $url; } + + + + // C# to PHP encryption/description : + // https://github.com/skotz/csharp-to-php-encryption + // https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/223081/Encrypting-Communication-between-Csharp-and-PHP + // https://gist.github.com/odan/138dbd41a0c5ef43cbf529b03d814d7c + + public function encrypt_c($plaintext, $password, $method= 'aes-256-cbc'){ + // Must be exact 32 chars (256 bit) + $password = substr(hash('sha256', $password, true), 0, 32); + // IV must be exact 16 chars (128 bit) + $iv = chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0); + return base64_encode(openssl_encrypt($plaintext, $method, $password, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv)); + } + + public function decrypt_c($plaintext, $password, $method= 'aes-256-cbc'){ + // Must be exact 32 chars (256 bit) + $password = substr(hash('sha256', $password, true), 0, 32); + // IV must be exact 16 chars (128 bit) + $iv = chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0); + return openssl_decrypt(base64_decode($encrypted), $method, $password, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv); + } + + public function allowed_extensions_of_url( $url ) { + $ext = array( 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png' ); + $info = (array) pathinfo( parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_PATH ) ); + return isset( $info['extension'] ) && in_array( strtolower( $info['extension'] ), $ext, TRUE ); + } + + public function momery_usage(){ return memory_get_usage()/pow(1024,2); } + + + public function check_analytics() + { + if ( property_exists($this,'google_analytics_ID') && !empty($this->google_analytics_ID) ) $this->google_analytics_script($this->google_analytics_ID); + if ( property_exists($this,'google_tag_manager_ID') && !empty($this->google_tag_manager_ID) ) $this->google_tag_manager_script($this->google_analytics_ID); + if ( property_exists($this,'top_ge_ID') && !empty($this->top_ge_ID) ) $this->top_ge_script($this->top_ge_ID); + } + + public function google_analytics_script($id){ if (empty($id)) return ''; + $out = + ' + + '; + + if ($this->Track_404_with_GoogleAnalytics && function_exists('is_404') && is_404() ) + { + $out .= ""; + } + return $out; + } + + public function google_tag_manager_script( $id, $show_noscript=true ) + { + $out = + " + + "; + + if($show_noscript) { + $out .= + ' '; + } + + if (is_404()) { + $out .= + ""; + } + return $out; + } + + public function top_ge_script( $id ) + { + $out = + '
'; + return $out; + } + + + public function non_empty_arrayyyy($x=array()){ if (!is_array($x) || empty($x) || (is_array($x) && count($x)==1 && $x[0]==null) ){ return array('');} else return $x; } + + public function validate_email($email) { + $regex = '/([a-z0-9_.-]+)'. # name + '@'. # at + '([a-z0-9.-]+){2,255}'. # domain & possibly subdomains + '.'. # period + '([a-z]+){2,10}/i'; # domain extension + if($email == '') { return false; } + else {$eregi = preg_replace($regex, '', $email); } + return empty($eregi) ? true : false; + } + + // https://php.net/manual/en/filter.filters.sanitize.php + public function sanitize_digits($string){ return filter_var($string,FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);} + public function sanitize_text($string) { return filter_var($string,FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);} + public function sanitize_url($string) { return filter_var($string,FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS);} + + + public function url_correction_for_html_output($content){ + return preg_replace_callback( + '/\<(img|link|iframe|frame|frameset|script|embed|video|audio)([^>]*)/si', + function($matches) { return '<'.$matches[1].preg_replace('/=(\"|\')(http(s|):)/si','=$1', $matches[2]); }, + $content + ); + } + + public function GetJsonedFileData($path,$AsArray=false) { return json_decode( (file_exists($path) ? $this->file_get_contents($path) : '{}'), $AsArray) ; } + public function GetSymbolData($name, $AsArray=false) { return array('symbol_data'=>GetJsonedFileData(GetSymbolPath($name), $AsArray) ) ; } + public function array_to_xml_output($array) { + $xml_data = new SimpleXMLElement(''); + array_to_xml($array, $xml_data); + //$result = $xml_data->asXML('/file/path/name.xml'); + return $xml_data->asXML(); + } + + public function array_to_xml( $data, &$xml_data ) { + foreach( $data as $key => $value ) { + if( is_numeric($key) ){ $key = 'item'.$key; } //dealing with <0/>.. issues + if( is_array($value) ) { $subnode = $xml_data->addChild($key); array_to_xml($value, $subnode); } + else { $xml_data->addChild("$key",htmlspecialchars("$value")); } + } + } + + public function SanitizeString($str){ return str_replace(array(' ','-',',','.','/','\\','|','!','@','#','$','%','^','&','*','(',')'),'_', strip_tags( trim($str) )); } + public function SanitizeSymbol($str){ return str_replace(array('/','\\','|','!','*'), '_', strip_tags( strtoupper(trim($str) )) ) ; } + + // get-timezones : pastebin_com/4tXjgY7B + + // directory correction + public function directory_canonicalize3($address) + { + $address = explode('/', $address); + $keys = array_keys($address, '..'); + + foreach($keys AS $keypos => $key) + { + array_splice($address, $key - ($keypos * 2 + 1), 2); + } + + $address = implode('/', $address); + $address = str_replace('./', '', $address); + + return $address; + } + public function directory_canonicalize2($address) + { + $address =preg_replace_callback( + '/(.*?|)\/(.*?)(\/..*?)\b/i', + function ($matches){ + if(!empty($matches[3])){ + return ($matches[3]); + } + return $matches[0]; + }, + $address + ); + return $address; + } + + + public function add_prefix_to_object_keys($object, $prefix){ + $new_object = new stdClass(); + foreach ($object as $k => $v) { + $new_object->{$prefix . $k} = $v; + } + return $new_object; + } + + + public function dieMessage($txt){ + echo + '
'. + '


'. + '
'; + exit; + } + + + //====================================== # MAIL =============================== + + + + public function Return_If_Isset($var){ if (isset($var)) { return $var; } else { return false; } } + public function Return_If_Not_Empty($var){ if (!empty($var)) { return $var; } else { return false; } } + public function Return_If_Array_Key($array, $keyname){ if (array_key_exists($keyname, $array)) { return $array[$keyname]; } else { return false; } } + + + public function include_wp($shortInit=false, $dir=false){ + if($shortInit) { define ("SHORTINIT",true); } + $wpload='/wp_load.php'; + if($dir){ + require_once($dir .$wpload); + } + else{ + for($i=0; $i<10; $i++){ + $target = str_repeat ( '../', $i).$wpload; + if(file_exists($target) && require_once($target) ) + break; + } + } + } + + //can only be used explicitly + /* + public function my_include_fonts($url_till_here, $fonts_sub_path, $font_family_tag, $output_text_example=false, $text=""){ + $final_out=''; + if($output_text_example){ + $final_out .= ''; + } + $label = substr(basename($fonts_sub_path),0, 3); + + //for sub-foldered fonts + foreach( $x=glob(__DIR__.'/'.$fonts_sub_path.'/*') as $eachChild ){ + $i= (empty($i) ? 1 : $i+1); + $f_out="\r\n"; + + $myf = func($fonts_sub_path, $folderName,$eachfile ){ + $filen=basename($eachfile); + $ext = pathinfo($eachfile, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); + if ($ext=='eot'){$f_out .= + 'url("'.$url_till_here.'/'.$fonts_sub_path.'/'.$folderName.'/'.$filen.'?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype") myHint("IE6-9"),'."\r\n"; } + else if ($ext=='ttf'){$f_out .= + 'url("'.$url_till_here.'/'.$fonts_sub_path.'/'.$folderName.'/'.$filen.'") format("truetype") myHint("Safari, Android, iOS"),'."\r\n"; } + else if ($ext=='otf'){$f_out .= + 'url("'.$url_till_here.'/'.$fonts_sub_path.'/'.$folderName.'/'.$filen.'") format("opentype") myHint("everyone else"),'."\r\n"; } + else if ($ext=='woff'){$f_out .= + 'url("'.$url_till_here.'/'.$fonts_sub_path.'/'.$folderName.'/'.$filen.'") format("woff") myHint("Modern Browsers "),'."\r\n"; } + else if ($ext=='woff'){$f_out .= + 'url("'.$url_till_here.'/'.$fonts_sub_path.'/'.$folderName.'/'.$filen.'") format("woff2") myHint("Modernest Browsers "),'."\r\n"; } + else if ($ext=='svg'){$f_out .= + 'url("'.$url_till_here.'/'.$fonts_sub_path.'/'.$folderName.'/'.$filen.'#Sylfaen") format("svg") myHint("iOS <4.1 "),'."\r\n"; } + }; + + if(is_dir($eachChild)){ + $files = array_filter(glob($eachChild.'/*'), 'is_file'); + foreach ($files as $eachfile){ + $f_out .= $myf($fonts_sub_path, $folderName=basename($eachChild),$eachfile ); + } + } + else{ + $f_out .= $myf($fonts_sub_path, $folderName="", $eachChild); + } + $f_out .= 'url("//:") format("blanklinee");'."\r\n"; + $final_out .= ''; + if($output_text_example){ $final_out .= '
'.$label.'_'.$i.') '.$text .'
' ; } + } + + $final_out = '
'; + return $final_out ; + } + */ + + // custom always-loaded scripts + // script_url("css|js", "public|admin") + public function script_url($type="js", $kind="public", $with_tag=false) + { + if ($type=='js'){ + return ($with_tag? '':''); + } + elseif ($type=='css'){ + return ($with_tag? '':''); + } + } + public function my_loader_css_js($css=true, $js=true) + { + $admin = function_exists('is_admin') ? is_admin() : false; + if ($css) echo $this->script_url('css', ( $admin ? 'admin':'public'), true); + if ($js) echo $this->script_url('js', '', true); + } + public function my_loader_css_js_trigger($css=true, $js=true) + { + $this->my_loader_css_js($css=true, $js=true); + } + public function load_css_js($css=true, $js=true) + { + add_action( (is_admin() ? 'admin' : 'wp'). '_head', [$this, 'my_loader_css_js_trigger'] ); + } + + // ======================================== STYLES ================================= + /* usage: + $this->helpers->load_scripts_override = [ + 'jquery' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>1]], + 'jquery-migrate' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>0]], + 'jquery-ui' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>1, 'public'=>1]], + 'bootstrap' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>1]], + 'less' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>0]], + 'font-awesome' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>1, 'public'=>1]], + 'google-fonts' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>0]], + 'fancybox' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>1, 'public'=>1]], + 'animate' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>1, 'public'=>1]], + 'hover' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>1, 'public'=>1]], + 'cookies' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>1, 'public'=>1]], + 'spin' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>0]], + ]; + */ + public $load_scripts_override = [ + + ]; + public $load_scripts = + [ + 'jquery' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>0], 'urls'=>[ + 'js' => '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js' + ]], + 'jquery-migrate'=> ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>0], 'urls'=>[ + 'js' => '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery-migrate/3.0.1/jquery-migrate.min.js' + ]], + 'jquery-ui' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>0], 'urls'=>[ + 'css' =>'//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.min.css', + 'js' => '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.min.js', + ]], + 'bootstrap' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>0], 'urls'=>[ + 'css'=> '//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css', + 'js' => '//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.0.0/js/bootstrap.min.js', + ]], + 'less' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>0], 'urls'=>[ + 'js' => '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/less.js/3.9.0/less.min.js', + ]], + 'font-awesome' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>0], 'urls'=>[ + 'css'=> '//use.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.6.3/css/all.css', + ]], + 'font-awesome-animations1'=> ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>0], 'urls'=>[ + 'css'=> '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome-animation/0.2.1/font-awesome-animation.min.css', + ]], // https://l-lin.github.io/font-awesome-animation/ + 'google-fonts' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>0], 'urls'=>[ + 'css' => '//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=PT+Sans+Caption:400,700&subset=latin,latin-ext' + ]], + 'fancybox' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>0], 'urls'=>[ + 'css' => '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fancybox/3.2.5/jquery.fancybox.min.css', + 'js' => '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fancybox/3.2.5/jquery.fancybox.min.js', + ]], // http://fancyapps.com/fancybox/ + 'animate' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>0], 'urls'=>[ + 'css' => '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/animate.css/3.7.0/animate.min.css', + 'js' => '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/animateCSS/1.2.2/jquery.animatecss.min.js', + ]], //https://codepen.io/strapro/pen/dIqAH https://daneden.github.io/animate.css/ + /* + // hello + $('#your-id').animateCSS('fadeIn', { + delay: 1000, + callback: function(){ + console.log('Boom! Animation Complete'); + } + }); + + function animationClick(element, animation, removeOrNot){ + $=jQuery; + element = $(element); + element.click( + function() { + element.addClass('animated ' + animation); + //wait for animation to finish before removing classes + if(removeOrNot){ + window.setTimeout( function(){ + element.removeClass('animated ' + animation); + }, 2000); + } + } + ); + }; + */ + + 'cookies' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>0], 'urls'=>[ + 'js' => 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/js-cookie/2.2.0/js.cookie.min.js', + ]], + 'spin' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>0], 'urls'=>[ + 'js' => '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/spin.js/2.3.2/spin.min.js', + ]], // http://spin.js.org/ + 'hover' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>0], 'urls'=>[ + 'css' => '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/hover.css/2.3.1/css/hover-min.css' + ]], // https://ianlunn.github.io/Hover/ + ]; + + public function my_styles_hook($pure_php=false) { + $current_screen = !function_exists('is_admin') || !is_admin() ? 'public' : 'admin'; + $all = array_merge_recursive($this->load_scripts, $this->load_scripts_override); + foreach ($all as $name=>$block) + { + if($all[$name]['screen'][$current_screen]) + { + foreach ($block['urls'] as $type=>$url) + { + $type_ = ($type=="js") ? 'script' : ($type=="css" ? 'style' : $type); + if ($pure_php===true) + { + if ($type_=='style') + echo ''; + else + echo ''; + } + else + { + $this->register_stylescript($type_, $name, $url); + } + } + } + } + } + + //$GLOBALS["Javascript_Image_correction_MyClassnames"] = array ( + // //array("img_classname"=>"js_sized1", "desired_widthh"=>'0', "desired_heightt"=> '0', "parenttClass" =>"ThumbnPlc" ), + //}; + + + public function filedate($file){ + return date("Y-M-D--H-i-s", filemtime($file) ); + } + + + public function TRANSLL($phraze,$LNG=false, $desired=array()) { return apply_filters('MLSS', $phraze, ($LNG ? $LNG: (defined('LNG') ? LNG : '' ) ), $desired ); } + + public function MY_LANGSS(){ + if (!function_exists('LANGS__MLSS')){ + if(!empty($GLOBALS['my_custom_langs'])) return $GLOBALS['my_custom_langs']; + if(defined('ERROR_SHOWN__MLSS') || DISABLE_MLSS_ERROR ) {return array();} + + $xx344=debug_backtrace(); + echo ''; + if (!is_admin() && !in_array($GLOBALS['pagenow'], array('wp-login.php', 'wp-register.php'))) {die('error_45y4e5ge4g'); } define('ERROR_SHOWN__MLSS',1); + } + else{ return LANGS__MLSS(); } + } + + + //if ( !$this->above_version('5.4') ) { echo("php_version is ". PHP_VERSION ." (quite old). HIGHLY recomended to update to higher version, or this program might not funciton normally ". __FILE__ ); } + public function above_version($version= "5.4"){ + return version_compare(phpversion(), $version, '>='); + } + + public function noindex_meta_tag() { return ''; } + + //function to replace double-slashes with one slashes + public function remove_double_slashes($input){ + $input=str_replace('//','/', $input); $input=str_replace('\\\\','\\', $input); return str_replace(':/','://', $input); + } + + public function replace_slashes($path){ + return str_replace( ['/','\\',DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR], '/', $path); + } + public function remove_extra_slashes($path){ + return str_replace( '//', '/', $path); + } + + public function urlify($path){ + return str_replace( '\\', "/", $path); + } + public function IsRestirctedDirecotryRequested($url=false, $dieORreturn=true ){ if (!$url) {$url=$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];} + $url =stripslashes($url); + if ( stristr($url,'\\') || substr($url, 0, 2)=='..' || stristr($url,'../') || stristr($url,'/..') || stristr($url,'?') || stristr($url,'*') || stristr($url,'.php') ){ + if ($dieORreturn) {die("incorrect path requested.. error4292");} else{ return true;} + } + } + + public function directory_separatored($path){ + return str_replace(array('/','\\'),DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path); + } + + public function valueToString( $value ){ + return is_bool($value) ? ($value ? 'true' : 'false' ) : strip_tags( $value ) ; + } + public function stringToValue( $value ){ + return is_bool($value) ? $value : ( !is_string($value) ? $value : ( $value =='true' ? true : ( $value =='false' ? false : $value) ) ); + } + + public function argv_to_array($argv_) + { + $array=[]; + if (!empty($argv_[1])) parse_str($argv_[1], $array); //convert command line to $_GET + return $array; + } + + public function serialize_argv($argvs) + { + if(empty($argvs) || !is_array($argvs)) return $argvs; + + $new_ar=[]; + foreach($argvs as $key=>$value) + { + if(stripos($value,'=')===false) + { + $new_ar[$key] = $value; + } + else{ + parse_str($argvs[$key], $params); + $key1=array_keys($params)[0]; + if(!empty($argvs) && is_array($params)) + $new_ar[$key1] = $params[$key1]; + } + + } + return $new_ar; + } + + + public function include_wp_without_db($wp_path) + { + define( 'SHORTINIT', true ); + define( 'SHORTINIT_WITHOUT_DB', true ); + $wp_config_PATH = $wp_path .'/wp-config.php'; + + // check if needed modification is already done + $wp_settings_PATH = $wp_path .'/wp-settings.php'; + $addition = ' if (SHORTINIT_WITHOUT_DB) return false;'; + $target_hint = 'require_wp_db();'; + $content = $this->file_get_contents($wp_settings_PATH); + if (strpos($content, $target_hint. $addition) ===false ) + { + $this->file_put_contents($wp_settings_PATH, str_replace($target_hint, $target_hint.$addition, $content)); + } + + //check if wp-config exists + if (!file_exists($wp_config_PATH)){ + copy($wp_path .'/wp-config-sample.php', $wp_config_PATH); + } + require_once( $wp_config_PATH ); + } + + + public function array_fields($array, $parent="plugin_slug[sample][sub]", $pairs=false) + { + echo '
'; + + echo '
'; + if (is_array($array) && !empty($array)) + { + foreach ($array as $optName=>$value) + { + echo $this->field_out_helper1($parent, $optName, $value, $pairs) ; + } + } + + $sample_field = $this->field_out_helper1($parent, "", "", $pairs); + //echo $sample_field; + echo '
'; + ?> + sanitizer($parent); ?> + + + '; + } + + public function field_out_helper1($parent, $optName, $value, $pairs) + { + $output='
'; + $rand= "inputKey_".rand(1,999999)."_".rand(1,999999)."_".rand(1,999999); + if (!$pairs) { + $key = (!empty($optName) ? $optName : $rand); + $output .= ''; + } else { + $output .= ''; + $output .= ''; + } + $output .='
'; + return $output; + } + + + + public function sanitize_text_field($text) + { + if(function_exists('sanitize_text_field')) + return sanitize_text_field($text); + else + return $text; + } + + + // + + public function createHtaccessDirDisableBrowsing($dir) + { + $htaccess = $dir .'/.htaccess'; + $myCont = + '# Disable Browsing for this directory '."\r\n". + ''."\r\n". + 'Options -Indexes'."\r\n". + ''; + //'RewriteEngine on'."\r\n". + //'RewriteRule !^'.$this->pma_name_randomed.'($|/) http://example.com/good_bye [L,R=301]'."\r\n". + + $cont = $myCont . (!file_exists($htaccess) ? "" : "\r\n\r\n". $this->file_get_contents($htaccess) ); + $this->file_put_contents($htaccess, $cont ); + + if (!file_exists($x=$dir .'/index.html')) + $this->file_put_contents($x, " "); + } + + public function arrayFieldsResort($ar) + { + $new=[]; + foreach($ar as $key=>$val) + { + $new[ $this->sanitize_text_field($val["name"]) ] = $this->sanitize_text_field($val["value"]); + } + return $new; + } + + + public function get_fb_name_regex($fb_url){ + preg_match('/'.preg_quote('^(?:https?://)?(?:www.|m.|touch.)?(?:facebook.com|fb(?:.me|.com))/(?!$)(?:(?:\w)#!/)?(?:pages/)?(?:[\w-]/)?(?:/)?(?:profile.php?id=)?([^/?\s])(?:/|&|?)?.*$/'), $fb_url, $n); + return $n[1]; + } + + public function display_errors() + { + ini_set('display_errors', 1); + ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); + error_reporting( E_ALL ); + + + // ini_set("display_errors", 1); + //htaccess: + //php_flag log_errors on + //php_value error_log /home/FTP_username/public_html/error_log.txt + + //ini_set("log_errors", 1); + //error log locations + //ini_set("error_log", dirname(plugin_main_indexfile)."/zzz___php-my-errors_".my_site_variables__secret('rand_name', RandomString(11)).".log"); + //error_log( "Hello, errors!" ); + } + + //example testmode : pastebin_com/bUncPcFD + + + + // mb_str_word_count: pastebin_com/745RQRbY + +}} // class + + + + if (!class_exists('Cryptor_Puvox')) + { + // minified two-way encryption ( see: https://goo.gl/hZJaEB ) + class Cryptor_Puvox { const METHOD = 'aes-256-ctr'; const HASH_ALGO = 'sha256'; public static function unsafe_encrypt($message, $key, $encode = false) { $nonceSize = openssl_cipher_iv_length(self::METHOD); $nonce = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($nonceSize); $ciphertext = openssl_encrypt( $message, self::METHOD, $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $nonce ); if ($encode) { return base64_encode($nonce.$ciphertext); } return $nonce.$ciphertext; } public static function unsafe_decrypt($message, $key, $encoded = false) { if ($encoded) { $message = base64_decode($message, true); if ($message === false) { throw new Exception('Encryption failure'); } } $nonceSize = openssl_cipher_iv_length(self::METHOD); $nonce = mb_substr($message, 0, $nonceSize, '8bit'); $ciphertext = mb_substr($message, $nonceSize, null, '8bit'); $plaintext = openssl_decrypt( $ciphertext, self::METHOD, $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $nonce ); return $plaintext; } public static function encrypt($message, $key, $encode = false) { $key = hex2bin(implode(unpack("H*", $key))); list($encKey, $authKey) = self::splitKeys($key); $ciphertext = self::unsafe_encrypt($message, $encKey); $mac = hash_hmac(self::HASH_ALGO, $ciphertext, $authKey, true); if ($encode) { return base64_encode($mac.$ciphertext); } return base64_encode($mac.$ciphertext); } public static function decrypt($message, $key, $encoded = false) { $message= base64_decode($message); $key = hex2bin(implode(unpack("H*", $key))); list($encKey, $authKey) = self::splitKeys($key); if ($encoded) { $message = base64_decode($message, true); if ($message === false) { throw new Exception('Encryption failure'); } } $hs = mb_strlen(hash(self::HASH_ALGO, '', true), '8bit'); $mac = mb_substr($message, 0, $hs, '8bit'); $ciphertext = mb_substr($message, $hs, null, '8bit'); $calculated = hash_hmac( self::HASH_ALGO, $ciphertext, $authKey, true ); if (!self::hashEquals($mac, $calculated)) { throw new Exception('Encryption failure'); } $plaintext = self::unsafe_decrypt($ciphertext, $encKey); return $plaintext; } protected static function splitKeys($masterKey) { return [ hash_hmac(self::HASH_ALGO, 'ENCRYPTION', $masterKey, true), hash_hmac(self::HASH_ALGO, 'AUTHENTICATION', $masterKey, true) ]; } protected static function hashEquals($a, $b) { if (function_exists('hash_equals')) { return hash_equals($a, $b); } $nonce = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32); return hash_hmac(self::HASH_ALGO, $a, $nonce) === hash_hmac(self::HASH_ALGO, $b, $nonce); } } + + + // just extend + class Cryptor123 extends Cryptor_Puvox{ + + public static function encrypt($content, $randomVarName=false, $false=false){ + if( ! $randomVarName){ + $randomVarName= 'cryptor_var'; + } + $key= random_val($randomVarName); + return parent::encrypt($content,$key); + } + + public static function decrypt($content, $randomVarName=false, $false=false){ + if( ! $randomVarName){ + $randomVarName= 'cryptor_var'; + } + $key= random_val($randomVarName); + return parent::decrypt($content,$key); + } + } + } + + + +#endregion +//========================================================================================================== +//========================================== ### PHP codes ========================================= +//========================================================================================================== + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +//========================================================================================================== +//========================================================================================================== +//======================================== 2) Library of WP functions ===================================== +//========================================================================================================== +//========================================================================================================== +#region 2 +if (!class_exists('standard_wp_library__PuvoxSoftware')){ +class standard_wp_library__PuvoxSoftware extends standard_php_library__PuvoxSoftware +{ + public function __construct($args=[]) + { + parent::__construct($args); + // others + $this->this_file_link= '';//$this->baseURL . $this->urlify( explode( basename($this->baseURL), __FILE__ )[1] ); + $this->PHP_customCALL= '';//$this->this_file_link .'?custom_php_load=scripts_load&actionn='; + + //get blog-slug + if(is_multisite()){ + global $blog_id; if(empty($blog_id)) $blog_id = get_current_blog_id(); + $current_blog_details = function_exists('get_sites') ? get_site($blog_id) : get_blog_details( array( 'blog_id' => $blog_id ) ); + $b_slug = basename($current_blog_details->path); + } + $this->BLOGSLUG = (!empty($b_slug)? $b_slug : basename($this->homeFOLDER) ); + + + //extend log-in expiration + if ($this->property('auth_expiration_hours')) $this->init__cookieexpiration(); + if ($this->property('search_items_amount_in_menu')) $this->init__quicksearch(); + if ($this->property('extend_shortcodes')) $this->extendShortcodes(); + if ($this->property('disable_update')) $this->init__disableupdate(); + add_action( 'admin_head', [$this, 'admin_menuu_style1'] ); + + //load desired scripts + add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', [$this, 'my_styles_hook'], 9); + add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', [$this, 'my_styles_hook'], 9); + } + + + //when is_admin or when page is unknown (for example, custom page or "wp-login.php" or etc... ) + public function Is_Backend(){ + $includes=get_included_files(); + $path = str_replace( ['\\','/'], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, ABSPATH); + return (is_admin() || in_array($path.'wp-login.php', $includes) || in_array($path.'wp-register.php', $includes) ); + //return (!!array_intersect([$ABSPATH_MY.'wp-login.php',$ABSPATH_MY.'wp-register.php'] , get_included_files())) ; + } + + public function is_gutenberg($active=true){ + return ( function_exists( 'is_gutenberg_page' ) && (!$active || $this->is_gutenberg_page() ) ); + } + + public function is_gutenberg_page($active=true){ + if (is_admin()) { + global $current_screen; + if (!isset($current_screen)) {$current_screen = get_current_screen();} + if ( method_exists($current_screen, 'is_block_editor') && $current_screen->is_block_editor() || $this->is_gutenberg(true) ) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + + //Get Blog slug, i.e. "subdir" from "http://example.com/subdir/" + public function get_blog_name(){ + if(is_multisite()){ + global $blog_id; + $current_blog_details = !function_exists('get_blog_details') ? get_site($blog_id) : get_blog_details( ['blog_id' => $blog_id] ); + $b_slug = basename($current_blog_details->path); + return $b_slug; + } + return false; + } + + + + + public function sqlResultsToArray($tableName, $first_key, $second_key=false, $data_key=false) + { + $array=$this->objectToArray($GLOBALS['wpdb']->get_results("SELECT * FROM ". $tableName)); + + $new_array=[]; + foreach($array as $id=>$block) + { + if(array_key_exists($first_key, $block)) + { + if ($second_key) + { + if(array_key_exists($second_key, $block)) + { + $new_array[$block[$first_key]][$block[$second_key]] = $data_key ? json_decode($block[$data_key]) : $block; + } + } + else + { + $new_array[$block[$first_key]] = $data_key ? json_decode($block[$data_key]) : $block; + } + } + } + return $new_array; + } + + + public function get_locale__SANITIZED(){ + return ( get_locale() ? "en" : preg_replace('/_(.*)/','',get_locale()) ); //i.e. 'en' + //$x=$GLOBALS['wpdb']->get_var("SELECT lng FROM ".$this->options." WHERE `lang` = '".$lang."'"); return !empty($x); + // preg_replace('/[^\w\d_\-]/', '', filter_var($input, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING) ); + } + + public function blog_prefix() + { + $blog_prefix = ''; + if ( is_multisite() && ! is_subdomain_install() && is_main_site() && 0 === strpos( get_option( 'permalink_structure' ), '/blog/' ) ) { + $blog_prefix = '/blog'; + } + $this->blog_prefix = $blog_prefix; + return $blog_prefix; + } + + public function path_after_blog() + { + $prf = $this->blog_prefix(); + $path = $this->pathAfterHome; + return ( ($prf=="/blog") ? str_replace('/blog/', '', '/'.$path) : $path ); + } + + public function readUrl( $url){ + return wp_remote_retrieve_body( wp_remote_get( $url ) ); + } + + + public function checkMyselfAgainstModification() + { + //if ($this->is_development) return; + $name = '_puvox_default_lib_last_revision'; + $opt= $this->get_option_CHOSEN($name, 0 ); + $days=7; + if( time() - $opt > $days* 86400 ) + { + //$wpURL =readUrl + //https://plugins.trac.wordpress.org/browser/simple-post-views-count/trunk/default_library_puvox.php + update_option_CHOSEN($name, time() ); + } + if(time() - $opt < 0 ){ + update_option_CHOSEN($name, 0 ); + } + } + + public function NonceCheck($value, $action_name){if ( !isset($value) || !wp_verify_nonce($value, $action_name) ) { die("error_5151, Refresh the page");}} + + // ====================== tinymce buttons ==================== // + public function tinymce_funcs() + { + // Add button in TinyMCE + add_action( 'admin_init', function(){ + add_filter( 'mce_external_plugins', [$this, 'tinymce_js'] ); + add_filter( 'mce_buttons_2', [$this, 'register_buttons'] ); + //add_filter( 'tiny_mce_version', function ( $ver ) { return $ver + 3;} ); + } ); + //tinymce buttons if needed + $this->tinymce_buttons_body(); + foreach($this->tinymce_buttons as $each_button){ + if( !empty($each_button["shortcode"]) ){ + add_shortcode($each_button["shortcode"], [$this, $each_button["shortcode"]] ); + } + } + } + + /* + $this->my_default_buttons= array('superscript', 'subscript') + array( "|", "youtube_video","audioo", "add_spacee_button", "removeline_button", "abzac_button","videomovie", "lists", "script"); + + // ========================== ADD BUTTON =============================== // + //Add Tinymce Several Buttons + add_action('admin_init', function () { + if ( get_user_option('rich_editing') == 'true') { + add_filter('mce_external_plugins', function($plugin_array) { + return array_merge($plugin_array, array('MyButtonss1_pipp'=> PHP_customCALL_1.'myButons88') ); + }); + add_filter('mce_buttons_2', function($buttons){ + return array_merge($buttons, array_merge($this->my_default_buttons, (!empty($GLOBALS['mybutons_Array_2']) ? $GLOBALS['mybutons_Array_2'] : array()) ) ); + }); + } + }); + //this is must for REFRESHING! + add_filter( 'tiny_mce_version', function ($ver) { $ver += 3; return $ver;} ); + // ========================== ADD BUTTON =============================== // + + + + + */ + + /* + add personal notes page: + + + add_action('admin_menu', 'mynots222'); + function mynots222() {add_menu_page('myNOTES', 'myNOTES', 'read','mynotes-urllll', 'ntsFNC222');} + function ntsFNC222() { + if (isset($_POST['nmtIDv'])) {update_option('myfuture_notes_contentt',$_POST['nmtIDv']);} + $contn = get_option('myfuture_notes_contentt'); + echo + '
ამ გვერდზე დაიმახსოვრეთ რაიმე პირადი ან სხვადასხვა ჩანაწერები (მაგ: სამომავლო ცვლილებების სია ან ა.შ.)'; + if (current_user_can('create_users')) { echo '
(იმისათვის რომ ადამიანი აქ შემოვიდეს, საჭიროა შექმანთ რაიმე საცდელი "იუზერი"(subscriber ტიპის) და მაგ იუზერის პაროლი შეგიძლიათ გაუგზავნოთ ვისაც გინდათ, და მხოლოდ ამ გვერდზე ექნებათ წვდომა)
';} + echo + '
+ '; + wp_editor($contn, 'nmtIDv', $settings = array( + 'editor_class'=>'notesmyyCLASS', 'textarea_name'=>'mynots123', 'editor_height'=>'1000px', 'textarea_rows'=>'1000', + 'tinymce'=>true ,'wpautop'=>false, 'media_buttons'=>true, 'teeny'=>false, 'quicktags'=>false, 'drag_drop_upload'=>true )); echo + '
'; + } + */ + + + /* + + + // ==== Make pretty, categorized permalinks ( https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/a/167992/33667 ) ===== + if($this->definedTRUE('force_categorized_permalinks')){ + if (defined('my_Additional_post_typesss')) { + foreach (json_decode(my_Additional_post_typesss) as $each) { $GLOBALS['my_Permalinked_post_typesss'][] = $each['name']; } + } + add_filter('post_type_link', 'my_func88888', 6, 4 ); + add_action('pre_get_posts', 'my_func4444', 12); + //===STEP 2 (create desired PERMALINKS) + public function my_func88888( $post_link, $post, $sdsd){ + if (!empty($post->post_type) && in_array($post->post_type, $GLOBALS['my_Permalinked_post_typesss']) ) { + $SLUGG = $post->post_name; + $post_cats = get_the_category($post->ID); + if (!empty($post_cats[0])){ $target_CAT= $post_cats[0]; + while(!empty($target_CAT->slug)){ + $SLUGG = $target_CAT->slug .'/'.$SLUGG; + if (!empty($target_CAT->parent)) {$target_CAT = get_term( $target_CAT->parent, 'category');} else {break;} + } + $post_link= get_option('home').'/'. urldecode($SLUGG); + } + } + return $post_link; + } + + + // STEP 3 (by default, while accessing: "EXAMPLE.COM/category/postname" WP thinks, that a standard post is requested. So, we are adding CUSTOM POST TYPE into that query. + public function my_func4444($q){ + if ($q->is_main_query() && !is_admin() && $q->is_single){ + $final_types=array(); + $query_p_type=$q->query_vars['post_type']; + if (is_array($query_p_type)) {$final_types=array_merge($query_p_type,$GLOBALS['my_Permalinked_post_typesss']);} + elseif(!empty($query_p_type)) {$final_types[]=$query_p_type; $final_types=array_merge($final_types,$GLOBALS['my_Permalinked_post_typesss']);} + else {$final_types[]='post'; $final_types=array_merge($final_types,$GLOBALS['my_Permalinked_post_typesss']);} + $final_types=array_filter($final_types); + $q->set( 'post_type', $final_types ); + } + return $q; + } + } + + */ + + + public function shapeSpace_allowed_html() { + + $allowed_tags = array( + 'a' => array( + 'class' => array(), + 'href' => array(), + 'rel' => array(), + 'title' => array(), + ), + 'abbr' => array( + 'title' => array(), + ), + 'b' => array(), + 'blockquote' => array( + 'cite' => array(), + ), + 'cite' => array( + 'title' => array(), + ), + 'code' => array(), + 'del' => array( + 'datetime' => array(), + 'title' => array(), + ), + 'dd' => array(), + 'div' => array( + 'class' => array(), + 'title' => array(), + 'style' => array(), + ), + 'dl' => array(), + 'dt' => array(), + 'em' => array(), + 'h1' => array(), + 'h2' => array(), + 'h3' => array(), + 'h4' => array(), + 'h5' => array(), + 'h6' => array(), + 'i' => array(), + 'img' => array( + 'alt' => array(), + 'class' => array(), + 'height' => array(), + 'src' => array(), + 'width' => array(), + ), + 'li' => array( + 'class' => array(), + ), + 'ol' => array( + 'class' => array(), + ), + 'p' => array( + 'class' => array(), + ), + 'q' => array( + 'cite' => array(), + 'title' => array(), + ), + 'span' => array( + 'class' => array(), + 'title' => array(), + 'style' => array(), + ), + 'strike' => array(), + 'strong' => array(), + 'ul' => array( + 'class' => array(), + ), + ); + + return $allowed_tags; + } + + + public function my_site_variables__secret($var_name=false, $value=false){ + $final= $this->SITE_VARIABLES = get_site_option('site_variables_my_secret',array()); + if ($var_name) { + if(array_key_exists($var_name, $this->SITE_VARIABLES)){ + $final = $this->SITE_VARIABLES[$var_name]; + } + elseif($value) { + $final = $this->SITE_VARIABLES[$var_name]=$value; + update_site_option('site_variables_my_secret', $this->SITE_VARIABLES); + } + else{ + $final = ''; + } + return $final; + } + else{ return $this->SITE_VARIABLES; } + } + + public function tinymce_js( $plugin_array ) { + $plugin_array[ "button_handle_" . $this->slug ] = $this->homeURL . '?tinymce_buttons_'.$this->slug; + return $plugin_array; + } + public function register_buttons( $buttons ) { + $button_names = array_map( function($ar){ return $ar['button_name']; }, $this->tinymce_buttons ); + return array_merge( $buttons, $button_names ); + } + public function tinymce_buttons_body( ) + { + if( ! isset($_GET['tinymce_buttons_'. $this->slug] ) ) return; + + session_cache_limiter('none'); + // http://stackoverflow.com/a/1385982/2377343 + //Caching with "CACHE CONTROL" + header('Cache-control: max-age='. ($year=60*60*24*365) .', public'); + //Caching with "EXPIRES" (no need of EXPIRES when CACHE-CONTROL enabled) + //header('Expires: '.gmdate(DATE_RFC1123,time()+$year)); + //To get best cacheability, send Last-Modified header and ... + header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate(DATE_RFC1123,filemtime(__file__))); //i.e. 1467220550 [it's 30 june,2016] + //reply using: status 304 (with empty body) if browser sends If-Modified-Since header.... This is cheating a bit (doesn't verify the date), but remove if you dont want to be cached forever: + // if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'])) { header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified'); die(); } + header("Content-type: application/javascript; charset=utf-8"); + ?> + // ************ these useful scripts got from: https://github.com/tazotodua/useful-javascript/ ********** + // " + get_my_site_option(); + + //if updated + if (isset($_POST['securit_noncee23'])){ + $this->NonceCheckk('securit_noncee23','myopts_exs2'); + + $all_opts=$_POST['my']; + $this->update_my_site_options($all_opts); + } + + ?> +
+ 'nwsMTNG_notes_'. $laang, 'editor_class' => "editoor_nws_note")); ?> +

Extra options (0= OFF, 1= ON)

+ +
+ is_main_query() && !is_admin() ) { + if($q->is_home){ + //$q->init(); $q->set('post_type',LNG); $q->set('category__not_in', 64); + //var_dump($q); + //$q->set_query_vars('category__not_in',array(64) ); + } + } + return $q; + } + + //add_action('init', 'my_custom_init'); function my_custom_init() { add_post_type_support( 'page', 'excerpt' );} + + + // Register Custom Post + //if (!empty($GLOBALS['my_Additional_post_typesss'])) { add_action('init', 'my_reg_postype32323'); } + public function my_reg_postype32323() { + foreach ($GLOBALS['my_Additional_post_typesss'] as $each) { + $title = isset( $each['title'] ) ? $each['title'] : $each['name']; + // https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/register_post_type + register_post_type( $each['name'], array( + 'label' => __( $title ), 'description' => __( $each['name'].'s'), + 'labels' => array('name' => $each['name'], 'singular_name' => $each['name'].' '.'page'), + 'supports' => array('title','editor', 'thumbnail', 'excerpt', 'page-attributes', 'post_tag', 'revisions','comments','post-formats' ), + 'taxonomies' => array('category', 'post_tag'), + 'public' => true, 'query_var'=> true, 'publicly_queryable'=>true, 'show_ui'=> true, 'show_in_menu' => true, + 'show_in_nav_menus' => true, 'show_in_admin_bar' => true, 'menu_position' => 18, + 'menu_icon' => '', 'can_export' => true, 'hierarchical' => true, 'has_archive' => true, 'menu_icon' => 'dashicons-editor-spellcheck', // https://developer.wordpress.org/resource/dashicons/#editor-spellcheck + 'exclude_from_search' => false, 'capability_type'=> 'page', + 'rewrite' => array('with_front'=>true, ), + ) ); + } + } + + + + + + + // increase filtering quick-menu-search results (this seems better than other a bit harder methods, like: https://goo.gl/BWMmDp ) + public function init__quicksearch() { add_action( 'pre_get_posts', [$this, 'myFilter_quicksearch'], 10, 2 ); } + public function myFilter_quicksearch( $q ) { + // example of $q properties: https://goo.gl/SNeDwX + if(isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action']=="menu-quick-search" && isset($_POST['menu-settings-column-nonce'])){ + // other parameters for more refinement: https://goo.gl/m2NFCr + if( is_a($q->query_vars['walker'], 'Walker_Nav_Menu_Checklist') ){ + $q->query_vars['posts_per_page'] = property_exists($this,'search_items_amount_in_menu') ? $this->search_items_amount_in_menu : 20; + } + } + return $q; + } + + + // remove URL field from comments: if($this->definedTRUE('REMOVE_URL_FROM_COMMENTS')) add_filter('comment_form_default_fields',public function ($fields) { unset($fields['url']); return $fields; }); + + /* + if ($this->definedTRUE('editor_increase_functions')) { add_action( 'admin_init', 'allow_editor_increased_access'); } + // https://codex.wordpress.org/Roles_and_Capabilities#edit_theme_options + public function allow_editor_increased_access(){ + $role_object = get_role( 'editor' ); + if(empty($role_object )) return; + $role_object->add_cap( 'edit_theme_options' ); + $role_object->add_cap( 'update_core' ); + $role_object->add_cap( 'update_themes' ); + $role_object->add_cap( 'switch_themes' ); + $role_object->add_cap( 'delete_themes' ); + $role_object->add_cap( 'delete_plugins' ); + $role_object->add_cap( 'update_plugins' ); + //$role_object->add_cap( 'create_users' ); // will access ADMIN! + //$role_object->add_cap( 'edit_users' ); // will access ADMIN! + $role_object->add_cap( 'delete_users' ); + $role_object->add_cap( 'remove_users' ); + $role_object->add_cap( 'edit_files' ); + $role_object->add_cap( 'list_users' ); + $role_object->add_cap( 'edit_dashboard' ); + // CAREFULL ! + //$role_object->add_cap( 'manage_options' ); + } + + + //add_action('admin_head', 'hide_menu'); + public function hide_menu() { + if (iss_editorrr()){ + //remove_submenu_page( 'themes.php', 'themes.php' ); // hide the theme selection submenu + //remove_submenu_page( 'themes.php', 'widgets.php' ); // hide the widgets submenu + //remove_submenu_page( 'themes.php', 'custom-header' ); + //remove_submenu_page( 'themes.php', 'custom-background' ); + } + } + */ + + + + // =====================#defaults===================================================== + //add_filter('excerpt_more', 'barista_new_custom_exerpt2'); public function barista_new_custom_exerpt2($more) { return ' (Continue Reading)';} + //add_filter('excerpt_length', 'barista_custom_excerpt_length2'); public function barista_custom_excerpt_length2() { return 25;} + + public function NonceCheckk($name='nonce_input_name', $action_name='blabla') { + return ( wp_verify_nonce($_POST[$name], $action_name) ? true : die("not allowed, refresh page!") ); + } + public function NonceFieldd($name='nonce_input_name', $action_name='blabla') { return '';} + + public function noindex_pagesss() { + if ( !is_404() && !is_page() && !is_single() && !is_search() && !is_archive() && !is_admin() && !is_attachment() && !is_author() && !is_category() && !is_front_page() && !is_home() && !is_preview() && !is_tag()) { echo ''; } + } + + + + // remove category base: pastebin_com/raw/YpV0wp27 + + + //add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'theme_supportss' ); + public function theme_supportss(){ + // https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/add_theme_support#HTML5 + //remove_theme_support( 'custom-header' ); + // Add support for: menus + add_theme_support('menus'); + // Add support for: titles + add_theme_support('title-tag'); + // Editor Styles + add_theme_support('editor-style'); + add_editor_style(); + // Enable Thumbnails for Feature Images + add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails'); + set_post_thumbnail_size( 200, 150 ); + add_image_size('my-small-thumbnail', 150, 150, true); + add_image_size('my-medium-thumbnail', 650, 150, true); + // Translation Ready + //load_theme_textdomain( 'my', get_template_directory() . '/languages' ); + // Add default posts and comments RRS feeds links to the head. + add_theme_support('automatic-feed-links'); + //Suppot HTML5 Search Form + add_theme_support( 'html5', array( 'search-form' ) ); + + //load_theme_textdomain( 'my', get_template_directory() . '/languages' ); + + //Custom Header + if ($this->definedTRUE('ENABLE_CUSTOM_HEADER')){ + $defaults = array( + // Text color and image (empty to use none). + 'random-default' => true, + 'default-text-color'=>'FFFFFF', + 'default-image'=> '', + 'uploads'=>true, + // Set height and width, with a maximum value for the width. + 'height'=>200, 'width'=>900, 'max-width'=>2000, + // Support flexible height and width. + 'flex-height'=>true, 'flex-width'=>true, + // Random image rotation off by default. + 'random-default' => false, + 'header-text' => true, + // Callbacks for styling the header and the admin preview. + //'wp-head-callback' => 'barista_header_style', + //'admin-head-callback' => '', + //'admin-preview-callback' => '' + ); + add_theme_support( 'custom-header', $defaults ); + } + + //Custom Background + if ($this->definedTRUE('ENABLE_CUSTOM_BACKGROUND')) { + $defaults = array( + 'default-color' => '#e7e7e7', + 'default-image' => '', + 'default-repeat' =>'', 'default-position-x'=> '', + //'wp-head-callback' => '_custom_background_cb', + //'admin-head-callback' => '', + //'admin-preview-callback' => '' + ); + add_theme_support( 'custom-background', $defaults ); + } + + } + + + + + + // add_filter('upload_mimes', 'custom_upload_mimes'); + public function custom_upload_mimes ( $existing_mimes=array() ) { + // add your extension to the mimes array as below + $existing_mimes['zip'] = 'application/zip'; + $existing_mimes['gz'] = 'application/x-gzip'; + $existing_mimes['txt'] = 'text/plain'; + return $existing_mimes; + } + + + + + + + + //LOAD_JQUERY and etc... + + //add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts','xxxx1332434',44); + //add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts','xxxx1332434',44); + public function xxxx1332434(){ + + // wp_register_script( 'jquery', false, array( 'jquery-core', 'jquery-migrate' ), '1.11.0' ); + // wp_register_script( 'jquery-core', '/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js', false, '1.11.0' ); + + foreach($GLOBALS['odd']['scripts'] as $name=>$value){ + $each_UPPERCASE=strtoupper(str_replace('-','_',$name)); + + if($this->definedTRUE('LOAD_'.$each_UPPERCASE)){ + //force to load my JQUERY + if(!$this->definedTRUE('DISABLE_MY_'.$each_UPPERCASE.'_FORCE')){ wp_deregister_script($name); } + $registered = wp_script_is( $name, 'registered' ); + $enqueued = wp_script_is( $name, 'enqueued' ); + if (!$registered) { + if(!empty($GLOBALS['odd']['scripts'][$name]['js'])) { + wp_register_script($name, $GLOBALS['odd']['scripts'][$name]['js'], array(), $this->changeable_JS_CSS_version, false ); + } + if(!empty($GLOBALS['odd']['scripts'][$name]['css'])) { + wp_register_style( $name, $GLOBALS['odd']['scripts'][$name]['css'], array(), $this->changeable_JS_CSS_version, false ); + } + } + if (!$enqueued) { + if(!empty($GLOBALS['odd']['scripts'][$name]['js'])) { + wp_enqueue_script( $name ); + } + if(!empty($GLOBALS['odd']['scripts'][$name]['css'])) { + wp_enqueue_style ( $name ); + } + } + } + } + } + + + + public function register_stylescript($admin_or_wp, $type, $handle=false, $url=false, $dependant=null, $version=false, $target=false) + { + $this->register_stylescript_old($admin_or_wp, $type, $handle, $url, $dependant, $version, $target); + } + + public function register_stylescript_new($type, $handle=false, $url=false, $dependant=null, $version=false, $target=false) + { + call_user_func("wp_deregister_".$type, $handle); + if ( ! call_user_func("wp_".$type."_is", $handle, "registered" ) ){ + call_user_func("wp_register_".$type, $handle, $url, $dependant, $version, $target ); //,'jquery-migrate' + } + if ( ! call_user_func("wp_".$type."_is", $handle, "enqueued" ) ){ + call_user_func("wp_enqueue_".$type, $handle); + } + } + + public function register_stylescript_old($admin_or_wp, $type, $handle=false, $url=false, $dependant=null, $version=false, $target=false) + { + add_action( $admin_or_wp.'_enqueue_scripts', function() use($type, $handle, $url, $dependant, $version, $target) { + $this->enqueue($type, $handle, $url, $dependant, $version, $target); + }); + } + + public function enqueue($type, $handle=false, $url=false, $dependant=null, $version=false, $target=false) + { + //lets allow shorthanded start + $localstart = 'assets'; + if( substr($url,0, strlen($localstart) ) == $localstart ) + $url = $this->pluginURL. $url; + if ( ! call_user_func("wp_".$type."_is", $handle, "registered" ) ){ + call_user_func("wp_register_".$type, $handle, $url, $dependant, $version, $target ); //,'jquery-migrate' + } + if ( ! call_user_func("wp_".$type."_is", $handle, "enqueued" ) ){ + call_user_func("wp_enqueue_".$type, $handle); + } + } + + public function add_localscript($handle, $string){ + $is_js = stripos($string,'
'; + } + return $out; + } + + // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18401236/custom-category-tree-in-wordpress + public function my_Categ_tree($TermName='', $termID, $separator='', $parent_shown=true ){ + $args = 'hierarchical=1&taxonomy='.$TermName.'&hide_empty=0&orderby=id&parent='; + if ($parent_shown) {$term=get_term($termID , $TermName); $output=$separator.$term->name.'('.$term->term_id.')
'; $parent_shown=false;} + $separator .= '-'; + $terms = get_terms($TermName, $args . $termID); + if(count($terms)>0){ + foreach ($terms as $term) { + //$selected = ($cat->term_id=="22") ? " selected": ""; + //$output .= ''; + $output .= $separator.$term->name.'('.$term->term_id.')
'; + $output .= my_Categ_tree($TermName, $term->term_id, $separator, $parent_shown); + } + } + return $output; + } + //foreach (get_terms($allTermSlugs, array('hide_empty'=>0, 'orderby'=>'id', 'parent'=>0) ) as $category) { + // echo my_Categ_tree($category->taxonomy,$category->term_id); + //} + + + // add_filter( 'wp_mail_from', function( $email ) { return 'contact@'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } ); + // add_filter( 'wp_mail_from_name', function( $name ) { return 'WordPress Email System'; } ); + // add_filter( 'wp_mail_content_type', function($cotnent_type=false){ return "text/html"; } ) ; + // $headers = array('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8') + + + public function random_val($name){ + $randoms = get_site_option('randoms_for_main_site', array()); + if(empty($randoms) || empty($randoms[$name])){ + $randoms[$name]= random_stringg(16); + update_site_option('randoms_for_main_site', $randoms); + } + return $randoms[$name]; + } + + + + // for SEARCH RESULTS, lets make the "search query" in CSS CLASS + //add_filter('the_content', 'searchWord_blacking',14); + //add_filter('the_excerpt', 'searchWord_blacking',14); + //add_filter('the_title', 'searchWord_blacking',14); // in this case, $content will mean title + public function searchWord_blacking($content) { + if(empty($GLOBALS['wp_query'])) return $content; + if ($GLOBALS['wp_query']->is_main_query() && defined('IS_SEARCHH') && IS_SEARCHH){ + $search_query=get_search_query(); + //avoid replacing in "title" attributes + //$content = preg_replace('((?!style)|(?!class))=[\'"](.*?)[\'"]/si','',$content); + //$content = preg_replace('/(?/si/si','$1 $2',$content); + //$content=str_replace($search_query,''.$search_query.'',$content); + $content=preg_replace('/(\<.*?\>)(.*?)'.$search_query.'(.*?)(\<.*?\>)/si', '$1$2'.$search_query.'$3$4',$content); + } + return $content; + } + + + // removing WP version meta-tags ( https://stackoverflow.com/q/16335347/2377343 ) + // $this->remove_version_hints(); + public function remove_version_hints() + { + // Hide "?vers=XXXXX" strings from scripts and styles ( https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/how-to-hide-your-wordpress-version-number/ ) + add_action( 'after_setup_theme', function(){ + remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator'); //remove inbuilt version + remove_action('wp_head', 'woo_version'); //remove Woo-version (in case someone uses that) + } ); + + foreach(['style_loader_src','script_loader_src'] as $e) + add_filter( $e, function ( $src ) { $vers= get_bloginfo( 'version' ); return ( strpos( $src, 'ver=' . $vers ) ) ? str_replace( 'ver='. $vers, 'ver='. substr($vers, -6) , $src ) : $src; }, 9999 ); + + foreach(['script_loader_src','style_loader_src'] as $e) + add_filter($e, function ( $src ) {global $wp_version; + parse_str(parse_url($src, PHP_URL_QUERY), $query); + if ( !empty($query['ver']) && ($query['ver'] === $wp_version || $query['ver'] == $wp_version) ) { $src = remove_query_arg('ver', $src); } return $src; + } ); + + // hide VERSION GENERATOR + foreach(['the_generator','get_the_generator_html','get_the_generator_xhtml','get_the_generator_atom','get_the_generator_rss2','get_the_generator_comment','get_the_generator_export','wf_disable_generator_tags'] as $e) + add_filter($e, (function () {return '';}) ); + } + + /* + //add_action( 'init', 'my_menu_registerss3' ); + public function my_menu_registerss3() { + $menu_name='aamy-vustom-menu'; + $menu_exists = wp_get_nav_menu_object('aamy-vustom-menu'); + if( !$menu_exists){ + $menu_id = wp_create_nav_menu($menu_name); + // Set up default menu items + wp_update_nav_menu_item($menu_id, 0, array( + 'menu-item-title' => __('Home'), + 'menu-item-classes' => 'home', + 'menu-item-url' => home_url( '/' ), + 'menu-item-status' => 'publish')); + + wp_update_nav_menu_item($menu_id, 0, array( + 'menu-item-title' => __('Custom Page'), + 'menu-item-url' => home_url( '/custom/' ), + 'menu-item-status' => 'publish')); + } + // maybe it should be in: after_theme_setup + register_nav_menus(array( + 'menu_left_sidebarr' =>'zzleft Main Menu', + 'menu_right_sidebarr' =>'zzright Main Menu' + )); + } + + + define('my_sample_array_widgets', 'my_top_widgett,'); + add_action('admin_init', function(){ + if($GLOBALS['pagenow']== 'widgets.php'){ + if(isset($_GET['widget_add'])){ + + update_option('optname_widgets', explode(',', filter_var($_GET['widgets_list'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ) ) ) ; + } + + add_action('admin_notices', function() { + ?> +
enter widgets list (comma separated):
+ $value ,'id' => strtolower($value), 'before_widget'=>'


') ); + } + } + }); + */ + + public function delete_transients_by_prefix($myPrefix, $table_name, $column_name, $prefix=false){ + global $wpdb; + $myPrefix = sanitize_key($myPrefix); + $sql = "delete from $table_name where $column_name like '%_transient_$myPrefix%' or $column_name like '%_transient_timeout_$myPrefix%'"; + return $wpdb->query($sql); + } + + //add_filter( 'tiny_mce_before_init', 'wptrac_36636_editor_inline_style22' ); + public function wptrac_36636_editor_inline_style22( $settings ) {$settings['content_style'] = (!empty($settings['content_style']) ? $settings['content_style'] : '') . (!empty($GLOBALS['my_tinymce_styles']) ? addslashes($GLOBALS['my_tinymce_styles']) : ''); return $settings;} + + + + public function input_fields_from_array($value, $keyname='', $replace_spaces=false){ //$keyname= (strpos($keyname,'[') === false) ? '['.$keyname.']' : $keyname; + echo '
'; + input_fields_from_array_RECURSIVE($value, $keyname, $replace_spaces); + echo '
'; + } + + + // Adding .zip extension + public function upload_mimes_filter( $mime_types ) { + if (!array_key_exists('zip', $mime_types)) $mime_types['zip'] = 'application/zip'; + if (!array_key_exists('gz|gzip|zip', $mime_types)) $mime_types['gz|gzip|zip'] = 'application/x-zip'; + // ['gz|gzip'] => application/x-gzip + // [rar] => application/rar + // [7z] => application/x-7z-compressed + return $mime_types; + } + + public function unzip_url($url, $where) + { + $zipLoc = $where.'/'.(basename($url)).'.zip'; + wp_remote_get + ( + $url, + [ + 'timeout' => 300, + 'stream' => true, + 'filename' => $zipLoc + ] + ); + $this->unzip($zipLoc, $where); + @unlink($zipLoc); + } + + public function unzip($path, $where) + { + $this->mkdir_recursive($where); + require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php'); + \WP_Filesystem(); + \unzip_file($path, $where); + usleep(300000); + } + + public function disable_php_in_wpcontent() + { + if (last_checkpoint('uploads_htaccess', 500000)) + add_action('init', function() { + $uploads_dir = defined('UPLOADS') ? UPLOAD : get_option('upload_path'); + $uploads_dir = !empty($uploads_dir) ? $uploads_dir : WP_CONTENT_DIR.'/uploads'; + $file=$uploads_dir.'/.htaccess'; + if(!file_exists($file)) { + $this->helpers->file_put_contents($file, ''."\r\n". + 'Order allow,deny'."\r\n". + 'Deny from all'."\r\n". + '' + ); + } + }); + } + + public function unzip_in_dir($dir, $rewrite=true) + { + $this->temp_unziped_folders = []; + foreach( array_filter(glob($dir.'/*.zip'), 'is_file') as $each_zip) + { + $uniqueTag = md5($each_zip); + $each_dir = substr($each_zip, 0, -4); //trim .zip + if (empty($each_dir)) return; // ! must have, to avoid empty directory threat + + // remove if previous unpack was partial. + if( is_dir($each_dir) && $rewrite ) + { + if( !array_key_exists($uniqueTag, $this->temp_unziped_folders) || $this->temp_unziped_folders[$uniqueTag]==false ) + { + $this->rmdir_recursive($each_dir); + usleep(500000); + //$this->mkdir_recursive($pathh); + } + } + elseif( !is_dir($each_dir) ) + { + $this->temp_unziped_folders[$uniqueTag] = false; + $this->unzip($each_zip, dirname($each_zip)); + $this->temp_unziped_folders[$uniqueTag] = true; + } + } + } + + + public function is_activation(){ + return (isset($_GET['isactivation'])); + } + + public function reload_without_query($params=array(), $js_redir=true){ + $url = remove_query_arg( array_merge($params, ['isactivation'] ) ); + if ($js_redir=="js"){ $this->js_redirect($url); } + else { $this->php_redirect($url); } + } + + public function if_activation_reload_with_message($message){ + if($this->is_activation()){ + echo ''; + $this->reload_without_query(); + } + } + + public function add_default_uninstall(){ + if( is_admin() && !$this->is_development) + { + $wp_uninstall_file = $this->moduleDIR.'/uninstall.php'; + if( !file_exists($wp_uninstall_file) ) + { + $content= + '<'.'?php + // If uninstall not called from WordPress, then exit + if ( ! defined( "WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN" ) ) { + exit; + } + + $lib = dirname(__DIR__)."/'.basename(__FILE__).'"; + if(file_exists($lib)){ + //@unlink($lib); + }'; + + $this->file_put_contents($wp_uninstall_file, $content); + } + } + } + + //disable emojis + public function disable_emojicons() + { + add_action( 'init', function () { + // all actions related to emojis + remove_action( 'admin_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' ); + remove_action( 'wp_head', 'print_emoji_detection_script', 7 ); + remove_action( 'admin_print_scripts', 'print_emoji_detection_script' ); + remove_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' ); + remove_filter( 'wp_mail', 'wp_staticize_emoji_for_email' ); + remove_filter( 'the_content_feed', 'wp_staticize_emoji' ); + remove_filter( 'comment_text_rss', 'wp_staticize_emoji' ); + } ); + + //to remove emojis from TinyMCE + add_filter( 'tiny_mce_plugins', function ( $plugins ) { + if ( is_array( $plugins ) ) { return array_diff( $plugins, array( 'wpemoji' ) );} + else { return array(); } + } ); + } + + + + /* + //add_action( 'admin_init', 'theme_options_init' ); + function theme_options_init(){ + // https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/add_settings_field#Examples + add_settings_field( 'myprefix_setting-id', 'This is the setting title', 'myprefix_setting_callback_function', 'general', 'myprefix_settings-section-name', array( 'label_for' => 'myprefix_setting-id' ) ); + + // https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/add_settings_section#Notes + add_settings_section('eg_setting_section', 'Example settings in reading', 'funcXXXX', 'reading'); + function funcXXXX( $arg ) { + // echo section intro text here + echo '

id: ' . $arg['id'] . '

'; // id: eg_setting_section + echo '

title: ' . $arg['title'] . '

'; // title: Example settings section in reading + echo '

callback: ' . $arg['callback'] . '

'; // callback: eg_setting_section_callback_function + } + //register_setting( 'bbbbbla', 'sample_theme_options'); + } + + + + */ + + + /* + public function shortcode_handler($atts, $content=false){ + $d=debug_backtrace()[0]; + if(!empty($d['args'])) + { + if(!empty($d['args'][2])) + { + $name = $d['args'][2]; + $args = $this->shortcode_atts($name, $atts); + return call_user_func( [$this, $name], $args, $content); + } + } + } + + //////////////////////////// + + + + // //register desired widget names + // $GLOBALS['MyWidgetss'] = array ( + // 'Myy-area-1___LEFT','Slideshow-area-4', 'area-Custom4', + // ); + // // registered menus + // $GLOBALS['REGISTERED_MENUS'] =array('main-top', 'main-nav','footer-nav' ); + // $GLOBALS['REGISTERED_MENU_CLASSES_ul'] =array('main-top'=>'nav navbar-nav sf-menu clearfix' ); + // $GLOBALS['REGISTERED_MENU_CLASSES_li'] =array(); + // $GLOBALS['REGISTERED_MENU_CLASSES_li_CHILDED'] =array('main-top'=>'sub-menu sub-menu-1' ); + // $GLOBALS['REGISTERED_MENU_CLASSES_a'] =array('main-top'=>'nav navbar-nav sf-menu clearfix' ); + // //$GLOBALS['REGISTERED_MENUS_ADD_EXTRA_li'] ='
  • '; + + // session_cache_limiter('none'); $length=60*60*24*14; //14 day + // header('Cache-control: max-age='.$length .', public'); + // header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate(DATE_RFC1123,filemtime(__file__))); + // header("Content-type: application/javascript; charset=utf-8"); + // add_action( 'widgets_init', 'myyy_widgets_ingit' ); function myyy_widgets_ingit() { + // register_sidebar( array('name' => 'MyHorizontalmenuuInHeader','id' => 'my-sidebar-id', + // 'before_widget'=>'


    ',) ); + // } + // -----------> dynamic_sidebar('my-sidebar-id'); + + + // //included in header.php + // function output_HorizontalMenuu(){ + // dynamic_sidebar( 'MyHorizontalmenuuInHeader' ); + // $menuu=wp_nav_menu( array('theme_location'=>'', 'menu'=> 'main-horizontal', + // 'container' => 'div', 'container_class' => 'horiz_id', 'container_id'=> 'my_horiz_id', + // 'menu_class' => 'menu', 'menu_id' => '', + // 'echo' => 0, 'fallback_cb' => 'wp_page_menu', + // 'before'=>'', 'after'=>'', 'link_before'=>'', 'link_after'=>'', + // 'items_wrap' => '
    ', + // 'depth' => 0, 'walker' => '' + // )); + // //echo $menuu; + // } + + + + */ + + + public function Is_Home_lang($lang=false){ + if ((defined('isLangHomeURI__MLSS') && isLangHomeURI__MLSS) && (is_multisite() && IS_HOMEE && (!$lang || $lang==LNG ))){ + return true; + } + return false; + } + + //Advanced custom fields alternative + //add_action('init', 'acf_getfield_detect', 1); + public function acf_getfield_detect(){ + if (!function_exists('get_field')){ + function get_field(){ + return 'Advanced Custom Fields plugin is not installed'; + } + } + } + + + + // ================ flash rules ================= // + public function flush_rules_double(){ add_action('wp', [$this, 'MyFlush__rewrite'] ); } + public function MyFlush__rewrite($RedirectFlushToo=false){ + $GLOBALS['wp_rewrite']->flush_rules(); + flush_rewrite_rules(); + //DUE TO WORDPRESS BUG ( https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/32023 ) , i use this: (//USE ECHO ONLY! because code maybe executed before other PHP functions.. so, we shouldnt stop&redirect, but we should redirect from already executed PHP output ) + if($RedirectFlushToo) {echo '
    ';} + } + + + public function flush_rules($redirect=false){ + flush_rewrite_rules(); + if($redirect) { + if ($redirect=="js"){ $this->js_redirect(); } else { $this->php_redirect(); } + } + } + + + // ==================== shortcodes ======================= + public function shortcode_atts($shortcode, $predefined_atts, $passed_atts){ + $new_arr=[]; + foreach($predefined_atts as $x){ + $new_arr[ $x[0] ] = $this->stringToValue($x[1]) ; + } + if (!empty($passed_atts)) { + $filtered_atts=[]; + foreach($passed_atts as $key=>$value){ + $filtered_atts[$key] = $this->stringToValue($value) ; + } + $new_arr = array_merge($new_arr, $filtered_atts); + } + $new_arr = $this->sanitize_shortcode_empty_defaults_pre($new_arr); + $new_atts = shortcode_atts($new_arr, [] ); + return $new_atts; + } + + public function sanitize_shortcode_empty_defaults_pre($atts){ + $ar= ["...","___", 0]; + foreach($ar as $e) { if (array_key_exists($e, $atts)) unset($atts[$e]); } + return $atts; + } + + public function sanitize_shortcode_empty_defaults($attsArray){ + $new_arr = []; + foreach($attsArray as $eachAttArr) + { + if ( in_array($eachAttArr[0], ["...","___", 0] ) ) continue; + $new_arr[] = $eachAttArr; + } + return $new_arr; + } + public function shortcode_alternative_message($name, $params_name=false) + { + ?> +

    + +
    <?php echo do_shortcode('[.....]'); ?> +
    or +
    <?php if (function_exists('')) { echo (["arg1"=>"value1", ...]); } ?> +
    + '; + $out .= '['. $array['name'].''; $atts = $this->sanitize_shortcode_empty_defaults($array['atts']); foreach( $atts as $key=>$value){ $out .= " ".$value[0].'="'. htmlentities($this->truefalse_to_string($value[1])).'"';} $out .=']'; + $out = ( $strip_tags ? strip_tags($out) : $out); + $out = ( $htmlentities ? htmlentities($out) : $out); + if( $ended ) + $out .= "...[/".$array['name']."]"; + $out .= ''; + return $out; + } + + public function shortcode_example($shortcode, $array, $ended=false){ + $out="[$shortcode "; foreach($array as $key=>$value){ $out .= $key.'="'.$this->valueToString($value) .'" '; } $out = trim($out). "]"; + if( $ended ) + $out .= "...[/$shortcode]"; + return $out; + } + + public function shortcodes_table($name, $array) + { + /*======= example ======== + + $this->shortcodes_table( "breadcrumbs", [ + [ 'id', '', __('Post ID (you can ignore that parameter if you want to get for current post)', 'breadcrumbs-shortcode') ], + [ 'delimiter', 'hello', __('Your desired delimiter', 'breadcrumbs-shortcode') ], + ] ); + */ + ?> +

    + + + + + + + + + +
    + shortcode_example_string($array, false,false, array_key_exists('ended', $array) );?> +
    + + + + + $value) + { ?> + + + + +
    + '.(!empty($atts['title']) ? $atts['title'] : basename($atts['url']) ).''; + }); + add_shortcode('link', function ($atts){ + return ''.(!empty($atts['title']) ? $atts['title'] : basename($atts['url']) ).''; + } ); + + add_shortcode('iframe', function ($atts){ + return '
    '; + } ); + add_shortcode('@', function ($atts){ + return '@'; + } ); + + add_shortcode('script', function ($atts, $content=false){ + $cont= urldecode( $content ? $content : $atts['content'] ); + return ''.$cont.''; + } ); + + add_shortcode('list_subpages', function ($atts){ $out = ''; + if (IS_SINGULARR){ + $id= $GLOBALS['post']->ID; + $args = array( + 'authors'=>'', 'child_of'=>$id, 'date_format'=>get_option('date_format'), 'depth'=> 0, 'echo'=>0,'exclude'=>'','include'=>'', + 'link_after'=>'', 'link_before'=>'', 'post_type'=>'page', 'post_status'=>'publish', 'show_date'=>'', + 'sort_column'=> 'post_date', //'menu_order, post_title', + 'sort_order'=> '', 'title_li'=> __(''), //'walker' => new Walker_Page + ); + $out = wp_list_pages( $args ); + } + return '
    '; + } ); + + add_shortcode('video', function ($atts){ + $url = $atts['url']; + $player = !empty($atts['player']) ? $atts['player'] : 1; + + if ($player==1) { $out = + ' + + '; + } + elseif ($player==2) { $out = '';} + else {$out='';} + + return '
    '; + } ); + + + // i.e. [list type="categories" id="32" depth=0 exclude="4,28"] + // i.e. [list type="pages" id="32" depth=0 exclude="4,28"] (or id="this") + // i.e. [list type="menu" id="32"] + add_shortcode( 'list', function ($atts){ + $TYPEE = !empty($atts['type']) ? $atts['type'] : ''; if(empty($TYPEE)) { return 'error2229. please, set "type" parameter' ; } + $args = $atts; + + if ( 'pages' == $TYPEE){ + // https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_list_pages //authors,child_of,date_format,depth,echo,exclude,include,link_after,link_before,post_type,post_status,show_date,sort_column,sort_order,title_li, + if (empty($args['sort_column'])){$args['sort_column']= 'post_date';} + //when ESSENTIAL parameters are not set + if (empty($args['child_of'])) { return 'error494__set child_of parameter for listed ' .$TYPEE;} + elseif ($args['child_of']=='this') { $args['child_of']= $GLOBALS['post']->ID;} + if (empty($args['depth']) ) { $args['depth']= 1;} + if (empty($args['echo']) ) { $args['echo'] = 0;} + if (empty($args['title_li']) ) { $args['title_li'] = "";} + if (empty($args['post_type'])) {$args['post_type']=$GLOBALS['post']->post_type;} + $X= wp_list_pages($args); + } + + elseif ( 'categories' == $TYPEE){ + // https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_list_categories //show_option_all,orderby,order,style,show_count,hide_empty,use_desc_for_title,child_of,feed,feed_type,feed_image,exclude,exclude_tree,include,hierarchical,show_option_none,number,echo,current_category,pad_counts,taxonomy + + //when ESSENTIAL parameters are not set + if (empty($args['child_of'])) { return 'error494__set child_of parameter for listed ' .$TYPEE;} + if (empty($args['depth']) ) { $args['depth']= 0;} + if (empty($args['echo']) ) { $args['echo'] = 0;} + if (empty($args['hide_empty']) ) { $args['hide_empty']= 0;} + if (empty($args['title_li']) ) { $args['title_li'] = "";} + + //this doesnt work when used inside LOOP + //$X = get_categories('echo=1&child_of=30') ); + $X = wp_list_categories($args); + } + elseif ( 'posts' == $TYPEE){ + // https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_list_categories //show_option_all,orderby,order,style,show_count,hide_empty,use_desc_for_title,child_of,feed,feed_type,feed_image,exclude,exclude_tree,include,hierarchical,show_option_none,number,echo,current_category,pad_counts,taxonomy + + //when ESSENTIAL parameters are not set + if (empty($args['child_of'])) { return 'error494__set child_of parameter for listed ' .$TYPEE;} + if (empty($args['depth']) ) { $args['depth']= 0;} + if (empty($args['echo']) ) { $args['echo'] = 0;} + if (empty($args['posts_per_page']) ){ $args['posts_per_page'] = -1;} + if (empty($args['hide_empty']) ) { $args['hide_empty'] = 0;} + if (empty($args['post_type']) ) { $args['post_type'] = get_post_types();} + if (empty($args['category']) ) { $args['category'] = $args['child_of'];} + + $out = ''; + $array = get_posts($args); + foreach ($array as $key=> $value) { + $out .= '
  • '.$value->post_title.'
  • '; + } + + //this doesnt work when used inside LOOP + //$X = get_categories('echo=1&child_of=30') ); + //$X = wp_list_categories($args); + $X =$out; + } + elseif ( 'menu' == $TYPEE){ + // https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_nav_menu //theme_location,menu,container,container_class,container_id,menu_class,menu_id,echo,fallback_cb,before,before,after,link_before,link_after,items_wrap,depth, + + //when ESSENTIAL parameters are not set + if (empty($args['menu'])) { return 'error494__set "menu" parameter for listed ' .$TYPEE;} + $X= wp_nav_menu($args); + //https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_nav_menu + //https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_get_nav_menu_items + $sample_arr= array( + 'theme_location' => '', + 'menu' => '_main_menu', + 'container' => 'div', 'container_class' => 'sideMyBox', 'container_id' => 'my_SideTreeee', + 'menu_class' => 'menu', 'menu_id' => '', + 'echo' => 0, 'fallback_cb' => 'wp_page_menu', + 'before' => '', 'after' => '', + 'link_before' => '', 'link_after' => '', + 'items_wrap' => '
    ', + 'depth' => 0, + 'walker' => '' + ); + } + return '
    '; + } ); + + } + // ==================== END | Shortcodes ======================= + + + + + + + + + public function init__cookieexpiration(){ add_filter('auth_cookie_expiration', [$this,'my_auth_cookie_expiration'], 99, 3); } + public function my_auth_cookie_expiration($seconds, $user_id, $remember){ + $expiration = $remember ? $this->auth_expiration_hours*60*60 : 2*24*60*60; + + // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2038_problem + if ( PHP_INT_MAX - time() < $expiration ) { + //Fix to a little bit earlier! + $expiration = PHP_INT_MAX - time() - 5; + } + + return $expiration; + } + + + + //add_action('wp_footer', 'Image_correction_javascript',1); + public function Image_correction_javascript(){ + if (!empty($GLOBALS["Javascript_Image_correction_MyClassnames"])){ ?> + + + + + +
    + + + + ID, '_wp_page_template', true); // page-templates/my_homepage_1.php + return basename($name); + } + return false; + } + + + + + //==================DISABLE GEORGIAN + Russian SLUGS for POSTS================ + public function disable_geo_rus_slugs() + { + add_action( 'wp_ajax_sample-permalink', function ($data) { + // check that we're dealing with a product, and editing the slug + $post_id = isset($_POST['post_id']) ? (int) ($_POST['post_id']) : 0; + $new_title = isset($_POST['new_title'])? sanitize_text_field($_POST['new_title']) : null; + $post_name = isset($_POST['new_slug'])? sanitize_text_field($_POST['new_slug']) : $new_title; + //on first fire, there is not set the "new_slug" + $_POST['new_slug'] = ISSET($_POST['new_slug']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['new_slug']) : $this->slug_modify($post_name); + } ,1); + + //disable slug beforehand Post Update action (also, in navigation menus and etc...) + add_filter('name_save_pre', function ($post_name) { + if (!empty($_POST['post_ID']) || !empty($_POST['post_name']) || !empty($_POST['post_title']) ){ + // check that we're dealing with a product, and editing the slug + $post_id = !empty($_POST['post_ID']) ? (int) ($_POST['post_ID']) : 0; + $new_slug = !empty($_POST['post_name']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['post_name']) : sanitize_text_field($_POST['post_title']); + //if got from new post + if ($post_id && !empty($_POST['_wp_http_referer']) ) { if (stripos($_POST['_wp_http_referer'],'wp-admin/post-new.php')!==false) { $post_name = $this->slug_modify($new_slug); $_POST['post_name']=$post_name;} } + } + return $post_name; + }); + + + //disable slug on any update + add_filter('wp_insert_post_data', function($dataaaaaa) { + if (!empty($_POST['_wp_http_referer'])) { + if (stripos($_POST['_wp_http_referer'],'wp-admin/post-new.php')!==false) { + $dataaaaaa['post_name']=$this->slug_modify( (!empty($_POST['post_name']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['post_name']) : $dataaaaaa['post_title']) ); + } + } + return $dataaaaaa; + }, 3); + } + + public function slug_modify($slg) {return $this->myUTF8truncate(sanitize_title($this->GEO_to_ENG__LowerCased($this->Rus_To_Eng__LowerCased(urldecode($slg)))), 5);} + //============================================================================= + + //lets load after init of LANGUAGE phrazes + public function mailsent_page($to,$subject,$message,$from, $title=false){ + echo ''.(isset($title) ? $title : 'Mail Sending'). '('.$_SERVER['http_host'].')'.''; + echo send_maill($to,$subject,$message,$from); + echo ''; + exit; + } + + //execute explicitly when testing + public function save_post_debug(){ + add_action('save_post', function () { var_dump($_POST); exit; }, 99, 11); + } + + + //if ($this->definedTRUE('REMOVE_CANONICAL_FROM_WP_HEAD')) { add_action('wp','remove_relative_links'); } + public function remove_relative_links(){ + // Remove original REL=CANONICAL, and CREATE NEW + remove_action('wp_head', 'rel_canonical'); add_action('wp_head', function(){ echo ''; } ); + // + remove_action('wp_head', 'start_post_rel_link', 10, 0 ); + remove_action('wp_head', 'adjacent_posts_rel_link_wp_head', 10, 0); + } + + + public function create_table_my($table_name='tablename', $array){ + global $wpdb; + //1 (for phrazes) + $sql ="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `$table_name` ( "; + $sql .="`ID` mediumint(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,"; + foreach( $array as $key=>$val){ + $i= isset($i) ? $i + 1 : 0; + $sql .= $val . ' NOT NULL,'; + } + $sql .= + "PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), + UNIQUE KEY ID (ID) + ) ".$wpdb->get_charset_collate()." AUTO_INCREMENT=1;"; + // DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_general_ci AUTO_INCREMENT=1;" + // text text NOT NULL, name tinytext NOT NULL, time datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL, id mediumint(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + $x= $wpdb->query($sql); + //require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php' ); + //dbDelta( $sql ); + return $x; + } + + + public function debug_actions(){ add_action( 'wp_footer', function (){ var_dump( $GLOBALS['wp_filter']); } ); } + + public function calledScript() { return $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"];} + public function is_subscriber() { return (function_exists('current_user_can') || require_once(ABSPATH.'wp-includes/pluggable.php')) ? current_user_can('read') : false;} + public function is_contributor(){ return (function_exists('current_user_can') || require_once(ABSPATH.'wp-includes/pluggable.php')) ? current_user_can('edit_posts') : false;} + public function is_author() { return (function_exists('current_user_can') || require_once(ABSPATH.'wp-includes/pluggable.php')) ? current_user_can('upload_files') : false;} + public function is_editor() { return (function_exists('current_user_can') || require_once(ABSPATH.'wp-includes/pluggable.php')) ? current_user_can('edit_others_posts') : false; } + public function is_administrator(){return (function_exists('current_user_can') || require_once(ABSPATH.'wp-includes/pluggable.php')) ? current_user_can('install_plugins') : false; } + + public function die_if_not_subscriberr(){ if(!is_subscriberr()) {die('not subscriberr (error_852) '.$this->calledScript());} } + public function die_if_not_contributor(){ if(!is_contributorr()) {die('not contributorr (error_853) '.$this->calledScript());} } + public function die_if_not_author() { if(!is_authorr()) {die('not authorr (error_854) '.$this->calledScript());} } + public function die_if_not_editor() { if(!is_editorr()) {die('not editorr (error_855) '.$this->calledScript());} } + public function die_if_not_admin() { if(!is_administrator()) {die('not adminn (error_856) ' .$this->calledScript());} } + + public function get_user_roleX( $user_id = 0 ) { + $user = ( $user_id ) ? get_userdata( $user_id ) : wp_get_current_user(); + return current( $user->roles ); + } + + public function post_is_in_descendant_category($cat, $postttId) { + $descendants = array_merge( array($cat,''), get_term_children((int) $cat, 'category') ); + return (in_category($descendants, $postttId)) ? true : false; + } + + //if post is ansector of category + public function post_or_cat_is_in_ansector($upper_category_id){ + $truee_fals =false; global $post; + //for categories + if (is_archive()) { $cur_cat_id = get_query_var('cat'); + if ($cur_cat_id == $upper_category_id || cat_is_ancestor_of($upper_category_id, $cur_cat_id)) {return true;} + } + else { + if (in_category( $upper_category_id, $post->ID )) { return true;} + } + //$curr_post = get_post($post->ID); $truee_fals=cat_is_ancestor_of($upper_category_id, $curr_post->$post_category) ? true : $truee_fals; + //is_category(4) + } + + + //add_action( 'comment_form_after_fields', 'wporg_more_comments' ); + //Check_commentt(); + public function wporg_more_comments( $post_id ) { + echo '

    '; + } + public function Check_commentt(){ + if (isset($_POST['author']) && isset($_POST['email'])){ + if ($_POST['my_captchaa'] != date('d') + date('d')) { + die("incorrect captcha. try again or notify administrator about problem"); + } + } + } + + //add_filter( 'wp_mail_content_type', function($cotnent_type=false){ return "text/html"; } ) ; + // add_filter( 'wp_revisions_to_keep', function($num,$post){return (defined("POSTS_REVISION_NUMBERS") ? POSTS_REVISION_NUMBERS : 3) ; } , 10, 2 ); + + + + // example JS script + //if( ! ($out = get_transient('termids_for_js'))) { + // $terms= get_terms(); + // foreach($terms as $term){ + // $cats[$term->term_id] = urldecode($term->slug); + // } + // $out = json_encode($cats, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); + //} + //echo ""; + + + public function get_metas_by_metakv($key, $value=null, $what=false) { + global $wpdb; + $results = $wpdb->get_results( + $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ". ($what ?: "*") ." FROM ".$wpdb->postmeta." WHERE meta_key=%s". ($value ? " AND meta_value=%s" : ""), $key, $value ) + ); + + if (!empty($results)) { + if ($what){ + $array= array(); + foreach($results as $index => $result) { $array[$index] = $result->{$what}; } + return $array; + } + return $results; + } + return false; + } + + + + // adminis style + public function admin_menuu_style1(){ + //echo ''; + if ($this->property('admin_styles')) echo $this->admin_styles; + } + + /* + public function Media_Uploader_code($value, $each_title){ + ?> +

    + +
    " id="picsrc_" /> + +
    + ID, $each, true); + Media_Uploader_code($value, $each); + } + } + + } + + elseif($type=='text'){ + add_action('add_meta_boxes', function(){ add_meta_box('my-fieldss', 'my-text-boxes','myfunc33322', get_post_types(),'normal'); }, 9); + public function myfunc33322($post){ + foreach ( $GLOBALS['fields_for___text'] as $each) { + $value = get_post_meta($post->ID, $each, true); + ?> +

    + +
    + ID, $each, true); + ?> +

    + + /> +
    + ID, $each, true); + ?> +

    + 'my_metabxs[myX_'.$each.']', 'editor_class' => "txtaream editoor_ful"));?> +
    + ID, $each, true); + ?> +

    + 'my_metabxs[myX_'.$each.']', 'teeny'=>true, 'tinymce'=>false, 'editor_class' => "txtaream editoor_min", 'media_buttons'=>false ));?> + +
    + $value) { + update_post_meta($post_id, str_replace('myX_','', $key), $value); + } + } + }); + } + + */ + + public function error_mail($subject, $text){ + return wp_mail(get_option('admin_email'), $subject, $text ); + } + + + + + public function myframe_center($content){ + if(is_singular() && stripos($content,'/si','
    ', $content); + } + return $content; + } + + + + //add_shortcode( 'YoutubeVideo', 'output_mymn24' ); + //add_shortcode( 'Youtube', 'output_mymn24' ); + public function output_mymn24($atts){ + $idd = get_youtube_id_from_contents($atts['url']); + return '
    '; + } + + public function change_output() + { + add_action('wp_loaded', $buffer_start = function() { ob_start($func = function ($buffer) { + // modify buffer here, and then return the updated code + $buffer = str_replace('MERCEDES','FERRARI',$buffer); + return $buffer; + }); } ); + add_action('shutdown', $buffer_end = function() { ob_end_flush(); } ); + } + + public function update_or_insert($tablename, $NewArray, $WhereArray=[]){ global $wpdb; $arrayNames= array_keys($WhereArray); + //convert array to STRING + $o=''; $i=1; foreach ($WhereArray as $key=>$value){ $o .= $key . ' = \''. $value .'\''; if ($i != count($WhereArray)) { $o .=' AND '; $i++;} } + //check if already exist + if(!empty($o)){ + $CheckIfExists = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ".$arrayNames[0]." FROM ".$tablename." WHERE ".$o); + if ( $wpdb->update($tablename, $NewArray, $WhereArray ) ) return true; + } + if ( $wpdb->insert($tablename, array_merge($NewArray, $WhereArray) ) ) return true; + return false; + } + + public function add_column_my($table_name='tablename', $column_line= '`smth` varchar(100)', $after=''){ + global $wpdb; + preg_match('/`(.*?)`/i',$column_line, $n); $column_name= $n[1]; + $all_columns = $wpdb->get_col( "DESC " . $table_name , 0 ); + $result= 'already exists'; + if (!in_array($column_name, $all_columns )){ + $result= $wpdb->query( $sql = ("ALTER TABLE ".$table_name." ADD ".$column_line." NOT NULL ". ($after? "AFTER ".$after : "") ) ); // CHARACTER SET utf8 + } + return $result; + } + + public function get_row_my($table_name='tablename', $line = '`ID` = 42'){ + global $wpdb; + $res = $wpdb->get_row( $sql = "SELECT * FROM ". $table_name . " WHERE ".$line ); + return $res; + } + + public function get_results_my($table_name='tablename', $line = '`ID` = 42'){ + global $wpdb; + $res = $wpdb->get_results( $sql = "SELECT * FROM ". $table_name . " WHERE ".$line ); + return $res; + } + + + public function get_table_my($table_name='tablename', $line = '`ID` = 42'){ + global $wpdb; + $res = $wpdb->get_results( $sql = "SELECT * FROM ". $table_name); + return $res; + } + + public function show_post_categories($vars=array('POST_ID'=>false, 'excluded_categories'=>array(-1) ) ) { $x=''; + if (!$vars['POST_ID']) { $vars['POST_ID']= $GLOBALS['post']->ID; } + $post_categories = wp_get_post_categories( $vars['POST_ID'] ); + $cats=array(); + foreach($post_categories as $c){ $cats[] = get_category( $c ); } + foreach($cats as $c){ if (!in_array($c->term_id, ($vars['excluded_categories'] ?: array()) ) ) {$x .= ''.$c->name.', '; } } return $x; + } + + + //add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'my_theme_add_editor_styles' ); + public function my_theme_add_editor_styles() { + add_editor_style( PHP_customCALL_1.'tinymce_styles&ver='.$this->changeable_JS_CSS_version ); + } + + //change slug,if already exists slug for posts/or/pages + //add_action('save_post', 'efrg324f3f32f4',3); + public function efrg324f3f32f4($post) { + if (isset($_POST['post_name'])) { + global $wpdb; + $slug = sanitize_text_field($_POST['post_name']); + + $Post_id_1 = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT ID FROM " . $wpdb->posts . " WHERE post_name = '%s' AND ( post_type = 'page' OR post_type = 'post') ", $slug) ); + $post_counts_1 = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT count(post_name) FROM ".$wpdb->posts ." WHERE post_name like '%s'", $slug) ); + + if (!empty($Post_Object_1) || $post_counts_1 < 1) { + $_POST['post_name'] = $slug. '-'.rand(11,9999999); + } + } + } + + //lets load after init of LANGUAGE phrazes + public function mailform_page($title=false){ + echo ''.(isset($title) ? $title : 'Mail Sending'). '('.$_SERVER['http_host'].')'.''; + echo contacttt_form() ; + echo ''; + exit; + } + + //add_shortcodeX('MyCONTACT_FORM', 'contacttt_form' ); + public function contacttt_form($extra_block=''){ global $lang; $rand= rand(1,111); $multiplier=date('j'); + if ( defined('LNG')) {$lngg = LNG; } + elseif ( defined('LnG')) {$lngg = LnG; } + elseif ( isset($_GET['lang'])) {$lngg = sanitize_key($_GET['lang']); } + elseif ( !empty($_COOKIE[siteslug()])) {$lngg = sanitize_key($_COOKIE[siteslug()]); } + else {$lngg = 'geo'; } + + $extra_bl =(!is_array($extra_block) ? $extra_block : ''); + $your_name =(is_array($extra_block) && !empty($extra_block['eng'])) ? "Your Name" : TRANSLL('mailform_YOUR_NAME'); + $your_mail =(is_array($extra_block) && !empty($extra_block['eng'])) ? "Your Email" : TRANSLL('mailform_YOUR_MAIL'); + $antispam_1=(is_array($extra_block) && !empty($extra_block['eng'])) ? "Please insert AntiSpam" : TRANSLL('mailform_ANTISPAM'); + $antispam_2=(is_array($extra_block) && !empty($extra_block['eng'])) ? "Please check AntiSpam" : TRANSLL('mailform_ANTISPAM2'); + $x = utf8_declarationn() . ' +
    + +
    + + '.$extra_bl.' + + + + + + + +
    '. $your_name .'
    '. $your_mail .'
    '. $antispam_1 .' : '. ($rand*$multiplier) .'
    + + '; + return $x; + } + + //if (isset($_GET['contactMAILpage'])) { + // mailform_page(); + //} + + + //if(!$this->definedTRUE('avoid_mailcheck')) { add_actionX('init','check_mailsentt'); } + public function check_mailsentt(){ + if (!empty($_POST['contactIsSubmited'])){ + header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); + global $odd,$lang; + $messiji = isset($_POST['teext']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['teext']) : ''; + $maill = isset($_POST['emailii']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['emailii']) : ''; + $from_mail =(!stristr($maill,'@yahoo.com')) ? $maill : 'X'.rand(1,1111111).rand(1,1111111).'@no-reply.com'; + $nameei = isset($_POST['namee']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['namee']) : ''; + + $admin_mail = get_option('admin_email'); + $subjectt = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '-dan gamogzavnilia shetyobineba'; + $full_messag="FROM: $nameei ($maill) \r\n\r\n Message:\r\n" . $messiji; + + + //if (($_POST['antisp_conf']=='yess') && (!empty($_POST['namee']) && !empty($_POST['emailii']) && !empty($_POST['teext']))) + if(empty($_POST['namee']) || empty($_POST['emailii']) || empty($_POST['teext'])) {die(!defined('LNG') ? "please, fill form" : $lang['fill_form_'.LNG] ); } + elseif ( ! ( in_array($_POST['antiSpamm']/$_POST['initiall'], array(date('j'),date('j')-1))) ) {die("Error Captcha"); } + else { exit(send_maill($admin_mail,$subjectt,$full_messag, $from_mail )); } + } + } + + + public function check_mailsent2(){ + if(isset($_GET['sendmessage'])){ + $to = get_option('admin_mail'); + $subject = !empty($_POST['subject']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['subject']) : '' ; + $from = validate_mail($_POST['email']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['email']) : die("incorrect_mail"); + $name = isset($_POST['name']) ? sanitize_textt($_POST['name']) : die("incorrect NAME"); + $messg = isset($_POST['content']) ? sanitize_textt($_POST['name']) : die("incorrect NAME"); + $phone = !empty($_POST['phone']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['phone']) : '' ; + $message = "Name: ".$name."\r\nE-mail: ".$from."\r\nPhone: ".$phone."\r\nMessage:\r\n\r\n".$messg; + if($_POST['captxt'] != $_POST['Captcha']){ die("incorrect captcha"); } + // mailsent_page($to,$subject,$message, $from); + send_maill($to,$subject,$message,$from); + } + } + + + public function send_maill($to, $subject, $message, $from=false, $reply_to=false){ + $result = my_mail($to ,$subject, $message , default_mail_headers($from)); + + if ($result) { $success_messg='SENT!';} + else { $success_messg='ERRORR..'; } + return $success_messg; + } + + public function simple_captcha_field($question='',$captcha_text=''){ + $GLOBALS['captcha_already_outputed']=true; + $captcha_text= !empty($captcha_text) ? $captcha_text : rand(1,11111); + echo ' +
    '. + (!empty($question) ? "
    ":""). + '
    '. + '
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"pcOS" : "mobileOS"); + //$this->add_body_class_($classes, 'new_browser_'.$GLOBALS['odd']['is_new_browser'] ); + + //add role + $user = wp_get_current_user(); + $role = ( array ) $user->roles; + $chosen = 'role-'.$role[0]; // //array_shift($GLOBALS['current_user']->roles); + $this->add_body_class_($classes, $chosen); + // + return $classes; + }; + + add_filter( 'body_class', $bClass1 ); + add_filter( 'admin_body_class', $bClass1 ); + } + + public function add_body_class_(&$classes, $value){ if (is_array($classes)) $classes[] = $value; else $classes .= $value; return $classes; } + + + //allsite_options + public function get_option_my($keyNAME, $re_call = false, $defaultvalue=false){ + if (!isset($this->my_custom_optioned_array) || !array_key_exists($keyNAME, $this->my_custom_optioned_array) || $re_call) { + $x = get_option('my_optioned_arrayyy',array()); + if (!array_key_exists($keyNAME,$x)) { $x[$keyNAME]=false;} + if ($x[$keyNAME]==false || !empty($defaultvalue) ) { $x[$keyNAME]=$defaultvalue; update_option('my_optioned_arrayyy',$x); } + $this->my_custom_optioned_array = $x; + } + return $this->my_custom_optioned_array[$keyNAME]; + } + + public function update_option_my($keyNAME, $value){ + $x= get_optionX($keyNAME, true); + $x[$keyNAME] = $value; + update_option('my_optioned_arrayyy',$x); + } + + + + public function is_login_page(){ return did_action('login_init'); } + public function is_posteditor_page(){ global $pagenow; + if ( is_admin() + && + ( + (in_array( $pagenow, array('post.php')) && 'edit' ==$_GET['action']) //if Edit page + || (in_array( $pagenow, array('post-new.php'))) //if NEW page + ) + ){ return true; } + else{ return false;} + + } + + + //header_parts(false,false,true,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false) + public function header_parts( + $auto_title=true, //1 + $DEFINED_site_title=false, //2 + $DEFINED_site_description=false, //3 + $DEFINED_title=false, //4 + $DEFINED_description=false, //5 + $DEFINED_url=false, //6 + $DEFINED_fb_og_title=false, //7 + $DEFINED_fb_og_description=false, //8 + $DEFINED_fb_og_image=false, //9 + $DEFINED_default_image=false //10 + ){ + global $post,$odd; $out = ''; + + $title = IS_SINGULARR ? get_the_title() : wp_title('',false); + $default_titlee = customm_word_length_sentence($title , 9); // (wp_title('',false), 9); + $default_desc= $post ? customm_word_length_sentence($post->post_content ,35) : $default_titlee ; + + $default_imag = ($DEFINED_default_image ? $DEFINED_default_image : (defined('Default_Post_Thumb_Imagee') ? Default_Post_Thumb_Imagee : $this->baseURL.'library/media/other/default_img.png') ); $final_imag=''; + + $MAIN_TITLL = htmlentities((isset($GLOBALS['MAIN_TITLL']) ? $GLOBALS['MAIN_TITLL'] : get_bloginfo('name')), ENT_QUOTES); + $MAIN_TITLL_OFC = htmlentities((isset($GLOBALS['MAIN_TITLL_OFC'])? $GLOBALS['MAIN_TITLL_OFC'] : get_bloginfo('description')), ENT_QUOTES); + + $final_title=$default_titlee; + $final_desc =$default_desc; + + + + if ($auto_title) { + $whichPaged = ($x = get_query_var('paged')) ? 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($DEFINED_title ? $DEFINED_title : $final_title ) .' + + ' + //Opengraph (facebook) tags + . $out; + return $final_out; + } + + + + + //$this->check_actions(); + public function check_actions($act = "") + { + if ($act=="") $act=sanitize_key($_GET['actionn']); + + if ($act == 'myButons88') + { + header("Content-type: application/javascript"); + // this stops wp-settings from load everything + //define ('SHORTINIT',true); + //require('../../../../wp-load.php'); + //define( 'ABSPATH', __DIR__ . '/' ); + //require ('wp-config.php'); ?> + + // + (function() { + tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.Nlineeplg', { + init : function(ed, url) { + + + ed.addButton('youtube_video', { + title : 'youtub_vid', + image : url+'/library/media/tinymce__editor_buttons/youtubee.png', + onclick : function() { + var newtex= prompt("Youtube Link", ""); if (null == newtex) {return;} + var finall='[YoutubeVideo url="'+newtex+'"]'; + ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, finall); + + } + }); + + + ed.addButton('audioo', { + title : 'audioo', + image : url+'/library/media/tinymce__editor_buttons/audio.png', + onclick : function() { + var newtex= prompt("Audio link", ""); if (null == newtex) {return;} + var finall='[audio mp3="'+newtex+'"]'; + ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, finall); + + } + }); + + + + ed.addButton('add_spacee_button', { + title : 'AddNewLin', + image : url+'/library/media/tinymce__editor_buttons/adl_img.png', + onclick : function() { + ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, ' '); + //ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, "\r\n
    "+" "+"\r\n
    "); + } + }); + + + ed.addButton('removeline_button', { + title : 'RemoveLines', + image : url+'/library/media/tinymce__editor_buttons/rml_img.png', + onclick : function() { + var gotted= tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getContent({format : 'raw'}) + var newtex= gotted.replace(/
    /g,''); + newtex= newtex.replace(/\r\n/g,''); + newtex= newtex.replace(/\n/g,''); + ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, newtex); + } + }); + + + ed.addButton('abzac_button', { + title : 'Abzaci', + image : url+'/library/media/tinymce__editor_buttons/paragraphh.png', + onclick : function() { + ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, ' '); + } + }); + + + + ed.addButton('lists', { + title : 'List Pages,Categories,Menus', + image : url+'/library/media/tinymce__editor_buttons/lists.png', + onclick : function() { + var newtex= prompt('Insert AUTO-LISTING (Pages,Categories or Menus..)\r\ni.e.\r\n[list type="categories" child_of="34"]\r\n[list type="pages" child_of="34"] (or child_of="this")\r\n[list type="menu" menu="My_Custom_Menu_Name"] (or menu="menu_ID")\r\n\r\n p.s.you can use all other parameters, described in online references ("wp_list_pages" or "wp_list_categoris" or "wp_nav_menu")', '[list type="pages" child_of="this"]'); if (null == newtex) {return;} + ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, newtex); + } + }); + + + ed.addButton('videomovie', { + title : 'VideoMovie', + image : url+'/library/media/tinymce__editor_buttons/video.png', + onclick : function() { + var newtex= prompt('mp4 link'); if (null == newtex) {return;} + newtex= '[video url="'+ newtex +'"]'; + ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, newtex); + } + }); + + ed.addButton('script', { + title : 'Scriptt', + image : url+'/library/media/tinymce__editor_buttons/script.png', + onclick : function() { + var newtex= prompt('insert code'); if (null == newtex) {return;} + newtex= '[script content="'+ encodeURIComponent(newtex) +'"]'; + ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, newtex); + } + }); + + + + + }, + createControl : function(n, cm) { + return null; + } + + + }); + tinymce.PluginManager.add('MyButtonss1', tinymce.plugins.Nlineeplg); + })(); + + + .anons_of{background: gray;} + .gray_backgroundd{} + html .mceContentBody { max-width:100%;} + helpers = new standard_wp_library__PuvoxSoftware(['class'=>get_called_class()]); + + $this->plugin_inits(); + } + + public function __call($method, $arguments) + { + try { + return call_user_func_array([$this->helpers, $method], $arguments); + } catch (Exception $e) { + throw $e; + } + } + + public function plugin_inits() + { + if ($this->helpers->isWP) + { + $this->is_settings_page = false; + $this->wpdb = $GLOBALS['wpdb']; + $this->options_tabs = []; + + if (!$this->helpers->above_version("5.4")){ + register_activation_hook( $this->helpers->moduleFILE, function(){ exit( __("Sorry, your PHP version ". phpversion() ." is very old. We suggest changing your hosting's PHP version.") ); } ); + return; + } + // initial variables + $this->my_plugin_vars(); + $this->network_managed = is_multisite() && $this->IsNetworkManaged(); + $this->opts = $this->refresh_options(); // Setup final variables + $this->refresh_options_TimeGone(); + $this->logs_table_name = $this->get_prefix_CHOSEN() . $this->plugin_slug_u.'__errors_log'; // error logs table name + $this->logs_table_maxnum= 100; // maximum rows in errors logs table + $this->check_if_pro_plugin(); + $this->__construct_my(); // All other custom construction hooks + $this->optionsPageSlug = property_exists($this,'customOptsPageUrl') ? $this->customOptsPageUrl : $this->slug; + $this->settingsPHP_page = $this->static_settings['menu_button_level']=="mainmenu" ? 'admin.php' : (is_network_admin() || $this->network_managed ? 'settings.php' : 'options-general.php'); + $this->plugin_page_url = ( !is_network_admin() && (!is_multisite() || !$this->network_managed || !$this->IsNetworkwidePlugin() || !is_plugin_active_for_network($this->static_settings['plugin_basename']) ) ? admin_url() : network_admin_url() ) .$this->settingsPHP_page.'?page='.$this->optionsPageSlug; + $this->plugin_files = array_merge( (property_exists($this, 'plugin_files') ? $this->plugin_files : [] ), ['index.php'] ); + $this->translation_phrases= $this->get_phrases(); + $this->is_in_customizer = (stripos($this->helpers->currentURL, admin_url('customize.php')) !== false); + $this->myplugin_class = 'myplugin postbox version_'. (!$this->static_settings['has_pro_version'] ? "free" : ($this->is_pro_legal ? "pro" : "not_pro") ); + $this->addon_namepart = 'puvox.software'; + + $this->define_option_tabs(); + + //activation & deactivation (empty hooks by default. all important things migrated into `refresh_options`) + register_activation_hook( $this->helpers->moduleFILE, [$this, 'activate'] ); + register_deactivation_hook( $this->helpers->moduleFILE, [$this, 'deactivate'] ); + + //translation hook + add_action('init', [$this, 'load_textdomain'] ); + + //==== my other default hooks ===// + $this->plugin__setupLinksAndMenus(); + + //shortcodes + $this->shortcodes_initialize(); + + // if buttons needed + //if( property_exists($this, 'tinymce_buttons') ) $this->tinymce_funcs(); + + // for backend ajax + add_action( 'wp_ajax_'.$this->plugin_slug_u.'_all', [$this, 'ajax_backend_call'] ); + + add_action( 'admin_head', [$this,'admin_head_func']); + add_action( 'current_screen', function(){ $this->admin_scripts(null); } ); + + //add uninstaller file + if(is_admin()) $this->helpers->add_default_uninstall(); //add_action( 'shutdown', [$this, 'my_shutdown_for_versioning']); + + add_action('wp', [$this, 'flush_checkpoint'], 999); + + // functions for PRO-ADDON upload + // add_filter( 'pre_move_uploaded_file', function( $null, $file, $new_file, $type ){ return $path; }, 10, 4); + $this->pro_file_part = 'puvox-software'; + if($this->static_settings['has_pro_version']) { + add_filter( 'upload_mimes', [$this->helper,'upload_mimes_filter'], 1); + add_filter( 'wp_handle_upload', [$this->helper,'wp_handle_upload_filter'], 10, 2); + } + + if ($this->helpers->property('extra_options_enabled')) $this->add_extra_options_page(); + } + } + + //example construct + /* + public function __construct_my() + { + // + $this->helpers->error_to_mailaddress = 'your_mail@gmail.com'; // send errors to email + $this->helpers->enable_write_logs = false; // enable logs writing + $this->helpers->PASSWORD_FOR_SITE = ''; // + $this->helpers->google_analytics_ID = ''; // + $this->helpers->google_tag_manager_ID = ''; // + $this->helpers->top_ge_ID = ''; // + $this->helpers->google_firebase_ID = ''; // https://console.firebase.google.com/project/my-test-proj-fc1cb/overview + $this->helpers->auth_expiration_hours = 444; // + $this->helpers->search_items_amount_in_menu = 20; // + $this->helpers->shortcodes = []; // + $this->helpers->customOptsPageUrl = admin_url().'/.../'; // + $this->helpers->extend_shortcodes = true; // activates shortcodes: image, video, link, iframe, @, script, video, list_subpages , + // i.e. [list type="categories" id="32" depth=0 exclude="4,28"] + // i.e. [list type="pages" id="32" depth=0 exclude="4,28"] (or id="this") + // i.e. [list type="menu" id="32"] + $this->helpers->disable_update = true; // disable update for current plugin + $this->add_my_site_options(['smth'=>'value']); // activates extra options page + $this->admin_styles = ''; + + $this->helpers->load_scripts_override = + [ + 'jquery' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>1]], + 'jquery-migrate' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>0]], + 'jquery-ui' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>1, 'public'=>1]], + 'bootstrap' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>1]], + 'less' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>0]], + 'font-awesome' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>1, 'public'=>1]], + //'font-awesome-anim1'=> ['screen'=>['admin'=>1, 'public'=>1]], + 'google-fonts' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>0]], + 'fancybox' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>1, 'public'=>1]], + 'animate' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>1, 'public'=>1]], + 'hover' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>1, 'public'=>1]], + 'cookies' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>1, 'public'=>1]], + 'spin' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>0]], + ]; + + //if ($this->helpers->property('add_social_links_options')) add_action('admin_menu', [$this,'funccc413']); + $this->helpers->plugin_reset_callback = function(){}; // + $this->helpers->hooks_examples = function(){}; // + } + */ + + //add my default values + public function my_plugin_vars($step=0) + { + //get default plugin data: https://goo.gl/Z3z8FW + include_once(ABSPATH . "wp-admin/includes/plugin.php"); + $plugin_vars = $this->pluginvars(); + $this->slug = sanitize_key($plugin_vars['TextDomain']); //same as foldername + $this->plugin_slug = $this->slug; //same as foldername + $this->plugin_slug_u= str_replace('-','_', $this->slug); + + $AuthorDomain = !property_exists($this, 'PuvoxDomain') ? 'https://puvox.software/' : ''; + $this->static_settings = $plugin_vars + + [ + 'plugin_basename' => plugin_basename($this->helpers->moduleFILE), + 'menu_text' => array( + 'donate' =>__('Donate'), + 'settings' =>__('Settings'), + 'open_settings' =>__('You can access settings from dashboard of:'), + 'activated_only_from' =>__('Plugin activable only from'), + 'deactivated_only_from' =>__('Plugin deactivable only from'), + ), + 'lang' => $this->helpers->get_locale__SANITIZED(), + 'wp_rate_url' => 'https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/'.$this->slug.'/reviews/#new-post', + 'public_assets_url' => 'https://ps.w.org/internal-functions-for-protectpages-com-users/trunk/', + 'question_mark_icon'=> 'https://ps.w.org/internal-functions-for-protectpages-com-users/trunk/assets/question-mark-2.png', + 'donate_url' => 'https://paypal.me/Puvox', // business: http://paypal.me/Puvox || personal : http://paypal.me/tazotodua + 'mail_errors' => 'wp_plugin_errors@puvox.software', + 'licenser_domain' => $AuthorDomain, + 'musthave_plugins' => $AuthorDomain.'/blog/must-have-wordpress-plugins/', + 'purchase_url' => $AuthorDomain.'/?purchase_wp_plugin='.$this->slug, + 'purchase_check' => $AuthorDomain.'/?purchase_wp_act=', + 'wp_tt_freelancers' => 'https://goo.gl/wZKANN', + 'wp_fl_freelancers' => 'https://goo.gl/JSVy37', + 'wp_pph_freelancers'=> 'https://goo.gl/vhrqiM', + // virtual/overload + 'has_pro_version' => null, + 'menu_button_level' => null, + ]; + + $this->declare_settings_initial(); + //enrich from main class + if(is_admin()) $this->declare_settings(); + $this->static_settings = $this->static_settings + $this->initial_static_options; + } + + // will be overriden + public function declare_settings_initial() + { + $this->initial_static_options = array + ( + 'has_pro_version' =>0, + 'show_opts' =>false, + 'show_rating_message'=>false, + 'display_tabs' =>false, + 'required_role' =>'install_plugins', + 'default_managed' =>'network' //network, subsite, both + ); + + $this->initial_user_options = + [ + //'counter_limit'=>'»'; + ]; + } + + public function plugin__setupLinksAndMenus() + { + // If plugin has options, show button (in admin menu sidebar) + if($this->static_settings['show_opts']) + { + $register_handle = function() + { + $menu_button_name = (array_key_exists('menu_button_name', $this->static_settings) ? $this->static_settings['menu_button_name'] : $this->opts['name'] ); + if( array_key_exists('menu_button_level', $this->static_settings) && $this->static_settings['menu_button_level']=="mainmenu" ) + // icons: https://goo.gl/WXAYCi + add_menu_page($menu_button_name, $menu_button_name, $this->static_settings['required_role'] , $this->slug, [$this, 'opts_page_output_parent'], $this->static_settings['menu_icon'] ); + else + add_submenu_page($this->settingsPHP_page, $menu_button_name, $menu_button_name, $this->static_settings['required_role'] , $this->slug, [$this, 'opts_page_output_parent'] ); + + // if target is custom link (not options page) + if(array_key_exists('menu_button_link', $this->opts)){ + add_action( 'admin_footer', function (){ + ?> + + network_managed ){ + add_action('admin_menu', $register_handle ); + } + } + else { + add_action('admin_menu', $register_handle ); + } + //redirect to settings page after activation (if not bulk activation) + add_action('activated_plugin', function($plugin) { if ($this->is_not_bulk_activation($plugin)) { exit( wp_redirect($this->plugin_page_url.'&isactivation') ); } } ); + } + + + // show author & donate urls (unless hidden) + if ( !array_key_exists('hide_plugin_links', $this->static_settings)) + { + // add Settings & Donate buttons in plugins list + add_filter( (is_network_admin() ? 'network_admin_' : ''). 'plugin_action_links_'. $this->static_settings['plugin_basename'], function($links){ + if(!$this->static_settings['has_pro_version']) { $links[] = ''.$this->static_settings['menu_text']['donate'].''; } + if($this->static_settings['show_opts']){ $links[] = ''.$this->static_settings['menu_text']['settings'].''; } + if(isset($this->opts['custom_opts_page'])){ $links[] = ''.$this->static_settings['menu_text']['settings'].''; } + //if(is_network_admin() && $this->initial_static_options['allowed_on'] =='subsite'){ unset($links['activate']); $links[] = ''.$this->static_settings['menu_text']['deactivated_only_from'].' SUB-SITES'; } + return $links; + }); + } + } + + + // ================ dont use activation/deactivation hooks =====================// + public function activate($network_wide) + { + // Differentiation only applies when/if MultiSite enabled. Otherwise, always master site + if ( is_multisite() ) + { + if( + ( $this->is_network_admin_referrer() && (!$this->IsNetworkwidePlugin()) ) + || + ( !$this->is_network_admin_referrer() && ($this->IsNetworkwidePlugin() || $network_wide ) ) + ) + { + $text= '

    '.$this->opts['name'].': '. $this->static_settings['menu_text']['activated_only_from']. ' '.($this->static_settings['default_managed']).'

    '; + //$text .= ''; + die($text); + } + } + //$this->plugin_updated_hook(); + if(method_exists($this, 'activation_funcs') ) { $this->activation_funcs($network_wide); } + } + // commented part: pastebin_com/KNM3iMEs + + public function deactivate($network_wide){ + if(method_exists($this, 'deactivation_funcs') ) { $this->deactivation_funcs($network_wide); } + } + + //load translation + public function load_textdomain(){ + load_plugin_textdomain( $this->slug, false, basename($this->helpers->moduleDIR). '/languages/' ); + } + + public function is_not_bulk_activation($plugin) + { + return ( $plugin == $this->static_settings['plugin_basename'] && !((new WP_Plugins_List_Table())->current_action()=='activate-selected')); + } + + // for some reasons, native "is_network_admin()" doesn't work during ACTIVATION hook, and we need to manually use this + public function is_network_admin_referrer() + { + return (array_key_exists("HTTP_REFERER", $_SERVER) && stripos($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"],'/wp-admin/network/') !==false); + } + + public function pluginvars(){ + /* + [Name] => My Plugin Name + [PluginURI] => https://example.com + [Version] => 1.23 + [Description] => Plugin Description. By [Author]. + [Author] => myAuthorTitle + [AuthorURI] => https://example.com/xyz + [TextDomain] => my-plugin-name + [DomainPath] => /languages + [Network] => + [Title] => My Plugin Name + [AuthorName] => Author Name + */ + return get_plugin_data( $this->helpers->moduleFILE, $markup = true, $translate = false); //dont $translate, otherwise you will get error of: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/43869 + } + + //get latest options (in case there were updated,refresh them) + public function refresh_options(){ + $this->opts = $this->get_option_CHOSEN($this->slug, []); + if(!is_array($this->opts)) $this->opts = $this->initial_user_options; + foreach($this->initial_user_options as $name=>$value){ if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->opts)) { $this->opts[$name]=$value; $should_update=true; } } + $this->opts = array_merge($this->opts, $this->initial_static_options); + $this->opts['name'] =$this->static_settings['Name']; + $this->opts['title'] =$this->static_settings['Title']; + $this->opts['version'] =$this->static_settings['Version']; + if(isset($should_update)) { $this->update_opts(); } + return $this->opts; + } + + public function refresh_options_TimeGone(){ + //if never updated + if(empty($this->opts['last_update_time'])) { + $this->opts['last_update_time'] = time(); $should_update=true; + } + if(empty($this->opts['last_updates'])) { + $this->opts['last_updates'] = []; $should_update=true; + } + if(empty($this->opts['fist_install_date'])) { + $this->opts['fist_install_date'] = time(); $should_update=true; + } + //if plugin updated through hook or manually... to avoid complete break.. + if( empty($this->opts['last_version']) || $this->opts['last_version'] != $this->opts['version'] ){ + $this->opts['last_version'] = $this->opts['version']; + $should_update=true; + $reload_needed=true; + } + if(isset($should_update)) { $this->update_opts(); } + if(isset($reload_needed)) { $this->plugin_updated_hook(true); } + } + + + public function ajax_backend_call() + { + if(isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action']==$this->plugin_slug_u .'_all') + { + if( empty( $_POST["_wpnonce"] ) || !wp_verify_nonce( $_POST["_wpnonce"], "Puvox_BackendCallJS") ) + { + exit( __('Incorrect nonce. Refresh page and try again.') ); + } + + if(isset($_POST['PRO_check_key'])){ + echo $this->license_status( sanitize_text_field($_POST['PRO_check_key']), "activate"); + } + + elseif(isset($_POST['PRO_save_results'])){ + + } + + elseif(method_exists($this, 'backend_call')){ + $this->backend_call( sanitize_key($_POST['act']) ); + } + + wp_die(); + } + exit( __('Unknown-action') ); + } + + + public function reset_plugin_to_defaults() + { + $this->update_opts([]) ; + $this->update_phrases([]) ; + if(property_exists($this, 'plugin_reset_callback')) $this->plugin_reset_callback(); + } + + //update library file on activation/update + public function plugin_updated_hook($redirect=false) + { + return; + } + + // quick method to update this plugin's opts + public function optName($optname, $prefix=false){ + if( substr($optname, 0, 1) == '`' ) { $prefix=true; $optname= substr($optname,1); } + return ( !$prefix || stripos($optname, $this->slug) !== false ) ? $optname : $this->slug . '_' . $optname; + } + + public function update_opts($opts=false){ + return $this->update_option_CHOSEN($this->slug, ( $opts!==false ? $opts : $this->opts) ); + } + + public function get_option_CHOSEN($optname, $default=false , $prefix=false){ + return call_user_func("get_". ( $this->network_managed ? "site_" : "" ). "option", $this->optName($optname, $prefix), $default ); + } + public function update_option_CHOSEN($optname, $optvalue, $autoload=null , $prefix=false){ + return call_user_func("update_". ( $this->network_managed ? "site_" : "" ). "option", $this->optName($optname, $prefix), $optvalue, $autoload ); + } + public function delete_option_CHOSEN($optname , $prefix=false){ + return call_user_func("delete_". ( $this->network_managed ? "site_" : "" ). "option", $this->optName($optname, $prefix) ); + } + + public function get_transient_CHOSEN($optname, $default=false , $prefix=false){ + return call_user_func("get_". ( $this->network_managed ? "site_" : "" ). "transient", $this->optName($optname, $prefix), $default ); + } + public function update_transient_CHOSEN($optname, $optvalue, $autoload=null , $prefix=false){ + return call_user_func("set_". ( $this->network_managed ? "site_" : "" ). "transient", $this->optName($optname, $prefix), $optvalue, $autoload ); + } + public function delete_transient_CHOSEN($optname , $prefix=false){ + return call_user_func("delete_". ( $this->network_managed ? "site_" : "" ). "transient", $this->optName($optname, $prefix) ); + } + + public function delete_transients_by_prefix_CHOSEN($myPrefix , $prefix=false){ + global $wpdb; + $table_name = $this->network_managed ? $wpdb->base_prefix.'sitemeta' : $wpdb->prefix .'options' ; + $column_name = $this->network_managed ? 'meta_key' : 'option_name'; + return $this->helpers->delete_transients_by_prefix($myPrefix, $table_name, $column_name); + } + + public function get_prefix_CHOSEN(){ + return ($this->network_managed ? $GLOBALS['wpdb']->base_prefix : $GLOBALS['wpdb']->prefix); + } + + public function IsNetworkwidePlugin() { return $this->static_settings['default_managed']=='network'; } + + public function IsNetworkManaged(){ + return get_site_option( $this->slug . '_network_managed', $this->IsNetworkwidePlugin() ); + } + + public function updateNetworkedState($value){ + return update_site_option( $this->slug . '_network_managed', $value ); + } + + public function phrase($key, $is_variable=false) { + if($is_variable){ + if (!isset($this->translation_phrases[$key])){ + $this->translation_phrases[sanitize_title($key)] = sanitize_title($key); + $this->update_phrases(); + } + } + return ( isset($this->translation_phrases[$key]) ? $this->translation_phrases[$key] : $key ); + } + + + public function is_this_settings_page(){ + return + ( + is_admin() && + ( + ( stripos(get_current_screen()->base, $this->slug) !== false) && (isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page']==$this->slug ) + // || + //( stripos($this->helpers->currentURL, $this->optionsPageSlug) !==false ) + ) + ); + } + + // navigation menu nav menu hooks: pastebin_com/BcGsVpe9 + + // if post_exists query: https://goo.gl/aHZzv9 + + + public function create_log_table() + { + return $GLOBALS['wpdb']->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `". $this->logs_table_name ."` ( + `id` int(50) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + `gmdate` datetime, + `function_args` longtext NOT NULL, + `message` longtext NOT NULL, + `backtrace` longtext NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (`id`), + UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`) + ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci AUTO_INCREMENT=1" + // ) " . $wpdb->get_charset_collate() || DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci AUTO_INCREMENT=1 + ); // or die("error_2345_". $wpdb->print_error()) //CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 + } + + + //i.e. $this->log("couldnt get results", ''.print_r($response, true).'' ); + public function log( $message ="", $exception="", $retrying=false) + { global $wpdb; + $this->trim_errorslog(); + $trace=debug_backtrace(); array_shift($trace); $last_func = $trace[0];//$trace=array_splice($trace, 0, 6); //get only first 6 functions + $chain=""; foreach($trace as $e) {$chain=$e['function']."->".$chain;} + $res = $wpdb->insert( $this->logs_table_name, $arr=[ + 'gmdate'=> gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"), + 'function_args'=> $chain ." :: ". print_r($last_func['args'],true), + 'message'=>print_r($message, true). "\r\n".print_r($exception, true)] + ); + if(!$res && !$retrying){ + $this->create_log_table(); + $this->log( $message, $exception, true); + } + return $res; + } + + public function clear_errorslog(){ return $GLOBALS['wpdb']->query("TRUNCATE TABLE ".$this->logs_table_name ); } + public function get_errorslog() { return $GLOBALS['wpdb']->get_results("SELECT * from ".$this->logs_table_name.""); } + + // Removes oldest rows if rows count exceeds the limit + public function trim_errorslog() + { + $rows_amount = $GLOBALS['wpdb']->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$this->logs_table_name ." GROUP BY `id`"); + if( $rows_amount > $this->logs_table_maxnum ) + { + $amount_to_delete=$rows_amount - $this->logs_table_maxnum; + return $GLOBALS['wpdb']->query("DELETE FROM ". $this->logs_table_name. " WHERE 1=1 LIMIT " . $amount_to_delete ); + } + return null; + } + + public function send_error_mail($error){ + return wp_mail($this->static_settings['mail_errors'], 'wp plugin error at '. home_url(), (is_array($error) ? print_r($error, true) : $error) ); + } + + // unique func to flush rewrite rules when needed. if not hooked into wp_footer, hangs plugin options resaving + public function flush_rules_if_needed($temp_key=false){ + // lets check if refresh needed + $key="b".get_current_blog_id()."_". md5( (empty($temp_key) ? "sample" : ( stripos($temp_key, basename($this->helpers->moduleDIR)) !== false ? md5(filemtime($temp_key)) : $temp_key )) ); + if( !array_key_exists($key, $this->opts['last_updates']) || $this->opts['last_updates'][$key] < $this->opts['last_update_time']){ + $this->opts['last_updates'][$key] = $this->opts['last_update_time']; + $this->update_opts(); + add_action('wp_footer', function(){ $this->helpers->flush_rules("js"); } ); + } + } + + public function flush_rules_checkmark($redirect=false){ + flush_rewrite_rules(); + $this->opts['needs_flushing'] = true; $this->update_opts(); + if($redirect) { + if ($redirect=="js"){ $this->helpers->js_redirect(); } else { $this->helpers->php_redirect(); } + } + } + public function flush_checkpoint(){ + if(isset($this->opts['needs_flushing'])) + { + unset($this->opts['needs_flushing']); + $this->update_opts(); + $this->helpers->flush_rules(true); + } + } + + + public function shortcodes_initialize(){ + if(property_exists($this,'shortcodes')) + { + //enable shortcodes (if it's disabled) + add_filter( 'widget_text', 'do_shortcode' ); + + foreach($this->shortcodes as $name=>$val) + { + //add "name" manually as name + $this->shortcodes[$name]['name']=$name; + add_shortcode($name, [$this, $name]); + } + } + } + + public function init__disableupdate( $value ) { add_filter( 'site_transient_update_plugins', [$this, 'disable_plugin_update'] ); } + public function disable_plugin_update( $value ) { + + $pluginsToDisable = plugin_basename($this->moduleFILE); // [ 'plugin-folder/plugin.php' ]; + if ( isset($value) && is_object($value) ) { + foreach ($pluginsToDisable as $plugin) { + if ( isset( $value->response[$plugin] ) ) { + unset( $value->response[$plugin] ); + } + } + } + return $value; + } + + + + + + // =================================================================================================== // + // ============================================ SOCIAL LINKS ========================================= // + // =================================================================================================== // + + public function socialss_Dataa(){ + $x = get_option('my_socials_optsszz'); + if (empty($x['sitesList'])) { $x['sitesList'] = array('facebook','youtube','googleplus','twitter','pinterest','deviantart','mailsubscribe'); } + if (empty($x['langzz'])) { $x['langzz'] = array('geo','eng','rus'); } + if (empty($x['Datas'])) { $x['Datas'] = array('facebook_ENABLED__geo'=>1,'facebook_URL__geo'=>'https://facebook.com','facebook_TITLE__geo'=>'Like Our Facebook');} + return $x; + } + + public function funccc413() { + //add_menu_page('sample_page', 'sample_page', 'administrator','smpl_pggg', 'fnc34252'); + add_submenu_page('options-general.php' , 'My SOCIAL LINKS', 'SOCIAL LINKS', 'manage_options', 'mysubpage-slug133', 'fnc34252' ); } public function fnc34252() { + + //if updated + if (isset($_POST['securit_noncee'])){ $this->NonceCheckk(sanitize_text_field($_POST['securit_noncee']),'fupd_mlss'); + $ARRAY=socialss_Dataa(); + $ARRAY['langzz'] = explode(",", sanitize_text_field($_POST['langzz'])); + foreach ($_POST as $name=>$value) {$ARRAY['Datas'][$name]=sanitize_text_field($value);} + update_option('my_socials_optsszz', $ARRAY ); + } + //get the latest + $ARRAY=socialss_Dataa(); + + ?> +
    + 'nwsMTNG_notes_'. $laang, 'editor_class' => "editoor_nws_note")); ?> +

    Social Links

    + Your site Languages(initials): " name="langzz" placeholder="geo,eng,rus.." /> +

    + +


    ';} ?> + + + + + + + + +

    + (Enabled: + />) + + + +
    + +
    + '; + foreach ($opts['sitesList'] as $key=>$each_social){ + $enbled = (Return_If_Array_Key($opts['Datas'],$each_social.'_ENABLED__'.$lang)) ? true: false; + if ($enbled){ + $output .= '
    '; + } + } + $output .=''; + return $output; + } + // ============================================ ## SOCIAL LINKS ========================================= // + + + + + + + public function get_phrases() + { + return $this->get_option_CHOSEN('`translated_phrases', []); + } + + public function update_phrases($array=null) + { + if(!isset($array)) $array=$this->translation_phrases; + return $this->update_option_CHOSEN('`translated_phrases', $array); + } + + public function phrases_array() + { + $cont=''; + foreach( $this->plugin_files as $each) + { + $cont .= $this->file_get_contents($this->helpers->moduleDIR.'/'.$each); + } + preg_match_all( '/\$this\-\>phrase\((.*?)\)/si', $cont, $matches ); + $phrases_array = $this->get_phrases(); + foreach($matches[1] as $value) { + $value=trim($value); + //if not variable + if(substr($value, 0, 1) != '$') + { + $sanitized_value = preg_replace("/[\"\']/", "", $value); + $phrases_array[$sanitized_value] = $sanitized_value; + } + } + return $phrases_array; + } + + + public function question_mark($text, $dialog=0, $question_mark="") { + $mouseover=''; + $content = ''; + if($dialog==0){ + $content = $text; + } + else if($dialog==1){ + $content = ''; + $mouseover = ' onmouseover="jQuery(\'#\'+this.parentNode.id).tooltip({ items:this, content:\''.$text.'\', show: { effect: \'blind\', duration: 800 } }).tooltip(\'open\');"'; + } + else if($dialog==2){ + $content = ''; + $mouseover = ' onmouseover="jQuery(\'
    \').dialog({ modal:true, width:600 });"'; + } + if (empty($question_mark)) $question_mark=$this->static_settings['question_mark_icon']; + return ''.$content.''; + } + + public function define_translations_exist(){ + //check if translations exist + $last_vers = get_site_option($this->slug . '_transl_lastvers'); + if( ! $last_vers || $last_vers != $this->static_settings["Version"] ){ + update_site_option('transl_lastvers', $this->static_settings["Version"]); + $res = !empty($this->phrases_array()); + update_site_option($this->slug . '_transl_exists', $res); + return $res; + } + return get_site_option($this->slug . '_transl_exists'); + } + + + // settings page + public function define_option_tabs(){ + if(!is_admin()) return; + + $this->show_tabs = $this->static_settings['display_tabs']; + $this->options_tabs = array_merge( + ["Options"], + $this->options_tabs, + property_exists($this,'shortcodes') ? ['Shortcodes'] : [], + ( $this->define_translations_exist() ? ["Translations & Phrases"] : [] ), + ["Errors-Log & Reset"] //( ! property_exists($this, 'errors_tab') || $this->errors_tab ? ['Errors log'] : [] ) + ); + + } + + public function options_tab($tabs_array =false){ + if(!$tabs_array) $tabs_array = $this->options_tabs; + $this->active_tab = $tabs_array[0]; + foreach($tabs_array as $each_tab){ + if (isset($_GET['tab']) && sanitize_key($each_tab)==$_GET['tab']) + $this->active_tab=$each_tab; + } + echo ''; + } + + + public function opts_page_output_parent($args=false) + { + if(is_network_admin()) + { + if( !empty( $_POST["mng_nonce"] ) && check_admin_referer( "nonce_mng_" . $this->slug, "mng_nonce" ) ) + { + if(isset( $_POST[$this->slug]['managed_from_changer'] ) ){ + $val = in_array($_POST[$this->slug]['managed_from_site'], ['Network-Wide','network']) ; + $this->network_managed = $val; + $this->updateNetworkedState($val); + $this->helpers->js_redirect(); + } + } + ?> + +
    + +
    + + + network_managed);?> /> + + network_managed);?> /> + + + slug, "mng_nonce" ); ?> +
    + +
    + network_managed) || (!is_network_admin() && !$this->network_managed) ){ + $this->opts_page_output(); + } + else{ + echo '

    '.__('Plugin is set to be managed per: '. ($this->network_managed ? "Network": "Sub-sites") ).'

    '; + } + } + + + public function settings_page_part($type) + { + $this->is_settings_page = true; + + if($type=="start") + { + if( !empty( $_POST["_wpnonce"] ) && check_admin_referer( "nonce_" . $this->slug, "_wpnonce" ) ) + { + if(!empty($_POST[$this->slug]) ) { + $this->opts['last_update_time'] = time(); + $this->update_opts(); + } + + if(isset( $_POST[$this->slug]['clear_error_logs'] ) ){ + $this->clear_errorslog(); + } + + if(isset( $_POST[$this->slug]['reset_plugin_defaults'] ) ){ + $this->reset_plugin_to_defaults(); $this->helpers->js_redirect(); + } + + if(isset( $_POST[$this->slug]['update_transl_phrases'] ) ){ + $this->translation_phrases = array_map('sanitize_text_field', $_POST[$this->slug]['translation_phrases']); + $this->update_phrases( $this->translation_phrases ) ; + } + } + + + if( !empty( $_GET["_wpnonce"] ) && check_admin_referer( "nonce_" . $this->slug, "_wpnonce" ) ) + { + if(isset($_GET[$this->slug.'-remove-pro']) ) { + delete_site_option($this->license_keyname()); + $this->helpers->js_redirect(remove_query_arg($this->slug.'-remove-pro')); + } + } + + ?> +
    + +


    + options_tab(); ?> + + +
    + active_tab == "Shortcodes") + { + echo '

    '. __('Shortcodes Usage').'

    '; + + foreach($this->shortcodes as $key=>$value) + { + $this->helpers->shortcodes_table($key, $value); + $this->helpers->shortcode_alternative_message($key); + } + + + echo '
    '; + echo '

    '. __('Available hooks (to modify from external functions)') .'

    '; + if ( property_exists($this, "hooks_examples") ) { + foreach ($this->hooks_examples as $key=>$block){ + echo '
    '; + if ($block['type']=='filter'){ + echo '
    '. __($block['description']) .':
    '; + echo 'add_filter("'.$key.'", "yourFunc", 10, '. count($block['parameters'] ) .' ); function yourFunc($'. implode(', $', $block['parameters'] ).') { ... return $'.$block['parameters'][0].';} '; + } + echo '
    '; + } + } + echo '
    '; + } + + + + if ($this->active_tab == "Translations & Phrases") + { ?> +
    + + + + phrases_array(); + $phrases = $this->translation_phrases; + if(is_array($phrases_arr)){ + foreach ($phrases_arr as $key=>$value){ + $value = array_key_exists($key, $phrases) ? $phrases[$key] : $key; + echo ''; + echo ''; + echo ''; + } + } + ?> + +
    '. $key.'
    + + slug); + submit_button( __( 'Save' ), 'button-secondary', '', true ); + ?> +
    + active_tab == "Errors-Log & Reset") + { ?> +
    + + + + log("asdddd", ""); + $errors = $this->get_errorslog(); + if(!empty($errors)) + { + rsort($errors); //reverse order, last added to top + $column_count = count( $keys = array_keys( ((array)$errors[0]) )); + echo ''; for($i=0; $i<$column_count; $i++) echo "";echo ''; + + foreach ($errors as $each_err ) { + $each_err= (array) $each_err; + echo ''; + for($i=0; $i<$column_count; $i++){ + $out=''; + $current = $each_err[ array_keys($each_err)[$i]]; + if (!empty($current) ) + { + $out = $current; + } + echo ''; + } + echo ''; + } + + } + ?> + +
    '. htmlentities($out).'
    + + +
    + + slug); + submit_button( __( 'Clear Errors Log' ), 'button-secondary red-button', '', true ); + ?> +
    + + +
    + + slug); + submit_button( __( 'Reset plugin options to defaults' ), 'button-secondary red-button', '', true ); + ?> +
    + +
    + endStyles();?> +
    + + myplugin_class.'">'; + } + ?> + + + +


    • + : + $ + + +
    • +
    • + Must have free plugins for everyone'), $this->static_settings['musthave_plugins'] ).'.'; ?> +
    • +
    + +
    + + + + static_settings['show_rating_message']) + { ?> + + + +
    + +
    + + + + + purchase_pro_block(); + ?> + + + +
    + '_save_button'] ); ?> + + +
    + + + '; ?> + is_this_settings_page()){ + $this->admin_scripts_out($hook); + } + } + + // https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress/blob/master/wp-includes/script-loader.php + public function admin_scripts_out($hook) //i.e. edit.php + { + $where='admin'; + $this->helpers->register_stylescript($where, 'script', 'jquery'); + + //jquery ui core + //$this->helpers->register_stylescript($where, 'script', 'jquery-ui-core'); + + //jquery ui EFFECTS + $this->helpers->register_stylescript($where, 'script', 'jquery-effects-core'); + + //jquery ui DIALOG + $this->helpers->register_stylescript($where, 'script', 'jquery-ui-dialog'); + $this->helpers->register_stylescript($where, 'style', 'wp-jquery-ui-dialog'); // 'ui-css', 'https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.1/themes/base/jquery-ui.css', false, '1.1'); + + $this->helpers->register_stylescript($where, 'script', 'jquery-ui-tooltip'); + + // spin.js + //$this->register_stylescript($where, 'script', 'spin', 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/spin.js/2.3.2/spin.min.js', ['jquery'], '2.3.2', true); + + // touch-punch.js + //$this->register_stylescript($where, 'script', 'touch-punch', 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui-touch-punch/0.2.3/jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js', ['jquery'], '0.2.3', true ); + + //add_action('admin_footer', function() { } ); + } + + + /* + public public function admin_scripts(){ + + // jquery ui + $handle= 'jquery-effects-core'; + if(!wp_script_is( $handle, "enqueued" ) ){ + wp_enqueue_script( $handle); + } + + // spin.js + $handle= 'spin.js'; + if(!wp_script_is( $handle, "registered" ) ){ + wp_register_script( $handle, 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/spin.js/2.3.2/spin.min.js' , array('jquery'), '2.3.2', true ); + } + if(!wp_script_is( $handle, "enqueued" ) ){ + wp_enqueue_script( $handle); + } + + // touch-punch.js + $handle= 'touch-punch.js'; + if(!wp_script_is( $handle, "registered" ) ){ + wp_register_script( $handle, 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui-touch-punch/0.2.3/jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js' , array('jquery'), '0.2.3', true ); + } + if(!wp_script_is( $handle, "enqueued" ) ){ + wp_enqueue_script( $handle); + } + + // animate.css + $handle= 'animate.css'; + if(!wp_style_is( $handle, "registered" ) ){ + wp_register_style( $handle, 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/animate.css/3.5.2/animate.min.css', false, '1.0.0' ); + } + if(!wp_script_is( $handle, "enqueued" ) ){ + wp_enqueue_style( $handle); + } + $handle= 'animate.css.js'; + if(!wp_script_is( $handle, "registered" ) ){ + wp_register_script( $handle, 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/animateCSS/1.2.2/jquery.animatecss.min.js' , array('jquery'), '', true ); + } + if(!wp_script_is( $handle, "enqueued" ) ){ + wp_enqueue_script( $handle); + } + + + + + // my_scripts.js + $handle= 'my_scripts_tt.js'; + if(!wp_script_is( $handle, "registered" ) ){ + wp_register_script( $handle, plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) , array('jquery'), '1.1', true ); + } + if(!wp_script_is( $handle, "enqueued" ) ){ + wp_enqueue_script( $handle); + } + + + + + + + + + } + + + */ + + + public function admin_head_func() + { + if( defined("ttLibrary_scripts_loaded") ) return; define("ttLibrary_scripts_loaded", true); + ?> + + 'path/to/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/example.ext', 'url' => 'https://.....example.ext', 'type' => 'application/zip'], $action= 'sideload|upload' ) + { + $file = $array['file']; + if($array['type']=="application/zip" || $array['type']=="application/x-zip") + { + $filename = basename($file); + $found = false; + + $found_files=[]; + if (function_exists('zip_open')) + { + $zip = zip_open($file); + if (is_resource($zip)) + { + while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) + { + $found_files[]=zip_entry_name($zip_entry); + //if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry)) + //{ + //echo zip_entry_read($zip_entry); + //zip_entry_close($zip_entry); + //} + } + zip_close($zip); + } + } + elseif (class_exists('\ZipArchive')) + { + $za = new ZipArchive(); + $za->open($file); + for( $i = 0; $i < $za->numFiles; $i++ ){ + $stat = $za->statIndex( $i ); + $found_files[] = basename( $stat['name'] ) ; + } + } + //elseif( stripos($filename, $this->pro_file_part) !== false) + //{ + // $found = true; + //} + + //if contains + if(!empty($found_files)) + { + foreach(array_filter($found_files) as $each) + { + if( stripos($each, $this->addon_namepart.'/'.$this->slug)!==false) + { + $found = true; + } + } + } + + if($found) + { + $this->helpers->unzip($file, $this->addons_dir); + $this->helpers->move_folder_contents($this->addons_dir.'/'. $this->addon_namepart, $this->addons_dir); + $this->helpers->rmdir_recursive($this->addons_dir.'/'. $this->addon_namepart); + $need_space = stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'upload.php') !== false ? '        ' : ''; + return ['error'=> $need_space."Thank You ⭐ Addon has been installed, you can activate it with the key !"]; + } + } + return $array; + } + +}} // class +#endregion + + +label_pro_plugin__PuvoxSoftware: +#region Pro-Version functions ( extends above default plugin class) +if (!trait_exists('pro_plugin__PuvoxSoftware')){ +trait pro_plugin__PuvoxSoftware +{ + // ========= my functions for PRO plugins ========== // + public function addon_path() + { + return WP_PLUGIN_DIR .'/_addons/'.$this->slug .'-addon/addon.php'; + } + + public function addon_exists() + { + return (file_exists($this->addon_path())); + } + + public function load_pro() + { + if ($this->is_pro) + { + if ($this->is_pro_legal) + { + $puvox_last_class = $this; + if($this->addon_exists()) + include_once($this->addon_path()); + } + } + } + + public function check_if_pro_plugin() + { + $this->is_pro = null; + $this->is_pro_legal = null; + if( $this->static_settings['has_pro_version'] ){ + //$this->has_pro_version = true; // it is price of plugin + $ar= $this->get_license(); + $this->is_pro = $ar['status']; + $this->is_pro_legal = $ar['legal']; + } + if(is_admin()) + { + if ($this->is_pro) + { + if (!$this->is_pro_legal) + { + add_action('network_admin_notices', [$this, 'admin_error_notice_pro'] ); + add_action('admin_notices', [$this, 'admin_error_notice_pro'] ); + } + else{ + $this->pro_check_once_in_a_while(); + } + } + } + $this->addons_dir = WP_PLUGIN_DIR.'/_addons'; //wp_plugins_dir(); + } + + public function license_keyname(){ + return $this->plugin_slug_u ."_l_key"; + } + + public function get_license($key=false){ + $def_array = [ + 'status' => false, + 'legal' => false, + 'key' => '', + 'last_error'=>'' + ]; + $license_arr = get_site_option($this->license_keyname(), $def_array ); + return ($key ? $license_arr[$key] : $license_arr); + } + + public function update_license($val, $val1=false){ + if(is_array($val)){ + $array = $val; + } + else{ + $array= $this->get_license(); + $array[$val]=$val1; + } + update_site_option( $this->license_keyname(), $array ); + } + + + + public function license_answer($key, $type="check/or/activate") + { + $this->info_arr = ['key' => $key] + ['siteurl'=>home_url(), 'plugin_slug'=>$this->slug ] + $this->pluginvars() + $this->opts; + $answer = + wp_remote_retrieve_body( + wp_remote_post($this->static_settings['purchase_check'].$type, + [ + 'method' => 'POST', + 'timeout' => 25, + 'redirection' => 5, + 'httpversion' => '1.0', + 'blocking' => true, + 'headers' => [], + 'body' => $this->info_arr, + 'cookies' => [] + ] + ) + ); + return $answer; + } + + public function license_status($license, $type="check/or/activate") + { + $key = sanitize_text_field($license); + $answer = $this->license_answer($key, $type); + + if(!$this->helpers->is_JSON_string($answer)){ + $result = []; + $result['error'] = $answer; + } + else{ + $result = json_decode($answer, true); + } + // + if(isset($result['valid'])){ + if($result['valid']){ + $ar['status']= true; + $ar['legal']= true; + $ar['key']= $key; + $ar['last_error']= ''; + $this->update_license($ar); + } + else { + // + $this->update_license( 'legal', false ); + $this->update_license( 'last_error', json_encode($result['response']) ); + $result['error'] = json_encode($result['response']); + } + } + else{ + $result['error'] = $answer; + $this->log('Error while calling to vendor', $result['error']); + } + return json_encode($result); + } + + public function pro_check_once_in_a_while( $time_length = 864000 ) + { + $name= '`_last_license_check'; + $value= $this->get_transient_CHOSEN($name); + if( !$value || time() - $value > $time_length ) + { + $lic = $this->get_license(); + $res= $this->license_status($lic['key'], 'activate'); + $this->update_transient_CHOSEN($name, time() ); + } + } + + public function unregistered_pro() { return $this->static_settings['has_pro_version'] && !$this->is_pro_legal; } + + public function admin_error_notice_pro(){ ?> +

    %s is invalidated, so it\'s PRO functionality has been disabled.', $this->static_settings['Name']) );?>

    + unregistered_pro()){ + $res= 'data-pro-overlay="pro_overlay"'; + if($echo) echo $res; + else return $res; + //echo ' '; + } + } + + public function purchase_pro_block(){ + if ( !$this->static_settings['has_pro_version']) return; + if ( $this->is_pro_legal ) return; + + ?> +
    + + +
    + + + + + + +
    + +
    + is_pro ) + { + if ( !$this->addon_exists() ) + { ?> + + ( ) + + is_pro_legal) + { + $need_to_enter_key=true; + ?> + + ( . ( %s ', $this->get_license('last_error') ) ); ?> ) ) + + addon_exists()) { ?> + + static_settings['has_pro_version'];?>$ + + + + + ( ) + + +
    + plugin_scripts(); + } + + public function plugin_scripts(){ + ?> + + +