Henrique Moody 10df3211f5
Add "Categorization" section to rule documentations
Signed-off-by: Henrique Moody <>
2019-05-11 19:16:21 +02:00

32 lines
624 B

# Sf
- `Sf(Constraint $constraint)`
- `Sf(Constraint $constraint, ValidatorInterface $validator)`
Validate the input with a Symfony Validator (>=4.0 or >=3.0) Constraint.
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint\Iban;
v::sf(new Iban())->validate('NL39 RABO 0300 0652 64'); // true
This rule will keep all the messages returned from Symfony.
## Categorization
- Integrations
## Changelog
Version | Description
2.0.0 | Do not create constraints anymore
2.0.0 | Upgraded support to version >=4.0 or >=3.0 of Symfony Validator
0.3.9 | Created
See also:
- [Zend](