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# twigc
**twigc** is a user-friendly command-line utility for rendering (compiling)
[Twig]( templates. It's well suited for testing and
for interacting with Twig through shell scripts and other command-line
## Usage overview
twigc [options] [--] [<template>]
template Twig template file to render (use `-` for STDIN)
-h, --help Display this usage help
-V, --version Display version information
--credits Display dependency credits (including Twig version)
-d, --dir=DIR Add search directory to loader (multiple values allowed)
-e, --escape=ESCAPE Set autoescape environment option
-j, --json=JSON Pass variables as JSON (dictionary string or file path)
-p, --pair=PAIR Pass variable as key=value pair (multiple values allowed)
--query=QUERY Pass variables as URL query string
-s, --strict Enable strict_variables environment option
**twigc** can render Twig templates supplied via either standard input or a file
path. Input data can be passed to the template using a simple key=value syntax:
% twigc -p 'name=dana' <<< 'Hello, {{ name }}!'
Hello, dana!
Of course, only simple string values can be provided this way. For more complex
data, you can use the JSON option:
% twigc -j '{ "numbers": [1, 2, 3] }' <<< '{{ numbers|join("... ") }}!'
1... 2... 3!
JSON data can also be provided by file path or on standard input:
% cat numbers.json
{ "numbers": [1, 2, 3] }
% twigc -j numbers.json <<< '{{ numbers|join("... ") }}!'
1... 2... 3!
% cat numbers.twig
{{ numbers|join("... ") }}!
% twigc -j - numbers.twig <<< '{ "numbers": [1, 2, 3] }'
Normally, input data is [auto-escaped](
based on the template file extension (or disabled by default if using standard
input), but this is configurable:
% twigc -p 'html=<p>Hello!</p>' <<< '{{ html }}'
% twigc -p 'html=<p>Hello!</p>' -e 'html' <<< '{{ html }}'
% twigc -p 'html=<p>Hello!</p>' -e 'js' <<< '{{ html }}'
% twigc -p 'html=<p>Hello!</p>' -e 'url' <<< '{{ html }}'
By default, references in the template to undefined variables are silently
ignored; you can make Twig return an error instead:
% twigc <<< 'Hello, {{ name }}!'
Hello, !
% twigc -s <<< 'Hello, {{ name }}!'
Variable "name" does not exist in "-" at line 1
If a template file name was provided, the file's parent directory is used for
Twig's include search path; if standard input was used, no search path is set at
all by default. In either case, one or more additional search paths can be
explicitly supplied on the command line:
% cat include.twig
% twigc <<< '{% include "include.twig" %}'
Template "include.twig" is not defined in "-" at line 1.
% twigc -d '.' <<< '{% include "include.twig" %}'
## Installation
**twigc** is provided as a self-contained executable archive; to download it,
see the [releases]( page.
Of course, you can also build and install it from source:
% git clone
% cd twigc
% make
## Requirements
The **twigc** executable is bundled with Twig and all of its other dependencies;
the only thing you need to run it is PHP version 5.5 or higher.
## Licence and acknowledgements
**twigc** is available under the MIT licence. For information about the licences
of its dependencies, run `twigc --credits`.
The `\Dana\Twigc\PharCompiler` class used to build the executable archive is
based on
## See also
* [twigphp/Twig]( —
The Twig project on GitHub.
* [farazdagi/twig-cli]( —
Another project that aims to bring Twig to the command line. It's actually
quite similar in design (though no code is shared); it just didn't have the
features i wanted.
* [twigjs/twig.js]( —
A pure JavaScript implementation of Twig. It comes with its own command-line
tool, `twigjs`, which can be used to render Twig templates, but it's quite
* [indigojs/twig-cli]( —
Another command-line Twig renderer based on Twig.js. Its functionality is very
similar to (almost exactly the same as?) `twigjs`.
* [mattrobenolt/jinja2-cli]( —
A command-line [Jinja2]( renderer. Very comparable to
**twigc** in terms of features.