abraunegg 61f0c4fe8a Update Docker.md
* Update doco
2022-01-14 11:37:50 +11:00

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Run the OneDrive Client for Linux under Docker

This client can be run as a Docker container, with 3 available options for you to choose from:

  1. Container based on Fedora 35 - Docker Tag: latest
  2. Container based on Debian Buster - Docker Tag: debian
  3. Container based on Alpine Linux - Docker Tag: alpine

These containers offer a simple monitoring-mode service for the OneDrive Client for Linux.

The instructions below have been validated on:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x
  • Ubuntu Server 20.04

The instructions below will utilise the 'latest' tag, however this can be substituted for 'debian' or 'alpine' if desired.

Basic Setup

0. Install docker using your distribution platform's instructions

  1. Ensure that SELinux has been disabled on your system. A reboot may be required to ensure that this is correctly disabled.
  2. Install Docker as per requried for your platform
  3. Obtain your normal, non-root user UID and GID by using the id command
  4. As your normal, non-root user, ensure that you can run docker run hello-world without using sudo

Once the above 4 steps are complete and you can successfully run docker run hello-world without sudo, only then proceed to 'Pulling and Running the Docker Image'

Pulling and Running the Docker Image

1. Pull the image

docker pull driveone/onedrive:latest

NOTE: SELinux context needs to be configured or disabled for Docker to be able to write to OneDrive host directory.

2. Prepare config volume

The Docker container requries 2 Docker volumes:

  • Config Volume
  • Data Volume

Create the config volume with the following command:

docker volume create onedrive_conf

This will create a docker volume labeled onedrive_conf, where all configuration of your onedrive account will be stored. You can add a custom config file and other things later.

The second docker volume is for your data folder and is created in the next step. This volume needs to be a path to a directory on your local filesystem, and this is where your data will be stored from OneDrive. Keep in mind that:

  • The owner of this specified folder must not be root
  • The owner of this specified folder must have permissions for its parent directory

NOTE: Issues occur when this target folder is a mounted folder of an external system (NAS, SMB mount, USB Drive etc) as the 'mount' itself is owed by 'root'. If this is your use case, you must ensure your normal user can mount your desired target without having the target mounted by 'root'. If you do not fix this, your Docker container will fail to start with the following error message:

ROOT level privileges prohibited!

3. First run

The 'onedrive' client within the Docker container needs to be authorized with your Microsoft account. This is achieved by initially running docker in interactive mode.

Run the docker image with the commands below and make sure to change ONEDRIVE_DATA_DIR to the actual onedrive data directory on your filesystem that you wish to use (e.g. "/home/abraunegg/OneDrive").

export ONEDRIVE_DATA_DIR="${HOME}/OneDrive"
docker run -it --name onedrive -v onedrive_conf:/onedrive/conf \
    -v "${ONEDRIVE_DATA_DIR}:/onedrive/data" \

Important: The 'target' folder of ONEDRIVE_DATA_DIR must exist before running the Docker container, otherwise, Docker will create the target folder, and the folder will be given 'root' permissions, which then causes the Docker container to fail upon startup with the following error message:

ROOT level privileges prohibited!

NOTE: It is also highly advisable for you to replace ${ONEDRIVE_UID} and ${ONEDRIVE_GID} with your actual UID and GID as specified by your id command output to avoid any any potential user or group conflicts.


export ONEDRIVE_UID=`id -u`
export ONEDRIVE_GID=`id -g`
export ONEDRIVE_DATA_DIR="${HOME}/OneDrive"
docker run -it --name onedrive -v onedrive_conf:/onedrive/conf \
    -v "${ONEDRIVE_DATA_DIR}:/onedrive/data" \

When the Docker container successfully starts:

  • You will be asked to open a specific link using your web browser
  • Login to your Microsoft Account and give the application the permission
  • After giving the permission, you will be redirected to a blank page
  • Copy the URI of the blank page into the application prompt to authorise the application

Once the 'onedrive' application is authorised, the client will automatically start monitoring your ONEDRIVE_DATA_DIR for data changes to be uploaded to OneDrive. Files stored on OneDrive will be downloaded to this location.

If the client is working as expected, you can detach from the container with Ctrl+p, Ctrl+q.

4. Docker Container Status, stop, and restart

Check if the monitor service is running

docker ps -f name=onedrive

Show monitor run logs

docker logs onedrive

Stop running monitor

docker stop onedrive

Resume monitor

docker start onedrive

Remove onedrive Docker container

docker rm -f onedrive

Advanced Setup

5. Docker-compose

Also supports docker-compose schemas > 3. In the following example it is assumed you have a ONEDRIVE_DATA_DIR environment variable and a onedrive_conf volume. However, you can also use bind mounts for the configuration folder, e.g. export ONEDRIVE_CONF="${HOME}/OneDriveConfig".

version: "3"
        image: driveone/onedrive:latest
        restart: unless-stopped
            - ONEDRIVE_UID=${PUID}
            - ONEDRIVE_GID=${PGID}
            - onedrive_conf:/onedrive/conf
            - ${ONEDRIVE_DATA_DIR}:/onedrive/data

Note that you still have to perform step 3: First Run.

6. Edit the config

The 'onedrive' client should run in default configuration, however you can change this default configuration by placing a custom config file in the onedrive_conf docker volume. First download the default config from here
Then put it into your onedrive_conf volume path, which can be found with:

docker volume inspect onedrive_conf

Or you can map your own config folder to the config volume. Make sure to copy all files from the docker volume into your mapped folder first.

The detailed document for the config can be found here: Configuration

7. Sync multiple accounts

There are many ways to do this, the easiest is probably to

  1. Create a second docker config volume (replace Work with your desired name): docker volume create onedrive_conf_Work
  2. And start a second docker monitor container (again replace Work with your desired name):
export ONEDRIVE_DATA_DIR_WORK="/home/abraunegg/OneDriveWork"
docker run -it --restart unless-stopped --name onedrive_Work -v onedrive_conf_Work:/onedrive/conf -v "${ONEDRIVE_DATA_DIR_WORK}:/onedrive/data" driveone/onedrive:latest

Run or update with one script

If you are experienced with docker and onedrive, you can use the following script:

# Update ONEDRIVE_DATA_DIR with correct existing OneDrive directory path

docker pull driveone/onedrive:latest
docker inspect onedrive_conf > /dev/null || { docker volume create onedrive_conf; firstRun='-it'; }
docker inspect onedrive > /dev/null && docker rm -f onedrive
docker run $firstRun --restart unless-stopped --name onedrive -v onedrive_conf:/onedrive/conf -v "${ONEDRIVE_DATA_DIR}:/onedrive/data" driveone/onedrive:latest

Environment Variables

Variable Purpose Sample Value
ONEDRIVE_UID UserID (UID) to run as 1000
ONEDRIVE_GID GroupID (GID) to run as 1000
ONEDRIVE_VERBOSE Controls "--verbose" switch on onedrive sync. Default is 0 1
ONEDRIVE_DEBUG Controls "--verbose --verbose" switch on onedrive sync. Default is 0 1
ONEDRIVE_DEBUG_HTTPS Controls "--debug-https" switch on onedrive sync. Default is 0 1
ONEDRIVE_RESYNC Controls "--resync" switch on onedrive sync. Default is 0 1
ONEDRIVE_DOWNLOADONLY Controls "--download-only" switch on onedrive sync. Default is 0 1
ONEDRIVE_LOGOUT Controls "--logout" switch. Default is 0 1
ONEDRIVE_AUTHFILES Controls "--auth-files" option. Default is "" "authUrl:responseUrl"
ONEDRIVE_AUTHRESPONSE Controls "--auth-response" option. Default is "" See here

Usage Examples

Verbose Output:

docker container run -e ONEDRIVE_VERBOSE=1 -v onedrive_conf:/onedrive/conf -v "${ONEDRIVE_DATA_DIR}:/onedrive/data" driveone/onedrive:latest

Debug Output:

docker container run -e ONEDRIVE_DEBUG=1 -v onedrive_conf:/onedrive/conf -v "${ONEDRIVE_DATA_DIR}:/onedrive/data" driveone/onedrive:latest

Perform a --resync:

docker container run -e ONEDRIVE_RESYNC=1 -v onedrive_conf:/onedrive/conf -v "${ONEDRIVE_DATA_DIR}:/onedrive/data" driveone/onedrive:latest

Perform a --resync and --verbose:

docker container run -e ONEDRIVE_RESYNC=1 -e ONEDRIVE_VERBOSE=1 -v onedrive_conf:/onedrive/conf -v "${ONEDRIVE_DATA_DIR}:/onedrive/data" driveone/onedrive:latest

Perform a --logout and re-authenticate:

docker container run -it -e ONEDRIVE_LOGOUT=1 -v onedrive_conf:/onedrive/conf -v "${ONEDRIVE_DATA_DIR}:/onedrive/data" driveone/onedrive:latest

Build instructions

Build Environment Requirements

  • Build environment must have at least 1GB of memory & 2GB swap space

There are 2 ways to validate this requirement:

  • Modify the file /etc/dphys-swapfile and edit the CONF_SWAPSIZE, for example: CONF_SWAPSIZE=2048. A reboot is required to make this change effective.
  • Dynamically allocate a swapfile for building:
cd /var 
sudo fallocate -l 1.5G swapfile
sudo chmod 600 swapfile
sudo mkswap swapfile
sudo swapon swapfile
# make swap permanent
sudo nano /etc/fstab
# add "/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0" at the end of file
# check it has been assigned
swapon -s
free -h

Building a custom Docker image

You can also build your own image instead of pulling the one from hub.docker.com:

git clone https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive
cd onedrive
docker build . -t local-onedrive -f contrib/docker/Dockerfile

There are alternate, smaller images available by building Dockerfile-debian or Dockerfile-alpine. These multi-stage builder pattern Dockerfiles require Docker version at least 17.05.

How to build and run a custom Docker image based on Debian Buster

docker build . -t local-ondrive-debian -f contrib/docker/Dockerfile-debian
docker container run -v onedrive_conf:/onedrive/conf -v "${ONEDRIVE_DATA_DIR}:/onedrive/data" local-ondrive-debian:latest

How to build and run a custom Docker image based on Alpine Linux

docker build . -t local-ondrive-alpine -f contrib/docker/Dockerfile-alpine
docker container run -v onedrive_conf:/onedrive/conf -v "${ONEDRIVE_DATA_DIR}:/onedrive/data" local-ondrive-alpine:latest

How to build and run a custom Docker image for ARMHF (Raspberry Pi)

Compatible with:

  • Raspberry Pi
  • Raspberry Pi 2
  • Raspberry Pi Zero
  • Raspberry Pi 3
  • Raspberry Pi 4
docker build . -t local-onedrive-rpi -f contrib/docker/Dockerfile-debian
docker container run -v onedrive_conf:/onedrive/conf -v "${ONEDRIVE_DATA_DIR}:/onedrive/data" local-ondrive-rpi:latest

How to build and run a custom Docker image for AARCH64 Platforms

docker build . -t local-onedrive-aarch64 -f contrib/docker/Dockerfile-debian
docker container run -v onedrive_conf:/onedrive/conf -v "${ONEDRIVE_DATA_DIR}:/onedrive/data" local-onedrive-aarch64:latest