abraunegg 4253318835 Squashed commit of the following:
commit 1eff2d7d67
Author: abraunegg <alex.braunegg@gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Oct 18 19:15:27 2023 +1100

    Update PR

    * Add  --source-directory 'path/as/source/' --destination-directory 'path/as/destination' functionality

commit ad3ddee0ec
Author: abraunegg <alex.braunegg@gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Oct 18 17:32:24 2023 +1100

    Update PR

    * Add --create-directory
    * Add --remove-directory

commit 7dfe6b65b7
Author: abraunegg <alex.braunegg@gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Oct 18 12:27:03 2023 +1100

    Update PR

    * Update PR

commit 75c071e56f
Author: abraunegg <alex.braunegg@gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Oct 18 10:12:05 2023 +1100

    Update PR

    * Update PR

commit 6db484cdad
Author: abraunegg <alex.braunegg@gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Oct 16 17:01:25 2023 +1100

    Update PR

    * Update PR

commit d893ea5460
Author: abraunegg <alex.braunegg@gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Oct 11 10:43:50 2023 +1100

    Update PR

    * Update PR

commit 82bd593bf4
Author: abraunegg <alex.braunegg@gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Oct 11 09:14:17 2023 +1100

    Update PR

    * Validate and document --auth-files operation

commit c551203f4c
Author: abraunegg <alex.braunegg@gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Oct 11 05:48:22 2023 +1100

    Update PR

    * Add --create-share-link

commit fbf63999ff
Author: abraunegg <alex.braunegg@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Oct 10 18:39:21 2023 +1100

    Update PR

    * Update PR

commit 72a4680035
Author: abraunegg <alex.braunegg@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Oct 10 17:43:15 2023 +1100

    Update PR

    * Add --get-file-link
    * Add --modified-by

commit 0d3fc3ebf2
Author: abraunegg <alex.braunegg@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Oct 10 14:28:10 2023 +1100

    Add --display-sync-status

    * Add --display-sync-status

commit 1f183ca03e
Author: abraunegg <alex.braunegg@gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Oct 9 08:18:13 2023 +1100

    Update PR

    * Update PR with doc updates

commit b0628d7099
Author: abraunegg <alex.braunegg@gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Oct 8 10:52:52 2023 +1100

    Update PR

    * Update PR

commit 7e3df956ce
Author: abraunegg <alex.braunegg@gmail.com>
Date:   Sat Oct 7 05:31:26 2023 +1100

    Update PR

    * Update PR

commit c69f2abc4b
Author: abraunegg <alex.braunegg@gmail.com>
Date:   Sat Oct 7 05:28:28 2023 +1100

    Update PR

    * Update PR

commit ea1ca33374
Author: abraunegg <alex.braunegg@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Oct 6 14:57:51 2023 +1100

    Update PR

    * Update PR

commit 1503f969df
Author: abraunegg <alex.braunegg@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Oct 6 09:19:04 2023 +1100

    Update PR

    * Update PR

commit 5127464f2c
Author: abraunegg <alex.braunegg@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Oct 6 06:48:20 2023 +1100

    Change when the integrity check is performed

    * Change when the integrity check is performed

commit c7cc45d95c
Author: abraunegg <alex.braunegg@gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Oct 5 19:40:05 2023 +1100

    Update maxInotifyWatches location

    * Update maxInotifyWatches location

commit c44ad963a6
Author: abraunegg <alex.braunegg@gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Oct 5 17:41:31 2023 +1100

    Update main.d

    * Fix --version segfault

commit 51f0ffcb1f
Author: abraunegg <alex.braunegg@gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Oct 5 17:24:30 2023 +1100

    Uplift to v2.5.0-alpha-2

    * Uplift to v2.5.0-alpha-2

commit cbe3e6ea84
Author: abraunegg <alex.braunegg@gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Oct 5 17:17:26 2023 +1100

    Clean up before onedrive-v2.5.0-alpha-2

    * Clean up before onedrive-v2.5.0-alpha-2
2023-10-19 05:31:50 +11:00

1042 lines
53 KiB

# Changelog
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/)
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
## 2.5.0 - TBA
### Changed
* Renamed various documentation files to align with document content
## 2.4.25 - 2023-06-21
### Fixed
* Fixed that the application was reporting as v2.2.24 when in fact it was v2.4.24 (release tagging issue)
* Fixed that the running version obsolete flag (due to above issue) was causing a false flag as being obsolete
* Fixed that zero-byte files do not have a hash as reported by the OneDrive API thus should not generate an error message
### Updated
* Update to Debian Docker file to resolve Docker image Operating System reported vulnerabilities
* Update to Alpine Docker file to resolve Docker image Operating System reported vulnerabilities
* Update to Fedora Docker file to resolve Docker image Operating System reported vulnerabilities
* Updated documentation (various)
## 2.4.24 - 2023-06-20
### Fixed
* Fix for extra encoded quotation marks surrounding Docker environment variables
* Fix webhook subscription creation for SharePoint Libraries
* Fix that a HTTP 504 - Gateway Timeout causes local files to be deleted when using --download-only & --cleanup-local-files mode
* Fix that folders are renamed despite using --dry-run
* Fix deprecation warnings with dmd 2.103.0
* Fix error that the application is unable to perform a database vacuum: out of memory when exiting
### Removed
* Remove sha1 from being used by the client as this is being depreciated by Microsoft in July 2023
* Complete the removal of crc32 elements
### Added
* Added ONEDRIVE_SINGLE_DIRECTORY configuration capability to Docker
* Added --get-file-link shell completion
* Added configuration to allow HTTP session timeout(s) tuning via config (taken from v2.5.x)
### Updated
* Update to Debian Docker file to resolve Docker image Operating System reported vulnerabilities
* Update to Alpine Docker file to resolve Docker image Operating System reported vulnerabilities
* Update to Fedora Docker file to resolve Docker image Operating System reported vulnerabilities
* Updated cgi.d to commit 680003a - last upstream change before requiring `core.d` dependency requirement
* Updated documentation (various)
## 2.4.23 - 2023-01-06
### Fixed
* Fixed RHEL7, RHEL8 and RHEL9 Makefile and SPEC file compatibility
### Removed
* Disable systemd 'PrivateUsers' due to issues with systemd running processes when option is enabled, causes local file deletes on RHEL based systems
### Updated
* Update --get-O365-drive-id error handling to display a more a more appropriate error message if the API cannot be found
* Update the GitHub version check to utilise the date a release was done, to allow 1 month grace period before generating obsolete version message
* Update Alpine Dockerfile to use Alpine 3.17 and Golang 1.19
* Update handling of --source-directory and --destination-directory if one is empty or missing and if used with --synchronize or --monitor
* Updated documentation (various)
## 2.4.22 - 2022-12-06
### Fixed
* Fix application crash when local file is changed to a symbolic link with non-existent target
* Fix build error with dmd-2.101.0
* Fix build error with LDC 1.28.1 on Alpine
* Fix issue of silent exit when unable to delete local files when using --cleanup-local-files
* Fix application crash due to access permissions on configured path for sync_dir
* Fix potential application crash when exiting due to failure state and unable to cleanly shutdown the database
* Fix creation of parent empty directories when parent is excluded by sync_list
### Added
* Added performance output details for key functions
### Changed
* Switch Docker 'latest' to point at Debian builds rather than Fedora due to ongoing Fedora build failures
* Align application logging events to actual application defaults for --monitor operations
* Performance Improvement: Avoid duplicate costly path calculations and DB operations if not required
* Disable non-working remaining sandboxing options within systemd service files
* Performance Improvement: Only check 'sync_list' if this has been enabled and configured
* Display 'Sync with OneDrive is complete' when using --synchronize
* Change the order of processing between Microsoft OneDrive restrictions and limitations check and skip_file|skip_dir check
### Removed
* Remove building Fedora ARMv7 builds due to ongoing build failures
### Updated
* Update config change detection handling
* Updated documentation (various)
## 2.4.21 - 2022-09-27
### Fixed
* Fix that the download progress bar doesn't always reach 100% when rate_limit is set
* Fix --resync handling of database file removal
* Fix Makefile to be consistent with permissions that are being used
* Fix that logging output for skipped uploaded files is missing
* Fix to allow non-sync tasks while sync is running
* Fix where --resync is enforced for non-sync operations
* Fix to resolve segfault when running 'onedrive --display-sync-status' when run as 2nd process
* Fix DMD 2.100.2 depreciation warning
### Added
* Add GitHub Action Test Build Workflow (replacing Travis CI)
* Add option --display-running-config to display the running configuration as used at application startup
* Add 'config' option to request readonly access in oauth authorization step
* Add option --cleanup-local-files to cleanup local files regardless of sync state when using --download-only
* Add option --with-editing-perms to create a read-write shareable link when used with --create-share-link <file>
### Changed
* Change the exit code of the application to 126 when a --resync is required
### Updated
* Updated --get-O365-drive-id implementation for data access
* Update what application options require an argument
* Update application logging output for error messages to remove certain \n prefix when logging to a file
* Update onedrive.spec.in to fix error building RPM
* Update GUI notification handling for specific skipped scenarios
* Updated documentation (various)
## 2.4.20 - 2022-07-20
### Fixed
* Fix 'foreign key constraint failed' when using OneDrive Business Shared Folders due to change to using /delta query
* Fix various little spelling fixes (check with lintian during Debian packaging)
* Fix handling of a custom configuration directory when using --confdir
* Fix to ensure that any active http instance is shutdown before any application exit
* Fix to enforce that --confdir must be a directory
### Added
* Added 'force_http_11' configuration option to allow forcing HTTP/1.1 operations
### Changed
* Increased thread sleep for better process I/O wait handling
* Removed 'force_http_2' configuration option
### Updated
* Update OneDrive API response handling for National Cloud Deployments
* Updated to switch to using curl defaults for HTTP/2 operations
* Updated documentation (various)
## 2.4.19 - 2022-06-15
### Fixed
* Update Business Shared Folders to use a /delta query
* Update when DB is updated by OneDrive API data and update when file hash is required to be generated
### Added
* Added ONEDRIVE_UPLOADONLY flag for Docker
### Updated
* Updated GitHub workflows
* Updated documentation (various)
## 2.4.18 - 2022-06-02
### Fixed
* Fixed various database related access issues steming from running multiple instances of the application at the same time using the same configuration data
* Fixed --display-config being impacted by --resync flag
* Fixed installation permissions for onedrive man-pages file
* Fixed that in some situations that users try --upload-only and --download-only together which is not possible
* Fixed application crash if unable to read required hash files
### Added
* Added Feature Request to add an override for skip_dir|skip_file through flag to force sync
* Added a check to validate local filesystem available space before attempting file download
* Added GitHub Actions to build Docker containers and push to DockerHub
### Updated
* Updated all Docker build files to current distributions, using updated distribution LDC version
* Updated logging output to logfiles when an actual sync process is occuring
* Updated output of --display-config to be more relevant
* Updated manpage to align with application configuration
* Updated documentation and Docker files based on minimum compiler versions to dmd-2.088.0 and ldc-1.18.0
* Updated documentation (various)
## 2.4.17 - 2022-04-30
### Fixed
* Fix docker build, by add missing git package for Fedora builds
* Fix application crash when attempting to sync a broken symbolic link
* Fix Internet connect disruption retry handling and logging output
* Fix local folder creation timestamp with timestamp from OneDrive
* Fix logging output when download failed
### Added
* Add additional logging specifically for delete event to denote in log output the source of a deletion event when running in --monitor mode
### Changed
* Improve when the local database integrity check is performed and on what frequency the database integrity check is performed
### Updated
* Remove application output ambiguity on how to access 'help' for the client
* Update logging output when running in --monitor --verbose mode in regards to the inotify events
* Updated documentation (various)
## 2.4.16 - 2022-03-10
### Fixed
* Update application file logging error handling
* Explicitly set libcurl options
* Fix that when a sync_list exclusion is matched, the item needs to be excluded when using --resync
* Fix so that application can be compiled correctly on Android hosts
* Fix the handling of 429 and 5xx responses when they are generated by OneDrive in a self-referencing circular pattern
* Fix applying permissions to volume directories when running in rootless podman
* Fix unhandled errors from OneDrive when initialising subscriptions fail
### Added
* Enable GitHub Sponsors
* Implement --resync-auth to enable CLI passing in of --rsync approval
* Add function to check client version vs latest GitHub release
* Add --reauth to allow easy re-authentication of the client
* Implement --modified-by to display who last modified a file and when the modification was done
* Implement feature request to mark partially-downloaded files as .partial during download
* Add documentation for Podman support
### Changed
* Document risk regarding using --resync and force user acceptance of usage risk to proceed
* Use YAML for Bug Reports and Feature Requests
* Update Dockerfiles to use more modern base Linux distribution
### Updated
* Updated documentation (various)
## 2.4.15 - 2021-12-31
### Fixed
* Fix unable to upload to OneDrive Business Shared Folders due to OneDrive API restricting quota information
* Update fixing edge case with OneDrive Personal Shared Folders and --resync --upload-only
### Added
* Add SystemD hardening
* Add --operation-timeout argument
### Changed
* Updated minimum compiler versions to dmd-2.087.0 and ldc-1.17.0
### Updated
* Updated Dockerfile-alpine to use Apline 3.14
* Updated documentation (various)
## 2.4.14 - 2021-11-24
### Fixed
* Support DMD 2.097.0 as compiler for Docker Builds
* Fix getPathDetailsByDriveId query when using --dry-run and a nested path with --single-directory
* Fix edge case when syncing OneDrive Personal Shared Folders
* Catch unhandled API response errors when querying OneDrive Business Shared Folders
* Catch unhandled API response errors when listing OneDrive Business Shared Folders
* Fix error 'Key not found: remaining' with Business Shared Folders (OneDrive API change)
* Fix overwriting local files with older versions from OneDrive when items.sqlite3 does not exist and --resync is not used
### Added
* Added operation_timeout as a new configuration to assist in cases where operations take longer that 1h to complete
* Add Real-Time syncing of remote updates via webhooks
* Add --auth-response option and expose through entrypoint.sh for Docker
* Add --disable-download-validation
### Changed
* Always prompt for credentials for authentication rather than re-using cached browser details
* Do not re-auth on --logout
### Updated
* Updated documentation (various)
## 2.4.13 - 2021-7-14
### Fixed
* Support DMD 2.097.0 as compiler
* Fix to handle OneDrive API Bad Request response when querying if file exists
* Fix application crash and incorrect handling of --single-directory when syncing a OneDrive Business Shared Folder due to using 'Add Shortcut to My Files'
* Fix application crash due to invalid UTF-8 sequence in the pathname for the application configuration
* Fix error message when deleting a large number of files
* Fix Docker build process to source GOSU keys from updated GPG key location
* Fix application crash due to a conversion overflow when calculating file offset for session uploads
* Fix Docker Alpine build failing due to filesystem permissions issue due to Docker build system and Alpine Linux 3.14 incompatibility
* Fix that Business Shared Folders with parentheses are ignored
### Updated
* Updated Lock Bot to run daily
* Updated documentation (various)
## 2.4.12 - 2021-5-28
### Fixed
* Fix an unhandled Error 412 when uploading modified files to OneDrive Business Accounts
* Fix 'sync_list' handling of inclusions when name is included in another folders name
* Fix that options --upload-only & --remove-source-files are ignored on an upload session restore
* Fix to add file check when adding item to database if using --upload-only --remove-source-files
* Fix application crash when SharePoint displayName is being withheld
### Updated
* Updated Lock Bot to use GitHub Actions
* Updated documentation (various)
## 2.4.11 - 2021-4-07
### Fixed
* Fix support for '/*' regardless of location within sync_list file
* Fix 429 response handling correctly check for 'retry-after' response header and use set value
* Fix 'sync_list' path handling for sub item matching, so that items in parent are not implicitly matched when there is no wildcard present
* Fix --get-O365-drive-id to use 'nextLink' value if present when searching for specific SharePoint site names
* Fix OneDrive Business Shared Folder existing name conflict check
* Fix incorrect error message 'Item cannot be deleted from OneDrive because it was not found in the local database' when item is actually present
* Fix application crash when unable to rename folder structure due to unhandled file-system issue
* Fix uploading documents to Shared Business Folders when the shared folder exists on a SharePoint site due to Microsoft Sharepoint 'enrichment' of files
* Fix that a file record is kept in database when using --no-remote-delete & --remove-source-files
### Added
* Added support in --get-O365-drive-id to provide the 'drive_id' for multiple 'document libraries' within a single Shared Library Site
### Removed
* Removed the depreciated config option 'force_http_11' which was flagged as depreciated by PR #549 in v2.3.6 (June 2019)
### Updated
* Updated error output of --get-O365-drive-id to provide more details why an error occurred if a SharePoint site lacks the details we need to perform the match
* Updated Docker build files for Raspberry Pi to dedicated armhf & aarch64 Dockerfiles
* Updated logging output when in --monitor mode, avoid outputting misleading logging when the new or modified item is a file, not a directory
* Updated documentation (various)
## 2.4.10 - 2021-2-19
### Fixed
* Catch database assertion when item path cannot be calculated
* Fix alpine Docker build so it uses the same golang alpine version
* Search all distinct drive id's rather than just default drive id for --get-file-link
* Use correct driveId value to query for changes when using --single-directory
* Improve upload handling of files for SharePoint sites and detecting when SharePoint modifies the file post upload
* Correctly handle '~' when present in 'log_dir' configuration option
* Fix logging output when handing downloaded new files
* Fix to use correct path offset for sync_list exclusion matching
### Added
* Add upload speed metrics when files are uploaded and clarify that 'data to transfer' is what is needed to be downloaded from OneDrive
* Add new config option to rate limit connection to OneDrive
* Support new file maximum upload size of 250GB
* Support sync_list matching full path root wildcard with exclusions to simplify sync_list configuration
### Updated
* Rename Office365.md --> SharePoint-Shared-Libraries.md which better describes this document
* Updated Dockerfile config for arm64
* Updated documentation (various)
## 2.4.9 - 2020-12-27
### Fixed
* Fix to handle case where API provided deltaLink generates a further API error
* Fix application crash when unable to read a local file due to local file permissions
* Fix application crash when calculating the path length due to invalid UTF characters in local path
* Fix Docker build on Alpine due missing symbols due to using the edge version of ldc and ldc-runtime
* Fix application crash with --get-O365-drive-id when API response is restricted
### Added
* Add debug log output of the configured URL's which will be used throughout the application to remove any ambiguity as to using incorrect URL's when making API calls
* Improve application startup when using --monitor when there is no network connection to the OneDrive API and only initialise application once OneDrive API is reachable
* Add Docker environment variable to allow --logout for re-authentication
### Updated
* Remove duplicate code for error output functions and enhance error logging output
* Updated documentation
## 2.4.8 - 2020-11-30
### Fixed
* Fix to use config set option for 'remove_source_files' and 'skip_dir_strict_match' rather than ignore if set
* Fix download failure and crash due to incorrect local filesystem permissions when using mounted external devices
* Fix to not change permissions on pre-existing local directories
* Fix logging output when authentication authorisation fails to not say authorisation was successful
* Fix to check application_id before setting redirect URL when using specific Azure endpoints
* Fix application crash in --monitor mode due to 'Failed to stat file' when setgid is used on a directory and data cannot be read
### Added
* Added advanced-usage.md to document advaced client usage such as multi account configurations and Windows dual-boot
### Updated
* Updated --verbose logging output for config options when set
* Updated documentation (man page, USAGE.md, Office365.md, BusinessSharedFolders.md)
## 2.4.7 - 2020-11-09
### Fixed
* Fix debugging output for /delta changes available queries
* Fix logging output for modification comparison source data
* Fix Business Shared Folder handling to process only Shared Folders, not individually shared files
* Fix cleanup dryrun shm and wal files if they exist
* Fix --list-shared-folders to only show folders
* Fix to check for the presence of .nosync when processing DB entries
* Fix skip_dir matching when using --resync
* Fix uploading data to shared business folders when using --upload-only
* Fix to merge contents of SQLite WAL file into main database file on sync completion
* Fix to check if localModifiedTime is >= than item.mtime to avoid re-upload for equal modified time
* Fix to correctly set config directory permissions at first start
### Added
* Added environment variable to allow easy HTTPS debug in docker
* Added environment variable to allow download-only mode in Docker
* Implement Feature: Allow config to specify a tenant id for non-multi-tenant applications
* Implement Feature: Adding support for authentication with single tenant custom applications
* Implement Feature: Configure specific File and Folder Permissions
### Updated
* Updated documentation (readme.md, install.md, usage.md, bug_report.md)
## 2.4.6 - 2020-10-04
### Fixed
* Fix flagging of remaining free space when value is being restricted
* Fix --single-directory path handling when path does not exist locally
* Fix checking for 'Icon' path as no longer listed by Microsoft as an invalid file or folder name
* Fix removing child items on OneDrive when parent item responds with access denied
* Fix to handle deletion events for files when inotify events are missing
* Fix uninitialised value error as reported by valgrind
* Fix to handle deletion events for directories when inotify events are missing
### Added
* Implement Feature: Create shareable link
* Implement Feature: Support wildcard within sync_list entries
* Implement Feature: Support negative patterns in sync_list for fine grained exclusions
* Implement Feature: Multiple skip_dir & skip_file configuration rules
* Add GUI notification to advise users when the client needs to be reauthenticated
### Updated
* Updated documentation (readme.md, install.md, usage.md, bug_report.md)
## 2.4.5 - 2020-08-13
### Fixed
* Fixed fish auto completions installation destination
## 2.4.4 - 2020-08-11
### Fixed
* Fix 'skip_dir' & 'skip_file' pattern matching to ensure correct matching is performed
* Fix 'skip_dir' & 'skip_file' so that each directive is only used against directories or files as requried in --monitor
* Fix client hand when attempting to sync a Unix pipe file
* Fix --single-directory & 'sync_list' performance
* Fix erroneous 'return' statements which could prematurely end processing all changes returned from OneDrive
* Fix segfault when attempting to perform a comparison on an inotify event when determining if event path is directory or file
* Fix handling of Shared Folders to ensure these are checked against 'skip_dir' entries
* Fix 'Skipping uploading this new file as parent path is not in the database' when uploading to a Personal Shared Folder
* Fix how available free space is tracked when uploading files to OneDrive and Shared Folders
* Fix --single-directory handling of parent path matching if path is being seen for first time
### Added
* Added Fish auto completions
### Updated
* Increase maximum individual file size to 100GB due to Microsoft file limit increase
* Update Docker build files and align version of compiler across all Docker builds
* Update Docker documentation
* Update NixOS build information
* Update the 'Processing XXXX' output to display the full path
* Update logging output when a sync starts and completes when using --monitor
* Update Office 365 / SharePoint site search query and response if query return zero match
## 2.4.3 - 2020-06-29
### Fixed
* Check if symbolic link is relative to location path
* When using output logfile, fix inconsistent output spacing
* Perform initial sync at startup in monitor mode
* Handle a 'race' condition to process inotify events generated whilst performing DB or filesystem walk
* Fix segfault when moving folder outside the sync directory when using --monitor on Arch Linux
### Added
* Added additional inotify event debugging
* Added support for loading system configs if there's no user config
* Added Ubuntu installation details to include installing the client from a PPA
* Added openSUSE installation details to include installing the client from a package
* Added support for comments in sync_list file
* Implement recursive deletion when Retention Policy is enabled on OneDrive Business Accounts
* Implement support for National cloud deployments
* Implement OneDrive Business Shared Folders Support
### Updated
* Updated documentation files (various)
* Updated log output messaging when a full scan has been set or triggered
* Updated buildNormalizedPath complexity to simplify code
* Updated to only process OneDrive Personal Shared Folders only if account type is 'personal'
## 2.4.2 - 2020-05-27
### Fixed
* Fixed the catching of an unhandled exception when inotify throws an error
* Fixed an uncaught '100 Continue' response when files are being uploaded
* Fixed progress bar for uploads to be more accurate regarding percentage complete
* Fixed handling of database query enforcement if item is from a shared folder
* Fixed compiler depreciation of std.digest.digest
* Fixed checking & loading of configuration file sequence
* Fixed multiple issues reported by Valgrind
* Fixed double scan at application startup when using --monitor & --resync together
* Fixed when renaming a file locally, ensure that the target filename is valid before attempting to upload to OneDrive
* Fixed so that if a file is modified locally and --resync is used, rename the local file for data preservation to prevent local data loss
### Added
* Implement 'bypass_data_preservation' enhancement
### Changed
* Changed the monitor interval default to 300 seconds
### Updated
* Updated the handling of out-of-space message when OneDrive is out of space
* Updated debug logging for retry wait times
## 2.4.1 - 2020-05-02
### Fixed
* Fixed the handling of renaming files to a name starting with a dot when skip_dotfiles = true
* Fixed the handling of parentheses from path or file names, when doing comparison with regex
* Fixed the handling of renaming dotfiles to another dotfile when skip_dotfile=true in monitor mode
* Fixed the handling of --dry-run and --resync together correctly as current database may be corrupt
* Fixed building on Alpine Linux under Docker
* Fixed the handling of --single-directory for --dry-run and --resync scenarios
* Fixed the handling of .nosync directive when downloading new files into existing directories that is (was) in sync
* Fixed the handling of zero-byte modified files for OneDrive Business
* Fixed skip_dotfiles handling of .folders when in monitor mode to prevent monitoring
* Fixed the handling of '.folder' -> 'folder' move when skip_dotfiles is enabled
* Fixed the handling of folders that cannot be read (permission error) if parent should be skipped
* Fixed the handling of moving folders from skipped directory to non-skipped directory via OneDrive web interface
* Fixed building on CentOS Linux under Docker
* Fixed Codacy reported issues: double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
* Fixed an assertion when attempting to compute complex path comparison from shared folders
* Fixed the handling of .folders when being skipped via skip_dir
### Added
* Implement Feature: Implement the ability to set --resync as a config option, default is false
### Updated
* Update error logging to be consistent when initialising fails
* Update error logging output to handle HTML error response reasoning if present
* Update link to new Microsoft documentation
* Update logging output to differentiate between OneNote objects and other unsupported objects
* Update RHEL/CentOS spec file example
* Update known-issues.md regarding 'SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, errno 104'
* Update progress bar to be more accurate when downloading large files
* Updated #658 and #865 handling of when to trigger a directory walk when changes occur on OneDrive
* Updated handling of when a full scan is requried due to utilising sync_list
* Updated handling of when OneDrive service throws a 429 or 504 response to retry original request after a delay
## 2.4.0 - 2020-03-22
### Fixed
* Fixed how the application handles 429 response codes from OneDrive (critical update)
* Fixed building on Alpine Linux under Docker
* Fixed how the 'username' is determined from the running process for logfile naming
* Fixed file handling when a failed download has occured due to exiting via CTRL-C
* Fixed an unhandled exception when OneDrive throws an error response on initialising
* Fixed the handling of moving files into a skipped .folder when skip_dotfiles = true
* Fixed the regex parsing of response URI to avoid potentially generating a bad request to OneDrive, leading to a 'AADSTS9002313: Invalid request. Request is malformed or invalid.' response.
### Added
* Added a Dockerfile for building on Rasberry Pi / ARM platforms
* Implement Feature: warning on big deletes to safeguard data on OneDrive
* Implement Feature: delete local files after sync
* Implement Feature: perform skip_dir explicit match only
* Implement Feature: provide config file option for specifying the Client Identifier
### Changed
* Updated the 'Client Identifier' to a new Application ID
### Updated
* Updated relevant documentation (README.md, USAGE.md) to add new feature details and clarify existing information
* Update completions to include the --force-http-2 option
* Update to always log when a file is skipped due to the item being invalid
* Update application output when just authorising application to make information clearer
* Update logging output when using sync_list to be clearer as to what is actually being processed and why
## 2.3.13 - 2019-12-31
### Fixed
* Change the sync list override flag to false as default when not using sync_list
* Fix --dry-run output when using --upload-only & --no-remote-delete and deleting local files
### Added
* Add a verbose log entry when a monitor sync loop with OneDrive starts & completes
### Changed
* Remove logAndNotify for 'processing X changes' as it is excessive for each change bundle to inform the desktop of the number of changes the client is processing
### Updated
* Updated INSTALL.md with Ubuntu 16.x i386 build instructions to reflect working configuration on legacy hardware
* Updated INSTALL.md with details of Linux packages
* Updated INSTALL.md build instructions for CentOS platforms
## 2.3.12 - 2019-12-04
### Fixed
* Retry session upload fragment when transient errors occur to prevent silent upload failure
* Update Microsoft restriction and limitations about windows naming files to include '~' for folder names
* Docker guide fixes, add multiple account setup instructions
* Check database for excluded sync_list items previously in scope
* Catch DNS resolution error
* Fix where an item now out of scope should be flagged for local delete
* Fix rebuilding of onedrive, but ensure version is properly updated
* Update Ubuntu i386 build instructions to use DMD using preferred method
### Added
* Add debug message to when a message is sent to dbus or notification daemon
* Add i386 instructions for legacy low memory platforms using LDC
## 2.3.11 - 2019-11-05
### Fixed
* Fix typo in the documentation regarding invalid config when upgrading from 'skilion' codebase
* Fix handling of skip_dir, skip_file & sync_list config options
* Fix typo in the documentation regarding sync_list
* Fix log output to be consistent with sync_list exclusion
* Fix 'Processing X changes' output to be more reflective of actual activity when using sync_list
* Remove unused and unexported SED variable in Makefile.in
* Handle curl exceptions and timeouts better with backoff/retry logic
* Update skip_dir pattern matching when using wildcards
* Fix when a full rescan is performed when using sync_list
* Fix 'Key not found: name' when computing skip_dir path
* Fix call from --monitor to observe --no-remote-delete
* Fix unhandled exception when monitor initialisation failure occurs due to too many open local files
* Fix unhandled 412 error response from OneDrive API when moving files right after upload
* Fix --monitor when used with --download-only. This fixes a regression introduced in 12947d1.
* Fix if --single-directory is being used, and we are using --monitor, only set inotify watches on the single directory
### Changed
* Move JSON logging output from error messages to debug output
## 2.3.10 - 2019-10-01
### Fixed
* Fix searching for 'name' when deleting a synced item, if the OneDrive API does not return the expected details in the API call
* Fix abnormal termination when no Internet connection
* Fix downloading of files from OneDrive Personal Shared Folders when the OneDrive API responds with unexpected additional path data
* Fix logging of 'initialisation' of client to actually when the attempt to initialise is performed
* Fix when using a sync_list file, using deltaLink will actually 'miss' changes (moves & deletes) on OneDrive as using sync_list discards changes
* Fix OneDrive API status code 500 handling when uploading files as error message is not correct
* Fix crash when resume_upload file is not a valid JSON
* Fix crash when a file system exception is generated when attempting to update the file date & time and this fails
### Added
* If there is a case-insensitive match error, also return the remote name from the response
* Make user-agent string a configuration option & add to config file
* Set default User-Agent to 'OneDrive Client for Linux v{version}'
### Changed
* Make verbose logging output optional on Docker
* Enable --resync & debug client output via environment variables on Docker
## 2.3.9 - 2019-09-01
### Fixed
* Catch a 403 Forbidden exception when querying Sharepoint Library Names
* Fix unhandled error exceptions that cause application to exit / crash when uploading files
* Fix JSON object validation for queries made against OneDrive where a JSON response is expected and where that response is to be used and expected to be valid
* Fix handling of 5xx responses from OneDrive when uploading via a session
### Added
* Detect the need for --resync when config changes either via config file or cli override
### Changed
* Change minimum required version of LDC to v1.12.0
### Removed
* Remove redundant logging output due to change in how errors are reported from OneDrive
## 2.3.8 - 2019-08-04
### Fixed
* Fix unable to download all files when OneDrive fails to return file level details used to validate file integrity
* Included the flag "-m" to create the home directory when creating the user
* Fix entrypoint.sh to work with "sudo docker run"
* Fix docker build error on stretch
* Fix hidden directories in 'root' from having prefix removed
* Fix Sharepoint Document Library handling for .txt & .csv files
* Fix logging for init.d service
* Fix OneDrive response missing required 'id' element when uploading images
* Fix 'Unexpected character '<'. (Line 1:1)' when OneDrive has an exception error
* Fix error when creating the sync dir fails when there is no permission to create the sync dir
### Added
* Add explicit check for hashes to be returned in cases where OneDrive API fails to provide them despite requested to do so
* Add comparison with sha1 if OneDrive provides that rather than quickXor
* Add selinux configuration details for a sync folder outside of the home folder
* Add date tag on docker.hub
* Add back CentOS 6 install & uninstall to Makefile
* Add a check to handle moving items out of sync_list sync scope & delete locally if true
* Implement --get-file-link which will return the weburl of a file which has been synced to OneDrive
### Changed
* Change unauthorized-api exit code to 3
* Update LDC to v1.16.0 for Travis CI testing
* Use replace function for modified Sharepoint Document Library files rather than delete and upload as new file, preserving file history
* Update Sharepoint modified file handling for files > 4Mb in size
### Removed
* Remove -d shorthand for --download-only to avoid confusion with other GNU applications where -d stands for 'debug'
## 2.3.7 - 2019-07-03
### Fixed
* Fix not all files being downloaded due to OneDrive query failure
* False DB update which potentially could had lead to false data loss on OneDrive
## 2.3.6 - 2019-07-03 (DO NOT USE)
### Fixed
* Fix JSONValue object validation
* Fix building without git being available
* Fix some spelling/grammatical errors
* Fix OneDrive error response on creating upload session
### Added
* Add download size & hash check to ensure downloaded files are valid and not corrupt
* Added --force-http-2 to use HTTP/2 if desired
### Changed
* Depreciated --force-http-1.1 (enabled by default) due to OneDrive inconsistent behavior with HTTP/2 protocol
## 2.3.5 - 2019-06-19
### Fixed
* Handle a directory in the sync_dir when no permission to access
* Get rid of forced root necessity during installation
* Fix broken autoconf code for --enable-XXX options
* Fix so that skip_size check should only be used if configured
* Fix a OneDrive Internal Error exception occurring before attempting to download a file
### Added
* Check for supported version of D compiler
## 2.3.4 - 2019-06-13
### Fixed
* Fix 'Local files not deleted' when using bad 'skip_file' entry
* Fix --dry-run logging output for faking downloading new files
* Fix install unit files to correct location on RHEL/CentOS 7
* Fix up unit file removal on all platforms
* Fix setting times on a file by adding a check to see if the file was actually downloaded before attempting to set the times on the file
* Fix an unhandled curl exception when OneDrive throws an internal timeout error
* Check timestamp to ensure that latest timestamp is used when comparing OneDrive changes
* Fix handling responses where cTag JSON elements are missing
* Fix Docker entrypoint.sh failures when GID is defined but not UID
### Added
* Add autoconf based build system
* Add an encoding validation check before any path length checks are performed as if the path contains any invalid UTF-8 sequences
* Implement --sync-root-files to sync all files in the OneDrive root when using a sync_list file that would normally exclude these files from being synced
* Implement skip_size feature request
* Implement feature request to support file based OneDrive authorization (request | response)
### Updated
* Better handle initialisation issues when OneDrive / MS Graph is experiencing problems that generate 401 & 5xx error codes
* Enhance error message when unable to connect to Microsoft OneDrive service when the local CA SSL certificate(s) have issues
* Update Dockerfile to correctly build on Docker Hub
* Rework directory layout and re-factor MD files for readability
## 2.3.3 - 2019-04-16
### Fixed
* Fix --upload-only check for Sharepoint uploads
* Fix check to ensure item root we flag as 'root' actually is OneDrive account 'root'
* Handle object error response from OneDrive when uploading to OneDrive Business
* Fix handling of some OneDrive accounts not providing 'quota' details
* Fix 'resume_upload' handling in the event of bad OneDrive response
### Added
* Add debugging for --get-O365-drive-id function
* Add shell (bash,zsh) completion support
* Add config options for command line switches to allow for better config handling in docker containers
### Updated
* Implement more meaningful 5xx error responses
* Update onedrive.logrotate indentations and comments
* Update 'min_notif_changes' to 'min_notify_changes'
## 2.3.2 - 2019-04-02
### Fixed
* Reduce scanning the entire local system in monitor mode for local changes
* Resolve file creation loop when working directly in the synced folder and Microsoft Sharepoint
### Added
* Add 'monitor_fullscan_frequency' config option to set the frequency of performing a full disk scan when in monitor mode
### Updated
* Update default 'skip_file' to include tmp and lock files generated by LibreOffice
* Update database version due to changing defaults of 'skip_file' which will force a rebuild and use of new skip_file default regex
## 2.3.1 - 2019-03-26
### Fixed
* Resolve 'make install' issue where rebuild of application would occur due to 'version' being flagged as .PHONY
* Update readme build instructions to include 'make clean;' before build to ensure that 'version' is cleanly removed and can be updated correctly
* Update Debian Travis CI build URL's
## 2.3.0 - 2019-03-25
### Fixed
* Resolve application crash if no 'size' value is returned when uploading a new file
* Resolve application crash if a 5xx error is returned when uploading a new file
* Resolve not 'refreshing' version file when rebuilding
* Resolve unexpected application processing by preventing use of --synchronize & --monitor together
* Resolve high CPU usage when performing DB reads
* Update error logging around directory case-insensitive match
* Update Travis CI and ARM dependencies for LDC 1.14.0
* Update Makefile due to build failure if building from release archive file
* Update logging as to why a OneDrive object was skipped
### Added
* Implement config option 'skip_dir'
## 2.2.6 - 2019-03-12
### Fixed
* Resolve application crash when unable to delete remote folders when business retention policies are enabled
* Resolve deprecation warning: loop index implicitly converted from size_t to int
* Resolve warnings regarding 'bashisms'
* Resolve handling of notification failure is dbus server has not started or available
* Resolve handling of response JSON to ensure that 'id' key element is always checked for
* Resolve excessive & needless logging in monitor mode
* Resolve compiling with LDC on Alpine as musl lacks some standard interfaces
* Resolve notification issues when offline and cannot act on changes
* Resolve Docker entrypoint.sh to accept command line arguments
* Resolve to create a new upload session on reinit
* Resolve where on OneDrive query failure, default root and drive id is used if a response is not returned
* Resolve Key not found: nextExpectedRanges when attempting session uploads and incorrect response is returned
* Resolve application crash when re-using an authentication URI twice after previous --logout
* Resolve creating a folder on a shared personal folder appears successful but returns a JSON error
* Resolve to treat mv of new file as upload of mv target
* Update Debian i386 build dependencies
* Update handling of --get-O365-drive-id to print out all 'site names' that match the explicit search entry rather than just the last match
* Update Docker readme & documentation
* Update handling of validating local file permissions for new file uploads
### Added
* Add support for install & uninstall on RHEL / CentOS 6.x
* Add support for when notifications are enabled, display the number of OneDrive changes to process if any are found
* Add 'config' option 'min_notif_changes' for minimum number of changes to notify on, default = 5
* Add additional Docker container builds utilising a smaller OS footprint
* Add configurable interval of logging in monitor mode
* Implement new CLI option --skip-dot-files to skip .files and .folders if option is used
* Implement new CLI option --check-for-nosync to ignore folder when special file (.nosync) present
* Implement new CLI option --dry-run
## 2.2.5 - 2019-01-16
### Fixed
* Update handling of HTTP 412 - Precondition Failed errors
* Update --display-config to display sync_list if configured
* Add a check for 'id' key on metadata update to prevent 'std.json.JSONException@std/json.d(494): Key not found: id'
* Update handling of 'remote' folder designation as 'root' items
* Ensure that remote deletes are handled correctly
* Handle 'Item not found' exception when unable to query OneDrive 'root' for changes
* Add handling for JSON response error when OneDrive API returns a 404 due to OneDrive API regression
* Fix items highlighted by codacy review
### Added
* Add --force-http-1.1 flag to downgrade any HTTP/2 curl operations to HTTP 1.1 protocol
* Support building with ldc2 and usage of pkg-config for lib finding
## 2.2.4 - 2018-12-28
### Fixed
* Resolve JSONException when supplying --get-O365-drive-id option with a string containing spaces
* Resolve 'sync_dir' not read from 'config' file when run in Docker container
* Resolve logic where potentially a 'default' ~/OneDrive sync_dir could be set despite 'config' file configured for an alternate
* Make sure sqlite checkpointing works by properly finalizing statements
* Update logic handling of --single-directory to prevent inadvertent local data loss
* Resolve signal handling and database shutdown on SIGINT and SIGTERM
* Update man page
* Implement better help output formatting
### Added
* Add debug handling for sync_dir operations
* Add debug handling for homePath calculation
* Add debug handling for configDirBase calculation
* Add debug handling if syncDir is created
* Implement Feature Request: Add status command or switch
## 2.2.3 - 2018-12-20
### Fixed
* Fix syncdir option is ignored
## 2.2.2 - 2018-12-20
### Fixed
* Handle short lived files in monitor mode
* Provide better log messages, less noise on temporary timeouts
* Deal with items that disappear during upload
* Deal with deleted move targets
* Reinitialize sync engine after three failed attempts
* Fix activation of dmd for docker builds
* Fix to check displayName rather than description for --get-O365-drive-id
* Fix checking of config file keys for validity
* Fix exception handling when missing parameter from usage option
### Added
* Notification support via libnotify
* Add very verbose (debug) mode by double -v -v
* Implement option --display-config
## 2.2.1 - 2018-12-04
### Fixed
* Gracefully handle connection errors in monitor mode
* Fix renaming of files when syncing
* Installation of doc files, addition of man page
* Adjust timeout values for libcurl
* Continue in monitor mode when sync timed out
* Fix unreachable statements
* Update Makefile to better support packaging
* Allow starting offline in monitor mode
### Added
* Implement --get-O365-drive-id to get correct SharePoint Shared Library (#248)
* Docker buildfiles for onedrive service (#262)
## 2.2.0 - 2018-11-24
### Fixed
* Updated client to output additional logging when debugging
* Resolve database assertion failure due to authentication
* Resolve unable to create folders on shared OneDrive Personal accounts
### Added
* Implement feature request to Sync from Microsoft SharePoint
* Implement feature request to specify a logging directory if logging is enabled
### Changed
* Change '--download' to '--download-only' to align with '--upload-only'
* Change logging so that logging to a separate file is no longer the default
## 2.1.6 - 2018-11-15
### Fixed
* Updated HTTP/2 transport handling when using curl 7.62.0 for session uploads
### Added
* Added PKGBUILD for makepkg for building packages under Arch Linux
## 2.1.5 - 2018-11-11
### Fixed
* Resolve 'Key not found: path' when syncing from some shared folders due to OneDrive API change
* Resolve to only upload changes on remote folder if the item is in the database - dont assert if false
* Resolve files will not download or upload when using curl 7.62.0 due to HTTP/2 being set as default for all curl operations
* Resolve to handle HTTP request returned status code 412 (Precondition Failed) for session uploads to OneDrive Personal Accounts
* Resolve unable to remove '~/.config/onedrive/resume_upload: No such file or directory' if there is a session upload error and the resume file does not get created
* Resolve handling of response codes when using 2 different systems when using '--upload-only' but the same OneDrive account and uploading the same filename to the same location
### Updated
* Updated Travis CI building on LDC v1.11.0 for ARMHF builds
* Updated Makefile to use 'install -D -m 644' rather than 'cp -raf'
* Updated default config to be aligned to code defaults
## 2.1.4 - 2018-10-10
### Fixed
* Resolve syncing of OneDrive Personal Shared Folders due to OneDrive API change
* Resolve incorrect systemd installation location(s) in Makefile
## 2.1.3 - 2018-10-04
### Fixed
* Resolve File download fails if the file is marked as malware in OneDrive
* Resolve high CPU usage when running in monitor mode
* Resolve how default path is set when running under systemd on headless systems
* Resolve incorrectly nested configDir in X11 systems
* Resolve Key not found: driveType
* Resolve to validate filename length before download to conform with Linux FS limits
* Resolve file handling to look for HTML ASCII codes which will cause uploads to fail
* Resolve Key not found: expirationDateTime on session resume
### Added
* Update Travis CI building to test build on ARM64
## 2.1.2 - 2018-08-27
### Fixed
* Resolve skipping of symlinks in monitor mode
* Resolve Gateway Timeout - JSONValue is not an object
* Resolve systemd/user is not supported on CentOS / RHEL
* Resolve HTTP request returned status code 429 (Too Many Requests)
* Resolve handling of maximum path length calculation
* Resolve 'The parent item is not in the local database'
* Resolve Correctly handle file case sensitivity issues in same folder
* Update unit files documentation link
## 2.1.1 - 2018-08-14
### Fixed
* Fix handling no remote delete of remote directories when using --no-remote-delete
* Fix handling of no permission to access a local file / corrupt local file
* Fix application crash when unable to access login.microsoft.com upon application startup
### Added
* Build instructions for openSUSE Leap 15.0
## 2.1.0 - 2018-08-10
### Fixed
* Fix handling of database exit scenarios when there is zero disk space left on drive where the items database resides
* Fix handling of incorrect database permissions
* Fix handling of different database versions to automatically re-create tables if version mis-match
* Fix handling timeout when accessing the Microsoft OneDrive Service
* Fix localFileModifiedTime to not use fraction seconds
### Added
* Implement Feature: Add a progress bar for large uploads & downloads
* Implement Feature: Make checkinterval for monitor configurable
* Implement Feature: Upload Only Option that does not perform remote delete
* Implement Feature: Add ability to skip symlinks
* Add dependency, ebuild and build instructions for Gentoo distributions
### Changed
* Build instructions for x86, x86_64 and ARM32 platforms
* Travis CI files to automate building on x32, x64 and ARM32 architectures
* Travis CI files to test built application against valid, invalid and problem files from previous issues
## 2.0.2 - 2018-07-18
### Fixed
* Fix systemd service install for builds with DESTDIR defined
* Fix 'HTTP 412 - Precondition Failed' error handling
* Gracefully handle OneDrive account password change
* Update logic handling of --upload-only and --local-first
## 2.0.1 - 2018-07-11
### Fixed
* Resolve computeQuickXorHash generates a different hash when files are > 64Kb
## 2.0.0 - 2018-07-10
### Fixed
* Resolve conflict resolution issue during syncing - the client does not handle conflicts very well & keeps on adding the hostname to files
* Resolve skilion #356 by adding additional check for 409 response from OneDrive
* Resolve multiple versions of file shown on website after single upload
* Resolve to gracefully fail when 'onedrive' process cannot get exclusive database lock
* Resolve 'Key not found: fileSystemInfo' when then item is a remote item (OneDrive Personal)
* Resolve skip_file config entry needs to be checked for any characters to escape
* Resolve Microsoft Naming Convention not being followed correctly
* Resolve Error when trying to upload a file with weird non printable characters present
* Resolve Crash if file is locked by online editing (status code 423)
* Resolve Resolve compilation issue with dmd-2.081.0
* Resolve skip_file configuration doesn't handle spaces or specified directory paths
### Added
* Implement Feature: Add a flag to detect when the sync-folder is missing
* Implement Travis CI for code testing
### Changed
* Update Makefile to use DESTDIR variables
* Update OneDrive Business maximum path length from 256 to 400
* Update OneDrive Business allowed characters for files and folders
* Update sync_dir handling to use the absolute path for setting parameter to something other than ~/OneDrive via config file or command line
* Update Fedora build instructions
## 1.1.2 - 2018-05-17
### Fixed
* Fix 4xx errors including (412 pre-condition, 409 conflict)
* Fix Key not found: lastModifiedDateTime (OneDrive API change)
* Fix configuration directory not found when run via init.d
* Fix skilion Issues #73, #121, #132, #224, #257, #294, #295, #297, #298, #300, #306, #315, #320, #329, #334, #337, #341
### Added
* Add logging - log client activities to a file (/var/log/onedrive/%username%.onedrive.log or ~/onedrive.log)
* Add https debugging as a flag
* Add `--synchronize` to prevent from syncing when just blindly running the application
* Add individual folder sync
* Add sync from local directory first rather than download first then upload
* Add upload long path check
* Add upload only
* Add check for max upload file size before attempting upload
* Add systemd unit files for single & multi user configuration
* Add init.d file for older init.d based services
* Add Microsoft naming conventions and namespace validation for items that will be uploaded
* Add remaining free space counter at client initialisation to avoid out of space upload issue
* Add large file upload size check to align to OneDrive file size limitations
* Add upload file size validation & retry if does not match
* Add graceful handling of some fatal errors (OneDrive 5xx error handling)
## Unreleased - 2018-02-19
### Fixed
* Crash when the delta link is expired
### Changed
* Disabled buffering on stdout
## 1.1.1 - 2018-01-20
### Fixed
* Wrong regex for parsing authentication uri
## 1.1.0 - 2018-01-19
### Added
* Support for shared folders (OneDrive Personal only)
* `--download` option to only download changes
* `DC` variable in Makefile to chose the compiler
### Changed
* Print logs on stdout instead of stderr
* Improve log messages
## 1.0.1 - 2017-08-01
### Added
* `--syncdir` option
### Changed
* `--version` output simplified
* Updated README
### Fixed
* Fix crash caused by remotely deleted and recreated directories
## 1.0.0 - 2017-07-14
### Added
* `--version` option