Josh Johnson e6882f3e4b
Add missing type definitions + rename sortFn (#734)
* Add wrapped element getters + fix some types

* Remove comment

* Add missing config options to types

* Add types to constants

* Rename sortFn to sorter

* Update PR template

* Add refactor to PR template

* Add passed element types to constants

* Add js doc comments to actions

* Add "returns" to js doc comments

* Add missing choice prop to type

* Add types to store.js

* Add jsdoc comments to components

* Ignore strict null checks

* Move loading action into misc.js

* Further type def additions

* Rename itemCompare to valueCompare

* Update badges

* Rename scrollToChoice to scrollToChildElement
2019-11-03 13:18:16 +00:00

27 lines
1 KiB

## Description
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<!--- Why is this change required? What problem does it solve? -->
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## Screenshots (if appropriate)
## Types of changes
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- [ ] Chore (tooling change or documentation change)
- [ ] Refactor (non-breaking change which maintains existing functionality)
- [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
- [ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
- [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
## Checklist
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<!--- If you're unsure about any of these, don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help! -->
- [ ] My code follows the code style of this project.
- [ ] My change requires a change to the documentation.
- [ ] I have updated the documentation accordingly.