2015-02-09 09:40:49 +11:00

34 lines
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CHANGELOG for 3.1.x
This changelog references the relevant changes (bug and security fixes) done
in 3.1 versions.
To get the diff for a specific change, go to where XXX is
the commit hash. To get the diff between two versions, go to
* 3.1.0 (Unreleased)
* BC BREAK: `Doctrine\Listener#scheduleForDeletion` access changed to private.
* BC BREAK: `ObjectPersisterInterface` gains the method `handlesObject` that
returns a boolean value if it will handle a given object or not.
* BC BREAK: Removed `Doctrine\Listener#getSubscribedEvents`. The container
configuration now configures tags with the methods to call to avoid loading
this class on every request where doctrine is active. #729
* Added ability to configure `date_detection`, `numeric_detection` and
`dynamic_date_formats` for types. #753
* New event `POST_TRANSFORM` which allows developers to add custom properties to
Elastica Documents for indexing.
* When available, the `fos:elastica:populate` command will now use the
ProgressBar helper instead of outputting strings. You can use verbosity
controls on the command to output additional information like memory
usage, runtime and estimated time.
* Added new option `property_path` to a type property definition to allow
customisation of the property path used to retrieve data from objects.
Setting `property_path` to `false` will configure the Transformer to ignore
that property while transforming. Combined with the above POST_TRANSFORM event
developers can now create calculated dynamic properties on Elastica documents
for indexing. #794