Rose Thatcher f048bd8d87
feat(Spin): Option to show live output (#303)
* Added live output buffer and option flag

* Update Spin on

* Returned output formatting to previous version.

* Separated the showOutput and liveOutput flags.
Both flags can now be used at once.

* Removed liveOutout flag
showOutput flag is now realtime

* (spin) Consolodated stderr and stdout

* (spin) Consolodated stdout and stderr

* (spin) If being piped, writes to stdout

* Added error check and did some housekeeping

* No longer outputs to tea.View if piped

* Cleaned up the combining of stderr and stdout

* Fixed spinner alignment.  Updated Readme
2023-06-27 10:31:54 -04:00

510 lines
14 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

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A tool for glamorous shell scripts. Leverage the power of
[Bubbles]( and [Lip
Gloss]( in your scripts and aliases
without writing any Go code!
<img alt="Shell running the ./ script" width="600" src="">
The above example is running from a single shell script ([source](./examples/
## Tutorial
Gum provides highly configurable, ready-to-use utilities to help you write
useful shell scripts and dotfiles aliases with just a few lines of code.
Let's build a simple script to help you write [Conventional
Commits]( for your
Start with a `#!/bin/sh`.
Ask for the commit type with `gum choose`:
gum choose "fix" "feat" "docs" "style" "refactor" "test" "chore" "revert"
> Tip: this command itself will print to `stdout` which is not all that useful.
To make use of the command later on you can save the stdout to a `$VARIABLE` or
Prompt for an (optional) scope for the commit:
gum input --placeholder "scope"
Prompt for a commit message:
gum input --placeholder "Summary of this change"
Prompt for a detailed (multi-line) explanation of the changes:
gum write --placeholder "Details of this change (CTRL+D to finish)"
Prompt for a confirmation before committing:
> `gum confirm` exits with status `0` if confirmed and status `1` if cancelled.
gum confirm "Commit changes?" && git commit -m "$SUMMARY" -m "$DESCRIPTION"
Putting it all together...
TYPE=$(gum choose "fix" "feat" "docs" "style" "refactor" "test" "chore" "revert")
SCOPE=$(gum input --placeholder "scope")
# Since the scope is optional, wrap it in parentheses if it has a value.
test -n "$SCOPE" && SCOPE="($SCOPE)"
# Pre-populate the input with the type(scope): so that the user may change it
SUMMARY=$(gum input --value "$TYPE$SCOPE: " --placeholder "Summary of this change")
DESCRIPTION=$(gum write --placeholder "Details of this change (CTRL+D to finish)")
# Commit these changes
gum confirm "Commit changes?" && git commit -m "$SUMMARY" -m "$DESCRIPTION"
<img alt="Running the ./examples/ script to commit to git" width="600" src="">
## Installation
Use a package manager:
# macOS or Linux
brew install gum
# Arch Linux (btw)
pacman -S gum
# Nix
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.gum
# Or, with flakes
nix run "github:charmbracelet/gum" -- --help
# Debian/Ubuntu
sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/charm.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/charm.gpg] * *" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/charm.list
sudo apt update && sudo apt install gum
# Fedora/RHEL
echo '[charm]
gpgkey=' | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/charm.repo
sudo yum install gum
# Alpine
apk add gum
# Android (via termux)
pkg install gum
# Windows (via Scoop)
scoop install charm-gum
Or download it:
* [Packages][releases] are available in Debian, RPM, and Alpine formats
* [Binaries][releases] are available for Linux, macOS, Windows, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and NetBSD
Or just install it with `go`:
go install
## Customization
`gum` is designed to be embedded in scripts and supports all sorts of use
cases. Components are configurable and customizable to fit your theme and
use case.
You can customize with `--flags`. See `gum <command> --help` for a full view of
each command's customization and configuration options.
For example, let's use an `input` and change the cursor color, prompt color,
prompt indicator, placeholder text, width, and pre-populate the value:
gum input --cursor.foreground "#FF0" --prompt.foreground "#0FF" --prompt "* " \
--placeholder "What's up?" --width 80 --value "Not much, hby?"
You can also use `ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES` to customize `gum` by default, this is
useful to keep a consistent theme for all your `gum` commands.
export GUM_INPUT_PLACEHOLDER="What's up?"
export GUM_INPUT_PROMPT="* "
# Uses values configured through environment variables above but can still be
# overridden with flags.
gum input
<img alt="Gum input displaying most customization options" width="600" src="">
## Interaction
#### Input
Prompt for input with a simple command.
gum input > answer.txt
Prompt for sensitive input with the `--password` flag.
gum input --password > password.txt
<img src="" width="600" alt="Shell running gum input typing Not much, you?" />
#### Write
Prompt for some multi-line text.
Note: `CTRL+D` is used to complete text entry. `CTRL+C` and `esc` will cancel.
gum write > story.txt
<img src="" width="600" alt="Shell running gum write typing a story" />
#### Filter
Use fuzzy matching to filter a list of values:
echo Strawberry >> flavors.txt
echo Banana >> flavors.txt
echo Cherry >> flavors.txt
cat flavors.txt | gum filter > selection.txt
<img src="" width="600" alt="Shell running gum filter on different bubble gum flavors" />
You can also select multiple items with the `--limit` flag, which determines
the maximum number of items that can be chosen.
cat flavors.txt | gum filter --limit 2
Or, allow any number of selections with the `--no-limit` flag.
cat flavors.txt | gum filter --no-limit
#### Choose
Choose an option from a list of choices.
echo "Pick a card, any card..."
CARD=$(gum choose --height 15 {{A,K,Q,J},{10..2}}" "{♠,♥,♣,♦})
echo "Was your card the $CARD?"
You can also select multiple items with the `--limit` flag, which determines
the maximum of items that can be chosen.
echo "Pick your top 5 songs."
cat songs.txt | gum choose --limit 5
Or, allow any number of selections with the `--no-limit` flag.
echo "What do you need from the grocery store?"
cat foods.txt | gum choose --no-limit
<img src="" width="600" alt="Shell running gum choose with numbers and gum flavors" />
#### Confirm
Confirm whether to perform an action. Exits with code `0` (affirmative) or `1`
(negative) depending on selection.
gum confirm && rm file.txt || echo "File not removed"
<img src="" width="600" alt="Shell running gum confirm" />
#### File
Prompt the user to select a file from the file tree.
EDITOR $(gum file $HOME)
<img src="" width="600" alt="Shell running gum file" />
#### Pager
Scroll through a long document with line numbers and a fully customizable viewport.
gum pager <
<img src="" width="600" alt="Shell running gum pager" />
#### Spin
Display a spinner while running a script or command. The spinner will
automatically stop after the given command exits.
To view or pipe the command's output, use the `--show-output` flag.
gum spin --spinner dot --title "Buying Bubble Gum..." -- sleep 5
<img src="" width="600" alt="Shell running gum spin while sleeping for 5 seconds" />
Available spinner types include: `line`, `dot`, `minidot`, `jump`, `pulse`, `points`, `globe`, `moon`, `monkey`, `meter`, `hamburger`.
#### Table
Select a row from some tabular data.
gum table < flavors.csv | cut -d ',' -f 1
<img src="" width="600" alt="Shell running gum table" />
## Styling
#### Style
Pretty print any string with any layout with one command.
gum style \
--foreground 212 --border-foreground 212 --border double \
--align center --width 50 --margin "1 2" --padding "2 4" \
'Bubble Gum (1¢)' 'So sweet and so fresh!'
<img src="" width="600" alt="Bubble Gum, So sweet and so fresh!" />
## Layout
#### Join
Combine text vertically or horizontally. Use this command with `gum style` to
build layouts and pretty output.
Tip: Always wrap the output of `gum style` in quotes to preserve newlines
(`\n`) when using it as an argument in the `join` command.
I=$(gum style --padding "1 5" --border double --border-foreground 212 "I")
LOVE=$(gum style --padding "1 4" --border double --border-foreground 57 "LOVE")
BUBBLE=$(gum style --padding "1 8" --border double --border-foreground 255 "Bubble")
GUM=$(gum style --padding "1 5" --border double --border-foreground 240 "Gum")
I_LOVE=$(gum join "$I" "$LOVE")
BUBBLE_GUM=$(gum join "$BUBBLE" "$GUM")
gum join --align center --vertical "$I_LOVE" "$BUBBLE_GUM"
<img src="" width="600" alt="I LOVE Bubble Gum written out in four boxes with double borders around them." />
## Format
`format` processes and formats bodies of text. `gum format` can parse markdown,
template strings, and named emojis.
# Format some markdown
gum format -- "# Gum Formats" "- Markdown" "- Code" "- Template" "- Emoji"
echo "# Gum Formats\n- Markdown\n- Code\n- Template\n- Emoji" | gum format
# Syntax highlight some code
cat main.go | gum format -t code
# Render text any way you want with templates
echo '{{ Bold "Tasty" }} {{ Italic "Bubble" }} {{ Color "99" "0" " Gum " }}' \
| gum format -t template
# Display your favorite emojis!
echo 'I :heart: Bubble Gum :candy:' | gum format -t emoji
For more information on template helpers, see the [Termenv
docs]( For a full list of
named emojis see the [GitHub API](
<img src="" width="600" alt="Running gum format for different types of formats" />
## Examples
See the [examples](./examples/) directory for more real world use cases.
How to use `gum` in your daily workflows:
#### Write a commit message
Prompt for input to write git commit messages with a short summary and
longer details with `gum input` and `gum write`.
Bonus points: use `gum filter` with the [Conventional Commits
Specification]( as a
prefix for your commit message.
git commit -m "$(gum input --width 50 --placeholder "Summary of changes")" \
-m "$(gum write --width 80 --placeholder "Details of changes (CTRL+D to finish)")"
#### Open files in your `$EDITOR`
By default, `gum filter` will display a list of all files (searched
recursively) through your current directory, with some sensible ignore settings
(`.git`, `node_modules`). You can use this command to easily to pick a file and
open it in your `$EDITOR`.
$EDITOR $(gum filter)
#### Connect to a TMUX session
Pick from a running `tmux` session and attach to it. Or, if you're already in a
`tmux` session, switch sessions.
SESSION=$(tmux list-sessions -F \#S | gum filter --placeholder "Pick session...")
tmux switch-client -t $SESSION || tmux attach -t $SESSION
<img src="" width="600" alt="Picking a tmux session with gum filter" />
#### Pick commit hash from your Git history
Filter through your git history searching for commit messages, copying the
commit hash of the commit you select.
git log --oneline | gum filter | cut -d' ' -f1 # | copy
<img src="" width="600" alt="Picking a commit with gum filter" />
#### Skate Passwords
Build a simple (encrypted) password selector with [Skate](
Save all your passwords to [Skate]( with `skate set github@pass.db PASSWORD`, etc...
skate list -k | gum filter | xargs skate get
<img src="" width="600" alt="Selecting a skate value with gum" />
#### Choose packages to uninstall
List all packages installed by your package manager (we'll use `brew`) and
choose which packages to uninstall.
brew list | gum choose --no-limit | xargs brew uninstall
#### Choose branches to delete
List all branches and choose which branches to delete.
git branch | cut -c 3- | gum choose --no-limit | xargs git branch -D
#### Choose pull request to checkout
List all PRs for the current GitHub repository and checkout the chosen PR (using [`gh`](
gh pr list | cut -f1,2 | gum choose | cut -f1 | xargs gh pr checkout
#### Pick command from shell history
Pick a previously executed command from your shell history to execute, copy,
edit, etc...
gum filter < $HISTFILE --height 20
#### Sudo password input
See visual feedback when entering password with masked characters with `gum
input --password`.
alias please="gum input --password | sudo -nS"
## Feedback
Wed love to hear your thoughts on this project. Feel free to drop us a note!
* [Twitter](
* [The Fediverse](
* [Discord](
## License
Part of [Charm](
<a href=""><img alt="The Charm logo" src="" width="400" /></a>
Charm热爱开源 • Charm loves open source