hack to handle reading TAB/inputs/INVALIDID. also reorder some code

This commit is contained in:
Omar Rizwan 2021-02-21 20:43:31 -08:00
parent 97573b0313
commit bcf077ab06

View file

@ -447,13 +447,14 @@ router["/tabs/by-id/*/inputs"] = {
router["/tabs/by-id/*/inputs/*"] = defineFile(async path => {
const [tabId, textareaId] = [parseInt(pathComponent(path, -3)), pathComponent(path, -1).slice(0, -4)];
const code = `document.getElementById('${textareaId}').value`;
const textareaValue = (await browser.tabs.executeScript(tabId, {code}))[0];
return textareaValue;
const [tabId, inputId] = [parseInt(pathComponent(path, -3)), pathComponent(path, -1).slice(0, -4)];
const code = `document.getElementById('${inputId}').value`;
const inputValue = (await browser.tabs.executeScript(tabId, {code}))[0];
if (inputValue === null) { throw new UnixError(unix.ENOENT); } /* FIXME: hack to deal with if inputId isn't valid */
return inputValue;
}, async (path, buf) => {
const [tabId, textareaId] = [parseInt(pathComponent(path, -3)), pathComponent(path, -1).slice(0, -4)];
const code = `document.getElementById('${textareaId}').value = unescape('${escape(buf)}')`;
const [tabId, inputId] = [parseInt(pathComponent(path, -3)), pathComponent(path, -1).slice(0, -4)];
const code = `document.getElementById('${inputId}').value = unescape('${escape(buf)}')`;
await browser.tabs.executeScript(tabId, {code});
@ -496,6 +497,13 @@ router["/windows"] = {
return { entries: [".", "..", ...windows.map(window => String(window.id))] };
router["/windows/last-focused"] = {
// a symbolic link to /windows/[id for this window]
async readlink({path}) {
const windowId = (await browser.windows.getLastFocused()).id;
return { buf: windowId };
(function() {
const withWindow = (readHandler, writeHandler) => defineFile(async path => {
const windowId = parseInt(pathComponent(path, -2));
@ -510,15 +518,8 @@ router["/windows"] = {
router["/windows/*/focused"] = withWindow(window => JSON.stringify(window.focused) + '\n',
buf => ({ focused: buf.startsWith('true') }));
router["/windows/last-focused"] = {
// a symbolic link to /windows/[id for this window]
async readlink({path}) {
const windowId = (await browser.windows.getLastFocused()).id;
return { buf: windowId };
router["/windows/*/visible-tab.png"] = { ...defineFile(async path => {
// this is a window thing (rn, the _only_ window thing) because you
// screen capture is a window thing and not a tab thing because you
// can only capture the visible tab for each window anyway; you
// can't take a screenshot of just any arbitrary tab
const windowId = parseInt(pathComponent(path, -2));