2023-09-10 15:06:23 +02:00

31 lines
709 B
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Shell created by Raven for BorgWarehouse.
# Get the timestamp of the last modification of the file integrity.* for of all repositories in a JSON output.
# stdout will be an array like :
# [
# {
# "repositoryName": "a7035047",
# "lastSave": 1691341603
# },
# {
# "repositoryName": "a7035048",
# "lastSave": 1691342688
# }
# ]
# Exit when any command fails
set -e
# Load .env if exists
if [[ -f .env ]]; then
source .env
# Default value if .env not exists
: "${home:=/home/borgwarehouse}"
stat --format='{"repositoryName":"%n","lastSave":%Y}' \
${home}/repos/*/integrity* |
jq --slurp '[.[] | .repositoryName = (.repositoryName | split("/")[-2])]'