2016-06-23 10:06:35 +01:00

272 lines
7.5 KiB

# Choices.js - in development
A lightweight, configurable select box/text input plugin. Similar to Select2 and Selectize but without the jQuery dependency.
Coming soon.
## Setup
<script src="/assets/js/dist/choices.min.js"></script>
// Pass multiple elements:
var choices = new Choices(elements);
// Pass single element:
var choice = new Choices(element);
// Pass reference
var choice = new Choices('[data-choice']);
var choice = new Choices('.js-choice');
// Passing options
var choices = new Choices(elements, {
items: [],
addItems: true,
removeItems: true,
removeButton: false,
editItems: false,
maxItems: false,
delimiter: ',',
allowDuplicates: true,
allowPaste: true,
allowSearch: true,
regexFilter: false,
placeholder: true,
placeholderValue: '',
prependValue: false,
appendValue: false,
highlightAll: true,
loadingText: 'Loading...',
## Installation
To install via NPM, run `npm install --save-dev choices.js`
## Options
#### items
<strong>Type:</strong> `Array` <strong>Default:</strong> `[]`
<strong>Usage:</strong> Add pre-selected items to input.
Pass an array of strings:
`['value 1', 'value 2', 'value 3']`
Pass an array of objects:
value: 'Value 1',
label: 'Label 1',
id: 1
value: 'Value 2',
label: 'Label 2',
id: 2
#### addItems
<strong>Type:</strong> `Boolean` <strong>Default:</strong>`true`
<strong>Usage:</strong> Whether a user can add items.
#### removeItems
<strong>Type:</strong> `Boolean` <strong>Default:</strong>`true`
<strong>Usage:</strong> Whether a user can remove items (only affects text and multiple select input types).
#### removeButton
<strong>Type:</strong> `Boolean` <strong>Default:</strong>`false`
<strong>Usage:</strong> Whether a button should show that, when clicked, will remove an item (only affects text and multiple select input types).
#### editItems
<strong>Type:</strong> `Boolean` <strong>Default:</strong>`false`
<strong>Usage:</strong> Whether a user can edit selected items (only affects text input types).
#### maxItems
<strong>Type:</strong> `Boolean` <strong>Default:</strong>`null`
<strong>Usage:</strong> Optionally set an item limit.
#### delimiter
<strong>Type:</strong> `String` <strong>Default:</strong>`,`
<strong>Usage:</strong> What divides each value (only affects text input types).
#### allowDuplicates
<strong>Type:</strong> `Boolean` <strong>Default:</strong>`true`
<strong>Usage:</strong> Whether a user can input a duplicate item (only affects text input types).
#### allowPaste
<strong>Type:</strong> `Boolean` <strong>Default:</strong>`true`
<strong>Usage:</strong> Whether a user can paste into the input.
#### allowSearch
<strong>Type:</strong> `Boolean` <strong>Default:</strong>`true`
<strong>Usage:</strong> Whether a user can filter options by searching (only affects select input types).
#### regexFilter
<strong>Type:</strong> `Regex` <strong>Default:</strong>`null`
<strong>Usage:</strong> A filter that will need to pass for a user to successfully add an item (only affects text input types).
#### placeholder
<strong>Type:</strong> `Boolean` <strong>Default:</strong>`true`
<strong>Usage:</strong> Whether the input should show a placeholder. Used in conjunction with `placeholderValue`. If `placeholder` is set to true and no value is passed to `placeholderValue`, the passed input's placeholder attribute will be used as the placeholder value.
#### placeholderValue
<strong>Type:</strong> `String` <strong>Default:</strong>`null`
<strong>Usage:</strong> The value of the inputs placeholder.
#### prependValue
<strong>Type:</strong> `String` <strong>Default:</strong>`null`
<strong>Usage:</strong> Prepend a value to each item added to input (only affects text input types).
#### appendValue
<strong>Type:</strong> `String` <strong>Default:</strong>`null`
<strong>Usage:</strong> Append a value to each item added to input (only affects text input types).
#### highlightAll
<strong>Type:</strong> `Boolean` <strong>Default:</strong>`true`
<strong>Usage:</strong> Whether a user can highlight items.
#### loadingText
<strong>Type:</strong> `String` <strong>Default:</strong>`Loading...`
<strong>Usage:</strong> The loading text that is shown when options are populated via an AJAX callback.
#### classNames
<strong>Type:</strong> `Object` <strong>Default:</strong>
classNames: {
containerOuter: 'choices',
containerInner: 'choices__inner',
input: 'choices__input',
inputCloned: 'choices__input--cloned',
list: 'choices__list',
listItems: 'choices__list--multiple',
listSingle: 'choices__list--single',
listDropdown: 'choices__list--dropdown',
item: 'choices__item',
itemSelectable: 'choices__item--selectable',
itemDisabled: 'choices__item--disabled',
itemOption: 'choices__item--option',
group: 'choices__group',
groupHeading : 'choices__heading',
button: 'choices__button',
activeState: 'is-active',
focusState: 'is-focused',
openState: 'is-open',
disabledState: 'is-disabled',
highlightedState: 'is-highlighted',
hiddenState: 'is-hidden',
flippedState: 'is-flipped',
selectedState: 'is-selected',
<strong>Usage:</strong> Classes added to HTML generated by Choices.
#### callbackOnInit
<strong>Type:</strong> `Function` <strong>Default:</strong>`() => {}`
<strong>Usage:</strong> Function to run once Choices initialises.
#### callbackOnAddItem
<strong>Type:</strong> `Function` <strong>Default:</strong>`(id, value, passedInput) => {}`
<strong>Usage:</strong> Function to run each time an item is added.
#### callbackOnRemoveItem
<strong>Type:</strong> `Function` <strong>Default:</strong>`(id, value, passedInput) => {}`
<strong>Usage:</strong> Function to run each time an item is removed.
## Methods
#### highlightAll();
<strong>Usage:</strong> Highlight each chosen item (selected items can be removed).
#### unhighlightAll();
<strong>Usage:</strong> Un-highlight each chosen item.
#### removeItemsByValue(value);
<strong>Usage:</strong> Remove each item by a given value.
#### removeActiveItems(excludedId);
<strong>Usage:</strong> Remove each selectable item.
#### removeSelectedItems();
<strong>Usage:</strong> Remove each item the user has selected.
#### showDropdown();
<strong>Usage:</strong> Show option list dropdown.
#### hideDropdown();
<strong>Usage:</strong> Hide option list dropdown.
#### toggleDropdown();
<strong>Usage:</strong> Toggle dropdown between showing/hidden.
#### setValue(args);
<strong>Usage:</strong> Set value of input based on an array of objects or strings.
#### clearValue();
<strong>Usage:</strong> Clear value of input.
#### clearInput();
<strong>Usage:</strong> Clear input.
#### disable();
<strong>Usage:</strong> Disable input from selecting further options.
#### ajax(fn);
<strong>Usage:</strong> Populate options via a callback.
## Browser compatibility
ES5 browsers and above (
## Development
To setup a local environment: clone this repo, navigate into it's directory in a terminal window and run the following command:
```npm install```
### NPM tasks
* ```npm start```
* ```npm run js:build```
* ```npm run css:watch```
* ```npm run css:build```
## Contributions
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using npm scripts...bla bla bla
## License
MIT License