2021-05-20 15:25:15 +01:00

3 KiB


These docker images are the tinyfilemanager versions. The original work of tinyfilemanager is from this site

There are two versions of the images:

  • tinyfilemanager - With the chown capability (php is run with root)
  • tinyfilemanager-user - php is run under a non-privileged user


  • ADMIN_USER - (optional) The username of the admin user
  • ADMIN_PASS - (optional) The password (This can be in clear-text or in the encrypted format)
  • RO_USER - (optional) The username of the read/only user
  • RO_PASS - (optional) The password (This can be in clear-text or in the encrypted format)
  • ROOT_FS - (optional) The base of the viewed filesystem
  • THEME - (optional) Set the default theme (light/dark)

Syslog Specific

  • SYSLOG_SERVER - Syslog server to send auditing messages
  • SYSLOG_PROTO - (optional) Protocol (tcp/udp) for syslog server (default: udp)
  • SYSLOG_PORT - (optional) Port for syslog server (default: 514)
  • SYSLOG_JSON - (optional) Format messages in json format
  • SYSLOG_FACILITY - (optional) Facility to use (default: 13)

LDAP Specific

  • LDAP_URL - URL to LDAP server (ldap://server:port)
  • LDAP_BASE_SEARCH - Filter for LDAP search (dc=example,dc=org)
  • LDAP_DOMAIN - (optional) LDAP domain prefix for authentication (ex: example)
  • LDAP_ADMIN_GROUPS - (optional) LDAP admin groups to match separated by ';' (ex: CN=tinyfilemanager-admins,OU=GROUPS,DC=example,DC=org)
  • LDAP_USER_GROUPS - (optional) LDAP user groups to match separated by ';' (ex: CN=tinyfilemanager-users,OU=GROUPS,DC=example,DC=org)
  • LDAP_FILTER - (optional) - LDAP authentication attribute (default: "(|(sAMAccountName=%s)(UserPrincipalName=%s))")

For LDAP use the following Environment variables must be defined:


If you want to use username without domain also define LDAP_DOMAIN (Users will be LDAP_DOMAIN \ username) If you want to have admin users please define group or groups to match separated by ";" If LDAP_ADMIN_GROUPS or LDAP_USER_GROUPS are not defined all authenticated users will be accepted as users. If LDAP_USER_GROUPS is defined all authenticated users must belong to one of the groups in this list.

Sample execution

With docker:

docker run -it -p 8111:8080 -v /opt:/opt -e ADMIN_USER=admin -e ADMIN_PASS=password -e ROOT_FS=/opt/ jpralvesatdocker/tinyfilemanager:

With docker-compose:

version: '3.3'

            - '8111:8080'
            - '/opt:/opt'
            - ADMIN_USER=admin
            - ADMIN_PASS=pass
            - ROOT_FS=/opt
        image: jpralvesatdocker/tinyfilemanager:

Building images

git clone https://github.com/jpralves/tinyfilemanager
cd tinyfilemanager
docker build . -t jpralvesatdocker/tinyfilemanager:latest
docker build --build-arg RUNUSER=tinyuser . -t jpralvesatdocker/tinyfilemanager-user:latest