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* GDK_Points Table class
// WP_List_Table is not loaded automatically so we need to load it in our application
if (!class_exists('WP_List_Table')) {
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php';
class GDK_Points_List_Table extends WP_List_Table
* Prepare the items for the table to process
* @return Void
public function prepare_items()
$columns = $this->get_columns();
$hidden = $this->get_hidden_columns();
$sortable = $this->get_sortable_columns();
$data = $this->table_data();
usort($data, [ & $this, 'sort_data']);
$perPage = 30; //每页30个数据
$currentPage = $this->get_pagenum();
$totalItems = count($data);
'total_items' => $totalItems,
'per_page' => $perPage,
$data = array_slice($data, (($currentPage - 1) * $perPage), $perPage);
$this->_column_headers = [
$this->items = $data;
* Override the parent columns method.
* Defines the columns to use in your listing table
* @return Array
public function get_columns()
$columns = [
'point_id' => 'ID',
'user_id' => '用户ID',
'points' => '金币',
'description' => '描述',
'datetime' => '日期&时间',
'status' => '状态',
'actions' => '操作',
return $columns;
* Define which columns are hidden
* @return Array
public function get_hidden_columns()
return [];
* Define the sortable columns
* @return Array
public function get_sortable_columns()
return [
'point_id' => [
'user_id' => [
'points' => [
'description' => [
'datetime' => [
'status' => [
* Get the table data
* @return Array
private function __table_data()
$data = [];
$data = GDK_Points::get_points(null, null, null, ARRAY_A);
return $data;
* Define what data to show on each column of the table
* @param Array $item
* Data
* @param String $column_name
* - Current column name
* @return Mixed
public function column_default($item, $column_name)
switch ($column_name) {
case 'point_id':
case 'user_id':
case 'description':
case 'points':
case 'datetime':
case 'status':
return $item[$column_name];
case 'actions':
$actions = [
'edit' => sprintf('<a href="?page=%s&action=%s&point_id=%s">编辑</a>', $_REQUEST['page'], 'edit', $item['point_id']),
'delete' => sprintf('<a href="?page=%s&action=%s&point_id=%s">删除</a>', $_REQUEST['page'], 'delete', $item['point_id']),
//Return the title contents
return sprintf('%1$s%2$s', $item[$column_name] ?? "",
$this->row_actions($actions, true)
return print_r($item, true);
* Allows you to sort the data by the variables set in the $_GET
* @return Mixed
private function __sort_data($a, $b)
// Set defaults
$orderby = 'point_id';
$order = 'desc';
// If orderby is set, use this as the sort column
if (!empty($_GET['orderby'])) {
$orderby = $_GET['orderby'];
// If order is set use this as the order
if (!empty($_GET['order'])) {
$order = $_GET['order'];
$result = strnatcmp($a[$orderby], $b[$orderby]);
if ($order === 'asc') {
return $result;
return -$result;
* GDK_Points Admin class
class GDK_Points_Admin
public static function init()
add_action('admin_notices', [__CLASS__, 'admin_notices']);
add_action('admin_menu', [__CLASS__, 'admin_menu'], 'manage_options');
public static function admin_notices()
if (!empty(self::$notices)) {
foreach (self::$notices as $notice) {
echo $notice;
* Adds the admin section.
public static function admin_menu()
$admin_page = add_menu_page('金币', '金币', 'manage_options', 'points', [__CLASS__, 'points_menu'], 'dashicons-awards');
public static function points_menu()
$alert = "";
if (isset($_POST['psearch'])) {
$sdata = trim($_POST['psearch']);
if (preg_match('/E20/', $sdata)) { //order id
global $wpdb;
$point_id = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT point_id FROM " . GDK_Points_Database::points_get_table("users") . " WHERE description = '{$sdata}'", ARRAY_A)['point_id'];
$points = GDK_Points::get_point($point_id);
} elseif (filter_var($sdata, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { //email
$user = get_user_by('email', $sdata);
$points = GDK_Points::get_points_by_user($user->ID);
$k[] = '<div style="margin-bottom:10px;">用户ID' . $user->ID . ' &nbsp;&nbsp;总金币为:' . GDK_Points::get_user_total_points($user->ID) . '</div>';
} else { //userid
$points = GDK_Points::get_points_by_user($sdata);
$k[] = '<div style="margin-bottom:10px;">用户ID' . $sdata . ' &nbsp;&nbsp;总金币为:' . GDK_Points::get_user_total_points($sdata) . '</div>';
if (is_array($points)) {
foreach ($points as $point) {
$k[] = '<div style="margin-bottom:5px;">金币:' . $point->points . ' &nbsp;&nbsp;描述:' . $point->description . ' &nbsp;&nbsp;日期:' . $point->datetime . '</div>';
} else {
$k[] = '<div style="margin-bottom:5px;">金币:' . $points->points . ' &nbsp;&nbsp;描述:' . $points->description . ' &nbsp;&nbsp;日期:' . $points->datetime . '</div>';
$alert = implode(" ", $k);
if (isset($_POST['save']) && isset($_POST['action'])) {
if ($_POST['action'] == "edit") {
$point_id = isset($_POST['point_id']) ? intval($_POST['point_id']) : null;
$points = GDK_Points::get_point($point_id);
$data = array();
if (isset($_POST['user_mail'])) {
$data['user_mail'] = $_POST['user_mail'];
if (isset($_POST['user_id'])) {
$data['user_id'] = $_POST['user_id'];
if (isset($_POST['datetime'])) {
$data['datetime'] = $_POST['datetime'];
if (isset($_POST['description'])) {
$data['description'] = $_POST['description'];
if (isset($_POST['status'])) {
$data['status'] = $_POST['status'];
if (isset($_POST['points'])) {
$data['points'] = $_POST['points'];
if ($points) { // 编辑金币
GDK_Points::update_points($point_id, $data);
} else { // 增加金币
if (isset($_POST['user_mail'])) { //如果输入邮箱的话
$usermail = $data['user_mail'];
$user = get_user_by('email', $usermail);
$userid = $user->ID;
$username = $user->display_name;
if (isset($_POST['user_id'])) { //如果输入用户ID的话
$user = get_user_by('id', $data['user_id']);
$usermail = $user->user_email;
$userid = $data['user_id'];
$username = $user->display_name;
GDK_Points::set_points($_POST['points'], $userid, $data);
$message = '<div class="emailcontent" style="width:100%;max-width:720px;text-align:left;margin:0 auto;padding-top:80px;padding-bottom:20px"><div class="emailtitle"><h1 style="color:#fff;background:#51a0e3;line-height:70px;font-size:24px;font-weight:400;padding-left:40px;margin:0">金币金额调整通知</h1><div class="emailtext" style="background:#fff;padding:20px 32px 40px"><div style="padding:0;font-weight:700;color:#6e6e6e;font-size:16px">尊敬的' . $username . ',您好!</div><p style="color:#6e6e6e;font-size:13px;line-height:24px">您的金币金额被管理员调整,请查收!</p><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width:100%;border-top:1px solid #eee;border-left:1px solid #eee;color:#6e6e6e;font-size:16px;font-weight:normal"><thead><tr><th colspan="2" style="padding:10px 0;border-right:1px solid #eee;border-bottom:1px solid #eee;text-align:center;background:#f8f8f8">您的金币详细情况</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td style="padding:10px 0;border-right:1px solid #eee;border-bottom:1px solid #eee;text-align:center;width:100px">用户名</td><td style="padding:10px 20px 10px 30px;border-right:1px solid #eee;border-bottom:1px solid #eee;line-height:30px">' . $username . '</td></tr><tr><td style="padding:10px 0;border-right:1px solid #eee;border-bottom:1px solid #eee;text-align:center">调整金币</td><td style="padding:10px 20px 10px 30px;border-right:1px solid #eee;border-bottom:1px solid #eee;line-height:30px">' . $_POST['points'] . '</td></tr><tr><td style="padding:10px 0;border-right:1px solid #eee;border-bottom:1px solid #eee;text-align:center">金币总额</td><td style="padding:10px 20px 10px 30px;border-right:1px solid #eee;border-bottom:1px solid #eee;line-height:30px">' . GDK_Points::get_user_total_points($userid, 'accepted') . '</td></tr></tbody></table><p style="color:#6e6e6e;font-size:13px;line-height:24px">如果您的金币金额有异常,请您在第一时间和我们取得联系哦,联系邮箱:' . get_bloginfo('admin_email') . '</p></div><div class="emailad" style="margin-top:4px"><a href="' . home_url() . '"><img src="http://reg.163.com/images/secmail/adv.png" alt="" style="margin:auto;width:100%;max-width:700px;height:auto"></a></div></div></div>';
$headers = "Content-Type:text/html;charset=UTF-8\n";
wp_mail($usermail, 'Hi,' . $username . ',金币账户金额增加通知!', $message, $headers);
$alert = "金币已更新";
if (isset($_GET["action"])) {
$action = $_GET["action"];
if ($action !== null) {
switch ($action) {
case 'edit':
if (isset($_GET['point_id']) && ($_GET['point_id'] !== null)) {
return self::points_admin_points_edit(intval($_GET['point_id']));
} else {
return self::points_admin_points_edit();
case 'delete':
if ($_GET['point_id'] !== null) {
if (current_user_can('administrator')) {
global $wpdb;
$wcu_sql = "DELETE FROM " . GDK_Points_Database::points_get_table("users") . " WHERE status = 'removed'";
$alert = "金币已删除";
if ($alert != "") {
echo '<div style="background-color: #ffffe0;border: 1px solid #993;padding: 1em;margin-right: 1em;">' . $alert . '</div>';
$current_url = (is_ssl() ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$cancel_url = remove_query_arg('point_id', remove_query_arg('action', $current_url));
$current_url = remove_query_arg('point_id', $current_url);
$current_url = remove_query_arg('action', $current_url);
$exampleListTable = new GDK_Points_List_Table();
<div class="wrap">
<span class="manage add">
<a class="add button" href="<?php echo esc_url(add_query_arg('action', 'edit', $current_url)); ?>" title="点击手动添加金币">添加金币</a>
<form method="POST" style="float:right;">
<input size="40" placeholder="搜索用户ID/用户邮箱/订单号" type="search" name="psearch" value="" />
<?php echo '<style type="text/css">tbody#the-list tr:hover{background:rgba(132,219,162,.61)}</style>';
$exampleListTable->display(); ?>
public static function points_admin_points_edit($point_id = null)
global $wpdb;
$output = '';
if (!current_user_can('administrator')) {
wp_die('Access denied.');
$current_url = (is_ssl() ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$cancel_url = remove_query_arg('point_id', remove_query_arg('action', $current_url));
$current_url = remove_query_arg('point_id', $current_url);
$current_url = remove_query_arg('action', $current_url);
$saved = false; // temporal
if ($point_id !== null) {
$points = GDK_Points::get_point($point_id);
if ($points !== null) {
$user_id = $points->user_id;
$num_points = $points->points;
$description = $points->description;
$datetime = $points->datetime;
$status = $points->status;
} else {
$user_id = "";
$num_points = 0;
$description = "ADD";
$datetime = "";
$status = 'accepted';
if (empty($point_id)) {
$pointsclass = 'newpoint';
} else {
$pointsclass = 'editpoint';
$output .= '<div class="points ' . $pointsclass . '">';
$output .= '<h2>';
if (empty($point_id)) {
$output .= '新金币';
} else {
$output .= '编辑金币';
$output .= '</h2>';
$output .= '<form id="points" action="' . $current_url . '" method="post">';
$output .= '<div>';
if ($point_id) {
$output .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="point_id" value="%d" />', intval($point_id));
$output .= '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="edit" />';
$output .= '<p class="usermail">';
$output .= '<label>';
$output .= '<span class="title">用户邮箱</span>';
$output .= ' ';
$output .= sprintf('<input type="text" name="user_mail" value="%s" />', $user_mail);
$output .= ' ';
$output .= '<span class="description">用户在网站的注册邮箱</span>';
$output .= '</label>';
$output .= '</p>';
$output .= '<p class="userid">';
$output .= '<label>';
$output .= '<span class="title">用户ID</span>';
$output .= ' ';
$output .= sprintf('<input type="text" name="user_id" value="%s" />', $user_id);
$output .= ' ';
$output .= '<span class="description">输入用户ID与用户邮箱勿冲突</span>';
$output .= '</label>';
$output .= '</p>';
$output .= '<p>';
$output .= '<label>';
$output .= '<span class="title">日期&时间</span>';
$output .= ' ';
$output .= sprintf('<input type="text" name="datetime" value="%s" id="datetimepicker" />', esc_attr($datetime));
$output .= ' ';
$output .= '<span class="description">格式 : YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS【可忽略自动生成】</span>';
$output .= '</label>';
$output .= '</p>';
$output .= '<p>';
$output .= '<label>';
$output .= '<span class="title">描述</span>';
$output .= '<br>';
$output .= '<textarea name="description">';
$output .= stripslashes($description);
$output .= '</textarea>';
$output .= '</label>';
$output .= '</p>';
$output .= '<p>';
$output .= '<label>';
$output .= '<span class="title">金币</span>';
$output .= ' ';
$output .= sprintf('<input type="text" name="points" value="%s" />', esc_attr($num_points));
$output .= '</label>';
$output .= '</p>';
$status_descriptions = array(
'accepted' => '正常',
'pending' => '待审',
'rejected' => '驳回',
$output .= '<p>';
$output .= '<label>';
$output .= '<span class="title">状态</span>';
$output .= ' ';
$output .= '<select name="status">';
foreach ($status_descriptions as $key => $label) {
$selected = $key == $status ? ' selected="selected" ' : '';
$output .= '<option ' . $selected . ' value="' . esc_attr($key) . '">' . $label . '</option>';
$output .= '</select>';
$output .= '</label>';
$output .= '</p>';
$output .= wp_nonce_field('save', 'points-nonce', true, false);
$output .= sprintf('<input class="button" type="submit" name="save" value="%s"/>', '保存');
$output .= ' ';
$output .= sprintf('<a class="cancel" href="%s">%s</a>', $cancel_url, $saved ? '返回' : '取消');
$output .= '</div>';
$output .= '</form>';
$output .= '</div>';
echo $output;