2016-07-30 16:13:01 +01:00

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Choices.js Build Status

A lightweight, configurable select box/text input plugin. Similar to Select2 and Selectize but without the jQuery dependency.



<!-- Include base CSS (optional) -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/styles/css/base.min.css">
<!-- Include Choices CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/styles/css/choices.min.css">
<!-- Include Choices JavaScript -->
<script src="/assets/scripts/dist/choices.min.js"></script>
    // Pass multiple elements:
    const choices = new Choices(elements);
    // Pass single element:
    const choices = new Choices(element);
    // Pass reference
    const choices = new Choices('[data-choice']);
    const choices = new Choices('.js-choice');
    // Passing options (with default options)
    const choices = new Choices(elements, {
        items: [],
        options: [],
        maxItemCount: -1,
        addItems: true,
        removeItems: true,
        removeItemButton: false,
        editItems: false,
        duplicateItems: true,
        delimiter: ',',
        paste: true,
        search: true, 
        regexFilter: null,
        placeholder: true,
        placeholderValue: null,
        prependValue: null,
        appendValue: null,
        loadingText: 'Loading...',
        classNames: {
            containerOuter: 'choices',
            containerInner: 'choices__inner',
            input: 'choices__input',
            inputCloned: 'choices__input--cloned',
            list: 'choices__list',
            listItems: 'choices__list--multiple',
            listSingle: 'choices__list--single',
            listDropdown: 'choices__list--dropdown',
            item: 'choices__item',
            itemSelectable: 'choices__item--selectable',
            itemDisabled: 'choices__item--disabled',
            itemChoice: 'choices__item--choice',
            group: 'choices__group',
            groupHeading : 'choices__heading',
            button: 'choices__button',
            activeState: 'is-active',
            focusState: 'is-focused',
            openState: 'is-open',
            disabledState: 'is-disabled',
            highlightedState: 'is-highlighted',
            hiddenState: 'is-hidden',
            flippedState: 'is-flipped',
            loadingState: 'is-loading',
        callbackOnInit: () => {},
        callbackOnAddItem: (id, value, passedInput) => {},
        callbackOnRemoveItem: (id, value, passedInput) => {},
        callbackOnRender: () => {},


npm install choices.js --save-dev


Word Definition
Choice A choice is a value a user can select. A choice would be equivelant to the <option></option> element within a select input.
Group A group is a collection of choices. A group should be seen as equivalent to a <optgroup></optgroup> element within a select input.
Item An item is an inputted value (text input) or a selected choice (select element). In the context of a select element, an item is equivelent to a selected option element: <option value="Hello" selected></option> whereas in the context of a text input an item is equivelant to <input type="text" value="Hello">

Configuration options


Type: Array Default: []

Usage: Add pre-selected items (see terminology) to text input.

Input types affected: text

Pass an array of strings:

['value 1', 'value 2', 'value 3']

Pass an array of objects:

	value: 'Value 1',
	label: 'Label 1', 
	id: 1 
	value: 'Value 2',
	label: 'Label 2', 
	id: 2


Type: Array Default: []

Usage: Add choices (see terminology) to select input.

Input types affected: select-one, select-multiple

Pass an array of objects:

	value: 'Option 1',
	label: 'Option 1', 
	selected: true,
	disabled: false,
	value: 'Option 2',
	label: 'Option 2', 
	selected: false,
	disabled: true,


Type: Number Default:-1

Input types affected: text, select-multiple

Usage: The amount of items a user can input/select ("-1" indicates no limit).


Type: Boolean Default:true

Input types affected: text

Usage: Whether a user can add items to the passed input's value.


Type: Boolean Default:true

Input types affected: text, select-multiple

Usage: Whether a user can remove items (only affects text and multiple select input types).


Type: Boolean Default:false

Input types affected: text, select-multiple

Usage: Whether a button should show that, when clicked, will remove an item (only affects text and multiple select input types).


Type: Boolean Default:false

Input types affected: text

Usage: Whether a user can edit selected items (only affects text input types).

Usage: Optionally set an item limit (-1 indicates no limit).


Type: String Default:,

Input types affected: text

Usage: What divides each value.


Type: Boolean Default:true

Input types affected: text

Usage: Whether a user can input a duplicate item.


Type: Boolean Default:true

Input types affected: text, select-multiple.

Usage: Whether a user can paste into the input.

Type: Boolean Default:true

Input types affected: select-one, select-multiple.

Usage: Whether a user can filter options by searching (only affects select input types).


Type: Regex Default:null

Input types affected: text

Usage: A filter that will need to pass for a user to successfully add an item.


Type: Boolean Default:true

Input types affected: text, select-one, select-multiple

Usage: Whether the input should show a placeholder. Used in conjunction with placeholderValue. If placeholder is set to true and no value is passed to placeholderValue, the passed input's placeholder attribute will be used as the placeholder value.


Type: String Default:null

Input types affected: text, select-one, select-multiple

Usage: The value of the inputs placeholder.


Type: String Default:null

Input types affected: text, select-one, select-multiple

Usage: Prepend a value to each item added to input (only affects text input types).


Type: String Default:null

Input types affected: text, select-one, select-multiple

Usage: Append a value to each item added to input (only affects text input types).


Type: String Default:Loading...

Input types affected: select-one, select-multiple

Usage: The loading text that is shown when options are populated via an AJAX callback.


Type: Object Default:

classNames: {
    containerOuter: 'choices',
    containerInner: 'choices__inner',
    input: 'choices__input',
    inputCloned: 'choices__input--cloned',
    list: 'choices__list',
    listItems: 'choices__list--multiple',
    listSingle: 'choices__list--single',
    listDropdown: 'choices__list--dropdown',
    item: 'choices__item',
    itemSelectable: 'choices__item--selectable',
    itemDisabled: 'choices__item--disabled',
    itemOption: 'choices__item--choice',
    group: 'choices__group',
    groupHeading : 'choices__heading',
    button: 'choices__button',
    activeState: 'is-active',
    focusState: 'is-focused',
    openState: 'is-open',
    disabledState: 'is-disabled',
    highlightedState: 'is-highlighted',
    hiddenState: 'is-hidden',
    flippedState: 'is-flipped',
    selectedState: 'is-highlighted',

Input types affected: text, select-one, select-multiple

Usage: Classes added to HTML generated by Choices. By default classnames follow the BEM notation.


Type: Function Default:

(a, b) => {
    const labelA = (a.label || a.value).toLowerCase();
    const labelB = (b.label || b.value).toLowerCase();
    if (labelA < labelB) return -1;
    if (labelA > labelB) return 1;
    return 0;

Input types affected: select-one, select-multiple

Usage: Function to sort options and groups. By default options and groups are sorted alphabetically.


Type: Function Default:() => {}

Input types affected: text, select-one, select-multiple

Usage: Function to run once Choices initialises.


Type: Function Default:(id, value, passedInput) => {}

Input types affected: text, select-one, select-multiple

Usage: Function to run each time an item is added.


Type: Function Default:(id, value, passedInput) => {}

Input types affected: text, select-one, select-multiple

Usage: Function to run each time an item is removed.


Methods can be called either directly or by chaining:

// Calling a method by chaining
const choices = new Choices(element, {
    addItems: false,
    removeItems: false,
}).setValue(['Set value 1', 'Set value 2']).disable();

// Calling a method directly
const choices = new Choices(element, {
    addItems: false,
    removeItems: false,

choices.setValue(['Set value 1', 'Set value 2'])


Input types affected: text, select-multiple

Usage: Highlight each chosen item (selected items can be removed).


Input types affected: text, select-multiple

Usage: Un-highlight each chosen item.


Input types affected: text, select-multiple

Usage: Remove each item by a given value.


Input types affected: text, select-multiple

Usage: Remove each selectable item.


Input types affected: text, select-multiple

Usage: Remove each item the user has selected.


Input types affected: select-one, select-multiple

Usage: Show option list dropdown (only affects select inputs).


Input types affected: text, select-multiple

Usage: Hide option list dropdown (only affects select inputs).


Input types affected: text, select-multiple

Usage: Toggle dropdown between showing/hidden.


Input types affected: text

Usage: Set value of input based on an array of objects or strings. This behaves exactly the same as passing items via the items option but can be called after initialising Choices on an text input.


Input types affected: text

Usage: Clear value of input.


Input types affected: text

Usage: Clear input of any user inputted text.


Input types affected: text, select-one, select-multiple

Usage: Disable input from selecting further options.


Input types affected: select-one, select-multiple

Usage: Populate options via a callback.

Browser compatibility

ES5 browsers and above (


To setup a local environment: clone this repo, navigate into it's directory in a terminal window and run the following command:

npm install

NPM tasks

Task Usage
npm start Fire up local server for development
npm run js:build Compile Choices to an uglified JavaScript file
npm run css:watch Watch SCSS files for changes. On a change, run build process
npm run css:build Compile, minify and prefix SCSS files to CSS


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using npm scripts...bla bla bla


MIT License