Henrique Moody 0417fea213
Fix confusion with some changelogs
The changelogs that this commit will change are confusing. From a code
perspective, the rule Date was renamed to DateTime, and OneOf was
renamed to AnyOf, but because we also created a Date and OneOf rule with
different behaviours, it makes more sense to say that their behaviour
changed, rather than saying that they were created in version 2.0.0.

Signed-off-by: Henrique Moody <>
2019-05-11 21:44:44 +02:00

53 lines
1.9 KiB

# Date
- `Date()`
- `Date(string $format)`
Validates if input is a date. The `$format` argument should be in accordance to
PHP's [date()]( function, but only those are allowed:
Format | Description | Values
`d` | Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros | 01 to 31
`j` | Day of the month without leading zeros | 1 to 31
`S` | English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters | st, nd, rd or th
`F` | A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March | January to December
`m` | Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros | 01 to 12
`M` | A short textual representation of a month, three letters | Jan to Dec
`n` | Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros | 1 to 12
`Y` | A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits | Examples: 1988 or 2017
`y` | A two digit representation of a year | Examples: 88 or 17
When a `$format` is not given its default value is `Y-m-d`.
v::date()->validate('2017-12-31'); // true
v::date()->validate('2020-02-29'); // true
v::date()->validate('2019-02-29'); // false
v::date('m/d/y')->validate('12/31/17'); // true
v::date('F jS, Y')->validate('May 1st, 2017'); // true
v::date('Ydm')->validate(20173112); // true
## Categorization
- Date and Time
## Changelog
Version | Description
2.0.0 | Changed to only validate dates
0.3.9 | Created as `Date`
See also:
- [DateTime](
- [LeapDate](
- [LeapYear](
- [MaxAge](
- [MinAge](
- [Time](