Luis Cordova 3a5df3e04d add support for sundown extension
move configuration and create userland sundown parser
fix namespace typo and wip
add configuration for extensions and render flags for sundown
turn scalar into boolean nodes
add usage of defaultTrue and defaultFalse
using two arraynode for sundown and 2 children for extensions and render flags
feed configurations for extensions and render flags into DIC parameters
add ext-sundown on suggests
refactoring configuration
fix config and remove dots from parameters
try some approach with stof's help
working but not changing when setting different default
last touches
set all configuration booleans default to false
fix indentation of addDefaultsIfNotSet
some love to travis, phpunit and vendor scripts
mark tests as incomplete because the test tests special configuration of the underlaying library wrapped
test against v2.0.5
silly typo defaultFales
remove composer.lock
update php version on composer.json
add changes as per comments
removing v from versions in travis
address comments
Fix no_html feature
switching 2.2.* to dev-master
remove 2.2.* stuff symfony frameworkbundle is not that far yet
update readme and support config dump
2012-10-11 20:44:30 -05:00

2.3 KiB

Provide markdown conversion to your Symfony2 projects.

This implementation is based on Michel Fortin work. We added PHP5 sugar, feature selection, and unit tests.

Build Status


Add the following entry to deps the run php bin/vendors install.


Register the bundle in app/AppKernel.php

$bundles = array(
    // ...
    new Knp\Bundle\MarkdownBundle\KnpMarkdownBundle(),

Register namespace in app/autoload.php

    // ...
    'Knp'              => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',


// Use the service
$html = $this->container->get('markdown.parser')->transform($text);

// Use the helper
echo $view['markdown']->transform($text);

If you have enabled the twig markdown filter, you can use the following in your twig templates:

{{ my_data | markdown }}

Change the parser implementation

Create a service implementing Knp\Bundle\MarkdownBundle\ParserInterface, then configure the bundle to use it:

              service: my.markdown.parser

Alternatively if you are using the markdown.parser.sundown there are options for enabling sundown extensions and render flags, see the default Configuration with:

php app/console config:dump-reference knp_markdown

This bundle comes with 5 parser services, 4 based on the same algorithm but providing different levels of compliance to the markdown specification, and one which is uses the php sundown extension:

  • markdown.parser.max // fully compliant = slower (default implementation)
  • markdown.parser.medium // expensive and uncommon features dropped
  • markdown.parser.light // expensive features dropped
  • markdown.parser.min // most features dropped = faster
  • markdown.parser.sundown // faster and fully compliant (recommended)

markdown.parser.sundown requires php sundown extension.

For more details, see the implementations in Parser/Preset.


phpunit -c myapp vendor/bundles/Knp/Bundle/MarkdownBundle