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Automate Android API
## Installation
$ git clone
$ cd android-automate-api
$ make
$ cp propel-dist.yaml propel.yaml # Edit propel.yaml
$ make propel
## API
### HTTP Response status
* `200`: Resource found
* `201`: Resource created
* `204`: Resource removed
* `404`: Resource not found
* `500`: Internal error
When a resource is created or deleted, the response will be like:
"status": true|false,
"code": 200|201|204|404|500,
"message": "A message"
#### Create a SMS
`POST /api/sms/create` with MIME media type `application/json`
{"sender": "+33611223344", "message": "Hello, World!", "time": "1516031177"}
#### Delete a SMS
`DELETE /api/sms/delete/{id}`
#### Get all SMS
`GET /api/sms/list`
The response contains an collection of SMS:
"id": 1234,
"sender": "+33611223344",
"message": "Hello, World!",
"received_at": 1516031177,
"notified_at": 1516031179