2022-09-18 13:23:36 +02:00

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# h-m-m (hackers mind map)
**h-m-m** (pronounced like the interjection "hmm") is a simple, fast, keyboard-centric terminal-based tool for working with mind maps.
# Key bindings
Adding, removing, and editing nodes:
* `o` or `Enter` - create a new sibling to the active node
* `O` or `Tab` - create a new child for the active node
* `y` - yanks (copies) the active node and its descendants
* `Y` - yanks (copies) the descendants of the active node
* `d` - deletes (cuts) the active node and its descendants
* `D` - deletes (cuts) the descendants of the active node
* `Delete` - deletes the active node and its descendants without putting them in the clipboard
* `p` - pastes as descendants of the active node
* `P` - pastes as siblings of the active node
* `Ctrl+p` - appends the clipboard text at the end of the active node's title
* `e`, `i`, or `a` - edits the active node
* `E`, `I`, or `A` - edits the active node, ignoring the existing text
* `u` - undo
* `Ctrl+r` - redo
Relative navigating and moving:
* `h` or `←` - activate the parent of the previously active node
* `l` or `→` - activate the middle child of the previously active node
* `j` or `↓` - activate the lower sibling (or the nearest lower node if there's no lower sibling)
* `k` or `↑` - activate the higher sibling (or the nearest higher node if there's no higher sibling)
* `J` - moves the current node down among its siblings
* `K` - moves the current node up among its siblings
Adjusting the view:
* `c` - centers the active node on the screen
* `C` - locks and always keeps active nodes on the center
* `~` or `m` - activate the root element
* `g` - goes to the highest element
* `G` - goes to the lowest element
* `w` - increases the maximum node width
* `W` - decreases the maximum node width
* `z` - decreases line spacing
* `Z` - increases line spacing
Collapsing and expanding:
* `Space` - toggles the active node
* `v` - collapses everything other than the first-level nodes
* `b` - expands all nodes
* `1` to `9` - collapse the nth level and expand those before
* `f` - focuses by collapsing all, but the ancestors and descendants of the active node
* `F` - locks focus as the active node changes (try it with the center lock)
* `r` - collapses all the first level items except for the one that contains the active node
* `R` - collapses the children of the active node
* `/`, `?`, or `Ctrl+f` - searches for a phrase
* `n` - goes to the next search result
* `N` - goes to the previous search result
Save, export, and quit:
* `s` - saves with the previous file name (or asks for one if there's none)
* `S` - saves with a new file name
* `x` - export as HTML
* `q` - quits (if the changes were already saved)
* `Q` - quits, ignoring the changes
In the text editor:
* `↓` - move the cursor to the end of the line
* `↑` - move the cursor to the beginning of the line
* `←` or `Home` - move the cursor to the left
* `→` or `End` - move the cursor to the right
* `Ctrl+Left` or `Shift+Left` - move cursor to the previous word
* `Ctrl+Right` or `Shift+right` - move cursor to the next word
* `Delete` - delete character
* `Ctrl+Delete` - delete word
* `Backspace` - delete previous character
* `ctrl+Backspace` - delete previous word
* `Ctrl+v` or `Ctrl+Shift+v` - paste
* `Esc` - cancel editing
* `Enter` - wanna guess? ;)
# Configuration
You can create an `h-m-m.conf` file in the same directory as the application and use it to change some or all of the following default values:
max_parent_width = 25
max_leaf_width = 55
line_spacing = 1
initial_depth = 1
active_node_color = "\033[38;5;0m\033[48;5;172m\033[1m"
message_color = "\033[38;5;0m\033[48;5;141m\033[1m"
center_lock = false
focus_lock = false
undo_steps = 24
The colors are ASCII escape codes.
# Data format
Mind maps are stored in plain text files (with `hmm` file extension by default) without metadata. The tree structure is represented by tab indentations; e.g.,
root (level 0)
item A (level 1)
item B (level 1)
item Ba (level 2)
item Bb (level 2)
item Bc (level 2)
item BaX (level 3)
item BaY (level 3)
item Bd (level 2)
item C (level 1)
When you yank (copy) or delete (cut) a subtree, the data will be put into your clipboard with a similar structure, and when pasting, the data will be interpreted as such.
Most mind mapping applications use a similar format for copying and pasting. As a result, if you want to import a map from another application, you can probably select everything in that application, copy it, come to **h-m-m**, and paste it. The same usually works well when copying from HTML/PDF/Doc lists, spreadsheets (e.g., Calc and Excel), etc.
# Installing
Note: A few issues should be solved before **h-m-m** can be run in Windows. Until then, Windows users can probably use *Windows Subsystem for Linux* to run it.
## 1. Manual installation
**h-m-m** is a single php file. You can download it from here, or clone it on your computer using git and add a scheduled job to update it once a day or week.
You also need to have the following installed for h-m-m to work:
* php
* either php 8, or
* older versions of php along with the `mbstring` package (e.g., `php7.2-mbstring`)
* `xclip`, `xsel`, or `wl-clipboard` in Linux. (Windows and Mac don't need it)
After downloading or cloning, you can run `php h-m-m` in your terminal to run the program with a blank map or `php h-m-m filename` to open an existing file. If you don't already have a php interpreter installed, you would need to install it as well. Note: You don't need to set up a "web server" to run it because it's not a web application, but rather a terminal application that works like those written in Python, Bash, etc.
Optionally, you can make the file executable by running the `chmod +x h-m-m` in your terminal, and afterward, you can run it as `h-m-m filename` (assuming that **h-m-m** is in your path).
## 2. Installation for Arch Linux
In Arch Linux, you can use the `h-m-m-git` AUR package to install it.
## 3. Installation script for Linux
You can run the following command to install h-m-m:
wget -q -O - 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nadrad/h-m-m/main/install.sh' | sh
This command downloads and runs the install.sh script, which it turn downloads h-m-m, copies it to `/usr/local/bin`, checks the dependencies, and makes it executable.
After installing, you can run `h-m-m` from anywhere in your terminal to run the application with an empty map, or `h-m-m filename` to open an existing file.
## 4. Installation with Docker
It's also possible to execute `h-m-m` through docker (or podman):
# Build the image
docker build -t hmm .
# Run it
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/app/ hmm
# Compatibility
I think the method I've used in this program to interact with the terminal emulator is general and standard enough to be cross-platform, but I've developed it in Linux and I don't have any other operating system to test it on. If you run into a problem in Windows or Mac, let me know, especially if you know how to fix it, and I'll try to make it work.
Update: There's an [open issue](https://github.com/nadrad/h-m-m/issues/29) for Windows, waiting for contributors!
# Feedback
Programming is not my career, but rather a hobby, and I developed **h-m-m** because I wanted to have something like this and couldn't find one. Therefore, what I've done here may have a lot of room for improvement. If you see an embarrassing problem in the program or have an idea for improvement, feel free to contact me; I'd be happy to receive your feedback.
Why php? It's simple: I only have a rusty knowledge of Pascal and a little familiarity with php. I thought about learning another language for this project (Haskell and Go were my top choices), but I didn't have time to do it. I'll probably do it later and convert it into a language I can compile :)