Taly 45d19ab4d2
configuration must be undefined by default (#442)
* configuration must be undefined by default

* update
2018-09-03 20:27:19 +03:00

217 lines
5.8 KiB

<p align="center"><img src="https://capella.pics/3c0b525b-50d9-4720-8aad-9148114cfa6e.jpg"></p>
## Version 2.0-beta is here!
We are glad to introduce the next version of CodeX Editor. Totally new core, structure and plugins — that was an impressive adventure 🤓.
Welcome to testing stage. Please, join a [public Telegram-chat](//t.me/codex_editor) where you always find a support.
## Documentation
While we develop the new Documentation Site with all stuff, you can check some available docs at the [docs/](docs/) dir.
- [Installation](docs/installation.md)
- [How to use](docs/usage.md)
- [How to create a Block Tool Plugin](docs/tools.md)
- [How to create an Inline Tool Plugin](docs/tools-inline.md)
- [API for Tools](src/components/interfaces/api.ts)
Sorry if we missed something. You can join a [Telegram-chat](//t.me/codex_editor) and ask a question.
# So how to use CodeX Editor
## Basics
CodeX Editor is a Block-Styled editor. Blocks is a structural units, of which the Entry is composed.
For example, `Paragraph`, `Heading`, `Image`, `Video`, `List` are Blocks. Each Block is represented by a Plugin.
We have [many](http://github.com/codex-editor) ready-to-use Plugins and the [simple API](docs/tools.md) for creation new ones.
So how to use the Editor after [Installation](docs/installation.md).
- Create new Blocks by Enter or with the Plus Button
- Press `TAB` or click on the Plus Button to view the Toolbox
- Press `TAB` again to leaf Toolbox and select a Block you need. Then press Enter.
- Select text fragment and apply a style or insert a link from the Inline Toolbar
- Use «three-dots» button on the right to open Block Settings. From here, you can move and delete a Block
or apply Tool's settings, if it provided. For example, set a Heading level or List style.
## Shortcuts
We really appreciate shortcuts. So there are few presets.
Action | Shortcut | Restrictions
-- | -- | --
`TAB` | Show/leaf a Toolbox. | On empty block
`SHIFT+TAB` | Leaf back a Toolbox. | While Toolbox is opened
`ENTER` | Create a Block | While Toolbox is opened and some Tool is selected
`CMD+B` | Bold style | On selection
`CMD+I` | Italic style | On selection
`CMD+K` | Insert a link | On selection
Also we support shortcuts on the all type of Tools. Specify a shortcut with the Tools configuration. For example:
var editor = CodexEditor({
tools: {
header: {
class: Header,
shortcut: 'CMD+SHIFT+H'
list: {
class: List,
shortcut: 'CMD+SHIFT+L'
# Installation Guide
There are few steps to run CodeX Editor on your site.
1. [Load Editor's core](#load-editors-core)
2. [Load Tools](#load-tools)
3. [Initialize Editor's instance](#create-editor-instance)
## Load Editor's core
Firstly you need to get CodeX Editor itself. It is a [minified script](build/codex-editor.js) with minimal available
Choose the most usable method of getting Editor for you.
- Node package
- Source from CDN
- Local file from project
### Node.js
Install the package via NPM or Yarn
npm i codex.editor --save-dev
Include module at your application
const CodexEditor = require('codex.editor');
### Use from CDN
You can load specific version of package from [jsDelivr CDN](https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/npm/codex.editor).
Then require this script.
<script src="..."></script>
### Save sources to project
Copy [codex-editor.js](build/codex-editor.js) file to your project and load it.
<script src="codex-editor.js"></script>
## Load Tools
Each Block at the CodeX Editor represented by [Tools](docs/tools.md). There are simple external scripts with own logic. Probably you want to use several Block Tools that should be connected.
For example check out our [Header](https://github.com/codex-editor/header) Tool that represents heading blocks.
You can install Header Tool by the same way as the Editor (Node.js, CDN, local file).
Check [CodeX Editor's community](https://github.com/codex-editor) to see more ready-to-use Tools.
**Example:** use Header from CDN
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/codex.editor.header@2.0.4/dist/bundle.js"></script>
## Create Editor instance
Create an instance of CodeX Editor and pass [Configuration Object](src/components/interfaces/editor-config.ts) with `holderId` and tools list.
<div id="codex-editor"></div>
You can create a simple Editor with only default Paragraph Tool by passing a string with element's Id (wrapper for Editor) as a configuration param. Or use the default `codex-editor` id for wrapper.
var editor = new CodexEditor(); /** Zero-configuration */
// equals
var editor = new CodexEditor('codex-editor');
Or pass a whole settings object.
var editor = new CodexEditor({
* Create a holder for the Editor and pass its ID
holderId : 'codex-editor',
* Available Tools list.
* Pass Tool's class or Settings object for each Tool you want to use
tools: {
header: {
class: Header,
inlineToolbar : true
// ...
* Previously saved data that should be rendered
data: {}
## Saving Data
Call `editor.saver.save()` and handle returned Promise with saved data.
.then((savedData) => {
## Example
Take a look at the [example.html](example/example.html) to view more detailed examples.