extension: use node-sanitize-filename sanitize

This commit is contained in:
Omar Rizwan 2021-03-14 15:50:49 -07:00
parent 49fea2b7e8
commit 636a975818

View file

@ -32,7 +32,30 @@ function pathComponent(path, i) {
const components = path.split('/');
return components[i >= 0 ? i : components.length + i];
function sanitize(s) { return s.replace(/[\/]/gm, '_'); }
const sanitize = (function() {
// from https://github.com/parshap/node-sanitize-filename/blob/209c39b914c8eb48ee27bcbde64b2c7822fdf3de/index.js
var illegalRe = /[\/\?<>\\:\*\|"]/g;
var controlRe = /[\x00-\x1f\x80-\x9f]/g;
var reservedRe = /^\.+$/;
var windowsReservedRe = /^(con|prn|aux|nul|com[0-9]|lpt[0-9])(\..*)?$/i;
var windowsTrailingRe = /[\. ]+$/;
function sanitize(input, replacement) {
if (typeof input !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Input must be string');
var sanitized = input
.replace(illegalRe, replacement)
.replace(controlRe, replacement)
.replace(reservedRe, replacement)
.replace(windowsReservedRe, replacement)
.replace(windowsTrailingRe, replacement);
return sanitized.slice(0, 200);
return input => sanitize(input, '_');
const stringToUtf8Array = (function() {
const encoder = new TextEncoder("utf-8");
return str => encoder.encode(str);
@ -386,7 +409,7 @@ router["/tabs/by-id/*/control"] = {
const tabId = parseInt(pathComponent(path, -3));
await TabManager.debugTab(tabId); await TabManager.enableDomainForTab(tabId, "Page");
const {frameTree} = await sendDebuggerCommand(tabId, "Page.getResourceTree", {});
return { entries: [".", "..", ...frameTree.resources.map(r => sanitize(String(r.url).slice(0, 200)))] };
return { entries: [".", "..", ...frameTree.resources.map(r => sanitize(String(r.url)))] };
router["/tabs/by-id/*/debugger/resources/*"] = defineFile(async path => {
@ -395,7 +418,7 @@ router["/tabs/by-id/*/control"] = {
const {frameTree} = await sendDebuggerCommand(tabId, "Page.getResourceTree", {});
for (let resource of frameTree.resources) {
const resourceSuffix = sanitize(String(resource.url).slice(0, 200));
const resourceSuffix = sanitize(String(resource.url));
if (resourceSuffix === suffix) {
let {base64Encoded, content} = await sendDebuggerCommand(tabId, "Page.getResourceContent", {
frameId: frameTree.frame.id,
@ -418,14 +441,14 @@ router["/tabs/by-id/*/control"] = {
// it's useful to put the ID first so the .js extension stays on
// the end
const scriptFileNames = Object.values(TabManager.scriptsForTab[tabId])
.map(params => params.scriptId + "_" + sanitize(params.url).slice(0, 200));
.map(params => params.scriptId + "_" + sanitize(params.url));
return { entries: [".", "..", ...scriptFileNames] };
function pathScriptInfo(tabId, path) {
const [scriptId, ...rest] = pathComponent(path, -1).split("_");
const scriptInfo = TabManager.scriptsForTab[tabId][scriptId];
if (!scriptInfo || sanitize(scriptInfo.url).slice(0, 200) !== rest.join("_")) {
if (!scriptInfo || sanitize(scriptInfo.url) !== rest.join("_")) {
throw new UnixError(unix.ENOENT);
return scriptInfo;
@ -480,7 +503,7 @@ router["/tabs/by-title"] = {
async readdir() {
const tabs = await browser.tabs.query({});
return { entries: [".", "..", ...tabs.map(tab => sanitize(String(tab.title).slice(0, 200)) + "_" + String(tab.id))] };
return { entries: [".", "..", ...tabs.map(tab => sanitize(String(tab.title)) + "_" + String(tab.id))] };
router["/tabs/by-title/*"] = {